What is the monetary system in Heaven?

Besides Matt. 25:31-45 which other verses are you looking at to reach this conclusion?
Been down that rode with you before. If you don't remember all the examples I have given in the past, look up the descrepencies between Jesus and Paul for yourself. you obviously haven't believed the scriptures I posted in the past.
Been down that rode with you before. If you don't remember all the examples I have given in the past, look up the descrepencies between Jesus and Paul for yourself. you obviously haven't believed the scriptures I posted in the past.
Meaning you have nothing.
You're very naive.
That's one of the stock answers I usually received from so called Christians when I asked about contradictions in the bible, along with "you need to pray about it more", "We aren't supposed to understand how God's mind works", and "the Holy Spirit will reveal it to you in his own time." None of those remarks ever answered a single question.
I was taught in heaven, everyone equal.
Hardly the circumstance, far from being a communist society, heaven is a Monarchy. As the scriptures point out, even in heaven the duty of the Christian is to be subservient to our Lord God. The scriptures declare that Heaven is a spiritual realm, a place where God exists as a Spirit, thus we will not have physical bodies but spiritual bodies and become like the angels. Even in heaven there are responsibilities as the duty of each is to serve the Lord God.

Heaven will be populated by the Holy Godhead, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost (Rev. 4:8), by holy angels (Luke 9:26) and the just, those who have been made perfect by the sacrificial blood of Christ and the Grace of God (Heb. 12:23) those made just by the church of the firstborn (Christ Jesus).

There will be no possibility of evil existing in heaven as all those renegades from God's righteousness will have been sentenced to hell (Matt. 25:41-46, 2 Thess. 1:7-9, Rev. 14:9-12, 21:8, 22:15)

There will be an atmosphere of extreme joy.........but heaven is still a place of responsibilities. "Gods servants shall serve Him......" -- Rev. 7:15 And they shall find joy in doing so.

There will be no need of money or marriage in heaven, as spiritual bodies are eternal and do not require reproduction to replenish, as pointed out by Christ (Matthew. 22:29-30).

Will there be memories in heaven? Only happy memories as the scriptures declare, "....God Himself will be among those in heaven and wipe away every tear........" -- Rev. 21:3-5

Will we know our loved ones? Of course the loved one's who are actually in heaven as stated in (Genesis 25:8) where we are told, at death, Abraham was gathered to his people.

When David's child died he realized that the child would never come back to him, but he could go to where his son would be. (2 Sam. 12:23)

There is a passage in (1 Thess. 4:13,14) that gives hope to those who have lost loved one's to death, that they could one day be reunited with them.

Again..........our bodies will be changed from corruptible flesh to incorruptible spirits, ".....in the twinkling of an eye......" 1 Cor. 15:52

But heaven will be nothing like a communist commune..........all will still bow and serve the Lord God, the Holy Monarch of Heaven, because after the Christ finally defeats death at the final judgment, the kingdom is turned back to the Father (1 Cor. 15:24
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Already did page before and in the thread

That was even less than what the atheist bulldog provided. Still not seeing it.
That was even less than what the atheist bulldog provided. Still not seeing it.
So Paul says a woman committing adultery surely won't enter the kingdom of heaven but Jesus says this in beginning of John 8:1

So Paul says a woman committing adultery surely won't enter the kingdom of heaven but Jesus says this in beginning of John 8:1

Is that it? Or is there more? Don't hold back. Lay it all out there.

And which verse was that specifically?
Is that it? Or is there more? Don't hold back. Lay it all out there.

And which verse was that specifically?
So now your playing dumb to hide the fact that Paul was just another Joseph Smith or Mohammad?

Even Peter implied that Paul was an idiot in 2 Peter 3:16
So now your playing dumb to hide the fact that Paul was just another Joseph Smith or Mohammad?

Even Peter implied that Paul was an idiot in 2 Peter 3:16
You haven't provided one single verse. Am I supposed to trust you on this, Brandon?
You know we have gone through the looking glass when Bulldog and Wyatt are on the same side. :lol:
You haven't provided one single verse. Am I supposed to trust you on this, Brandon?
I posted several, even the post your quoting.

Why are you hiding from me ding?

( must know I am in the mood to destroy a bible thumper)
I posted several, even the post your quoting.

Why are you hiding from me ding?

( must know I am in the mood to destroy a bible thumper)
I haven't seen a single one, Brandon. Maybe you can get Bulldog to share his with you.
You know we have gone through the looking glass when Bulldog and Wyatt are on the same side. :lol:
Bulldog and I want the same I guess from two different angles


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