What is it with these anti gun idiots?

Where does it say that?

United States v Miller 307 U.S. 174 (1939):

"The Court cannot take judicial notice that a shotgun having a barrel less than 18 inches long has today any reasonable relation to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, and therefore cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees to the citizen the right to keep and bear such a weapon.

In the absence of any evidence tending to show that possession or use of a "shotgun having a barrel of less than eighteen inches in length" at this time has some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, we cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument. Certainly it is not within judicial notice that this weapon is any part of the ordinary military equipment, or that its use could contribute to the common defense."

This established the legal doctrine limiting the weapons available to the general public ... like nuclear arms or cluster munitions ... give a guy an anti-aircraft artillery battery and he's gonna shoot at airlines ... and these are the wrong kinds of weapons for the State's Militia, at least how the State's Militias were being used at the time ... General Washington sent people out through the countryside gathering folks with guns ... to shoot at the British ... worked well, well enough to keep the folks stocked up on guns ...

If you don't think the States should have their own military, then repeal the 2nd Amendment ... and replace it with an Amendment that says only the Federal Government can regulate firearms ... until then, my State Constitution grants me my handgun, solely because I love her ...
So you've personally been asked this question repeatedly? Doubtful.

Folks who are anti-gun look at other nations with pretty much the same standards of living and wonder why we have to suffer the weekly bloodbaths when they don't.
Maybe they should be looking at the criminal recidivism rates there and the incidence of mental health issues. It's criminals causing the vast majority of the "bloodbaths" and the mentally ill causing most of the few remaining ones. Both problems can be laid directly at the feet of people who believe like you. Conservatives want criminals locked up so they can't harm society and the mentally ill institutionalized to protect both them and society. You and your friends want both running around without restrictions because you think individual rights trump societal rights.
So you've personally been asked this question repeatedly? Doubtful.

Folks who are anti-gun look at other nations with pretty much the same standards of living and wonder why we have to suffer the weekly bloodbaths when they don't.

The only reason for the lower rates in those other countries is that they have more affordable and more accessible mental health care systems than the US.
Rather than spreading lies about people being ‘anti-gun’ or lies about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated’ – try instead to have an honest engagement as how to stop mass shootings/school shootings having nothing to do with regulating firearms.

Of course, that’s not going to happen; fearmongering and lies about people being ‘anti-gun’ or guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated’ is what keeps the base ignorant, frightened, and going to the polls – not honest, good faith engagement.
Stopping school shooting is fairly easy and not very expensive. Lock schools down. Only one entrance and that has an air lock set up and metal detectors backed up by armed security and giving teachers the option to carry IF they choose to get trained. No other doors or gates into the school buildings that aren't alarmed. Fire/expel anyone who tries to block a door open like what happened in Uvalde. The main entrance can be opened to avoid the airlock during times of heavy traffic, but everyone, and I mean everyone, has to pass through the metal detectors. You'd need cameras observing the external fences, so people didn't just toss weapons over the fence, but even hi-def cameras are inexpensive these days. Finally, prosecute the hell out of anyone violating these security rules.

Public places are tougher but forbidding "no gun zones" would go a long way in deterring most mass shooters, they want fame, and you can't enjoy much fame if you are dead. Armed civilians generally don't "shoot to wound" they shoot center mass to kill and they don't have to worry about shooting review boards like cops do.
How many times do these control freaks ask the question,

"Why do you own guns , is it because you want to kill people?"

Personally I think it's these repressed control freaks projecting their own mental defects onto the rest of us.

Yes, it is. Also, they dont wamt is to have guns because they want to be able to do whatever they want to is and guns allow us to stop them.....that is why they hated that couple in Mossouri and why they hate Kyle Rittenhouse......they showed is that violent democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa, and their hamas terrorist friends, can be stopped if you have a gun....and they really, really hate that
So you've personally been asked this question repeatedly? Doubtful.

Folks who are anti-gun look at other nations with pretty much the same standards of living and wonder why we have to suffer the weekly bloodbaths when they don't.

We womder why you dont look at the mass murder of millions of p
So you've personally been asked this question repeatedly? Doubtful.

Folks who are anti-gun look at other nations with pretty much the same standards of living and wonder why we have to suffer the weekly bloodbaths when they don't.

And we wonder this....

The governments of Europe took guns away from people and then murdered 15-20 million men, women and children. This happened over just 6 years....

Russia? 25 million

China? 70 million.....

And on and on around the world, governments committing mass murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing against unarmed people....

6 years and 15-20 million people murdered....by their governments after they confiscated guns.

Gun murder in the United States over our entire 247 year history....around 2,470,000 and the majority of those murdered were criminals murdered by other criminals.....

At the same time, Americans use their legal guns to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings, stabbings and mass public shootings....around 1.2 million times a year...

How do you look at those numbers and still demand that normal people give up their guns?
And yet the tiny enised gun nuts always seem unable to answer the question.

"I go hunting with my AR" BWAHAHAHAHAHA
"It's for personal defense" BWAHAHAHAHAHA
and the always defensive...
"None of your business why I exercise my right"

So why do you insist on owning a weapon whose only purpose is killing lots of people very fast?

That isn't the only purpose, you lame ass, dumb shit.....

Rifles are used for hunting, self defense, competition, collecting............

Americans use their legal guns 1.2 million times a year to save lives....including rifles of all kinds.........

There are over 20 million AR-15 rifles in private hands in the U.S.......millions more of other semi-automatic rifles.......rarely are they used for mass public shootings.......

And you guys are the ones making rifles popular among the mass public shooting crowd....you want them to use those rifles, because you want to use those rifles as your way to ban all semi-automatic weapons...you are sick fucks...
Depends which country you are from. The motivation to own a gun in the UK is for sport, vermin, farm use, river wardens etc.. In Switzerland, their culture is to own a gun to protect their country from outside aggressors.

And if you're from America, like you and countless gun nuts here, you all claim it's to shoot your fellow countrymen for self defence.

No one has to ask why you own a gun because you guys have stated here why, self defence, to shoot others. What a stupid thread, but there again, you are a gun nut.

Many, certainly I the UK, are not anti-gun, they're just anti-gun violence. Many are anti-car deaths but they're not anti-car. So regs and laws make cars safer. You can't control a car, a car doesn't kill, so you have a licencing system, regs and laws, otherwise the roads would be mayhem with deaths

Moron.....American gun owners are the most law abiding citizens......yet the democrats keep destroying local police, and releasing the most violent criminals...

And you can sit there all smug....but I have seen the hamas supporters in Britain....I have seen how your cowardly police let them beat up Jewish British citizens, and how the police protect the hamas supporters while intimidating actual British citizens......

You are going to start to see more and more muslim violence, and you have nothing to stop them.......
Cultural orientation towards guns do vary between countries, yours being to shoot your neighbour.

Don't worry.....when the hamas supporters in Britain do their own Oct. 7 in your country, you won't have to worry about shooting them to save your family...you won't have a gun....neither do your police........
Depends which country you are from. The motivation to own a gun in the UK is for sport, vermin, farm use, river wardens etc.. In Switzerland, their culture is to own a gun to protect their country from outside aggressors.

And if you're from America, like you and countless gun nuts here, you all claim it's to shoot your fellow countrymen for self defence.

No one has to ask why you own a gun because you guys have stated here why, self defence, to shoot others. What a stupid thread, but there again, you are a gun nut.

Many, certainly I the UK, are not anti-gun, they're just anti-gun violence. Many are anti-car deaths but they're not anti-car. So regs and laws make cars safer. You can't control a car, a car doesn't kill, so you have a licencing system, regs and laws, otherwise the roads would be mayhem with deaths
If that's the case, why are the violent crime rates nearly identical between the USA (47.81 per 100,000) and the UK (46.07 per 100,000)? Rape rates are nearly identical. The UK's burglary rate is nearly double (715.32 per 100,000) than the USA's (376.07 per 100,000) The stats prove that violence rates have nothing to do with gun possession rates.
One moment you're saying you need it for self defence, then in the same breath 99.99% of gun owners never shot anyone. Your own argument supports the Harvard study that gun self defence is a fallacy, and you've just proven that fact.

No need to stand beside anyone armed.

Don't worry, as a debate doesn't go a gun nuts way, I'm expecting deflections from the list of gun clichés.

The majority of gun self defense in the U.S. does not end in the criminal being shot....they run away or surrender to their former victim.....and a tiny number of criminals are stupid enough to press an attack against a victim who has a gun.......around 235 really stupid criminals each year are shot and killed by their victims.......the rest run away, surrender, or are shot and simply wounded.
If that's the case, why are the violent crime rates nearly identical between the USA (47.81 per 100,000) and the UK (46.07 per 100,000)? Rape rates are nearly identical. The UK's burglary rate is nearly double (715.32 per 100,000) than the USA's (376.07 per 100,000) The stats prove that violence rates have nothing to do with gun possession rates.

They also have more home invasions in Britain than we have here, their criminals know that their victims are unarmed....so they can simply enter a home and have their way with the people, including torture and rape.
As a working musician I get asked the same questions all the time. What I do is answer a direct question with a direct answer. If i was asked, "Why do you own guns , is it because you want to kill people?" I would simply answer No. Of course you realize they are not actually asking you a question at all. They are letting you know they don't like the fact that you own guns.
Asking anyone WHY about their hobbies is stupid. I used to have a co-worker who was a guitar player and collected guitars. He had over a hundred guitars in his rented apartment. Total worth somewhere in excess of a quarter million dollars and most of them were never played. When we talked about it, I asked if he had his guitars were insured. He said he never thought about it; when we totaled up a conservative figure on their worth, he bought renter's insurance and a rider especially for the guitars the same day. To some people guns are a tool, to others they are recreation (hunters and hobby shooters) to still others they are a fascinating passion due to the complex engineering involved.
Then no need to carry them, unless you're at something like a pheasant shoot.
Many of the members of my motorcycle club and I carry concealed when we ride. Our bikes range in worth between about thirty thousand dollars and seventy thousand dollars and our rides range from just this side of the Mexican border to two hundred miles from the Mexican border. Someone could hijack our bikes and be across the border before we could even report the crime. The USA isn't the UK where you can drive from one end of the country to the other in traffic in eight hours. I was astonished when Top Gear did it one season. I knew the UK was small, but it didn't really conceptualize.
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