What is released and what is not,

"The Truth" is NEVER going to come out because the document with the facts will not be released by the intelligence community.
I don't trust Nunes after his last stunt; it wouldn't surprise me if the WH cooked this one up, as well.
However, if it's legit concerns it should be investigated by a group that can keep classified information SECRET and if there are problems, let us know. This House Intelligence Committee is a joke at this point.

One thing I know: Nunes should be taken off the committee.

I do not want any of it secret. The FBI spiked Hillary's illegal behavior and went after Trump all for purely political reasons. This is vastly worse than Watergate. It all needs to come out and it will come out. Do not worry.

Surely you want to know what really happened and think the American People have a right to know?

That is not "known" that is thus far spin and conjecture. And that is why if this memo is released, the agencies involved and the Dem's memo should be unmuzzled/released AT THE SAME TIME to provide the info deliberately left out. Otherwise we aren't necessarily getting the truth. If Trumps own handpicked men are speaking out against the release because it is so cherry picked it draws false conclusions - doesn't that say something? I'm very disturbed that it looks like Nunes wrote it in conjunction with the White House! Yes....this is dejas vous Watergate.

Trump's behavior is similar to Nixon's "Saturday night massacre".

And is ANYONE at all concerned about national security implications? Anyone?

You seem very afraid of a simple memo. Does it concern you the FBI fought legitimate Congressional requests for documentation for a year?

Coyote if you're assuming everything is fine than why are the FBI and Dims fighting the release of this information so hard?

Look.....all the facts will come out....and then we can all make up our own minds. Let the truth set you free. :D This is just the first shoe to drop. The truth ultimately came out regarding Benghazi although Obama, and Hillary obstructed for as long as they could. We know within hours of the attacks both Obama and Hillary were told it was a terrorist attack and then then spent weeks lying about it. We know the State Dept fucked up massively and exactly how they fucked up.

If the FBI was in the tank for Hillary we will all find out. And if at the same time they were out to destroy Trump we will find that out as well. Have faith...Okay? :)

I'm concerned about the truth, something that I doubt you'll find much in a partisan document.

The truth did come out about Benghazi. Nothing-burger.

Nothing-burger? :lol: Is proof Hillary lied from the Washington Post good enough for you?

Latest State release: Clinton emails with Chelsea after Benghazi attacks and more

How is that proof she lied? You had something violent going on, in a fast short time frame and initial assessments were all over the place. The right blew it up into a big nothing burger. The sad thing about Benghazi was instead of focusing on HOW to prevent it in the future, and better protect our people while still allowing them to do their jobs - the right focused on whether it was a spontaneous protest over a video or a terrorist attack. And why was that? To make political hay. It's as if no one really cared that people died if they could score points. Don't believe me? Compare Benghazi to the multiple attacks on US embassies and missions that occurred under Bush. Completely different reactions, no where near as vindictively partisan.
1. They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

2. They voted against releasing the minority memo.

3. They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.
1. The Summary of Evidence is a compilation - a SUMMARY - of evidence found by numerous agencies and sources, to include the US IG.

The Nunes FBI memo: What you need to know

The FBI "was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it,” the bureau said. “As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

The statement is now false. The FBI reviewed it again today. Do a google search. :)

And have they changed their assessment?

Clearly the FBI does not want the truth to come out. I think that is obvious to everyone. Wonder why they are fighting this so hard? :D
1. They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

2. They voted against releasing the minority memo.

3. They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.
1. The Summary of Evidence is a compilation - a SUMMARY - of evidence found by numerous agencies and sources, to include the US IG.

The Nunes FBI memo: What you need to know

The FBI "was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it,” the bureau said. “As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

The statement is now false. The FBI reviewed it again today. Do a google search. :)

And have they changed their assessment?

Clearly the FBI does not want the truth to come out. I think that is obvious to everyone. Wonder why they are fighting this so hard? :D

Clearly the Republicans don't want the truth to come out. Why are they fighting so hard to prevent any other side from being heard? Kind of like they did with the Fusion hearing.
I do not want any of it secret. The FBI spiked Hillary's illegal behavior and went after Trump all for purely political reasons. This is vastly worse than Watergate. It all needs to come out and it will come out. Do not worry.

Surely you want to know what really happened and think the American People have a right to know?

That is not "known" that is thus far spin and conjecture. And that is why if this memo is released, the agencies involved and the Dem's memo should be unmuzzled/released AT THE SAME TIME to provide the info deliberately left out. Otherwise we aren't necessarily getting the truth. If Trumps own handpicked men are speaking out against the release because it is so cherry picked it draws false conclusions - doesn't that say something? I'm very disturbed that it looks like Nunes wrote it in conjunction with the White House! Yes....this is dejas vous Watergate.

Trump's behavior is similar to Nixon's "Saturday night massacre".

And is ANYONE at all concerned about national security implications? Anyone?

You seem very afraid of a simple memo. Does it concern you the FBI fought legitimate Congressional requests for documentation for a year?

Coyote if you're assuming everything is fine than why are the FBI and Dims fighting the release of this information so hard?

Look.....all the facts will come out....and then we can all make up our own minds. Let the truth set you free. :D This is just the first shoe to drop. The truth ultimately came out regarding Benghazi although Obama, and Hillary obstructed for as long as they could. We know within hours of the attacks both Obama and Hillary were told it was a terrorist attack and then then spent weeks lying about it. We know the State Dept fucked up massively and exactly how they fucked up.

If the FBI was in the tank for Hillary we will all find out. And if at the same time they were out to destroy Trump we will find that out as well. Have faith...Okay? :)

I'm concerned about the truth, something that I doubt you'll find much in a partisan document.

The truth did come out about Benghazi. Nothing-burger.

Nothing-burger? :lol: Is proof Hillary lied from the Washington Post good enough for you?

Latest State release: Clinton emails with Chelsea after Benghazi attacks and more

How is that proof she lied? You had something violent going on, in a fast short time frame and initial assessments were all over the place. The right blew it up into a big nothing burger. The sad thing about Benghazi was instead of focusing on HOW to prevent it in the future, and better protect our people while still allowing them to do their jobs - the right focused on whether it was a spontaneous protest over a video or a terrorist attack. And why was that? To make political hay. It's as if no one really cared that people died if they could score points. Don't believe me? Compare Benghazi to the multiple attacks on US embassies and missions that occurred under Bush. Completely different reactions, no where near as vindictively partisan.

Try reading more carefully. Hitlery e-mailed her daughter the night of the Benghazi attack saying an Al-Qaeda group was responsible. She then told the family members of the dead several days later the deaths were the result of an internet video. Geez.....can you not read?

Edit: Since maybe you didn't seem to understand the Washington Post story....here is the key quote.

Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea Clinton exchanged emails after 8 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, with Chelsea Clinton using the alias “Diane Reynolds.” Clinton invited her daughter to call, saying she is in the office late because of attacks on U.S. facilities in Egypt and Libya.

Apparently they did not speak, but Clinton delivered this news after 11 p.m.

“Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like group: The Ambassador, whom I handpicked and a young communications officer on temporary duty w a wife and two young children. Very hard day and I fear more of the same tomorrow. Let's try again later.”

Clinton appears to be ascribing the attack to a terrorist group.

Seriously....the truth will set you free. :)
Last edited:
That is not "known" that is thus far spin and conjecture. And that is why if this memo is released, the agencies involved and the Dem's memo should be unmuzzled/released AT THE SAME TIME to provide the info deliberately left out. Otherwise we aren't necessarily getting the truth. If Trumps own handpicked men are speaking out against the release because it is so cherry picked it draws false conclusions - doesn't that say something? I'm very disturbed that it looks like Nunes wrote it in conjunction with the White House! Yes....this is dejas vous Watergate.

Trump's behavior is similar to Nixon's "Saturday night massacre".

And is ANYONE at all concerned about national security implications? Anyone?

You seem very afraid of a simple memo. Does it concern you the FBI fought legitimate Congressional requests for documentation for a year?

Coyote if you're assuming everything is fine than why are the FBI and Dims fighting the release of this information so hard?

Look.....all the facts will come out....and then we can all make up our own minds. Let the truth set you free. :D This is just the first shoe to drop. The truth ultimately came out regarding Benghazi although Obama, and Hillary obstructed for as long as they could. We know within hours of the attacks both Obama and Hillary were told it was a terrorist attack and then then spent weeks lying about it. We know the State Dept fucked up massively and exactly how they fucked up.

If the FBI was in the tank for Hillary we will all find out. And if at the same time they were out to destroy Trump we will find that out as well. Have faith...Okay? :)

I'm concerned about the truth, something that I doubt you'll find much in a partisan document.

The truth did come out about Benghazi. Nothing-burger.

Nothing-burger? :lol: Is proof Hillary lied from the Washington Post good enough for you?

Latest State release: Clinton emails with Chelsea after Benghazi attacks and more

How is that proof she lied? You had something violent going on, in a fast short time frame and initial assessments were all over the place. The right blew it up into a big nothing burger. The sad thing about Benghazi was instead of focusing on HOW to prevent it in the future, and better protect our people while still allowing them to do their jobs - the right focused on whether it was a spontaneous protest over a video or a terrorist attack. And why was that? To make political hay. It's as if no one really cared that people died if they could score points. Don't believe me? Compare Benghazi to the multiple attacks on US embassies and missions that occurred under Bush. Completely different reactions, no where near as vindictively partisan.

Try reading more carefully. Hitlery e-mailed her daughter the night of the Benghazi attack saying an Al-Qaeda group was responsible. She then told the family members of the dead several days later the deaths were the result of an internet video. Geez.....can you not read?

Edit: Since maybe you didn't seem to understand the Washington Post story....here is the key quote.

Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea Clinton exchanged emails after 8 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, with Chelsea Clinton using the alias “Diane Reynolds.” Clinton invited her daughter to call, saying she is in the office late because of attacks on U.S. facilities in Egypt and Libya.

Apparently they did not speak, but Clinton delivered this news after 11 p.m.

“Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like group: The Ambassador, whom I handpicked and a young communications officer on temporary duty w a wife and two young children. Very hard day and I fear more of the same tomorrow. Let's try again later.”

Clinton appears to be ascribing the attack to a terrorist group.

Seriously....the truth will set you free. :)

PAC Attack on Clinton's Benghazi Record - FactCheck.org

The truth has set me free .... you should try it :)
You seem very afraid of a simple memo. Does it concern you the FBI fought legitimate Congressional requests for documentation for a year?

Coyote if you're assuming everything is fine than why are the FBI and Dims fighting the release of this information so hard?

Look.....all the facts will come out....and then we can all make up our own minds. Let the truth set you free. :D This is just the first shoe to drop. The truth ultimately came out regarding Benghazi although Obama, and Hillary obstructed for as long as they could. We know within hours of the attacks both Obama and Hillary were told it was a terrorist attack and then then spent weeks lying about it. We know the State Dept fucked up massively and exactly how they fucked up.

If the FBI was in the tank for Hillary we will all find out. And if at the same time they were out to destroy Trump we will find that out as well. Have faith...Okay? :)

I'm concerned about the truth, something that I doubt you'll find much in a partisan document.

The truth did come out about Benghazi. Nothing-burger.

Nothing-burger? :lol: Is proof Hillary lied from the Washington Post good enough for you?

Latest State release: Clinton emails with Chelsea after Benghazi attacks and more

How is that proof she lied? You had something violent going on, in a fast short time frame and initial assessments were all over the place. The right blew it up into a big nothing burger. The sad thing about Benghazi was instead of focusing on HOW to prevent it in the future, and better protect our people while still allowing them to do their jobs - the right focused on whether it was a spontaneous protest over a video or a terrorist attack. And why was that? To make political hay. It's as if no one really cared that people died if they could score points. Don't believe me? Compare Benghazi to the multiple attacks on US embassies and missions that occurred under Bush. Completely different reactions, no where near as vindictively partisan.

Try reading more carefully. Hitlery e-mailed her daughter the night of the Benghazi attack saying an Al-Qaeda group was responsible. She then told the family members of the dead several days later the deaths were the result of an internet video. Geez.....can you not read?

Edit: Since maybe you didn't seem to understand the Washington Post story....here is the key quote.

Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea Clinton exchanged emails after 8 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, with Chelsea Clinton using the alias “Diane Reynolds.” Clinton invited her daughter to call, saying she is in the office late because of attacks on U.S. facilities in Egypt and Libya.

Apparently they did not speak, but Clinton delivered this news after 11 p.m.

“Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like group: The Ambassador, whom I handpicked and a young communications officer on temporary duty w a wife and two young children. Very hard day and I fear more of the same tomorrow. Let's try again later.”

Clinton appears to be ascribing the attack to a terrorist group.

Seriously....the truth will set you free. :)

PAC Attack on Clinton's Benghazi Record - FactCheck.org

The truth has set me free .... you should try it :)

The fact check article states Clinton emailed her daughter the night of the attack and said an Al-Qeada group was responsible. That is not disputed. She also told the families several days later their deaths were caused by an internet video. I have provided proof of both. But hey.....believe what you want. :}

The memo will be released and all the facts will come out. I am not afraid of the truth or the facts. Let it all out. :thup:
What they and are saying is it is not factually inaccurate but it is cherry picked and misleading. So if that is the case we need to see the other memo as well.

You really think the Dims want the truth to come out if the FBI was in the tank for Hillary and out to kill Trump? :lol:

No offense, but that is incredibly naive. The truth will come out....all of it. I would say the facts that have come out so far do not look good for the Dims, the FBI, DOJ or Hillary. But I am willing to reserve judgement until I see everything.

"The Truth" is NEVER going to come out because the document with the facts will not be released by the intelligence community.
I don't trust Nunes after his last stunt; it wouldn't surprise me if the WH cooked this one up, as well.
However, if it's legit concerns it should be investigated by a group that can keep classified information SECRET and if there are problems, let us know. This House Intelligence Committee is a joke at this point.

One thing I know: Nunes should be taken off the committee.

I do not want any of it secret. The FBI spiked Hillary's illegal behavior and went after Trump all for purely political reasons. This is vastly worse than Watergate. It all needs to come out and it will come out. Do not worry.

Surely you want to know what really happened and think the American People have a right to know?

That is not "known" that is thus far spin and conjecture. And that is why if this memo is released, the agencies involved and the Dem's memo should be unmuzzled/released AT THE SAME TIME to provide the info deliberately left out. Otherwise we aren't necessarily getting the truth. If Trumps own handpicked men are speaking out against the release because it is so cherry picked it draws false conclusions - doesn't that say something? I'm very disturbed that it looks like Nunes wrote it in conjunction with the White House! Yes....this is dejas vous Watergate.

Trump's behavior is similar to Nixon's "Saturday night massacre".

And is ANYONE at all concerned about national security implications? Anyone?

You seem very afraid of a simple memo. Does it concern you the FBI fought legitimate Congressional requests for documentation for a year?

Coyote if you're assuming everything is fine than why are the FBI and Dims fighting the release of this information so hard?

Look.....all the facts will come out....and then we can all make up our own minds. Let the truth set you free. :D This is just the first shoe to drop. The truth ultimately came out regarding Benghazi although Obama, and Hillary obstructed for as long as they could. We know within hours of the attacks both Obama and Hillary were told it was a terrorist attack and then spent weeks lying about it. We know the State Dept fucked up massively and exactly how they fucked up.

If the FBI was in the tank for Hillary we will all find out. And if at the same time they were out to destroy Trump we will find that out as well. Have faith...Okay? :)
You're gonna have a hard sell that the FBI was in the tank for Hillary when it was the FBI who handed the election to Trump by reopening a bogus investigation into her email server while Americans were voting.
I'm concerned about the truth, something that I doubt you'll find much in a partisan document.

The truth did come out about Benghazi. Nothing-burger.

Nothing-burger? :lol: Is proof Hillary lied from the Washington Post good enough for you?

Latest State release: Clinton emails with Chelsea after Benghazi attacks and more

How is that proof she lied? You had something violent going on, in a fast short time frame and initial assessments were all over the place. The right blew it up into a big nothing burger. The sad thing about Benghazi was instead of focusing on HOW to prevent it in the future, and better protect our people while still allowing them to do their jobs - the right focused on whether it was a spontaneous protest over a video or a terrorist attack. And why was that? To make political hay. It's as if no one really cared that people died if they could score points. Don't believe me? Compare Benghazi to the multiple attacks on US embassies and missions that occurred under Bush. Completely different reactions, no where near as vindictively partisan.

Try reading more carefully. Hitlery e-mailed her daughter the night of the Benghazi attack saying an Al-Qaeda group was responsible. She then told the family members of the dead several days later the deaths were the result of an internet video. Geez.....can you not read?

Edit: Since maybe you didn't seem to understand the Washington Post story....here is the key quote.

Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea Clinton exchanged emails after 8 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, with Chelsea Clinton using the alias “Diane Reynolds.” Clinton invited her daughter to call, saying she is in the office late because of attacks on U.S. facilities in Egypt and Libya.

Apparently they did not speak, but Clinton delivered this news after 11 p.m.

“Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like group: The Ambassador, whom I handpicked and a young communications officer on temporary duty w a wife and two young children. Very hard day and I fear more of the same tomorrow. Let's try again later.”

Clinton appears to be ascribing the attack to a terrorist group.

Seriously....the truth will set you free. :)

PAC Attack on Clinton's Benghazi Record - FactCheck.org

The truth has set me free .... you should try it :)

The fact check article states Clinton emailed her daughter the night of the attack and said an Al-Qeada group was responsible. That is not disputed. She also told the families several days later their deaths were caused by an internet video. I have provided proof of both. But hey.....believe what you want. :}

The memo will be released and all the facts will come out. I am not afraid of the truth or the facts. Let it all out. :thup:

Dayam, this has only been explained 14000 times.

The intel changed from that first night. And that changing intel came from our intelligence community -- not the White House ... not the State Department.

You freaks just never fucking learn. <smh>
Is attempting to block/obstruct the Mueller investigation acceptable to you?

Has anyone been charged with attempting to block/obstruct Special Counsel Mueller's investigation?
Are you asking me if I object to a hypothetical scenario?

1. They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

2. They voted against releasing the minority memo.

3. They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.
1. The Summary of Evidence is a compilation - a SUMMARY - of evidence found by numerous agencies and sources, to include the US IG.

The Nunes FBI memo: What you need to know

The FBI "was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it,” the bureau said. “As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

The statement is now false. The FBI reviewed it again today. Do a google search. :)

And have they changed their assessment?

Clearly the FBI does not want the truth to come out. I think that is obvious to everyone. Wonder why they are fighting this so hard? :D

it's only obvious to the dim
1. They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

2. They voted against releasing the minority memo.

3. They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.
1. The Summary of Evidence is a compilation - a SUMMARY - of evidence found by numerous agencies and sources, to include the US IG.

The Nunes FBI memo: What you need to know

The FBI "was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it,” the bureau said. “As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

The statement is now false. The FBI reviewed it again today. Do a google search. :)

And have they changed their assessment?

Clearly the FBI does not want the truth to come out. I think that is obvious to everyone. Wonder why they are fighting this so hard? :D
Maybe because they don't want national security compromised over a partisan 4 page memo? Maybe because countries won't want to share secrets with us when he can't keep our mouth shut? Several things come to mind.
Nothing-burger? :lol: Is proof Hillary lied from the Washington Post good enough for you?

Latest State release: Clinton emails with Chelsea after Benghazi attacks and more

How is that proof she lied? You had something violent going on, in a fast short time frame and initial assessments were all over the place. The right blew it up into a big nothing burger. The sad thing about Benghazi was instead of focusing on HOW to prevent it in the future, and better protect our people while still allowing them to do their jobs - the right focused on whether it was a spontaneous protest over a video or a terrorist attack. And why was that? To make political hay. It's as if no one really cared that people died if they could score points. Don't believe me? Compare Benghazi to the multiple attacks on US embassies and missions that occurred under Bush. Completely different reactions, no where near as vindictively partisan.

Try reading more carefully. Hitlery e-mailed her daughter the night of the Benghazi attack saying an Al-Qaeda group was responsible. She then told the family members of the dead several days later the deaths were the result of an internet video. Geez.....can you not read?

Edit: Since maybe you didn't seem to understand the Washington Post story....here is the key quote.

Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea Clinton exchanged emails after 8 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, with Chelsea Clinton using the alias “Diane Reynolds.” Clinton invited her daughter to call, saying she is in the office late because of attacks on U.S. facilities in Egypt and Libya.

Apparently they did not speak, but Clinton delivered this news after 11 p.m.

“Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like group: The Ambassador, whom I handpicked and a young communications officer on temporary duty w a wife and two young children. Very hard day and I fear more of the same tomorrow. Let's try again later.”

Clinton appears to be ascribing the attack to a terrorist group.

Seriously....the truth will set you free. :)

PAC Attack on Clinton's Benghazi Record - FactCheck.org

The truth has set me free .... you should try it :)

The fact check article states Clinton emailed her daughter the night of the attack and said an Al-Qeada group was responsible. That is not disputed. She also told the families several days later their deaths were caused by an internet video. I have provided proof of both. But hey.....believe what you want. :}

The memo will be released and all the facts will come out. I am not afraid of the truth or the facts. Let it all out. :thup:

Dayam, this has only been explained 14000 times.

The intel changed from that first night. And that changing intel came from our intelligence community -- not the White House ... not the State Department.

You freaks just never fucking learn. <smh>

Poor, crazed WelfareQueen. All she can do is laugh at a post she can't actually refute.


If something in our government is corrupt, it should be exposed, no?

If not, I'd like to hear the reason why.

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