Zone1 What Is Meant When a White Person Calls Another White Person "White Trash"?

Wow, good question.

I'm a native New Yorker. I left there in 1981 when I joined the Navy. I pretty much spent the next 30 years in San Diego. After losing my wife to a drunk driver I relocated myself and my business to Florida.

I honestly don't believe that I'd experienced "white trash" until I moved to Florida.

For me, anyone who has more tattoos than teeth is white trash. Anyone who doesn't put their family first is white trash.

When it comes to men, someone who cares more about his pick-up than his family is white trash. Someone who doesn't have a job, while his wife has three, is white trash. I've got a buddy who's got no job, a couple side-hustles, and a $40,000 Harley in his driveway. He's a nice guy, but he's most definitely white trash.

For women, someone who has babies just to get more gub'mint assistance is white trash. Someone who sleeps around in the hopes of getting pregnant so she can have more babies to get the aforementioned gub'mint assistance is white trash. Someone who smokes a cigarette while breastfeeding her baby or driving in a car with a child is white trash. Anyone who serves the kids a steady diet of Hot Pockets and Bagel Bites is white trash.

Honestly, I never really thought about it much...
“If……you might be a redneck, uhh white trash”.
I've always assumed that the admonishment had to do with "class" or lack thereof and I'm not referring strictly to social-economic "class".

This is a sincere inquiry because there are certain inferences that can be drawn but since I'm not White I can't really say with any certainty.
What does it mean when you call another black person N_____?
I think it means "You're a punk, a bum, and a homesteader" and if I had a knife I'd slit your bag and run your leg through it. :mad:
I've always assumed that the admonishment had to do with "class" or lack thereof and I'm not referring strictly to social-economic "class".

This is a sincere inquiry because there are certain inferences that can be drawn but since I'm not White I can't really say with any certainty.
There is an excellent example and movie depiction of "white trash," at the beginning of the movie IDIOCRACY, if, you haven't seen that, I recommend that for educational purposes.



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