What is the 5 billion for?

Again, so the $20 Billion (I said $5 but that is not for the whole wall) from Mexico should be a surplus then, right?
I've already discussed my feelings on that.........I don't give a damn...........I know what the money is for........and I posted it time and time again.........

Both sides are full of it.........20 Billion doesn't pay for 2000 miles of Wall........it is in prioritized areas from the CBP.........and ends up being about 1000 total miles of walls.......including the replacement of old fencing to the new standards..........a WHOLE LOT OF it is the surveillance systems that they need.......that is from the CBP.

Trump said Mexico is paying for the wall.
When can we expect those funds?
If you want an honest discussion on the funds we will continue..........if you want to be part of the trolling on that then we will not.........I know where that button is again.......wouldn't make a difference to me…………
Me neither. I’m pointing out that Trump has lied (as the entire world knows) and I’m happy to keep beating you over the head with that as long as you keep denying it. It would probably be wise of you to put me on ignore again….

Of course you could always tell the truth. But that isn’t an option. You can’t speak ill of your master.

I know it will save money in the long run......that is all I need to know........I also know that for my entire lifetime the people of this country have been saying fix this..............and they have ignored us.............I see a chance to fix problems for the CBP here...........so He can shut down for as long as he needs for all I care...........If it goes on too long...........Federal Employees can find a new job...........they can be replaced later or rehired later...........I really don't care at this point……..

They need to do this.........and if they will not........oh well..........doesn't mean squat to me if we are still down in the summer.

When he caves, will you speak ill of your master then?
I have stated my views...........I understand the situation........and I am in agreement with fighting for those funds..........If you want to be a parrot and keep saying the same thing over again..........I might put you back there.........As I have said, it will save us money in the long run to secure the border.........

If he caves he's fucked................that is the message he was sent........

But your "understanding" is flawed.

A 40' concrete wall is do very little to cubn illegal immigration & even less to stem the influx of illegal drugs.

As long as you insist on being wrong on this aspect, the resty of your posts are just BS.
The money from Mexico...is it cash or check? They’ll need to know how to add it in on the ledger.

View attachment 237838

I know you can’t be a trump supporter and pretend to care about honesty. Just tell us if the money from Mexico will be check or cash

I don't know. I'm still waiting for my Obama check for $2,500 a year I was supposed to save on healthcare insurance. Do you know when that money is coming?

ODS continues 2 years after he left office I see.

Meanwhile…was it cash or a check we’re supposed to get from Mexico? You know…the topic in the OP?
The OP is what is the 5 Billion for.........go to the CBP site and look for yourself.

I did It there is nothing about this $5b request.
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??
Kickbacks for his wealthy buddies that own construction companies?

5 billion for a border wall is nothing. Look at the real boondoggle democrats have created in California. In comparison 5 billion is nothing while Dems pretend to make a big deal about the money. Reality is they just dont want to give Trump anything.

So, you thnk we should waste 5 billion on a stupid wall because we spend that much money other places?

WE don;t want your stupid wall because it it would have little affect on illegal immigration.
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??
Kickbacks for his wealthy buddies that own construction companies?

5 billion for a border wall is nothing. Look at the real boondoggle democrats have created in California. In comparison 5 billion is nothing while Dems pretend to make a big deal about the money. Reality is they just dont want to give Trump anything.

Democrats are like monkeys. You train them.

Their puppet masters told them to derail the subject to who pays for it instead of how effective it will be, because they know there is no debate there. We all know how effective the wall will be because of places we already have walls, and places around the world that have similar barriers.

The left knows how effective it will be, otherwise they wouldn't be trying so hard to derail the debate.

The opposition certainly has no interest in border security.
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??
Kickbacks for his wealthy buddies that own construction companies?
Ie solyndra
Ie stimulus bailout
Solyndra applied for government back loans under George W Bush. As Bush was leaving office in late 2008 & early Jan of 2009, he pushed to get this OKed. Their apllication was flawed & a correction was made & it ended up being approved under Obama.

So, why do you morons think Bush wanted Solyndra approved?

The fact is that Solyndra had a better designed solar panel that was nor silicon based & silicon pricing was going up.

I love it when Republicans bitch about the stimulus bill. They totally ignore why we needed a stimulus in the first place.

Wrong. Bush seen problems with the company so he didn’t approve of giving them any money. Ears came along and approved it instead.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??
It's for hookers and blow dude, get with it.
I've already discussed my feelings on that.........I don't give a damn...........I know what the money is for........and I posted it time and time again.........

Both sides are full of it.........20 Billion doesn't pay for 2000 miles of Wall........it is in prioritized areas from the CBP.........and ends up being about 1000 total miles of walls.......including the replacement of old fencing to the new standards..........a WHOLE LOT OF it is the surveillance systems that they need.......that is from the CBP.

Trump said Mexico is paying for the wall.
When can we expect those funds?
If you want an honest discussion on the funds we will continue..........if you want to be part of the trolling on that then we will not.........I know where that button is again.......wouldn't make a difference to me…………
Me neither. I’m pointing out that Trump has lied (as the entire world knows) and I’m happy to keep beating you over the head with that as long as you keep denying it. It would probably be wise of you to put me on ignore again….

Of course you could always tell the truth. But that isn’t an option. You can’t speak ill of your master.

I know it will save money in the long run......that is all I need to know........I also know that for my entire lifetime the people of this country have been saying fix this..............and they have ignored us.............I see a chance to fix problems for the CBP here...........so He can shut down for as long as he needs for all I care...........If it goes on too long...........Federal Employees can find a new job...........they can be replaced later or rehired later...........I really don't care at this point……..

They need to do this.........and if they will not........oh well..........doesn't mean squat to me if we are still down in the summer.

When he caves, will you speak ill of your master then?
I have stated my views...........I understand the situation........and I am in agreement with fighting for those funds..........If you want to be a parrot and keep saying the same thing over again..........I might put you back there.........As I have said, it will save us money in the long run to secure the border.........

If he caves he's fucked................that is the message he was sent........

But your "understanding" is flawed.

A 40' concrete wall is do very little to cubn illegal immigration & even less to stem the influx of illegal drugs.

As long as you insist on being wrong on this aspect, the resty of your posts are just BS.
For decades many families have suffered with tragedies involving drugs. Politicians on both sides promoted doing something about this issue. Nothing happened. We all have interests near to us. Anyone who has had a family member, extended family member or friend affected and affecting their families would look at the wall as a godsend. There are other ways to to reduce the amount of drugs entering our nation. I would not object to use the military to devastate areas known to be producing drugs to send here. All other options should be put on the table on ways drugs enter the United States. My crippled brother in law's fat daughter in law Anna agrees with this as her brother destroyed their family and that is a person related to me that is furthest away from others in my family who did the same.
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??
Kickbacks for his wealthy buddies that own construction companies?

5 billion for a border wall is nothing. Look at the real boondoggle democrats have created in California. In comparison 5 billion is nothing while Dems pretend to make a big deal about the money. Reality is they just dont want to give Trump anything.

So, you thnk we should waste 5 billion on a stupid wall because we spend that much money other places?

WE don;t want your stupid wall because it it would have little affect on illegal immigration.
Who told ewe dat?
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??
Kickbacks for his wealthy buddies that own construction companies?

5 billion for a border wall is nothing. Look at the real boondoggle democrats have created in California. In comparison 5 billion is nothing while Dems pretend to make a big deal about the money. Reality is they just dont want to give Trump anything.

So, you thnk we should waste 5 billion on a stupid wall because we spend that much money other places?

WE don;t want your stupid wall because it it would have little affect on illegal immigration.

Stopping invaders, slowing down the drug flow, saving American lives is hardly what I call stupid. Last year our Border Patrol apprehended 130,000 people at the border, so besides being brainwashed by the MSM, what makes you think that a wall would have little effect on that problem?

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The invaders are at the border now smashing the border patrol with rocks. The left are freaking idiots if they think we don’t need a wall.
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??
Kickbacks for his wealthy buddies that own construction companies?

5 billion for a border wall is nothing. Look at the real boondoggle democrats have created in California. In comparison 5 billion is nothing while Dems pretend to make a big deal about the money. Reality is they just dont want to give Trump anything.

So, you thnk we should waste 5 billion on a stupid wall because we spend that much money other places?

WE don;t want your stupid wall because it it would have little affect on illegal immigration.

Stopping invaders, slowing down the drug flow, saving American lives is hardly what I call stupid. Last year our Border Patrol apprehended 130,000 people at the border, so besides being brainwashed by the MSM, what makes you think that a wall would have little effect on that problem?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

I said building Trumps stupid 40' concrete wall was stupid. Put down that gun & get an education.

First,. most illegal immigrants in this country did not cross the Mexican border away from a crossing point.

Second, there are things like ladders & tunnels & just going around the fence.

So why waste 5 billion on that Trump wall.

Why not spend it on replacing fences & building more fences, increasing border patrols, more money to go after those who stay beyond their VISAs, those that come hrre as tourists & stay, etc etc etc.

THAT is the fucking question.
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??
Kickbacks for his wealthy buddies that own construction companies?
Ie solyndra
Ie stimulus bailout
Solyndra applied for government back loans under George W Bush. As Bush was leaving office in late 2008 & early Jan of 2009, he pushed to get this OKed. Their apllication was flawed & a correction was made & it ended up being approved under Obama.

So, why do you morons think Bush wanted Solyndra approved?

The fact is that Solyndra had a better designed solar panel that was nor silicon based & silicon pricing was going up.

I love it when Republicans bitch about the stimulus bill. They totally ignore why we needed a stimulus in the first place.

Wrong. Bush seen problems with the company so he didn’t approve of giving them any money. Ears came along and approved it instead.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

You are a lying piece of shit. Or are you just stupid & uninformed?

Seven things you should know about Solyndra

Put down the gun & pick up a book.
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??
Kickbacks for his wealthy buddies that own construction companies?

5 billion for a border wall is nothing. Look at the real boondoggle democrats have created in California. In comparison 5 billion is nothing while Dems pretend to make a big deal about the money. Reality is they just dont want to give Trump anything.

So, you thnk we should waste 5 billion on a stupid wall because we spend that much money other places?

WE don;t want your stupid wall because it it would have little affect on illegal immigration.
Who told ewe dat?

For one, common sense. You don't need a 40' concrete wall.

Two, just about any article on border security.

Three, former border security experts under other administrations - none of which ever said we needed a 40' concrete wall.

I guess you think knows more about border security that all those people?
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??
Kickbacks for his wealthy buddies that own construction companies?
Ie solyndra
Ie stimulus bailout
Solyndra applied for government back loans under George W Bush. As Bush was leaving office in late 2008 & early Jan of 2009, he pushed to get this OKed. Their apllication was flawed & a correction was made & it ended up being approved under Obama.

So, why do you morons think Bush wanted Solyndra approved?

The fact is that Solyndra had a better designed solar panel that was nor silicon based & silicon pricing was going up.

I love it when Republicans bitch about the stimulus bill. They totally ignore why we needed a stimulus in the first place.
:tyroneweaver scratches head over this response"
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??
Kickbacks for his wealthy buddies that own construction companies?
Ie solyndra
Ie stimulus bailout
Solyndra applied for government back loans under George W Bush. As Bush was leaving office in late 2008 & early Jan of 2009, he pushed to get this OKed. Their apllication was flawed & a correction was made & it ended up being approved under Obama.

So, why do you morons think Bush wanted Solyndra approved?

The fact is that Solyndra had a better designed solar panel that was nor silicon based & silicon pricing was going up.

I love it when Republicans bitch about the stimulus bill. They totally ignore why we needed a stimulus in the first place.

Wrong. Bush seen problems with the company so he didn’t approve of giving them any money. Ears came along and approved it instead.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

You are a lying piece of shit. Or are you just stupid & uninformed?

Seven things you should know about Solyndra

Put down the gun & pick up a book.
Solyndra misled government to get $535M solar project loan: report
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??
Kickbacks for his wealthy buddies that own construction companies?

5 billion for a border wall is nothing. Look at the real boondoggle democrats have created in California. In comparison 5 billion is nothing while Dems pretend to make a big deal about the money. Reality is they just dont want to give Trump anything.

So, you thnk we should waste 5 billion on a stupid wall because we spend that much money other places?

WE don;t want your stupid wall because it it would have little affect on illegal immigration.

Stopping invaders, slowing down the drug flow, saving American lives is hardly what I call stupid. Last year our Border Patrol apprehended 130,000 people at the border, so besides being brainwashed by the MSM, what makes you think that a wall would have little effect on that problem?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

I said building Trumps stupid 40' concrete wall was stupid. Put down that gun & get an education.

First,. most illegal immigrants in this country did not cross the Mexican border away from a crossing point.

Second, there are things like ladders & tunnels & just going around the fence.

So why waste 5 billion on that Trump wall.

Why not spend it on replacing fences & building more fences, increasing border patrols, more money to go after those who stay beyond their VISAs, those that come hrre as tourists & stay, etc etc etc.

THAT is the fucking question.
You can post all the best arguments with credible links about visas and these POTUS apologists only hear you saying "The Wall is a waste cuz I hate DJT!" Folks, for starters, if you are really interested in border security and immigration reform, please think visas!

Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??
Kickbacks for his wealthy buddies that own construction companies?
Ie solyndra
Ie stimulus bailout
Solyndra applied for government back loans under George W Bush. As Bush was leaving office in late 2008 & early Jan of 2009, he pushed to get this OKed. Their apllication was flawed & a correction was made & it ended up being approved under Obama.

So, why do you morons think Bush wanted Solyndra approved?

The fact is that Solyndra had a better designed solar panel that was nor silicon based & silicon pricing was going up.

I love it when Republicans bitch about the stimulus bill. They totally ignore why we needed a stimulus in the first place.
:tyroneweaver scratches head over this response"
Not surprised

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