What is the problem with issuing a federal ID to everyone and making Voter ID a law?

Va. voters have been using a photo I.D. for years without any problem. You almost have to gasp when racist democrats claim that Black people are unable or unwilling to obtain a photo I.D. in the 21'st century. Why do Black people stand for this racist stuff? The short answer is because it ain't about race, it's about politics. Va. Gov. Northam would have been long gone if he was a republican when it was revealed that he engaged in KKK follies while in college.
As long as ID are free and easy to get, I don't see how it should matter if required.
But I think vote by mail is better, in that it verifies address better.
Anyone could go in and get multiple fake IDs, but mail in is much harder to fake.
As the average American becomes poorer there is less money for even important items like the cost of i.d.'s etc. All the money the taxpayers spent on Trump's golf games could have went towards voter i.d. costs if trump and the republicans actually wanted the poor to have voter i.d. Ain't gonna happen. One link below about voter i.d.
So it's not enough that he donated 1.6 million dollars in salary back to the country and golfed for free on his own courses, now you want him to pay your way for an ID too. You are a lazy parasitic POS.
It's hard to say how much this trump character free loaded off the taxpayers but he did spend about a quarter of his 'presidency' golfing, unlike Biden, who takes this presidency job seriously. Why the insults? Can't do it in real life or you would get your ass kicked is my opinion.
Republicans always worry about voter fraud but they can't seem to come up with any voter fraud cases. Lots of the poor people can't come up with the money for all these i.d.'s etc. that republicans demand cuz they can't win elections any other way. We're a poor country actually and a fairly large percentage of our population is mostly broke and can't come up with money for every day life, much less these silly demands from republicans. One link below showing what Americans can't afford anymore. How about some examples of voter fraud, republicans. I know that this trump character is bitching about being cheated out of his presidency because of voter fraud but he himself can't prove it either.

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But I think vote by mail is better

From my experience, me too.

In all my years of voting the one time I had any trouble was in a local election that simply was over extending the term of our mayor from 2 years to 4 years. The proposal was shoot down a number of times before and even before the election I noticed a couple of fishy things. When I arrived at polling place and told I'm not on the voters roll and would have to submit a provisional ballot (even after I pulled out my voter ID card and drivers license). A few months later I received an apology note from election board saying sorry, my ballot should have been counted.

When the state offered no-excuse permanent mail-in voting I jumped on it. Last election I mailed my ballot the Tuesday after Columbus Day and by the end of the week went online and saw my ballot had been accepted. I certainly don't want to have any last minute surprises ever again. Once was enough.
Now poor blacks can afford it.

It has nothing to do with ‘poor blacks.’

It has to do with older voters of color who lack the required documentation altogether, having nothing to do with income.

It was common during segregation and Jim Crow that black newborns were not issued state-sanctioned birth certificates; older citizens of color would register to vote using family or church records, which were acceptable at the time.

Voter ‘fraud’ by identity theft is rare as to be virtually non-existent, rendering requiring an ID each time a voter votes to be an unwarranted burden to the right to vote.

The right’s wrongheaded advocacy for voter ID laws has everything to do with suppressing the votes of minorities and nothing to do with preventing voter ‘fraud.’
The reason they won't go get a state ID is because they have warrants out for failure to pay child support. And likely a host of other things. They're afraid to go aplly for one because they think they'll get thrown in the hole.

Get real about it for a change.

I can't even begin to count how many black males I've had to let go or couldn't hire because they didn't have a license or ID. And it was always for the same reason. Court related stuff.
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
What's the problem with issuing federal licensing for gun ownership?
its a constitutional right and not subject to a license,,,
So is voting.
no its not,, it took a congressional vote to get to vote..they can vote to take it away,. the 2nd comes from our humanity and cant be voted on legally,,

The 2nd was voted on as an amendment, and can be voted on to be amended.

That's why it's called an amendment, and not an entitlement.

Which means it can be voted to take away.

The 15th amendment, 19th amendment, and 26th amendment, are just as sacrosanct as the 2nd amendment, and can also be amended.

There is nothing special at all about the 2nd amendment, than any other amendment in the Constitution.

In theory, the Constitution can be amended to repeal the Second Amendment.
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
What's the problem with issuing federal licensing for gun ownership?
its a constitutional right and not subject to a license,,,
So is voting.
no its not,, it took a congressional vote to get to vote..they can vote to take it away,. the 2nd comes from our humanity and cant be voted on legally,,

The 2nd was voted on as an amendment, and can be voted on to be amended.

That's why it's called an amendment, and not an entitlement.

Which means it can be voted to take away.

The 15th amendment, 19th amendment, and 26th amendment, are just as sacrosanct as the 2nd amendment, and can also be amended.

There is nothing special at all about the 2nd amendment, than any other amendment in the Constitution.

In theory, the Constitution can be amended to repeal the Second Amendment.
total different process than taking away voting rights, because its not a right but a privilege given by government,,
the can remove the second but its still a right because self defense is a natural right,, voting isnt,,
Va. voters have been using a photo I.D. for years without any problem. You almost have to gasp when racist democrats claim that Black people are unable or unwilling to obtain a photo I.D. in the 21'st century. Why do Black people stand for this racist stuff? The short answer is because it ain't about race, it's about politics. Va. Gov. Northam would have been long gone if he was a republican when it was revealed that he engaged in KKK follies while in college.

Hey.....black Americans support a political party that controls the public school system....a school system that refuses to educate black children, graduates them without the ability to do basic math or read, and they vote democrat over 95%........black Americans seem to stand for all the racism from the democrat party, including where it destroys the lives of their children.....
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
What's the problem with issuing federal licensing for gun ownership?
its a constitutional right and not subject to a license,,,
So is voting.
no its not,, it took a congressional vote to get to vote..they can vote to take it away,. the 2nd comes from our humanity and cant be voted on legally,,

The 2nd was voted on as an amendment, and can be voted on to be amended.

That's why it's called an amendment, and not an entitlement.

Which means it can be voted to take away.

The 15th amendment, 19th amendment, and 26th amendment, are just as sacrosanct as the 2nd amendment, and can also be amended.

There is nothing special at all about the 2nd amendment, than any other amendment in the Constitution.

In theory, the Constitution can be amended to repeal the Second Amendment.

No, it can't....the Rights in the Bill of Rights are not dependent on the Constitution, they were not created by the Constitution, they exist outside of the Constitution.....you nit wit...
A national ID card would be the end of freedom in America as we know it and it would turn the constitution upside down.
Actually not.

‘Although the Elections Clause makes states primarily responsible for regulating congressional elections, it vests ultimate power in Congress. Congress may pass federal laws regulating congressional elections that automatically displace (“preempt”) any contrary state statutes, or enact its own regulations concerning those aspects of elections that states may not have addressed. The Framers of the Constitution were concerned that states might establish unfair election procedures or attempt to undermine the national government by refusing to hold elections for Congress. They empowered Congress to step in and regulate such elections as a self-defense mechanism.’

Of course, that something might be Constitutional doesn’t mean it’s warranted, or that it doesn’t undermine individual liberty – such as a Federal ID document.
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
What's the problem with issuing federal licensing for gun ownership?
its a constitutional right and not subject to a license,,,
So is voting.
no its not,, it took a congressional vote to get to vote..they can vote to take it away,. the 2nd comes from our humanity and cant be voted on legally,,

The 2nd was voted on as an amendment, and can be voted on to be amended.

That's why it's called an amendment, and not an entitlement.

Which means it can be voted to take away.

The 15th amendment, 19th amendment, and 26th amendment, are just as sacrosanct as the 2nd amendment, and can also be amended.

There is nothing special at all about the 2nd amendment, than any other amendment in the Constitution.

In theory, the Constitution can be amended to repeal the Second Amendment.
total different process than taking away voting rights, because its not a right but a privilege given by government,,
the can remove the second but its still a right because self defense is a natural right,, voting isnt,,
That's odd, the constitution refers to both as rights.

"Natural rights" BTW are pseudo-intellectualism bullshit.
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
What's the problem with issuing federal licensing for gun ownership?
its a constitutional right and not subject to a license,,,
So is voting.
no its not,, it took a congressional vote to get to vote..they can vote to take it away,. the 2nd comes from our humanity and cant be voted on legally,,

The 2nd was voted on as an amendment, and can be voted on to be amended.

That's why it's called an amendment, and not an entitlement.

Which means it can be voted to take away.

The 15th amendment, 19th amendment, and 26th amendment, are just as sacrosanct as the 2nd amendment, and can also be amended.

There is nothing special at all about the 2nd amendment, than any other amendment in the Constitution.

In theory, the Constitution can be amended to repeal the Second Amendment.
total different process than taking away voting rights, because its not a right but a privilege given by government,,
the can remove the second but its still a right because self defense is a natural right,, voting isnt,,
That's odd, the constitution refers to both as rights.

"Natural rights" BTW are pseudo-intellectualism bullshit.
one of them is a lie,, a right doesnt require another persons input or participation,,,
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
What's the problem with issuing federal licensing for gun ownership?
its a constitutional right and not subject to a license,,,
So is voting.
no its not,, it took a congressional vote to get to vote..they can vote to take it away,. the 2nd comes from our humanity and cant be voted on legally,,

The 2nd was voted on as an amendment, and can be voted on to be amended.

That's why it's called an amendment, and not an entitlement.

Which means it can be voted to take away.

The 15th amendment, 19th amendment, and 26th amendment, are just as sacrosanct as the 2nd amendment, and can also be amended.

There is nothing special at all about the 2nd amendment, than any other amendment in the Constitution.

In theory, the Constitution can be amended to repeal the Second Amendment.

That theory is wrong.....

From the Heller decision.....

We look to this because it has always been widely understood that the Second Amendment, like the First and Fourth Amendments, codified a pre-existing right.

The very text of the Second Amendment implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and declares only that it “shall not be infringed.”

As we said in United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, 553 (1876), “[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed . . . .”16
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
What's the problem with issuing federal licensing for gun ownership?
its a constitutional right and not subject to a license,,,
So is voting.
no its not,, it took a congressional vote to get to vote..they can vote to take it away,. the 2nd comes from our humanity and cant be voted on legally,,

The 2nd was voted on as an amendment, and can be voted on to be amended.

That's why it's called an amendment, and not an entitlement.

Which means it can be voted to take away.

The 15th amendment, 19th amendment, and 26th amendment, are just as sacrosanct as the 2nd amendment, and can also be amended.

There is nothing special at all about the 2nd amendment, than any other amendment in the Constitution.

In theory, the Constitution can be amended to repeal the Second Amendment.
total different process than taking away voting rights, because its not a right but a privilege given by government,,
the can remove the second but its still a right because self defense is a natural right,, voting isnt,,
That's odd, the constitution refers to both as rights.

"Natural rights" BTW are pseudo-intellectualism bullshit.
one of them is a lie,, a right doesnt require another persons input or participation,,,
Bullshit. Your "rights" are a product of your society. Nothing "natural" about it.
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
What's the problem with issuing federal licensing for gun ownership?
its a constitutional right and not subject to a license,,,
So is voting.
no its not,, it took a congressional vote to get to vote..they can vote to take it away,. the 2nd comes from our humanity and cant be voted on legally,,

The 2nd was voted on as an amendment, and can be voted on to be amended.

That's why it's called an amendment, and not an entitlement.

Which means it can be voted to take away.

The 15th amendment, 19th amendment, and 26th amendment, are just as sacrosanct as the 2nd amendment, and can also be amended.

There is nothing special at all about the 2nd amendment, than any other amendment in the Constitution.

In theory, the Constitution can be amended to repeal the Second Amendment.
total different process than taking away voting rights, because its not a right but a privilege given by government,,
the can remove the second but its still a right because self defense is a natural right,, voting isnt,,
That's odd, the constitution refers to both as rights.

"Natural rights" BTW are pseudo-intellectualism bullshit.
one of them is a lie,, a right doesnt require another persons input or participation,,,
Bullshit. Your "rights" are a product of your society. Nothing "natural" about it.
so self defense isnt a natural right of all gods creatures???

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