What Is It That The Left Just Don't Get About Trump?

I'm running with or against 5 or 6 horses that are quoting my comments with more than just your spamming and bitter protests!
You're invited to run in the race too, but it's not going to be about Canada or Canadian politics when that's not the topic! You need to 'get' that my friend.
The only thing you're doing is picking up the horse shit, duck. You did get one thing correct--this isn't about Canada or Turdeau--if it was your comments would be relevant.
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So, now you are denying that Trump won in 2016? Do you understand why about half of the voters vote for Trump? If you don't then just so you don't.
The majority voted for Clinton.

Biden is probably going to enter the election very strong. If you don't read the propaganda and look at the facts, Biden has done a good job. If he was 55, he'd win by landslide.
Yes, I think he's done a pretty good job, at least on paper, but no politician can do the job when the system has a lock on control by the very wealthy.

But more important is physical appearance and mental acuity of any candidate in American politics.
I understand that the president can be and is a figurehead in large part, but the voters won't be able to accept that fact.

Biden is too big of a Trump risk!
Not all adults are registered voters. You are only counting some of the adults, I am counting them all.


We're not talking about adults or children, were talking about registered voters, of which there were 168,310,000 of in 2020.

Adults who aren't registered to vote or are ineligible to vote don't count in an election. So why would you even bring them up, except to minimalize President Trump's popularity among the voters?
We understand that you guys on the right aren't very bright people and that you're mad because you're dumb enough to believe to propaganda the very wealthy tell you


We "aren't very bright".

Meanwhile, you cannot even form a coherent sentence.

Which is a bit of a draw back on a message board.

Unless you're going to start communicating with us using WAV files, or home made YouTube vids, I'd pack it in sonny.
Take away the margins in CA and NY and Hildabeest lost the popular vote too.

You fucking cranks have two diseased states that prop up your lunacy.
Exactly. Which is exactly why Hillary lost. She went to states such as this to rack up the votes while Trump was not only visiting swing states but blue states too.

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