What Is Racism?

The United States was not founded as a white supremacist nation: that is as ignorant of a claim as it is wrong. There is nothing in the founding documents that could possibly be interpreted as such. Yes, there was slavery and segregation, but fact of the matter is that those institution are in direct conflict with the ideas on which the nation was founded.

Again, I am not saying the argument that past racism has effects on the present is an illegitimate one. To some extent it is true, but the problem is that there is nothing one can actually do about the racism of the past.

Oh, so you saw it on the internet which must mean it is true, right? :laugh:

They are clearly very immoral and evil people. But, what is your point? Bevause there are three White Nationalists on USMB everyone in the US is a White Nationalist?

We all know about Jim Crow and most agree it was a huge violation of individual rights and very, very, very racist. But, where in modern America is anyone who speaks positively about it celebrated? In the real world, anyone who does is seen as a disgusting person and rightfully so.

I seriously think NewsVine_Mariam has been led down the wrong path. She pretty much embraced Marxism, even after I informed her that BLM is actually a Marxist organization. So let me try again here with some actual quotes from Karl Marx, and his views on race...

"Marx didn’t think much of Mexicans. When the United States annexed California after the Mexican War, Marx sarcastically asked, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?”

Marx had a racial vision that might be interesting to his modern-day black supporters. In a letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor Ferdinand Lassalle, Marx wrote:
It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes who had joined Moses’ exodus from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother on the paternal side had not interbred with a n*gger. Now this union of Judaism and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a peculiar product.
Engels shared Marx’s racial philosophy. In 1887, Paul Lafargue, who was Marx’s son-in-law, was a candidate for a council seat in a Paris district that contained a zoo. Engels claimed that Lafargue had “one-eighth or one-twelfth n*gger blood.”

In a letter to Lafargue’s wife, Engels wrote, “Being in his quality as a n*gger, a degree nearer to the rest of the animal kingdom than the rest of us, he is undoubtedly the most appropriate representative of that district.”
Marx was also an anti-Semite, as seen in his essay titled “On the Jewish Question,” which was published in 1844. Marx asked:
What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. … Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man—and turns them into commodities. … The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange. … The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.

I did not make these up. These are actual quotes from two people whom the left admires.

The Ugly Racism of Karl Marx

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I never said that you couldn't understand what I was writing BECAUSE you are in group x (I'm not sure which group x is), I was essentially stating that either you don't appear to know the history of the United States or you're discounting it as irrelevant.
No, no, no. What you actually wrote was;

"Your white privilege allows you not to see, acknowledge or ever deal with many of the things we as black people do."

You were clearly implying that 1. The poster has privilege because they are white, 2. Because the poster is White and privileged they cannot comprehend racism and 3. All Blacks have the same experiences bevause they are Black. Now, if this is not just anither form of racism, I do not know what is.

I personally do not believe racism is beaten with racism. We have to stop telling Blacks that they are helpless victims who are not in vontrol of their lives and stop telling Whites that their melanin makes them racist by default.

I hold that every indivkdual is capable of pursuing their happiness and of success and that the current system in Anerica allows that much better than any other place on Earth.

No petson is a "race", that is just primitive tribalism.

What I did say is, if you're not black, than the privilege of being white shields you form even having to think about it because it doesn't impact you at all in the way that it does black people because even though the laws are gone, the behavior which is now unlawful has never ceased.
It does impact you though. Everyone is worse off if one group is being systematically oppressed. For example, the South was dirt poor whereas the North was prosperous and wealthy.
I know where these attitudes and hatefulness originated and why it has persevered all of these years. Do you?
I do and it is called collectivism.
I seriously think NewsVine_Mariam has been led down the wrong path. She pretty much embraced Marxism, even after I informed her that BLM is actually a Marxist organization. So let me try again here with some actual quotes from Karl Marx, and his views on race...

"Marx didn’t think much of Mexicans. When the United States annexed California after the Mexican War, Marx sarcastically asked, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?”

"Marx had a racial vision that might be interesting to his modern-day black supporters. In a letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor Ferdinand Lassalle, Marx wrote:

Commentary By​

Portrait of Walter E. Williams

Walter E. Williams @WE_Williams

Walter E. Williams, Ph.D., a columnist for The Daily Signal, was a professor of economics at George Mason University until his death Dec. 2, 2020.

Editor’s note: This commentary contains language, although used in historical context, that may offend some readers.
May Day celebrations were held all across the fruited plain, with leftist radicals and unionists worshipping the ideals of communism.
Communism is an ideology calling for government control over our lives. It was created by Karl Marx, who—along with his collaborator, Friedrich Engels—wrote a pamphlet called “Manifesto of the Communist Party.”
In 1867, Marx wrote the first volume of “Das Kapital.” The second and third volumes were published posthumously, edited by Engels.

Few people who call themselves Marxists have ever even bothered to read “Das Kapital.” If one did read it, he would see that people who call themselves Marxists have little in common with Marx.
For those who see Marx as their hero, there are a few historical tidbits they might find interesting. Nathaniel Weyl, himself a former communist, dug them up for his 1979 book, “Karl Marx: Racist.”
For example, Marx didn’t think much of Mexicans. When the United States annexed California after the Mexican War, Marx sarcastically asked, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?”
Engels shared Marx’s contempt for Mexicans, explaining: “In America we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and have rejoiced at it. It is to the interest of its own development that Mexico will be placed under the tutelage of the United States.”
Marx had a racial vision that might be interesting to his modern-day black supporters. In a letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor Ferdinand Lassalle, Marx wrote:

Engels shared Marx’s racial philosophy. In 1887, Paul Lafargue, who was Marx’s son-in-law, was a candidate for a council seat in a Paris district that contained a zoo. Engels claimed that Lafargue had “one-eighth or one-twelfth ****** blood.”

In a letter to Lafargue’s wife, Engels wrote, “Being in his quality as a ******, a degree nearer to the rest of the animal kingdom than the rest of us, he is undoubtedly the most appropriate representative of that district.”
Marx was also an anti-Semite, as seen in his essay titled “On the Jewish Question,” which was published in 1844. Marx asked:

I did not make these up. These are actual quotes from two people whom the left admires.

The Ugly Racism of Karl Marx

Walter E Williams and Thomas Sowell are two of the greatest and most brilliant minds in recent history.
No, your consistent racist comments have been primarily about blacks. I have not seen you attacking racism coming from whites. Understand this son, I've lived 60 years as a black person. I have seen the many ways racism manifests itself, so all your blathering about commies doesn't fool me. You're more of a "commie" than I am nabisco.
Nabisco? No you're not a racist, you're a fucking racist.
Of course you see racism everywhere. You're dumb as a hammer and like most hammers, everything looks like a nail to you.
No, I only see racism when and where it exists.
Black lives matter suggest that other lives do not...its racist to its core...they are no different than the KKK....
They actually do not suggest that at all. The reason BLM is a racist organization is that they view "race" (I put it in quotations because I view it as an invalifd concept) as the primary unit of existence.
Walter E Williams and Thomas Sowell are two of the greatest and most brilliant minds in recent history.
They are 2 black idiots financed by the right. They present anti black ideas certain whites want to believe.
Still posting at USMB, after being stone, cold busted for plagiarism. What a fucking shithole this place has decended into in my abscence...
They are 2 black idiots financed by the right. They present anti black ideas certain whites want to believe.
By what standard are they idiots? Have you ever even read anything by any of them?

As for the latter part, I won't even bother addressing or asking about it because I am not interested in discussing silly conspiracy theories.

I swear, The Left and The Right are exactly the same and it is making me sick.
Still posting at USMB, after being stone, cold busted for plagiarism. What a fucking shithole this place has decendec into in my abscence...

Welcome back from wherever you were.

Of course he still posting. IM2 is USMB's own token race-baiter. There's one or two on every discussion board these days.


What Is Racism?​

It’s what our country needs again….BIG TIME!
Racism from all sides, full blown segregation of all races and classes….Time to untangle and unwind this multiculturalism that is destroying us from the inside out.
No, racism does not come from all sides.

Name laws and policies made in America by non whitrs specifically made to deny opportunity to whites.

And don't say affirmative action. Because if affirmative action did what you guys claim, it is a policy made by whites.
By what standard are they idiots? Have you ever even read anything by any of them?

As for the latter part, I won't even bother addressing or asking about it bevause I am not interested in discussing silky conspiracy theories.

I swear, The Left and The Right are exactly the same and it is making me sick.
By any standard. If I had not read their bullshit, I couldn't call them idiots.

I'll show you two examples.

Thomas Sowell is responsible for making life more dangerous for black people in America with irresponsible rhetoric he pawns off as high-level intellectual thought. One can criticize liberals all they want about policies, but when you are black and you suggest to whites that blacks are starting a race war with them, you invite problems that no one black should be facing. When you know that your audience consists of white right wing extremists and you state how they are under attack from blacks and the media hides it, you invite and should be held criminally responsible for the hate crimes you have created.

“More dangerous than these highly publicized episodes over the years are innumerable organized and unprovoked physical attacks on whites by young black gangs in shopping malls, on beaches, and in other public places all across the country today. While some of these attacks make it into the media as isolated incidents, the nationwide pattern of organized black-on-white attacks by thugs remains invisible in the mainstream media, with the notable exception of Bill O’Reilly on the Fox News Channel.”

Early Skirmishes in a Race War, Thomas Sowell, National Review, October 24, 2013
Whites are 5 times more likely to be attacked, beaten and killed by another white person than anyone else. There is no race war against whites by blacks and only an idiot would be black and suggesting to whites how they are under atttack by blacks.

Walter Williams denial of reality is evident in 2 articles he posted at Townhall.com, one dated Jun 13, 2018, the second dated June 27, 2018 titled “Diversity and Inclusion Harm Pt. 1 and 2”.

“In conversations with most college officials, many CEOs, many politicians and race hustlers, it's not long before the magical words "diversity" and "inclusiveness" drop from their lips. Racial minorities are the intended targets of this sociological largesse, but women are included, as well. This obsession with diversity and inclusion is in the process of leading the nation to decline in a number of areas..”

Williams was a black man who served as a professor at a private majority white university. Without a program of diversity and inclusion he probably would not have been hired for that job.

I don't post conspiracy theories. So read this.

The book, "Republicans and The Black Vote" details the relationship between blacks and the Republican party from the Emancipation Proclamation until at least the 2008 election. It is an in depth analysis of what republicans have and have not done for black support. Chapter 4 details a strategy by conservatives to find blacks who could counter civil rights leaders.

“Conservative philanthropy-the network of right wing foundations- has had a two sided relationship with black America. On one hand, conservatives have poured millions of dollars into efforts to win over conservative Africa Americans, particularly on issues such as school vouchers, charter schools and gay marriage. On the other hand conservatives have funded think tanks and have supported black and other scholars who produce research that often takes anti-black positions.”1

Michael K. Fauntroy

These foundations paid blacks to produce anti black research. During Walter Williams life, he was paid at least 1.9 million in grants by various conservative organizations. Thomas Sowell is another millionaire grant recipient from various conservative foundations.2

1.Fauntroy, Michael K., Republicans and the Black Vote, (2007)Lynne Rienner Publishers, Pg. 72
2. ibid,.
No, racism does not come from all sides.

Name laws and policies made in America by non whitrs specifically made to deny opportunity to whites.

And don't say affirmative action. Because if affirmative action did what you guys claim, it is a policy made by whites.

Go peddle your race war somewhere else. Nobody wants what you're selling, huckster.
They actually do not suggest that at all. The reason BLM is a racist organization is that they view "race" (I put it in quotations because I view it as an invalifd concept) as the primary unit of existence.
No,they don't. They view policy brutality againdst blacks as a societal problem. And when blacks are killed by police at 3 times the rate of our population, they have the evidence to back them up.
Go peddle your race war somewhere else. Nobody wants what you're selling, huckster.
I am not the one peddling a race war. The only huckster here is you.

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