What is needed to save America?

We need to invest the billions of dollars we spend on other countries here in the American people.
Well, you can see here that nothing useful has come up to save America. Doesn't that say something? The job can't even be imagined, at least in a realistic way of ever executing it. If we had an America First party and the citizens were on board with turning America around, then maybe. But 50%+ of the citizens support this trainwreck. 50%+ of the population vote to destroy America. No country can survive that.

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We had the formula for the American success story and TPTB decided to shit on that formula and destroy America. Now, it was not all dems that had the diarrhea, reps are to blame for some of it as well. But reps part is on the greed part of the formula, while the dems part, which is the majority, is about the complete destruction of traditional American values as well as bankrupting America.

For instance...all this banking crap was figured out way back when. But, greed took over and they changed the laws / regulations to make more money and that weakened and eventually destroyed the banking system.

There is no mystery or magic involved. You run America as it was founded by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. You don't put self-loathing, white hating, filthy virtue signaling, commie dems in charge of the cities and D.C.. If you do that, then you got the America we have today...which is a country headed for implosion.

America is over and if you want to save America you have to lower your standards. In other words, you have to save 'something' and not work on trying to save the unsavable. You will have to lower your living standards to live in the new America. It won't be as good as the old America, but it will be better than living under perpetual dem rule.

Sure, if all the filthy dems turned into conservatives that would help. But, progressives only get progressively worse. You have seen that play out in real time. We know the score...hopium won't fix it.

To illustrate the futileness of your quest of savining old America, look back at the '84 elections to see how America was in the old days under conservative guidance.

"Reagan won a landslide re-election victory, carrying 525 electoral votes, 49 states, and 58.8 percent of the popular vote. Mondale won 13 electoral votes from the District of Columbia, which has always voted overwhelming for the Democratic candidate, and his home state of Minnesota by a 0.18% margin." Wikipedia

And let's say a rep does get in control of America, DC and the rest in 2024. What happens? It is akin to the dog finally catching the car. Reps are USELESS!

trump hillary save america.jpg

There can never be a 'coming together' or 'meeting of the minds' in this day and age. Let me tell you why...no let me tell you why and give you some black and white examples. This is the easiest method to illustrate my point.

Ban abortion or no restriction abortion.

Ban guns or don't ban guns.

Open borders or closed borders.

Socialism or capitalism.

Transqueer your kindergarteners or don't transqueer your kindergarteners.

Kid friendly drag shows or no drag shows for kids.

Defund the police and decrease law and order or increase the police and law and order.

Promote homosexuality or don't promote homosexuality.

Legalize all drugs or don't legalize drugs.

Legalize prostitution or don't legalize prostitution.

...and on and on.

In the old days, both parties were not that far apart. Losing an election was not life or death. Nowadays, the 2 parties are polar opposites and losing an election can mean life or death. There can never be a 'coming together' or 'meeting of the minds' in this day and age.

As far as 'saving' America...these are our choices.

1) Do nothing...live as tax slaves under perpetual dem rule, be disarmed and countdown to Armageddon.

2) Civil War - formal secession. Form the America First Union / Conservative States of America Union / Conservative Union...or whatever you want to call it. Dems will wipe you out with the military...which they own.

3) Informal Secession - Still form the America First Union / Conservative States of America Union / Conservative Union...or whatever you want to call it. Then disregarded Federal law as the dems have done for ages.

4) Vote dem and accelerate the collapse - may make for an easier 'peaceful' divorce. And if there is a hot civil war, dems will send in the military and wipe reps out. Reps have zero organization or $ to fight any war.

A person on the forums summed up the most practical choice.

'We can't fix D.C. - we can nullify it.'

That would be #3 informal secession. And that is a fine, peaceful and practical choice. Just realize one thing...every 2 or 4 years your saving grace is on the chopping block. It is only a Band-Aid fix.

wheeling wv run away.jpg
Easy solution: Make every American who wants to vote pass the same basic Civics test that immigrants must pass in order to be naturalized. And it goes without saying, make them show up to vote on Election Day with a picture ID, unless there is a damn good reason why they can't, in which case an Absentee Ballot would be fine. No more mail-in bullshit.

Half of Congress would be gone within two years.

And there is NOTHING in the U.S. Constitution that would prevent this.
No reason is good enough to vote by mail
Wow, so you guys are all in on the American Gestapo.

This country really is circling the drain.
its not gestapo to try and find millions of people in the country illegally and track them or remove them,,

your problem is you want to be the next benedict arnold,,
YOu can't see it at all.

I don't know why I'm surprised. I guess it's because at heart I tend to think most folks are basically good.

I'm always disappointed when you creeps prove me wrong in that assumption.
what you keep leaving out is the millions of unkown people allowed into the country unchecked and unmonitored that pose a clear and present danger,,

but who wants to talk about that right??
what you keep leaving out is the millions of unkown people allowed into the country unchecked and unmonitored that pose a clear and present danger,,

but who wants to talk about that right??
And what you keep ignoring is the fact that you're spreading nazism.
And what you keep ignoring is the fact that you're spreading nazism.
I am more concerned about the dems using the justice system to attack political opponents, working with big tech to silence opponents while poartnering with big corps, and the many other things they are doing that are directly out of the fascist nazi handbook,,

this is just national security of an attempt to harm the country with millions of illegals,,

What is needed to save America?​

There are lots of opinions on this, and not everybody is right.

The answer is plain: no healthy, enduring nation can survive with a large percentage of the population not functioning, productive people who come here to willingly adopt our way of life as their own.

The big problem here is too many people are coming here to bring pockets of their OWN way of life from elsewhere here. Basically, all good people must WANT to be Americans and who have a vested interest in helping see the American experiment succeed.
I am more concerned about the dems using the justice system to attack political opponents, working with big tech to silence opponents while poartnering with big corps, and the many other things they are doing that are directly out of the fascist nazi handbook,,

this is just national security of an attempt to harm the country with millions of illegals,,
Lucky for you they aren't really doing any of those things. it's all just propaganda your rulers are using to keep you scared.
Lucky for you they aren't really doing any of those things. it's all just propaganda your rulers are using to keep you scared.
except they are doing all of them and much more,,

but sure pets talk about the millions of people in the country that we dont know who they are or what they intend,,
There are lots of opinions on this, and not everybody is right. Even your opinion might be wrong. Sometimes courage is needed to save a country.

---Because things have gotten so far off track in this country, we need a leader who is willing to break some rules if that's what it takes to set things right---

Break rules? That depends on what rules you want them to break. Rules about decorum or manners? Maybe. The US Constitution? No.

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