What Is It That The Left Just Don't Get About Trump?

The American way of life is continuous wars of aggression and so in that respect Trump is a lesser threat to humanity. Or at least appears to be when considering that the present threat is nuclear war against Russia.

However, it has to be guesswork on both of them and their propensity to take the path to nuclear extremes.

The ignorance and arrogance of Trump?
The Christian drive on Biden to fulfill prophesy.

Discussion can always continue when manners and behaviour are appropriate!
This is foolishness. Trump is the greater threat to humanity. What saved America when Trump was president were Americans who refused to do some of the things he wanted. Like bombing Mexico, or declaring martial law to take voting machines or his planning 1-6 in order to overturn an election to stay in power. Trump has you guys so stupid that you are actually trying to blame Biden for a war he's not fighting that was started by Putin. The bible says the anti christ will deceive and that's what Trump is doing. So if you want to try tying someone to bible prophecy...
Yup. Biden said he was going to unite the country but it is even more ununited since he took office than ever.

Every POTUS this century has said that, and it has been more divided after each of them left office.

Our parties do not want unity, they want us fighting each other so they can do whatever they want
Yup. Biden said he was going to unite the country but it is even more ununited since he took office than ever. He just somehow believed that with him just being elected it would unite all of the country into being for higher taxes, more government, being for abortion, wanting gun control legislation, and having the government take away first amendment rights, and other leftist policies like higher prices for increasing wages and Climate Change policies.
The country is divided because one side rejects all facts.
This is foolishness. Trump is the greater threat to humanity. What saved America when Trump was president were Americans who refused to do some of the things he wanted.
You could be right? I think the rest of the world is divided and uncertain of the choice.
Like bombing Mexico, or declaring martial law to take voting machines or his planning 1-6 in order to overturn an election to stay in power.
On America's domestic politics, Biden is the best choice by a wide stretch in my opinion.
Trump has you guys so stupid that you are actually trying to blame Biden for a war he's not fighting that was started by Putin.
Fall back on the 'stupid' accusations and we'll be finished.
No, America started a proxy war against Russia.
The bible says the anti christ will deceive and that's what Trump is doing. So if you want to try tying someone to bible prophecy...
Christ and his bible are baloney.
And now you MAGAs are 100% united with BDS.

Same fucking coin, just a different side
Trump violated laws and tried overturning an election to stay in power. He has not shut his mouth like other ex presidents do. After all the crap he pulled, he wants to run for president agasin. Americans should be pissed about this.
In other words... who cares if he has committed any crime as long as he leads in the polls?

You are right, we don't get either the orange douchebag or his idiot followers.
You don't get it because you're obviously not invested in the country. People who work, pay taxes, have children and play by the rules see the damage democrats are doing. Close the fucking border.
You could be right? I think the rest of the world is divided and uncertain of the choice.

On America's domestic politics, Biden is the best choice by a wide stretch in my opinion.

Fall back on the 'stupid' accusations and we'll be finished.
No, America started a proxy war against Russia.

Christ and his bible are baloney.
America did not start a proxy war with Russia. You can get as mad as you want about me calling such an opinion stupid. Had Putin invaded Ukraine and Biden chose to do nothing, the same Americans blaming Biden for starting this so called proxy war would be here lecturing us about how weak Biden is and he's scarec of Putin and all kinds of other bs. Putin invaded Ukraine, NATO has decided to help a nation defend itself against an aggressor. We bombed Iraq to oblivion because Saddam did what Putin did to Kuwait.

As for your last sentence. You really need to reconsider your opinion.

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