What is the 5 billion for?

I do? We've proven walls work not only here, but across the world. Yet you keep insisting it's stupid. That's not stupid. What's stupid is taking something that works and not using it yourself to solve a problem.


Right. Because our engineers, our military, our border patrol hasn't figured that out. Only you did. :auiqs.jpg:

I'm not the only one.

Trump's chief of staff: "And by the way, the bottom line is the fence doesn't stop anybody who really wants to get across,"

Of course it doesn't'.

Hungary credits razor wire border fence for almost 100 percent drop in illegal migration

That's a 175 km border on a land-locked country. Ours would be just a tad more expensive and there would be additional ways to get around it.

But that's great though. Maybe you should move there then. Because you're not getting a wall here.

Quit being a fucking spoiled brat

We already have 600 miles of it

Why would we need any of that money if Mexico is paying for it?

Fuck you guys and your wall. I don't want one penny to go toward it. That way you uneducated retards learn next time you want to vote for a demagogue with his bullshit promises.
You unintelligent and poorly educated TDS sufferers are analogous to idiots with a leaky roof who refuse to fix it because they think it costs too much.

Fucking pathetic.

Why would I fix it when I can have Mexico fix it for me?
How are you going to do that, dumbass?
One more time: I don't care who pays for it, and neither does anybody who wants the wall. You've been trained to bring up who's paying for it by your puppet masters. They are doing it to protect you because they didn't give you any sound talking points of why it shouldn't be built other than Trump isn't getting Mexico to pay for it.

I didn't say that you care who pays for it.

I was laughing at you for being naïve and thinking that Mexico still might pay for it.


You could have just admitted that Trump backed down on having Mexico pay for our border wall, but I know your head is too far up Trump's ass for you to ever question his methods promises. So instead, like a lost fucking puppy, you keep holding out hope that Trump still MIGHT get Mexico to pay for it. Fucking pathetic.

I have no idea how this is so difficult for you to understand. I (we) have said a dozen times, we don't care who pays for it.

That's great, Ray. I'm going to go ahead and copy/paste my last response since you apparently didn't read it.

I didn't say that you care who pays for it.

See that? I made it bold and I underlined it for you. That way you don't miss it this time. Reading is so difficult for uneducated Trump supporters.

If you know we don't care about who pays for it, why DO YOU keep bringing it up?

Because I think it's hilarious that you still actually think he might get Mexico to pay for it. LMAO

That's fucking pathetic, Ray. And I'm going to keep pointing that out to you until you decide to dislodge your head from Trump's ass and realize that, contrary to your bullshit claims, Trump has in fact backed down on having Mexico pay for the wall.

Keep bringing it up if it makes you happy, and I'll keep telling you we don't care.
I do? We've proven walls work not only here, but across the world. Yet you keep insisting it's stupid. That's not stupid. What's stupid is taking something that works and not using it yourself to solve a problem.


Right. Because our engineers, our military, our border patrol hasn't figured that out. Only you did. :auiqs.jpg:

I'm not the only one.

Trump's chief of staff: "And by the way, the bottom line is the fence doesn't stop anybody who really wants to get across,"

Of course it doesn't'.

Hungary credits razor wire border fence for almost 100 percent drop in illegal migration

That's a 175 km border on a land-locked country. Ours would be just a tad more expensive and there would be additional ways to get around it.

But that's great though. Maybe you should move there then. Because you're not getting a wall here.

I have a better idea: lets move all the liberals to another country and then we can have our wall.
Stupid to start bailing until you seal the leaks.

Even dumber to sell a boat to morons and say that the boat they are buying is water-tight when it clearly is not;

Dumber still to vote for the guy selling you the leaky boat.

He told us the boat was leaking before he sold it. He also said he was going to fix the leak. Now we want him to do just that, but the Democrats are hell bent on making sure he can't. So blame the Democrats for the leak not getting repaired--not Trump.

I thought Mexico was going to repair the boat? Trump wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

But, but, campaign promise! Campaign promise!
Well was he lying or is he just incredibly ineffective?

How about incredibly naive? He could have been that too.

I find it amusing that you want to act as if campaign promises are inviolate and set in stone when those with a higher than room temperature IQ realize very few politicians keep many promises they make and that Trump has actually kept quite a few. So no, it doesn't matter who pays or doesn't pay for a wall when it's becoming glaringly obvious that the opposition wants nothing whatsoever to do with border security. No counter offers, no discussions, nothing at all.

Instead we're left with morons chattering on about "He promised Mexico would pay for the wall", as if that's significant.
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??

Actually Trump has $1.2 billion unspent from last year.. Considering the border patrol total budget is just over $3bn that is a serious underspend...

The Wall is a joke and there are many more effective ways of spending the money... Actually the wall is counterproductive, it won't decrease traffic but just make it more expensive and risker... So undocumented workers won't risk going home.

I saw it back here in Ireland. Irish(undocumented) used to be dropping back home all the time, then the laws all tightened up and you never see them back... Americans have problems getting Visa's in Ireland too... Ireland offered a receptacle relationship but it lost by one vote...
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??

How about we find out what the $800B porkulus bill actually accomplished?

Congress approved the fence in 2006. It's time to finish building it.
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??

Actually Trump has $1.2 billion unspent from last year.. Considering the border patrol total budget is just over $3bn that is a serious underspend...

The Wall is a joke and there are many more effective ways of spending the money... Actually the wall is counterproductive, it won't decrease traffic but just make it more expensive and risker... So undocumented workers won't risk going home.

I saw it back here in Ireland. Irish(undocumented) used to be dropping back home all the time, then the laws all tightened up and you never see them back... Americans have problems getting Visa's in Ireland too... Ireland offered a receptacle relationship but it lost by one vote...

So why then isn't the opposition proposing alternatives that would tighten border security without a wall? They're just making themselves look like they want an open border.
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??

Actually Trump has $1.2 billion unspent from last year.. Considering the border patrol total budget is just over $3bn that is a serious underspend...

The Wall is a joke and there are many more effective ways of spending the money... Actually the wall is counterproductive, it won't decrease traffic but just make it more expensive and risker... So undocumented workers won't risk going home.

I saw it back here in Ireland. Irish(undocumented) used to be dropping back home all the time, then the laws all tightened up and you never see them back... Americans have problems getting Visa's in Ireland too... Ireland offered a receptacle relationship but it lost by one vote...

So why then isn't the opposition proposing alternatives that would tighten border security without a wall? They're just making themselves look like they want an open border.
That is their mission.
Even dumber to sell a boat to morons and say that the boat they are buying is water-tight when it clearly is not;

Dumber still to vote for the guy selling you the leaky boat.

He told us the boat was leaking before he sold it. He also said he was going to fix the leak. Now we want him to do just that, but the Democrats are hell bent on making sure he can't. So blame the Democrats for the leak not getting repaired--not Trump.

I thought Mexico was going to repair the boat? Trump wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

But, but, campaign promise! Campaign promise!
Well was he lying or is he just incredibly ineffective?

How about incredibly naive? He could have been that too.

I find it amusing that you want to act as if campaign promises are inviolate and set in stone when those with a higher than room temperature IQ realize very few politicians keep many promises they make and that Trump has actually kept quite a few. So no, it doesn't matter who pays or doesn't pay for a wall when it's becoming glaringly obvious that the opposition wants nothing whatsoever to do with border security. No counter offers, no discussions, nothing at all.

Instead we're left with morons chattering on about "He promised Mexico would pay for the wall", as if that's significant.

He made Mexico paying for the wall a foundation if his campaign....but if course he is a professional liar....
He told us the boat was leaking before he sold it. He also said he was going to fix the leak. Now we want him to do just that, but the Democrats are hell bent on making sure he can't. So blame the Democrats for the leak not getting repaired--not Trump.

I thought Mexico was going to repair the boat? Trump wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

But, but, campaign promise! Campaign promise!
Well was he lying or is he just incredibly ineffective?

How about incredibly naive? He could have been that too.

I find it amusing that you want to act as if campaign promises are inviolate and set in stone when those with a higher than room temperature IQ realize very few politicians keep many promises they make and that Trump has actually kept quite a few. So no, it doesn't matter who pays or doesn't pay for a wall when it's becoming glaringly obvious that the opposition wants nothing whatsoever to do with border security. No counter offers, no discussions, nothing at all.

Instead we're left with morons chattering on about "He promised Mexico would pay for the wall", as if that's significant.

He made Mexico paying for the wall a foundation if his campaign....but if course he is a professional liar....

I'm gonna make me an anchor baby
No sir I don't mean maybe
No sweet child a mine's gonna climb no wall
Turns out it was all wack shit
They was never gonna pay for it
Now its down to a maybe on slats that's all
Even dumber to sell a boat to morons and say that the boat they are buying is water-tight when it clearly is not;

Dumber still to vote for the guy selling you the leaky boat.

He told us the boat was leaking before he sold it. He also said he was going to fix the leak. Now we want him to do just that, but the Democrats are hell bent on making sure he can't. So blame the Democrats for the leak not getting repaired--not Trump.

I thought Mexico was going to repair the boat? Trump wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

But, but, campaign promise! Campaign promise!
Well was he lying or is he just incredibly ineffective?

How about incredibly naive? He could have been that too.

I find it amusing that you want to act as if campaign promises are inviolate and set in stone when those with a higher than room temperature IQ realize very few politicians keep many promises they make and that Trump has actually kept quite a few. So no, it doesn't matter who pays or doesn't pay for a wall when it's becoming glaringly obvious that the opposition wants nothing whatsoever to do with border security. No counter offers, no discussions, nothing at all.

Instead we're left with morons chattering on about "He promised Mexico would pay for the wall", as if that's significant.

It's what CNN programmed them to say. Instead of debating the wall (which of course they lose on) keep derailing the topic to who's going to pay for it.

They teach leftists what to think but not why they should be thinking it.
Bottom line....the Dems will let trump rot in the White House before they give him a wall. That is a lot of rotten fat!
Why would we need any of that money if Mexico is paying for it?

Fuck you guys and your wall. I don't want one penny to go toward it. That way you uneducated retards learn next time you want to vote for a demagogue with his bullshit promises.
You unintelligent and poorly educated TDS sufferers are analogous to idiots with a leaky roof who refuse to fix it because they think it costs too much.

Fucking pathetic.

Why would I fix it when I can have Mexico fix it for me?
How are you going to do that, dumbass?

You're right. That's a dumb idea and only idiots would believe that.

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