What is the problem with issuing a federal ID to everyone and making Voter ID a law?

No, a birth certificate is not a federal ID.
Depends on where you were born. A US citizen, born abroad, has a state department issued birth certificate which is a federal ID.
It's also not a sufficient ID for much more than getting a picture ID
I used my state department issued birth certificate to obtain a passport which is about the most comprehensive ID that you can have.
Don't we already have a federal ID? It's called a Social Security Number, and virtually everyone that is eligible to vote has one or can get one for free.

Yes, but a Social Security card has nothing on it really to prove that the person holding it is the person named on it.
A social security card, as is stated upon its face, is not ID.
No, a birth certificate is not a federal ID.
Depends on where you were born. A US citizen, born abroad, has a state department issued birth certificate which is a federal ID.
It's also not a sufficient ID for much more than getting a picture ID
I used my state department issued birth certificate to obtain a passport which is about the most comprehensive ID that you can have.

Well, yes, that's kind of what I was referring to. A birth certificate is primarily used as ID when you're getting a better form of ID.
No, a birth certificate is not a federal ID.
Depends on where you were born. A US citizen, born abroad, has a state department issued birth certificate which is a federal ID.
It's also not a sufficient ID for much more than getting a picture ID
I used my state department issued birth certificate to obtain a passport which is about the most comprehensive ID that you can have.

A birth certificate has to be shown as part of the process of getting a passport, but is NOT the only thing used.
The passport takes a few weeks because research is done to verify you with other means, such as through the post office, IRS, FBI, etc.
Isn't a birth certificate a federal ID. Which grants citizenship based on the definitions that the government sets. There is also certificates of citizenship and naturalization. Passports are used to get back into the country. Do not see how federal ID would matter and just be another document than will be forged by those looking to make a quick profit.

Voter ID is a state issue. They manage the vote process. If the federal government needs to do something then they need to regulate how voting should occur so that states all have the same requirements instead of what the local favor is that is subjected to different interpretations.

No, a birth certificate is not a federal ID. Have you never looked at your own birth certificate? It was issued by your county of birth. It's also not a sufficient ID for much more than getting a picture ID (and even then, you have to produce a second form of ID with it) or enrolling in school.

well it is not a federal ID because there is none. IT is used for identification purposes . It is one of the things used to get a passport which is issued by the government and the closest thing to a federal ID. It proves citizenship and baring any other issues, that they have the right to vote.
There really is no point to a federal ID because the feds don't really need one, so don't have that explicit power.
Voting is done by states, not federal government, so a federal ID would have no relevance for voting purposes.
And there are lots of people who are not citizens who have the right to be here.
Native Americans, Mexicans who own land here that became US territory, those with visas, diplomatic or otherwise, etc.

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