What is the monetary system in Heaven?

Communism is also an ideal that has failed too many times to be thought viable.
Yes, attempts at utopian societies have failed due to human greed. It's like watching reality survival shows. But in the scenario of heaven, where everything is abundant and readily available, greed is unnecessary. In that scenario, communism is the form of economy. We help each other and share everything.
It's the ideal way to live. I don't understand why people have such a resistance to it, unless it's the brainwashing of the dirty word of communism...
Yes, attempts at utopian societies have failed due to human greed. It's like watching reality survival shows. But in the scenario of heaven, where everything is abundant and readily available, greed is unnecessary. In that scenario, communism is the form of economy. We help each other and share everything.
Which is why all attempts at utopianism will fail.

The perfect is the enemy of the good.
It's the ideal way to live. I don't understand why people have such a resistance to it, unless it's the brainwashing of the dirty word of communism...

Communism is a dirty word. The idea of an autocrat, whether its Stalin, Mao or Brandon telling people what to do and making them live in squalor has nothing to do with heaven.
Why would there be an economy at all?

Surely an imaginary place can function with no economy where all your needs are met by magic
ok, i'm on your side. But if there IS a heaven, then is it capitalistic or does everyone share as in communism?
ok, i'm on your side. But if there IS a heaven, then is it capitalistic or does everyone share as in communism?
Everyone gets all their heart's desire via magic.

No need to share at all, no need to accumulate capital at all

That's what makes it a fantasy world
Communism is a dirty word. The idea of an autocrat, whether its Stalin, Mao or Brandon telling people what to do and making them live in squalor has nothing to do with heaven.
ok, you have no fucking idea what I'm talking about. Scroll down to the bowels of the forum. Geez... i'm afraid to see what you've been posting, you sound stupid as shit...
if you believe in heaven, how does that economy roll? Is it capitalism, or is it communism?
I am reminded of a parable Jesus told. Three servants were given money according to their abilities. One servant did nothing with his. The second took the two coins given to him and made two more. The third took the five coins given to him and made five more.

The coin was taken from the one who made nothing and was given to the one who had made the most.

Remember, all coins still belonged to the master. The one who produced more was given more; the one who produced nothing had everything taken away. He was also cast out into the darkness where there was weeping.

I suggest that in heaven we are given according to our abilities and we are expected to produce. Yet all belongs to God. Shrug. Just a theory.
ding, I'm putting you on ignore, because you cannot control yourself, after 2 warnings, and I don't want to get banned again.
I'm controlling myself very well thank you very much. Maybe it's you who can't control himself.

You clearly have an external locus of control. That is not a good look.
Are u saying that the manner which people chose to live their daily lives was somehow like heaven is?
Not at all. I'm saying Paul bragged on those people for having an obviously communist society. Since much of what Paul said was the exact opposite of what Jesus said so many times, it's not clear which one we should consider to be right.
Jesus teaches us that the kingdom of heaven will be filled with those who lived their lives in active compassion and childlike innocence, while Paul envisions a heaven of crusty, serious "mature" grouches who merely have to profess "acceptance of" or "belief in" Jesus without ever actually performing a single kind, compassionate, cheerful or childishly playful deed.

In his last teaching before going to the upper room for the Last Supper and the "beginning of the end," Jesus described in Matt. 25:31-45 the final judgment as being based solely and entirely on behavioral responses to internalized compassion. And Jesus makes it very clear that those who DO express universal compassion in behavioral action WILL BE SAVED, and those who do not will NOT be saved. Period. There is no other qualification.
Since the streets are paved with gold I think that rules out Heaven being on a gold standard.
Jesus teaches us that the kingdom of heaven will be filled with those who lived their lives in active compassion and childlike innocence, while Paul envisions a heaven of crusty, serious "mature" grouches who merely have to profess "acceptance of" or "belief in" Jesus without ever actually performing a single kind, compassionate, cheerful or childishly playful deed.

In his last teaching before going to the upper room for the Last Supper and the "beginning of the end," Jesus described in Matt. 25:31-45 the final judgment as being based solely and entirely on behavioral responses to internalized compassion. And Jesus makes it very clear that those who DO express universal compassion in behavioral action WILL BE SAVED, and those who do not will NOT be saved. Period. There is no other qualification.
Besides Matt. 25:31-45 which other verses are you looking at to reach this conclusion?

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