What is "Middle Class"?

In a different thread someone was told they were not middle class because they had 4 income streams.

Nobody in that thread seemed to be able to define it, so I thought I would ask in this part of the forum.

How would you, personally, define what makes one "middle class"

If you still have to work to support yourself, you are middle class.
poor people have to do that also.
Just because they have jobs does not mean they are suporting themselves. Lots of government bennies come with being poor like the ability to work exactly enough to get your maximum earned income welfare check.
Middle Class folks live in and raise their children in a 3500 square foot home on a quarter acre in suburbia. They have a couple of SUV's, a couple of firearms to protect their mini-estate and toil to keep a neat lawn, pay their offsprings' orthodontic and tuition bills and are very concerned about the problems of the inner cities coming out to destroy their peaceful and bucolic lives.
That’s actually upper-middle class.
Very true. I have an upper middle class income and wealth but you wouldn't know it by looking at my rather spartan lifestyle; old furniture, old car, small house, don't go out, never travel, eat cheap. But I'm happy as clam. :)
That was the finding behind The Millionaire Next Door. Most lived in modest homes, drove Fords, and wore cheap watches.
I have two cars, one home, 43 acres, food, AC, plenty of weed, and entertainment, why do I need more?
Nobody said YOU need more, but why is your concern only about yourself? You liberals always pat yourself on the back as caring about others, and then…

…you type something and reveal you don’t GAS.
It's the thing you voted to destroy.

Like all the other authoritarians here, g.g. is too stupid to ask questions.

The question they are all too stupid to ask is "how does a virus know to attack people only when they shop at a small business, but knows not to go after people when the goverernment forces them to shop either at the Walmarts of the world or online?

Like all the other authoritarians here, g.g. is too stupid to ask questions.

The question they are all too stupid to ask is "how does a virus know to attack people only when they shop at a small business, but knows not to go after people when the goverernment forces them to shop either at the Walmarts of the world or online?
Apparently the virus didn’t attack at liquor stores either, since Dems allowed them to remain open.
Nobody said YOU need more, but why is your concern only about yourself? You liberals always pat yourself on the back as caring about others, and then…

…you type something and reveal you don’t GAS.
What human is not concerned with themswelves? Don't you have some poh black folks to disparage?

Like all the other authoritarians here, g.g. is too stupid to ask questions.

The question they are all too stupid to ask is "how does a virus know to attack people only when they shop at a small business, but knows not to go after people when the goverernment forces them to shop either at the Walmarts of the world or online?

That's just one of MANY anti-science, voodoo beliefs the lefties have adopted over the last few years. Another one is that the "vaccine" makes you immune to Covid. That's the Big Lie Biden told, which probably killed 300,000 people.
Middle Class folks live in and raise their children in a 3500 square foot home on a quarter acre in suburbia. They have a couple of SUV's, a couple of firearms to protect their mini-estate and toil to keep a neat lawn, pay their offsprings' orthodontic and tuition bills and are very concerned about the problems of the inner cities coming out to destroy their peaceful and bucolic lives.
Not really it was a 3500-square-foot home on the lake with a private boat dock.

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