What Is Racism?

Welcome back from wherever you were.

Of course he still posting. IM2 is USMB's own token race-baiter. There's one or two on every discussion board these days.

You are one of the myriad white race baiters in this forum.
Nabisco? No you're not a racist, you're a fucking racist.
When I get called things I will will call people things back. I am no racist, but to you opposition to other white racists is racism.
I'm right. You have called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with you. That is the criteria you use to define racism. Your definition is incorrect. I am neither prejudice against nor antagonistic toward any race.
I just don't agree with you, that's all...
No, I have called you a racist because you posted racism. When a person is shown documented fact and disagrees with that, you aren't disagreeing based on the merits of the information presented. You are a racist and I have never seen you disagree with racist opinions coming from other whites. Furthermore there is a link to thre OP with the full article and that article describes 7 types of racism.

1. Representational Racism
Depictions of racial stereotypes are common in popular culture and media, like the historical tendency to cast people of color as criminals and as victims of crime rather than in other roles, or as background characters rather than as leads in film and television. Also common are racial caricatures that are racist in their representations, like “mascots” for the Cleveland Indians, Atlanta Braves, and the Washington Redskins.

The power of representational racism—or racism expressed in how racial groups are represented within popular culture—is that it encapsulates a whole range of racist ideas that imply inferiority, and often stupidity and untrustworthiness, in images that circulate society and permeate our culture. While those not directly harmed by representational racism might not take it seriously, the presence of such images and our interaction with them on a near-constant basis helps to keep alive the racist ideas attached to them.

Ever since I was a child I never understood why anyone would feel the need to identify with one's genetic lineage. I always found people who said "I am proud of being x" to be super awkward and rather cringe.

I have never been interested in anyone's ethnic/racial background because that has never been relevant criterias to judge someone by to me.

There are lots of bad and even evil people who share my lineage and there are a lot of successful and brilliant people who share it as well, but this does not really say anything at all about me. Right?

Racism is just so, so, so absurd to me.
You see things this way because that's how they are from your perspective, but racism is not simply about personal interactions, it's about the laws that govern those interactions.

There are so many people on this message board who lose what little minds they have left, at the thought that another person or member of another race might somehow be granted something that is not available to them. That's what all that craziness in Charlottesville was all about "Jews will not replace us" and the way they react to Affirmative Action in spite of the text being spelled out for them showing that no preference is given to any one race especially not the black race.

That particular conversation ended when one poster told me that he was entitled to his opinion and he didn't care that Affirmative Action doesn't provide for what the white racists claim it does.

While he's right that's he's entitled to his opinion, he's not entitled to claim factual information doesn't say or mean what it does. He just went on the record as being a dumbass.

Most people simply believe that racism is calling black people the n-word. They don't think about all the false telephone telephone calls to falsely report us engaging in alleged criminal behavior, or being treated as criminals from the start in interactions with law enforcement, or not ever given the benefit of doubt in our deeds, statements or accomplishments.

While these thing may seem trivial to people who doesn't have them happen to them, it's not, it's cumulative and can take a toll on a person and does.
Of course they're not. But the fact is, BLM was founded by Marxists, and I shouldn't have to school you on what Marxism is, and it's murderous history. You seem to be openly-embracing that ideology.

Any sane person would feel the same about groups like the American Nazi Party. Sure, they're not going to commandeer the United States and march everyone they don't like off the the gas chambers. But they're still Nazis.
And they as a group have no power, what are you afraid of? Hell the Klan is still around.
The United States was not founded as a white supremacist nation: that is as ignorant of a claim as it is wrong. There is nothing in the founding documents that could possibly be interpreted as such. Yes, there was sl
When the United States was founded, only white land owning males could VOTE.
So are Marxists, like BLM. They're no better than the Klan.
They're nothing like the Klan, you just learned a additional word that you can use to bludgeon black people with. We all know it's the "Black" in the "Black Lives Matter" phase that you all disagree with. That's why racists counter with "All Lives Matter" which we can prove historically is not true. so they're blowing smoke, just like you trying to claim that #BLM's founders ideologies' has the ability to counter their message.
You are a racist, I don't know why being called on it hurts your feelings when it seems like you all go out of your way to be as offensive as you can towards black people in the comments you make here.
It doesn't hurt my feelings at all. Why are you trying to make this an emotional issue? I just tell it like it is, it would seem you are the one who has the hurt feelings.
So? Is that stopping you from owing land and voting?

What do you want, a cookie?
From you, not a damn thing, I'd have it thrown it trash anyway.

And nothing is preventing me form owning land or voting. But how much longer have you had the right to do both? Influence our government in your favor by being able to vote while simultaneously voting in individuals who draft legislation not friendly to black people or at worse, outwardly hostile.

And when black did want and try to purchase land they were faced with a myriad of hate from white people who only wanted other whites in their neighborhoods.

Coyote said:

Is it racism? And this where I find the concept of systemic racism problematic. There are systems in place that have their roots in racist laws and practices now illegal. But the results of those laws and practices still remain and are unconsciously perpetrated. Is the issue truly systemic racism or entrenched inequality?
In a nutshell, the entrenched inequality is due to the systemic racism that was/is so interwoven into the system that it makes getting rid of it near impossible. Redlining, steering and racial restrictive convenants are just a few examples:

  1. Redlining | discrimination
    Redlining, illegal discriminatory practice in which a mortgage lender denies loans or an insurance provider restricts services to certain areas of a community, often because of the racial characteristics of the applicant’s neighbourhood. Redlining practices also include unfair and abusive loan terms for borrowers, outright deception, and penalties for prepaying loans. The term redlining came about in reference to the use of red marks on maps that loan corporations would use to outline mixed-race or African American neighbourhoods. Neighbourhoods in more-affluent areas, which were deemed the most worthy of loans, were usually outlined in blue or green. Neighbourhoods outlined in yellow were also considered desirable for lending.

  2. Steering is when a real estate agent influences a homebuyer to purchase in certain communities based on their race, therefore limiting the buyer’s choices.

    Let’s look at a hypothetical example of steering: a white buyer and a Black buyer approach the same real estate agent looking to buy homes. Both buyers have similar financial profiles and similar needs for their future homes. The agent sends the white buyer 40 listings in 5 different communities, all of which are predominantly white. The agent sends the Black buyer 22 listings in 3 communities, all of which are racially mixed or predominantly Black.

    This is how steering often plays out. Agents direct clients to neighborhoods based on their race.

    In practice, this means that white buyers are often given more housing options and advised against moving to diverse neighborhoods. Black buyers tend to be given fewer options, and they are steered toward predominantly Black or mixed-race neighborhoods.

    Steering is illegal under the Fair Housing Act (more on that later).

  3. Racial covenants In the United States, deed restrictions and restrictive covenants became an important instrument for enforcing racial segregation in most towns and cities, becoming widespread in the 1920s and proliferating until they were declared unenforceable in 1948[18] in the Supreme Court case Shelley v. Kraemer.

    They prohibited a buyer of real property from allowing use or occupancy by members of a given race, ethnic origin, and/or religion as specified in the title deed. Such covenants were employed by many real estate developers to "protect" entire subdivisions, with the primary intent to keep "white" neighbourhoods "white". Ninety percent of the housing projects built in the years following World War II were racially restricted by such covenants.[19] Cities known for their widespread use of racial covenants include Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Milwaukee,[20] Los Angeles, Seattle, and St. Louis.[21]
    "Said premises shall not be rented, leased, or conveyed to, or occupied by, any person other than of the white or Caucasian race."
    — Racial covenant for a home in Beverly Hills, California.[18]
They're nothing like the Klan, you just learned a additional word that you can use to bludgeon black people with. We all know it's the "Black" in the "Black Lives Matter" phase that you all disagree with. That's why racists counter with "All Lives Matter" which we can prove historically is not true. so they're blowing smoke, just like you trying to claim that #BLM's founders ideologies' has the ability to counter their message.

I meant to say BLM is no better than the American Nazi Party, not the Klan. While the American Nazi Party was founded on the ideology of Adolf Hitler, BLM was founded by several people who are admitted Marxists.

I will not defend Nazis, but I will say this: Hitler exterminated 6 million people. But Marx and Engels' ideology has murdered over 100 million people throughout history.

Now which is a bigger number, and why do you support a Marxist organization?
It doesn't hurt my feelings at all. Why are you trying to make this an emotional issue? I just tell it like it is, it would seem you are the one who has the hurt feelings.
Because for you it is emotional, you've obviously have never sat down and pondered the things you have been told here on U.S. Message by people whose authority on the subject you reject even though we are all Subject Matter Experts to various degrees on the topics (SME)

For me, it's documented, historical data, nothing more, however data can be used to create a picture and if it's designed properly, with the data validated as being truthful, make efforts to remove bias from the interpretation of the data, and even better can be independently verified and cross-referenced and substantiated with other historical documents, then the data can be deemed as good.

So when that body of data is output we can be confident that what we have is the core truth. Of course there are things that refine the output, our laws for example, that are still replete with bigotry and bias towards black people and how we are police that is different than the way white people are policed.

Of course it goes into a lot more depth than that nonetheless, it's a good place to start. Some aren't even going to be able to get through this, so for them there really is no point in attempting to take them any further along.
When I get called things I will will call people things back. I am no racist, but to you opposition to other white racists is racism.
Oh yeah you are a fucking racist. No matter how many times you stomp your feet, IM2. You are exactly
what you call others, just stop denying it. :smoke:
No, I have called you a racist because you posted racism. When a person is shown documented fact and disagrees with that, you aren't disagreeing based on the merits of the information presented. You are a racist and I have never seen you disagree with racist opinions coming from other whites. Furthermore there is a link to thre OP with the full article and that article describes 7 types of racism.

1. Representational Racism
Depictions of racial stereotypes are common in popular culture and media, like the historical tendency to cast people of color as criminals and as victims of crime rather than in other roles, or as background characters rather than as leads in film and television. Also common are racial caricatures that are racist in their representations, like “mascots” for the Cleveland Indians, Atlanta Braves, and the Washington Redskins.

The power of representational racism—or racism expressed in how racial groups are represented within popular culture—is that it encapsulates a whole range of racist ideas that imply inferiority, and often stupidity and untrustworthiness, in images that circulate society and permeate our culture. While those not directly harmed by representational racism might not take it seriously, the presence of such images and our interaction with them on a near-constant basis helps to keep alive the racist ideas attached to them.

Separate the nation. End this.
Oh yeah you are a fucking racist. No matter how many times you stomp your feet, IM2. You are exactly
what you call others, just stop denying it. :smoke:
Wrong. But when you have white fragility blacks opposing racism become racists in order for you to maintain your racial comfort.

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