What Is The Democrat Party Vision For America?

Imagine living in a state where illegals run for office.

The political ramifications and (un)intended consequences of allowing this to go on are not far from civil war tier.

Meet the first DREAMer to run for office in New York

As long as they vote Democrat, nothing else matters to the Left.

"Kris Kobach: Illegal Alien Voter Fraud Is Not Rare
According to the mainstream media, the conviction of an illegal alien Mexican for multiple instances of unlawful voting was a one-off case — no reason for the citizens to worry their little heads about widespread foreigner voting. The no problema characterization was favored by the Obama administration of course because of its open-borders policies.


On the contrary, there is a real problem, according to Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who has investigated the crime locally. He discussed the results of his inquiries into voter fraud in Kansas on Monday with Fox News. The shockeroo headline: 18,000 illegal aliens registered to vote (or attempted to register) in Kansas, population 2.9 million."
Kris Kobach: Illegal Alien Voter Fraud Is Not Rare | illegal immigrant fraud | Limits to Growth

To prove that everything Democrats do is designed to increase their power, a rightwing pundit offered this suggestion:

Give amnesty to all the immigrants, as Democrats wish, but stipulate that they will not be allowed to vote for 25 years.

Why are no Democrats interested in this proposal?
7. Do the Democrats have a history of racists and traitors????

You betcha’ they do.

Clement Laird Vallandigham ( /vəˈlændɪɡəm/;[1] July 29, 1820 – June 17, 1871) was an Ohio politician and leader of the Copperhead faction of anti-war Democrats during the American Civil War…. Vallandigham anti-abolitionist.” Clement Vallandigham - Wikipedia

“At his front he had one enemy, the Confederates. At his back he had the Copperheads. In a rare display of concern, Lincoln confessed to a senator his fears about what he called “the fire in the rear.”

Ohio Democrats nominated Vallandigham as their candidate for governor. They hoped to capitalize on antipathy toward African Americans, and the centerpiece of their campaign was asking why white men were dying for the black race.

The Democrats believed this was a sure way to attract the soldier vote. They did not realize that the men of the Union armies had turned hard against the Peace Democrats—and the Democratic Party in general—earlier in the year.” Lincoln’s Critics: The Copperheads

“According to Harper’s Weekly, Vallandigham was relentless in his attacks. “He voted against every measure which was intended to enable the Government to prosecute the war, and did everything which ingenuity and malice could devise to hamper the Administration, weaken the country, comfort the enemy, and provoke foreign interference.” The Fire in the Rear: Clement Vallandigham and the Copperheads | HistoryNet

Does history repeat itself?
It sure does when it comes to Democrats.....
"....against every measure which was intended to enable the Government to prosecute the war, and did everything which ingenuity and malice could devise to hamper the Administration, weaken the country, comfort the enemy, and provoke foreign interference.”

Exactly what Trump is faced with on a daily basis.

More Democrat traitors?

Ted Kennedy…offered to ally with the Kremlin against the American President

Hussein Obama offered to be more ‘flexible’ toward Putin’s wishes

Hillary Clinton...sold our uranium for $145 million bribe.

One can hardly miss how similarly today’s Democrat Party, and their allies in the media and the intel agencies behave today.
"You want a vision of America for the Democrat Party?"

If 'you' is the specif 'you',,,meaning me.....no, I really don't.

I want the America we envisioned when we voted for President Trump.
What American vision is that? More government solutions? Do you realize that is what he is offering?

Yes, yes. I get the deregulation and tax cuts and keeping the progressives out of the SCOTUS. But really, given the budget he signed and his willingness to cave on issues regarding federal spending? Not a vision I want, which is why I did not vote for him.

Let Me see him reduce or eliminate a few branches of government and end spending dollars on foreign countries who hate us, and put an end to baseline budgeting.

I'll reconsider him then.

"Let Me see him reduce or eliminate a few branches of government ..."

Drain The Swamp: EPA Shed 1,200 Jobs In Trump’s First Year And A Half
Democrat vision....

How about a cocksucker Prez with a trans as first "lady?"

9. Saving the Union came first, before abolishing slavery…..
…but once Lincoln felt that he held the border states, and the war was able to be won, he revealed where he stood.
“Without slavery the rebellion could never have existed.”
Abraham Lincoln: Second Annual Message

“…we have a gigantic Rebellion, at the bottom of which is an effort to overthrow the principle that all men are created equal,…” Abraham Lincoln's Response to a Serenade on July 7, 1863

“…whether a government, established on the principles of human freedom, can be maintained against an effort to build one upon the exclusive foundation of human bondage.” Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 6.

Therein we see the difference between the Republicans, and the Democrats.
The dems believe everyone has equal ability and not equal opportunity. I hear a college add that uses this. It is absurd and backwards. I'm not going to be a professional athlete or cure cancer. The dems declare the American dream is dead every chance they get. They do not want people who can succeed to be able to. They punish success. This should tell you something.

The dems attack republican voters. Obama made fun of the religious and gun owners. Hillary went off the deep end and demonized conservative voters often. Then, they try to undo an election. Obama is the only president in history to actively oppose his predecessor. This should tell you something.

The previous administration supported Iran, and tried to ban Netenyahu from speaking to congress. They even messed with the Israeli elections. This should tell you something.
Is it the same as Lincoln's, or the Republican's?????
Let's explore exactly what that vision was....and is.

1. From the jump......
The Democrat Party requires an explanation more so than does Lincoln.
Lincoln was the first President from the party created to end slavery, and fight the Democrats to do it.
But for Lincoln and the Republicans, just as it was for the Founders, having the nation survive came first.

2.For the Democrats, the calculation was exactly the opposite: they wanted slavery to survive, and would have been perfectly happy to see two nations, one in the South, one in the North.

Today’s Democrat Party is identical in this view of America, as their desire for open borders, no borders, means the same thing: no America.

There can be no clearer statement of the Democrat intentions than the word of their candidate who ran against Lincoln:
Illinois Democrat Stephen Douglas, of the famous Lincoln-Douglas Debates. Northern Democrat Stephen Douglas made his feelings clear:

“Now, I do not believe that the Almighty ever intended the negro to be the equal of the white man. …. He belongs to an inferior race, and must always occupy an inferior position.

I believe this government was made on the white basis. I believe it was made by white men for the benefit of white men and their posterity for ever; and I am in favor of confining citizenship to white men, ….”
In the First Debate with Lincoln
In the First Debate with Lincoln by Stephen Arnold Douglas. America: II. (1818-1865). Vol. IX. Bryan, William Jennings, ed. 1906. The World's Famous Orations

And,...no....there never was any 'flip' of the racial policies of the two parties.

3.Due to the Democrat’s resistance to freeing their slaves, Lincoln had to make a calculation, a choice, between saving the Union, or freeing the slaves….leaving the latter for a later date.

Here’s the offer he made to the Democrats:
“As to the policy I "seem to be pursuing" as you say, I have not meant to leave any one in doubt.
I would save the Union.
If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them.

If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.

I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty; and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men every where could be free.” Abraham Lincoln's Letter to Horace Greeley

So, Lincoln would accede to the wishes of the Democrat Party to save America as a nation.

But…..there were two distinct and very different views in that Democrat Party.

It would appear that at least half the Founding Fathers believed as Stephen Douglas did.."I believe this government was made on the white basis. I believe it was made by white men for the benefit of white men and their posterity for ever; and I am in favor of confining citizenship to white men, ….”

However, you make the mistake of ignoring the flip of both political parties in general currently, and also of the agreements of bipartisanship on the issue a anti-slavery down thru the years.

Losing more democrats to trump. Lol

Kentucky voter registration stats say no. A ‘blue wave’? Kentucky voter registration stats say no

Evans is one of thousands of Kentucky voters who have switched their registrations to Republican in recent years. Since Trump took office in January 2017, Democrats have lost more than 2,500 registered voters statewide while Republicans have added more than 58,000. This year, for the first time in memory, Democrats fell below 50 percent of all registered voters in the state.
Uh oh.....
10. Lincoln knew the threat of what he called “the fire in the rear,” the racist Peace Democrats…..but he knew well that he needed to mollify the racist War Democrats.

Yet…..he alienated all of the racist party…..

The Emancipation Proclamation gave it away to the racist party.

Jennifer Weber writes in her book Copperheads, “Deeply racist Democrats who had supported the war when its only purpose was maintaining the Union jumped to the opposition when the confrontation became an effort to free the slaves.”
Weber, “Copperheads,” p 8

The Emancipation Proclamation united the racist Peace Democrats…..and the racist War Democrats.
Big hugs all around.

And….we have the modern Democrat Party.

Did I mention that the Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship?

Consider it mentioned.

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