What is "Middle Class"?

LOL.....George Washington blinks when he comes out of my wallet. ;)

I have a steadfast rule when indulging my gun habit.....If I can't turn around and make money on it the next day if I wanted to I'll usually pass.
You and Eli Whitney, who said, "I don't invent things that I can't sell."
There are actually TWO elements to the notion of class, not just one. Income obviously plays a major part but so do value systems and education.

Hand a piece of white trash a million dollars and they are still white trash. Same with ghetto trash. Fire a responsible middle manager from their job and they don't stop being middle class.

There is A lot more to it than just money.
Lower, middle, or upper, in this context is merely a "classification" regarding wealth and income.
The individual median income for the entire country is about 52K a year (47K for women, 57K for men)

The median household income is about 68K per year.

So by definition this is the middle with 50% of people and/or households above and 50% below those income levels.

So the best range to use IMO would be the population with incomes 10% above and below the median which would give the the middle quintile
In reality I'd put the bottom end of the middle class at about 80k household income. Probably closer to 90k is more accurate.

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