What is the problem with issuing a federal ID to everyone and making Voter ID a law?

We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
What's the problem with issuing federal licensing for gun ownership?
its a constitutional right and not subject to a license,,,
So is voting.
no its not,, it took a congressional vote to get to vote..they can vote to take it away,. the 2nd comes from our humanity and cant be voted on legally,,

The 2nd was voted on as an amendment, and can be voted on to be amended.

That's why it's called an amendment, and not an entitlement.

Which means it can be voted to take away.

The 15th amendment, 19th amendment, and 26th amendment, are just as sacrosanct as the 2nd amendment, and can also be amended.

There is nothing special at all about the 2nd amendment, than any other amendment in the Constitution.

In theory, the Constitution can be amended to repeal the Second Amendment.

That theory is wrong.....

From the Heller decision.....

We look to this because it has always been widely understood that the Second Amendment, like the First and Fourth Amendments, codified a pre-existing right.

The very text of the Second Amendment implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and declares only that it “shall not be infringed.”

As we said in United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, 553 (1876), “[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed . . . .”16
Same language is used in several voting rights amendment.

And it always cracks me up when you imply god gave you the right to own guns.
self defense dumbass,, thats why the 2nd doesnt mention guns,,
Oh, the second amendment isn't about guns? Well that's a relief. Bring on the gun control!
its about anything that can be used against you which includes guns dumbass,,,
"Anything which.can be used against you"?

So it's about my right to keep and bear a big stick?

And where's my Abrams?
I support you having both,,
Bullshit. You do not support your neighbor having weapons of war like modern main battle tanks.
of course I do,,
Then you're even more brain damaged than I thought you were.
opinions vary,, you voted to have joe biden have nuclear weapons,,,
Ah, a deflection. A sure sign you were bluffing.
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
What's the problem with issuing federal licensing for gun ownership?
its a constitutional right and not subject to a license,,,
So is voting.
no its not,, it took a congressional vote to get to vote..they can vote to take it away,. the 2nd comes from our humanity and cant be voted on legally,,

The 2nd was voted on as an amendment, and can be voted on to be amended.

That's why it's called an amendment, and not an entitlement.

Which means it can be voted to take away.

The 15th amendment, 19th amendment, and 26th amendment, are just as sacrosanct as the 2nd amendment, and can also be amended.

There is nothing special at all about the 2nd amendment, than any other amendment in the Constitution.

In theory, the Constitution can be amended to repeal the Second Amendment.

That theory is wrong.....

From the Heller decision.....

We look to this because it has always been widely understood that the Second Amendment, like the First and Fourth Amendments, codified a pre-existing right.

The very text of the Second Amendment implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and declares only that it “shall not be infringed.”

As we said in United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, 553 (1876), “[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed . . . .”16
Same language is used in several voting rights amendment.

And it always cracks me up when you imply god gave you the right to own guns.
self defense dumbass,, thats why the 2nd doesnt mention guns,,
Oh, the second amendment isn't about guns? Well that's a relief. Bring on the gun control!
its about anything that can be used against you which includes guns dumbass,,,
"Anything which.can be used against you"?

So it's about my right to keep and bear a big stick?

And where's my Abrams?
I support you having both,,
Bullshit. You do not support your neighbor having weapons of war like modern main battle tanks.
of course I do,,
Then you're even more brain damaged than I thought you were.
opinions vary,, you voted to have joe biden have nuclear weapons,,,
Ah, a deflection. A sure sign you were bluffing.
youre the one deflecting that you voted for a mentally ill war monger to have nuclear weapons,,
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
Not a problem as long as it's free....can't charge if you use it for voting. That would make it a poll tax.
total different process than taking away voting rights, because its not a right but a privilege given by government,,
the can remove the second but its still a right because self defense is a natural right,, voting isnt,,

Voting is in fact a fundamental right codified and safeguarded by the Constitution:

‘In the 1972 decision in Dunn v. Blumstein, Justice Marshall stated, “In decision after decision, this Court has made clear that a citizen has a constitutionally protected right to participate in elections on an equal basis with other citizens in the jurisdiction.” And again in the 1974 Richardson v. Ramirez case, Justice Rehnquist wrote: “Because the right to vote ‘is of the essence of a democratic society, and any restrictions on that right strike at the heart of representative government,’… voting is a ‘fundamental’ right.”’

That’s why voter ID laws are an unwarranted burden on the right to vote and repugnant to the Constitution.
As long as ID are free and easy to get, I don't see how it should matter if required.
It should matter because there’s no indication as to what constitutes ‘easy to get’ – again, many older voters of color in the South lack a state-sanctioned birth certificate or similar documentation.

It should matter because there’s no justification for such an ID, as voter ‘fraud’ by identity theft is a myth.

It should matter because it’s a bad-faith effort by the partisan right to disenfranchise older voters of color perceived to be likely Democratic voters.

It should matter because this is yet another example of government excess and overreach by conservatives, the authoritarian right’s desire to establish and maintain minority rule.
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
What's the problem with issuing federal licensing for gun ownership?
its a constitutional right and not subject to a license,,,
So is voting.
no its not,, it took a congressional vote to get to vote..they can vote to take it away,. the 2nd comes from our humanity and cant be voted on legally,,

The 2nd was voted on as an amendment, and can be voted on to be amended.

That's why it's called an amendment, and not an entitlement.

Which means it can be voted to take away.

The 15th amendment, 19th amendment, and 26th amendment, are just as sacrosanct as the 2nd amendment, and can also be amended.

There is nothing special at all about the 2nd amendment, than any other amendment in the Constitution.

In theory, the Constitution can be amended to repeal the Second Amendment.

That theory is wrong.....

From the Heller decision.....

We look to this because it has always been widely understood that the Second Amendment, like the First and Fourth Amendments, codified a pre-existing right.

The very text of the Second Amendment implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and declares only that it “shall not be infringed.”

As we said in United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, 553 (1876), “[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed . . . .”16
Same language is used in several voting rights amendment.

And it always cracks me up when you imply god gave you the right to own guns.
self defense dumbass,, thats why the 2nd doesnt mention guns,,
Oh, the second amendment isn't about guns? Well that's a relief. Bring on the gun control!
its about anything that can be used against you which includes guns dumbass,,,
"Anything which.can be used against you"?

So it's about my right to keep and bear a big stick?

And where's my Abrams?
I support you having both,,
Bullshit. You do not support your neighbor having weapons of war like modern main battle tanks.

Why shouldnt his neighbor have a tank?
total different process than taking away voting rights, because its not a right but a privilege given by government,,
the can remove the second but its still a right because self defense is a natural right,, voting isnt,,

Voting is in fact a fundamental right codified and safeguarded by the Constitution:

‘In the 1972 decision in Dunn v. Blumstein, Justice Marshall stated, “In decision after decision, this Court has made clear that a citizen has a constitutionally protected right to participate in elections on an equal basis with other citizens in the jurisdiction.” And again in the 1974 Richardson v. Ramirez case, Justice Rehnquist wrote: “Because the right to vote ‘is of the essence of a democratic society, and any restrictions on that right strike at the heart of representative government,’… voting is a ‘fundamental’ right.”’

That’s why voter ID laws are an unwarranted burden on the right to vote and repugnant to the Constitution.
once again youre confusing a constitutional right with a natural right, which is what the 2nd is,,

congess voted to give voting rights and they can vote to take them away,,
As the average American becomes poorer there is less money for even important items like the cost of i.d.'s etc. All the money the taxpayers spent on Trump's golf games could have went towards voter i.d. costs if trump and the republicans actually wanted the poor to have voter i.d. Ain't gonna happen. One link below about voter i.d.
So it's not enough that he donated 1.6 million dollars in salary back to the country and golfed for free on his own courses, now you want him to pay your way for an ID too. You are a lazy parasitic POS.

He didn't donate anything back to the country, and his golfing bilked tax payers of over $141 Million, of which he spent a full quarter of his one term in office.

The most lazy and pathetic POS President in history.

Fortunately, the indictments and civil suits are well underway, and he will be paying out a lot more of his ill gotten gains. Which is the only way the POS has ever gained anything in his worthless life.
You are an ignorant moron. Trump took no salary--annual salary for a POTUS is a little over 400K, times 4 is 1.6 million, dumb ass. That is a well known FACT. So STFU.
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
it should be state run only,, the fed have no constitutional authority,,,

I am fine with that. Every state issue a free ID.

Another thing we should do? After you vote, they should have you dip your finger in a die, to have physical proof that you already voted....just like we did with the elections in Afghanistan.......the democrats cheat too much already, anything we can do to secure legal votes is a plus....

Why do we have to die after voting?
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
What's the problem with issuing federal licensing for gun ownership?
its a constitutional right and not subject to a license,,,
So is voting.
no its not,, it took a congressional vote to get to vote..they can vote to take it away,. the 2nd comes from our humanity and cant be voted on legally,,

The 2nd was voted on as an amendment, and can be voted on to be amended.

That's why it's called an amendment, and not an entitlement.

Which means it can be voted to take away.

The 15th amendment, 19th amendment, and 26th amendment, are just as sacrosanct as the 2nd amendment, and can also be amended.

There is nothing special at all about the 2nd amendment, than any other amendment in the Constitution.

In theory, the Constitution can be amended to repeal the Second Amendment.

That theory is wrong.....

From the Heller decision.....

We look to this because it has always been widely understood that the Second Amendment, like the First and Fourth Amendments, codified a pre-existing right.

The very text of the Second Amendment implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and declares only that it “shall not be infringed.”

As we said in United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, 553 (1876), “[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed . . . .”16
Same language is used in several voting rights amendment.

And it always cracks me up when you imply god gave you the right to own guns.
self defense dumbass,, thats why the 2nd doesnt mention guns,,
Oh, the second amendment isn't about guns? Well that's a relief. Bring on the gun control!
its about anything that can be used against you which includes guns dumbass,,,
"Anything which.can be used against you"?

So it's about my right to keep and bear a big stick?

And where's my Abrams?
I support you having both,,
Bullshit. You do not support your neighbor having weapons of war like modern main battle tanks.
of course I do,,
Then you're even more brain damaged than I thought you were.
opinions vary,, you voted to have joe biden have nuclear weapons,,,
Ah, a deflection. A sure sign you were bluffing.
youre the one deflecting that you voted for a mentally ill war monger to have nuclear weapons,,
No matter the side we are on, those interested in freedom are being herded into a smaller and smaller area. Identification is needed for reliable and truthful voting and the same identification can be used as another step to tyranny. Recognizing political traitors who have taken our rights away over many decades is a failure we voters have let happen.
As the average American becomes poorer there is less money for even important items like the cost of i.d.'s etc. All the money the taxpayers spent on Trump's golf games could have went towards voter i.d. costs if trump and the republicans actually wanted the poor to have voter i.d. Ain't gonna happen. One link below about voter i.d.
So it's not enough that he donated 1.6 million dollars in salary back to the country and golfed for free on his own courses, now you want him to pay your way for an ID too. You are a lazy parasitic POS.

He didn't donate anything back to the country, and his golfing bilked tax payers of over $141 Million, of which he spent a full quarter of his one term in office.

The most lazy and pathetic POS President in history.

Fortunately, the indictments and civil suits are well underway, and he will be paying out a lot more of his ill gotten gains. Which is the only way the POS has ever gained anything in his worthless life.

Why do you lie? Does it give you a woody?
The problem is doesn't give the Democrats as much of an opportunity to steal elections with the scam of unverified ballots in Democrat controlled districts.
As the average American becomes poorer there is less money for even important items like the cost of i.d.'s etc. All the money the taxpayers spent on Trump's golf games could have went towards voter i.d. costs if trump and the republicans actually wanted the poor to have voter i.d. Ain't gonna happen. One link below about voter i.d.
So it's not enough that he donated 1.6 million dollars in salary back to the country and golfed for free on his own courses, now you want him to pay your way for an ID too. You are a lazy parasitic POS.
It's hard to say how much this trump character free loaded off the taxpayers but he did spend about a quarter of his 'presidency' golfing, unlike Biden, who takes this presidency job seriously. Why the insults? Can't do it in real life or you would get your ass kicked is my opinion.
Your myopia is astounding--No problem with Kameltoe bilking the taxpayers for the cost of HER book to give to illegal aliens. You also have no problem with the fact that CCP Joe has been virtually invisible for the last year--either in his basement playing Mario Kart or avoiding press. As far as insults go--they're not insults when they're true. Re: your opinion, it is noted and I guess you'll never know big man.
A federal ID would help law enforcement. Everybody stopped by the police would be expected to show proof of who they are.
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.

Problem # 1. Just think of the massive amount of resources it would take to process picture IDs for millions of Americans.

Problem # 2. I doubt that the Republicans in swing states would like the idea of all the people who they don't want to vote to suddenly have IDs that would allow them to vote.

Problem # 3. Considering conservatives' paranoia regarding the federal gov't, they might not be so inclined to get a federal ID.

Problem #3. & #4. might be a good enough reason to support the idea. Imagine the irony of conservatives not being able to vote due to their unwillingness to get a federal ID while minorities and liberals get to vote in droves!

Lets do it!!!
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
What's the problem with issuing federal licensing for gun ownership?
its a constitutional right and not subject to a license,,,
So is voting.
no its not,, it took a congressional vote to get to vote..they can vote to take it away,. the 2nd comes from our humanity and cant be voted on legally,,

The 2nd was voted on as an amendment, and can be voted on to be amended.

That's why it's called an amendment, and not an entitlement.

Which means it can be voted to take away.

The 15th amendment, 19th amendment, and 26th amendment, are just as sacrosanct as the 2nd amendment, and can also be amended.

There is nothing special at all about the 2nd amendment, than any other amendment in the Constitution.

In theory, the Constitution can be amended to repeal the Second Amendment.

That theory is wrong.....

From the Heller decision.....

We look to this because it has always been widely understood that the Second Amendment, like the First and Fourth Amendments, codified a pre-existing right.

The very text of the Second Amendment implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and declares only that it “shall not be infringed.”

As we said in United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, 553 (1876), “[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed . . . .”16
Same language is used in several voting rights amendment.

And it always cracks me up when you imply god gave you the right to own guns.
self defense dumbass,, thats why the 2nd doesnt mention guns,,

Yeah it does. "arms" is defined as "weapons and munitions" and guns are "munitions", but since you believe it doesn't cover guns, I'm all for that.

You'll still be able to arm yourself with a knife, crossbow, or slingshot, so you'll still be able to "bear arms". Just not semi-automatic weapons, handguns, or other people killers. Single shot rifles, shotguns, and other hunting guns yes.
youre showing your ignorance again,, but since your an ignorant canadian that let your government take away your guns and then let chinese troops into your country with their guns its understandable,,

I must have missed those armed Chinese troops you speak of. The only armed troops who have ever entered Canada were the US Military in the War of 1812. The USA is the only nation in the world which has attacked Canada.

I also missed the part where the government took my guns. Oh wait. They didn't. My daughter still has her varmint rifle. My brother owned his hunting guns until the day he died. My uncle was still able to commit suicide by shotgun.

Stupid, uninformed and conservative is no way to go through life, son. I guess this means you're going to call me a "skank" again.
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.

Problem # 1. Just think of the massive amount of resources it would take to process picture IDs for millions of Americans.

Problem # 2. I doubt that the Republicans in swing states would like the idea of all the people who they don't want to vote to suddenly have IDs that would allow them to vote.

Problem # 3. Considering conservatives' paranoia regarding the federal gov't, they might not be so inclined to get a federal ID.

Problem #3. & #4. might be a good enough reason to support the idea. Imagine the irony of conservatives not being able to vote due to their unwillingness to get a federal ID while minorities and liberals get to vote in droves!

Lets do it!!!

So your solution is no ID to vote. What about to purchase a firearm?
We are spending trillions of dollars on these stimulus bills. Why not take some of it and issue everyone a federal ID?

Now poor blacks can afford it.
What's the problem with issuing federal licensing for gun ownership?
its a constitutional right and not subject to a license,,,
So is voting.
no its not,, it took a congressional vote to get to vote..they can vote to take it away,. the 2nd comes from our humanity and cant be voted on legally,,

The 2nd was voted on as an amendment, and can be voted on to be amended.

That's why it's called an amendment, and not an entitlement.

Which means it can be voted to take away.

The 15th amendment, 19th amendment, and 26th amendment, are just as sacrosanct as the 2nd amendment, and can also be amended.

There is nothing special at all about the 2nd amendment, than any other amendment in the Constitution.

In theory, the Constitution can be amended to repeal the Second Amendment.

That theory is wrong.....

From the Heller decision.....

We look to this because it has always been widely understood that the Second Amendment, like the First and Fourth Amendments, codified a pre-existing right.

The very text of the Second Amendment implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and declares only that it “shall not be infringed.”

As we said in United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, 553 (1876), “[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed . . . .”16
Same language is used in several voting rights amendment.

And it always cracks me up when you imply god gave you the right to own guns.
self defense dumbass,, thats why the 2nd doesnt mention guns,,

Yeah it does. "arms" is defined as "weapons and munitions" and guns are "munitions", but since you believe it doesn't cover guns, I'm all for that.

You'll still be able to arm yourself with a knife, crossbow, or slingshot, so you'll still be able to "bear arms". Just not semi-automatic weapons, handguns, or other people killers. Single shot rifles, shotguns, and other hunting guns yes.
youre showing your ignorance again,, but since your an ignorant canadian that let your government take away your guns and then let chinese troops into your country with their guns its understandable,,

I must have missed those armed Chinese troops you speak of. The only armed troops who have ever entered Canada were the US Military in the War of 1812. The USA is the only nation in the world which has attacked Canada.

I also missed the part where the government took my guns. Oh wait. They didn't. My daughter still has her varmint rifle. My brother owned his hunting guns until the day he died. My uncle was still able to commit suicide by shotgun.

Stupid, uninformed and conservative is no way to go through life, son. I guess this means you're going to call me a "skank" again.
yeah a varmint gun will do you a lot of good against a rogue government or a group of rapists,,

you should read the trade agreement you guys signed a few yrs back, it allows china to bring in troops for what ever reason they see fit,,

and theres also this

and I'm not a conservative sweetie,,

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