What is so wrong with corporism


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I didn't write this. I found this somewhere. I would like to share.

"The problem with non-free market systems is that governments usually act to protect companies from competitors. This may sound really reasonable since some companies are going to be failures so why shouldn't we protect the economy from failure by protecting successful companies? The first problem is that this system is inherently unfair since the little guy who comes up with an idea will never have the chance to audition his ideas to others. The government is already saying that only certain companies have that chance and those companies are not you. You are then forced to find a lucrative job in life. There is nothing wrong with that but imagine if we had a similar system for employees. The government then tells people that the best way to protect the economy is to make sure companies only higher the best workers. They of course would pass laws against companies forbidding them from hiring what it deems as unqualified people since an unskilled workforce will be bad for American companies. Who would really have a fair chance in this system? It will then become subject to racial preferences for one person or another. The government could diversify the workforce which would only discriminate against white people. The government could also go the other way and only allow white people to work. Both would be unfair since it discriminates against someone. What if the government didn't think people who are retarded should be allowed to work anywhere? Despite the fact that retarded people are often hired by employers out of the goodness of their heart and cheap labor the government would say no. The list can go on and on until we have a tiered system where some people are pushed up in life and others are kept down in life. That would ultimately breed a little resentment and since the government is causing it would breed a revolt."
I'm no expert..but there a way to fix it...an option at the top of your op...
Well, you only touched on a theoretical problem created by corporatism. The truth is, if a formerly successful American company is failing in the market, it is unlikely that an American can create a startup and become successful in the same environment.

If anything, the market share is gained by other established companies(both foreign and domestic). The government just loses a tax paying entity.

A more relevant problem is the creation of laws to make it difficult for smaller companies to survive. Yes, regulation and tax schemes are created to suppress competition. This is a norm when corporatist gains influence over the Government.

Understand, the less competition there is, the easy it is to profit in the market and survive. Hence, no true free market capitalist runs a corporation--unless he is a wide-eyed fool. The leaders of the "free market" are all corporatist. Their job is not to increase competition, but to render it null.

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