It has no purpose.

Why do you think so? More concrete: How do you explain "existance"? The universe is the background of our existance. Somehow we are the universe on our own. We could not exist without this extremly gigantic universe.

You're right, we probably couldn't exist without this universe.
Why does that mean that the universe has purpose?

Are you suggesting that the universe exists to support us?

Beings that know and create are the pinnacle of creation. What else would it have been created for?

The arrogance of humans assuming that the universe exists to support them makes no difference to the doesn't care.

Let me ask it to you this way... if we start from the position that it was created for something, given you vast study of the universe, what do you believe it was created for?
The universe is about 13.8 billion years old and the size is about 46.6 billion lightyears.
Don't you mean 27.6 billion lightyears across? Otherwise, how did you get to 46.6?

Source: Beobachtbares Universum – Wikipedia
Der Beobachtungshorizont oder auch Partikelhorizont begrenzt den Teil des Universums, von dem uns seit dem Urknall Informationen erreicht haben können.

Die heutige Entfernung bis zum Beobachtungshorizont ist jedoch nicht (wie häufig fälschlicherweise beschrieben) durch das
Alter des Universums (13,80 ± 0,04 Milliarden Jahre) multipliziert mit der Lichtgeschwindigkeit gegeben, also nicht 13,8 Milliarden Lichtjahre, sondern ist größer. Sie wird aktuell im Rahmen des Urknall-Standardmodells auf ca. 46,6 Milliarden Lichtjahre beziffert.[1] Es ist nämlich zu berücksichtigen, dass sich das Universum weiter ausgedehnt hat, während sich das Licht vom Beobachtungshorizont zur Erde bewegte, d. h., bereits zurückgelegte Strecken sind nachträglich länger geworden.[2] Die entferntesten Objekte, deren Licht wir heute wahrnehmen können, befanden sich zu der Zeit, als sie dieses Licht aussandten, in einer Entfernung von gerade einmal 40 Millionen Lichtjahren zur Erde – kaum näher als der damalige Ereignishorizont. Heute trennen uns von diesen Objekten die besagten 46,6 Milliarden Lichtjahre. Da sie aber schon seit langer Zeit den Ereignishorizont überschritten haben, gibt es keine Möglichkeit, jemals etwas über die derzeitigen Vorgänge in dieser Entfernung zu erfahren. Das Verhältnis dieser Entfernungen ist der Faktor der Expansion des Universums über diesen Zeitraum und zugleich die Rotverschiebung.

Oft wird auch die gleichwertige, umgekehrte Betrachtung zur Definition benutzt: Der Partikelhorizont ist dann die Kugeloberfläche, bis zu der lichtschnelle Strahlung vorgedrungen wäre, wenn sie an unserem Standpunkt unmittelbar nach dem Urknall ausgesendet worden wäre und sich ungehindert hätte ausbreiten können.

Don't make me get my daughter to translate this.
The universe is about 13.8 billion years old and the size is about 46.6 billion lightyears.
Don't you mean 27.6 billion lightyears across? Otherwise, how did you get to 46.6?

Source: Beobachtbares Universum – Wikipedia
Der Beobachtungshorizont oder auch Partikelhorizont begrenzt den Teil des Universums, von dem uns seit dem Urknall Informationen erreicht haben können.

Die heutige Entfernung bis zum Beobachtungshorizont ist jedoch nicht (wie häufig fälschlicherweise beschrieben) durch das
Alter des Universums (13,80 ± 0,04 Milliarden Jahre) multipliziert mit der Lichtgeschwindigkeit gegeben, also nicht 13,8 Milliarden Lichtjahre, sondern ist größer. Sie wird aktuell im Rahmen des Urknall-Standardmodells auf ca. 46,6 Milliarden Lichtjahre beziffert.[1] Es ist nämlich zu berücksichtigen, dass sich das Universum weiter ausgedehnt hat, während sich das Licht vom Beobachtungshorizont zur Erde bewegte, d. h., bereits zurückgelegte Strecken sind nachträglich länger geworden.[2] Die entferntesten Objekte, deren Licht wir heute wahrnehmen können, befanden sich zu der Zeit, als sie dieses Licht aussandten, in einer Entfernung von gerade einmal 40 Millionen Lichtjahren zur Erde – kaum näher als der damalige Ereignishorizont. Heute trennen uns von diesen Objekten die besagten 46,6 Milliarden Lichtjahre. Da sie aber schon seit langer Zeit den Ereignishorizont überschritten haben, gibt es keine Möglichkeit, jemals etwas über die derzeitigen Vorgänge in dieser Entfernung zu erfahren. Das Verhältnis dieser Entfernungen ist der Faktor der Expansion des Universums über diesen Zeitraum und zugleich die Rotverschiebung.

Oft wird auch die gleichwertige, umgekehrte Betrachtung zur Definition benutzt: Der Partikelhorizont ist dann die Kugeloberfläche, bis zu der lichtschnelle Strahlung vorgedrungen wäre, wenn sie an unserem Standpunkt unmittelbar nach dem Urknall ausgesendet worden wäre und sich ungehindert hätte ausbreiten können.

Don't make me get my daughter to translate this.

It says zaan has nothing. Germans aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.
The universe is about 13.8 billion years old and the size is about 46.6 billion lightyears.
Don't you mean 27.6 billion lightyears across? Otherwise, how did you get to 46.6?

Source: Beobachtbares Universum – Wikipedia
Der Beobachtungshorizont oder auch Partikelhorizont begrenzt den Teil des Universums, von dem uns seit dem Urknall Informationen erreicht haben können.

Die heutige Entfernung bis zum Beobachtungshorizont ist jedoch nicht (wie häufig fälschlicherweise beschrieben) durch das
Alter des Universums (13,80 ± 0,04 Milliarden Jahre) multipliziert mit der Lichtgeschwindigkeit gegeben, also nicht 13,8 Milliarden Lichtjahre, sondern ist größer. Sie wird aktuell im Rahmen des Urknall-Standardmodells auf ca. 46,6 Milliarden Lichtjahre beziffert.[1] Es ist nämlich zu berücksichtigen, dass sich das Universum weiter ausgedehnt hat, während sich das Licht vom Beobachtungshorizont zur Erde bewegte, d. h., bereits zurückgelegte Strecken sind nachträglich länger geworden.[2] Die entferntesten Objekte, deren Licht wir heute wahrnehmen können, befanden sich zu der Zeit, als sie dieses Licht aussandten, in einer Entfernung von gerade einmal 40 Millionen Lichtjahren zur Erde – kaum näher als der damalige Ereignishorizont. Heute trennen uns von diesen Objekten die besagten 46,6 Milliarden Lichtjahre. Da sie aber schon seit langer Zeit den Ereignishorizont überschritten haben, gibt es keine Möglichkeit, jemals etwas über die derzeitigen Vorgänge in dieser Entfernung zu erfahren. Das Verhältnis dieser Entfernungen ist der Faktor der Expansion des Universums über diesen Zeitraum und zugleich die Rotverschiebung.

Oft wird auch die gleichwertige, umgekehrte Betrachtung zur Definition benutzt: Der Partikelhorizont ist dann die Kugeloberfläche, bis zu der lichtschnelle Strahlung vorgedrungen wäre, wenn sie an unserem Standpunkt unmittelbar nach dem Urknall ausgesendet worden wäre und sich ungehindert hätte ausbreiten können.

Don't make me get my daughter to translate this.

It says zaan has nothing. Germans aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Are you sure he hasn't been supporting your position in these exchanges?
The universe is about 13.8 billion years old and the size is about 46.6 billion lightyears.
Don't you mean 27.6 billion lightyears across? Otherwise, how did you get to 46.6?

Source: Beobachtbares Universum – Wikipedia
Der Beobachtungshorizont oder auch Partikelhorizont begrenzt den Teil des Universums, von dem uns seit dem Urknall Informationen erreicht haben können.

Die heutige Entfernung bis zum Beobachtungshorizont ist jedoch nicht (wie häufig fälschlicherweise beschrieben) durch das
Alter des Universums (13,80 ± 0,04 Milliarden Jahre) multipliziert mit der Lichtgeschwindigkeit gegeben, also nicht 13,8 Milliarden Lichtjahre, sondern ist größer. Sie wird aktuell im Rahmen des Urknall-Standardmodells auf ca. 46,6 Milliarden Lichtjahre beziffert.[1] Es ist nämlich zu berücksichtigen, dass sich das Universum weiter ausgedehnt hat, während sich das Licht vom Beobachtungshorizont zur Erde bewegte, d. h., bereits zurückgelegte Strecken sind nachträglich länger geworden.[2] Die entferntesten Objekte, deren Licht wir heute wahrnehmen können, befanden sich zu der Zeit, als sie dieses Licht aussandten, in einer Entfernung von gerade einmal 40 Millionen Lichtjahren zur Erde – kaum näher als der damalige Ereignishorizont. Heute trennen uns von diesen Objekten die besagten 46,6 Milliarden Lichtjahre. Da sie aber schon seit langer Zeit den Ereignishorizont überschritten haben, gibt es keine Möglichkeit, jemals etwas über die derzeitigen Vorgänge in dieser Entfernung zu erfahren. Das Verhältnis dieser Entfernungen ist der Faktor der Expansion des Universums über diesen Zeitraum und zugleich die Rotverschiebung.

Oft wird auch die gleichwertige, umgekehrte Betrachtung zur Definition benutzt: Der Partikelhorizont ist dann die Kugeloberfläche, bis zu der lichtschnelle Strahlung vorgedrungen wäre, wenn sie an unserem Standpunkt unmittelbar nach dem Urknall ausgesendet worden wäre und sich ungehindert hätte ausbreiten können.

Don't make me get my daughter to translate this.

It says zaan has nothing. Germans aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Are you sure he hasn't been supporting your position in these exchanges?

He's a god fearer pretending to be a Holocaust survivor. I doubt his positions are anywhere near mine.
It has no purpose.
Then you most likely won't learn anything from it.
I don't understand.
How does the universe having no purpose mean that I can't learn anything from it?

You are the universe. Your problem is not to learn from you - your problem is to learn at all - specially because you are a member of the anglo-american part of the universe, where it seems to me to win a cup of the own shit is thousands and millions times more worthful than to lose wrong thoughts, imaginations and ideas. The world you are living in is unbelievable intentional ignorant, unbelievable agressive arrogant and unbelievable fat and nevertheless the same time unbelievable hungry. "You" are doing continiously wars, "you" have to many weapons - even weapons for wars - in the civil society, to many people are in prisons ... I can see a nearly endless stream of problems ... You may learn a lot - but what can you really learn? How to make a pi-bill out of natural laws? Or how to create with laws a more perfect system of injustice? Or how to make wars out of every communication - for example about the most simple laws and facts of physics? ... Be happy if the purpose of the universe is it not to teach the USA anything ...

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... He's a god fearer pretending to be a Holocaust survivor. I doubt his positions are anywhere near mine.

Exactly, Nazi. I said for example never in my life to be a Holocaust survivor.

Last edited:
It has no purpose.
Then you most likely won't learn anything from it.
I don't understand.
How does the universe having no purpose mean that I can't learn anything from it?

You are the universe. Your problem is not to learn from you - your problem is to learn at all - specially because you are a member of the anglo-american part of the universe, where it seems to me to win a cup of the own shit is thousands and millions times more worthful than to lose wrong thoughts, imaginations and ideas. The world you are living in is unbelievable intentional ignorant, unbelievable agressive arrogant and unbelievable fat and nevertheless the same time unbelievable hungry. "You" are doing continiously wars, "you" have to many weapons - even weapons for wars - in the civil society, to many people are in prisons ... I can see a nearly endless stream of problems ... You may learn a lot - but what can you really learn? How to make a pi-bill out of natural laws? Or how to create with laws a more perfect system of injustice? Or how to make wars out of every communication - for example about the most simple laws and facts of physics? ... Be happy if the purpose of the universe is it not to teach the USA anything ...

The universe doesn't care what you do.
That might cause you discomfort but that's just a fact.
It has no purpose.
Then you most likely won't learn anything from it.
I don't understand.
How does the universe having no purpose mean that I can't learn anything from it?

You are the universe. Your problem is not to learn from you - your problem is to learn at all - specially because you are a member of the anglo-american part of the universe, where it seems to me to win a cup of the own shit is thousands and millions times more worthful than to lose wrong thoughts, imaginations and ideas. The world you are living in is unbelievable intentional ignorant, unbelievable agressive arrogant and unbelievable fat and nevertheless the same time unbelievable hungry. "You" are doing continiously wars, "you" have to many weapons - even weapons for wars - in the civil society, to many people are in prisons ... I can see a nearly endless stream of problems ... You may learn a lot - but what can you really learn? How to make a pi-bill out of natural laws? Or how to create with laws a more perfect system of injustice? Or how to make wars out of every communication - for example about the most simple laws and facts of physics? ... Be happy if the purpose of the universe is it not to teach the USA anything ...

Not a fan of Americans? Sometimes it is helpful to see the big picture. You know... the good and the bad.

Wars serve a purpose in nature much the same as forest fires do. They clear out the dead growth so that new growth can occur.

If your people had had weapons they may not have had to endure so much suffering, but then again they would have missed out on all the good that that suffering brought them.

Don't think I have not understood your thinly veiled messages aimed at me in almost all of your posts. I was born during the day, but not yesterday.
It has no purpose.
Then you most likely won't learn anything from it.
I don't understand.
How does the universe having no purpose mean that I can't learn anything from it?

You are the universe. Your problem is not to learn from you - your problem is to learn at all - specially because you are a member of the anglo-american part of the universe, where it seems to me to win a cup of the own shit is thousands and millions times more worthful than to lose wrong thoughts, imaginations and ideas. The world you are living in is unbelievable intentional ignorant, unbelievable agressive arrogant and unbelievable fat and nevertheless the same time unbelievable hungry. "You" are doing continiously wars, "you" have to many weapons - even weapons for wars - in the civil society, to many people are in prisons ... I can see a nearly endless stream of problems ... You may learn a lot - but what can you really learn? How to make a pi-bill out of natural laws? Or how to create with laws a more perfect system of injustice? Or how to make wars out of every communication - for example about the most simple laws and facts of physics? ... Be happy if the purpose of the universe is it not to teach the USA anything ...

The universe doesn't care what you do.
That might cause you discomfort but that's just a fact.

You are of the universe, so your statement is false.
Don't you mean 27.6 billion lightyears across? Otherwise, how did you get to 46.6?

Source: Beobachtbares Universum – Wikipedia
Der Beobachtungshorizont oder auch Partikelhorizont begrenzt den Teil des Universums, von dem uns seit dem Urknall Informationen erreicht haben können.

Die heutige Entfernung bis zum Beobachtungshorizont ist jedoch nicht (wie häufig fälschlicherweise beschrieben) durch das
Alter des Universums (13,80 ± 0,04 Milliarden Jahre) multipliziert mit der Lichtgeschwindigkeit gegeben, also nicht 13,8 Milliarden Lichtjahre, sondern ist größer. Sie wird aktuell im Rahmen des Urknall-Standardmodells auf ca. 46,6 Milliarden Lichtjahre beziffert.[1] Es ist nämlich zu berücksichtigen, dass sich das Universum weiter ausgedehnt hat, während sich das Licht vom Beobachtungshorizont zur Erde bewegte, d. h., bereits zurückgelegte Strecken sind nachträglich länger geworden.[2] Die entferntesten Objekte, deren Licht wir heute wahrnehmen können, befanden sich zu der Zeit, als sie dieses Licht aussandten, in einer Entfernung von gerade einmal 40 Millionen Lichtjahren zur Erde – kaum näher als der damalige Ereignishorizont. Heute trennen uns von diesen Objekten die besagten 46,6 Milliarden Lichtjahre. Da sie aber schon seit langer Zeit den Ereignishorizont überschritten haben, gibt es keine Möglichkeit, jemals etwas über die derzeitigen Vorgänge in dieser Entfernung zu erfahren. Das Verhältnis dieser Entfernungen ist der Faktor der Expansion des Universums über diesen Zeitraum und zugleich die Rotverschiebung.

Oft wird auch die gleichwertige, umgekehrte Betrachtung zur Definition benutzt: Der Partikelhorizont ist dann die Kugeloberfläche, bis zu der lichtschnelle Strahlung vorgedrungen wäre, wenn sie an unserem Standpunkt unmittelbar nach dem Urknall ausgesendet worden wäre und sich ungehindert hätte ausbreiten können.

Don't make me get my daughter to translate this.

It says zaan has nothing. Germans aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Are you sure he hasn't been supporting your position in these exchanges?

He's a god fearer pretending to be a Holocaust survivor. I doubt his positions are anywhere near mine.

Me too, I suspect he is twice the human being you are.
It has no purpose.
Then you most likely won't learn anything from it.
I don't understand.
How does the universe having no purpose mean that I can't learn anything from it?

You are the universe. Your problem is not to learn from you - your problem is to learn at all - specially because you are a member of the anglo-american part of the universe, where it seems to me to win a cup of the own shit is thousands and millions times more worthful than to lose wrong thoughts, imaginations and ideas. The world you are living in is unbelievable intentional ignorant, unbelievable agressive arrogant and unbelievable fat and nevertheless the same time unbelievable hungry. "You" are doing continiously wars, "you" have to many weapons - even weapons for wars - in the civil society, to many people are in prisons ... I can see a nearly endless stream of problems ... You may learn a lot - but what can you really learn? How to make a pi-bill out of natural laws? Or how to create with laws a more perfect system of injustice? Or how to make wars out of every communication - for example about the most simple laws and facts of physics? ... Be happy if the purpose of the universe is it not to teach the USA anything ...

The universe doesn't care what you do.
That might cause you discomfort but that's just a fact.

You are of the universe, so your statement is false.

The universe doesn't care what I do either.
You really need to think otherwise but I can offer you no comfort.
Then you most likely won't learn anything from it.
I don't understand.
How does the universe having no purpose mean that I can't learn anything from it?

You are the universe. Your problem is not to learn from you - your problem is to learn at all - specially because you are a member of the anglo-american part of the universe, where it seems to me to win a cup of the own shit is thousands and millions times more worthful than to lose wrong thoughts, imaginations and ideas. The world you are living in is unbelievable intentional ignorant, unbelievable agressive arrogant and unbelievable fat and nevertheless the same time unbelievable hungry. "You" are doing continiously wars, "you" have to many weapons - even weapons for wars - in the civil society, to many people are in prisons ... I can see a nearly endless stream of problems ... You may learn a lot - but what can you really learn? How to make a pi-bill out of natural laws? Or how to create with laws a more perfect system of injustice? Or how to make wars out of every communication - for example about the most simple laws and facts of physics? ... Be happy if the purpose of the universe is it not to teach the USA anything ...

The universe doesn't care what you do.
That might cause you discomfort but that's just a fact.

You are of the universe, so your statement is false.

The universe doesn't care what I do either.
You really need to think otherwise but I can offer you no comfort.

You do realize that since matter and energy cannot be destroyed, that the matter and energy that make up YOU was created at the big bang. Therefore, you are the universe. Do you care what you do?
I don't understand.
How does the universe having no purpose mean that I can't learn anything from it?

You are the universe. Your problem is not to learn from you - your problem is to learn at all - specially because you are a member of the anglo-american part of the universe, where it seems to me to win a cup of the own shit is thousands and millions times more worthful than to lose wrong thoughts, imaginations and ideas. The world you are living in is unbelievable intentional ignorant, unbelievable agressive arrogant and unbelievable fat and nevertheless the same time unbelievable hungry. "You" are doing continiously wars, "you" have to many weapons - even weapons for wars - in the civil society, to many people are in prisons ... I can see a nearly endless stream of problems ... You may learn a lot - but what can you really learn? How to make a pi-bill out of natural laws? Or how to create with laws a more perfect system of injustice? Or how to make wars out of every communication - for example about the most simple laws and facts of physics? ... Be happy if the purpose of the universe is it not to teach the USA anything ...

The universe doesn't care what you do.
That might cause you discomfort but that's just a fact.

You are of the universe, so your statement is false.

The universe doesn't care what I do either.
You really need to think otherwise but I can offer you no comfort.

You do realize that since matter and energy cannot be destroyed, that the matter and energy that make up YOU was created at the big bang. Therefore, you are the universe. Do you care what you do?

I'm part of the universe...but the universe doesn't care, and it certainly isn't here to serve me...or you...or anyone.
You are the universe. Your problem is not to learn from you - your problem is to learn at all - specially because you are a member of the anglo-american part of the universe, where it seems to me to win a cup of the own shit is thousands and millions times more worthful than to lose wrong thoughts, imaginations and ideas. The world you are living in is unbelievable intentional ignorant, unbelievable agressive arrogant and unbelievable fat and nevertheless the same time unbelievable hungry. "You" are doing continiously wars, "you" have to many weapons - even weapons for wars - in the civil society, to many people are in prisons ... I can see a nearly endless stream of problems ... You may learn a lot - but what can you really learn? How to make a pi-bill out of natural laws? Or how to create with laws a more perfect system of injustice? Or how to make wars out of every communication - for example about the most simple laws and facts of physics? ... Be happy if the purpose of the universe is it not to teach the USA anything ...

The universe doesn't care what you do.
That might cause you discomfort but that's just a fact.

You are of the universe, so your statement is false.

The universe doesn't care what I do either.
You really need to think otherwise but I can offer you no comfort.

You do realize that since matter and energy cannot be destroyed, that the matter and energy that make up YOU was created at the big bang. Therefore, you are the universe. Do you care what you do?

I'm part of the universe...but the universe doesn't care, and it certainly isn't here to serve me...or you...or anyone.

If you are part of the universe and you care then the universe does care. I never said it was here to serve you. It exists to know itself.
The universe doesn't care what you do.
That might cause you discomfort but that's just a fact.
You are of the universe, so your statement is false.
The universe doesn't care what I do either.
You really need to think otherwise but I can offer you no comfort.
You do realize that since matter and energy cannot be destroyed, that the matter and energy that make up YOU was created at the big bang. Therefore, you are the universe. Do you care what you do?
I'm part of the universe...but the universe doesn't care, and it certainly isn't here to serve me...or you...or anyone.
If you are part of the universe and you care then the universe does care. I never said it was here to serve you. It exists to know itself.
It exists for no purpose.
We exist for no purpose.
That we contrive our own purpose for existence is for our own benefit.
The universe doesn't care what we do because it has no reason.
... He's a god fearer pretending to be a Holocaust survivor. I doubt his positions are anywhere near mine.

Exactly, Nazi. I said for example never in my life to be a Holocaust survivor.

I'm pretty sure that you don't care for my kind, but it is my kind that always saves your kind's butt. It is a good thing we don't care if we get recognized for it or even appreciated for it.

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