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What is the monetary system in Heaven?

Of course never having been there u can't say that for sure-- unless ur basing that belief on the Sacred Text. Is there some Biblical quote that specifically says that? What we're working w/ are quotes like John 14:2---
What about Acts 2 : 44-47
Acts 2

44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common;

45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all [men], as every man had need.

46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
Heaven is a Communist state. Period. It is definitely not anything else, since we cannot bring anything with us. We're all equal. Free food.

If you have a tv, then I have a tv. If you have a clock radio, then maybe i cannot afford the clock radio....

But in Heaven? Yeah, I get the clock radio!!!
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What does that mean, or are you joking? Is the spot in heaven better, worse, or the same?
So, if you're rich on Earth, do you get a better spot in Heaven?

If you're poor, and pray hard, can you upgrade your status in Heaven?

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. - Matthew 19:24

If there is a Heaven, there is no monetary system. Think Star Trek, "We’ve overcome hunger and greed, and we’re no longer interested in the accumulation of things.”
Then, Heaven is Communist! That's all I'm trying to say. You people are hung up on the connotations of "Communism". It is a financial system, not a political system. The political system is called Socialism, and the goal is to get to Communism. That's their "heaven". But it can never happen because nobody ever wants to give up their power or wealth. So they just perpetually stay where they are. But Communism is a great thing if it can be achieved. And it has always failed in human trials due to greed. That's why it can only work in "heaven" if there is one... And if there is a "heaven", Communism is how they're living. There's no barter system, everything is for everyone. So... next time idiots bring up the word Communism or Communist remind them what it is really about, and how their afterlife will be under Communism.
You should probably focus more on the journey than the destination.
No, not really. I'm only asking about the economic system that would occur in Heaven. If there is one. It would be Communist. That's not a dirty word. It's actually a great word.... Most people are just programmed to think RUSSIA. But they were never Communist, nor are the Chinese. You're just brainwashed. It's an economic system where everyone shares everything. It's like what heaven would be...
No, not really. I'm only asking about the economic system that would occur in Heaven. If there is one. It would be Communist. That's not a dirty word. It's actually a great word.... Most people are just programmed to think RUSSIA. But they were never Communist, nor are the Chinese. You're just brainwashed. It's an economic system where everyone shares everything. It's like what heaven would be...
Cool story, bro. :rolleyes:
So some people try to insult me by calling me Communist. And I'm like, thanks! I wish I could be! But there is too much greed in this Capitalistic society to even contemplate what a sharing environment would be like. No money, no government, no religion. Lennon said it well.

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