What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

They have no alternative because the republican plan is already in place. It's called the Affordable Care Act.

They have no alternative because the republican plan is already in place. It's called the Affordable Care Act.

The republican plan that received zero republican votes!

Unless a plan involves a massive government program and takeover of the insurance industry, liberals will not recognize it as a plan. That is why y'all are saying the republicans have no plan.
As you can see in the links below...

'Obamacare' Was Originally Proposed By Republicans | IVN.us
Paul Ryan Makes Big Admission: Republicans Helped Write Obamacare | ThinkProgress
How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate - Forbes
The Irony of Obamacare: Republicans Thought of It First | Wall St. Cheat Sheet
Republicans Turn Against Their Own Health Reform Proposals | Center for American Progress
25 Republicans Who Supported Obamacare Before Obama | Mother Jones

ObamCare is based on Republican ideas. Period.

And the far left uses far left blog sites as their "facts".

No wonder the far left has no clue as to what is really going on.
To be fair, one must believe Republicans as a whole, as a party want "to help Americans get good health insurance", but, but since the 1970s, the rightwing that funds and runs the GOP (not the wingnut voting base - the pawns) has had a laser focus on ridding American business (yes healthcare insurance is a big business as long as it is profit based) of regulation. When it comes to a choice of what is good for the American people as a whole and an ideology based on protecting American Big Business from regulation - the ideology that rules for the rightwingers who fund and run the GOP trumps all.


More far left lies!


The far left can not understand anything beyond their programming, but will post lies as if they were facts.
They have no alternative because the republican plan is already in place. It's called the Affordable Care Act.

They have no alternative because the republican plan is already in place. It's called the Affordable Care Act.

The republican plan that received zero republican votes!

Unless a plan involves a massive government program and takeover of the insurance industry, liberals will not recognize it as a plan. That is why y'all are saying the republicans have no plan.
As you can see in the links below...

'Obamacare' Was Originally Proposed By Republicans | IVN.us
Paul Ryan Makes Big Admission: Republicans Helped Write Obamacare | ThinkProgress
How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate - Forbes
The Irony of Obamacare: Republicans Thought of It First | Wall St. Cheat Sheet
Republicans Turn Against Their Own Health Reform Proposals | Center for American Progress
25 Republicans Who Supported Obamacare Before Obama | Mother Jones

ObamCare is based on Republican ideas. Period.

Again, those ideas suck , they were never acted upon by Republicans reason Reid (D-USSR) introduced the legislation IN SECRET at 1:00 AM on a snowy Christmas eve. 1400 pages of Marxist bullshit which were read by no one.

They have no alternative because the republican plan is already in place. It's called the Affordable Care Act.

They have no alternative because the republican plan is already in place. It's called the Affordable Care Act.

The republican plan that received zero republican votes!

Unless a plan involves a massive government program and takeover of the insurance industry, liberals will not recognize it as a plan. That is why y'all are saying the republicans have no plan.
As you can see in the links below...

'Obamacare' Was Originally Proposed By Republicans | IVN.us
Paul Ryan Makes Big Admission: Republicans Helped Write Obamacare | ThinkProgress
How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate - Forbes
The Irony of Obamacare: Republicans Thought of It First | Wall St. Cheat Sheet
Republicans Turn Against Their Own Health Reform Proposals | Center for American Progress
25 Republicans Who Supported Obamacare Before Obama | Mother Jones

ObamCare is based on Republican ideas. Period.

Yeah, that's why so many Republicans voted for it.

You aren't convincing anybody, dewd. Not even yourself.

We told for the last five years that obama was a phony and a liar.

We told you for the last five years that obamacare would be a disaster.

You didn't want to listen, now you're going to pay the price.... The destruction of the dimocrap party.

Who needs you anyway??

Everything you people touch you turn to shit. Everything.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

There is no alternative needed. I was happy with the way it was


It's not the job of our elected officials to secure anything for us. They aren't there as your personal fucking mommy.
They are there for one reason only. To represent your vote. Period.

Stop expecting DC to live your life for you.

You're right. Maybe they really aren't interested in doing that. Not that they can ask it out loud in this new age of entitlements, but of what responsibility is it of government to make sure you can afford health care?
Your Honor, I present to you the Republican alternative to ObamaCare...the status quo.

I rest my case.
It's not the job of our elected officials to secure anything for us. They aren't there as your personal fucking mommy.
They are there for one reason only. To represent your vote. Period.

Stop expecting DC to live your life for you.


Represent a vote? How the fuck does that work? :cuckoo:

Ask all those far left representatives that were against Obamacare before they were for it.
Would you put people with pre-existing conditions on medicaid? Or just let them die? I think putting them in the insurance risk pool is a better solution.

Why not allow them on medicare? if obamacare was all about helping people who had pre-existing conditions?

If they are working and paying Medicare taxes, I see no problem with that.

Medicare taxes are paying for people who are retired. Additionally, the regulations around the prices being set for people on medicare is based on those folks being the elderly. Mix the pool with everyone else and you end up treating the group like everyone else, instead of giving medicare recipients special consideration.

I'd rather let the people join the federal employe health care plan by paying the amount we pay for said plan per employee. Just a thought.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

There is no alternative needed. I was happy with the way it was


It's not the job of our elected officials to secure anything for us. They aren't there as your personal fucking mommy.
They are there for one reason only. To represent your vote. Period.

Stop expecting DC to live your life for you.

You're right. Maybe they really aren't interested in doing that. Not that they can ask it out loud in this new age of entitlements, but of what responsibility is it of government to make sure you can afford health care?
Your Honor, I present to you the Republican alternative to ObamaCare...the status quo.

I rest my case.

Do you have a lot of imaginary friends?
They have no alternative because the republican plan is already in place. It's called the Affordable Care Act.

The republican plan that received zero republican votes!

Unless a plan involves a massive government program and takeover of the insurance industry, liberals will not recognize it as a plan. That is why y'all are saying the republicans have no plan.
As you can see in the links below...

'Obamacare' Was Originally Proposed By Republicans | IVN.us
Paul Ryan Makes Big Admission: Republicans Helped Write Obamacare | ThinkProgress
How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate - Forbes
The Irony of Obamacare: Republicans Thought of It First | Wall St. Cheat Sheet
Republicans Turn Against Their Own Health Reform Proposals | Center for American Progress
25 Republicans Who Supported Obamacare Before Obama | Mother Jones

ObamCare is based on Republican ideas. Period.

Yeah, that's why so many Republicans voted for it.


Republicans that voted for it = 0

And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

There is no alternative needed. I was happy with the way it was


It's not the job of our elected officials to secure anything for us. They aren't there as your personal fucking mommy.
They are there for one reason only. To represent your vote. Period.

Stop expecting DC to live your life for you.

You're right. Maybe they really aren't interested in doing that. Not that they can ask it out loud in this new age of entitlements, but of what responsibility is it of government to make sure you can afford health care?
Your Honor, I present to you the Republican alternative to ObamaCare...the status quo.

I rest my case.

Says the one who is quoting the far left status quo and is incapable of seeing anything outside their programming.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

To be fair, one must believe Republicans as a whole, as a party want "to help Americans get good health insurance", but, but since the 1970s, the rightwing that funds and runs the GOP (not the wingnut voting base - the pawns) has had a laser focus on ridding American business (yes healthcare insurance is a big business as long as it is profit based) of regulation. When it comes to a choice of what is good for the American people as a whole and an ideology based on protecting American Big Business from regulation - the ideology that rules for the rightwingers who fund and run the GOP trumps all.


You're right. Maybe they really aren't interested in doing that. Not that they can ask it out loud in this new age of entitlements, but of what responsibility is it of government to make sure you can afford health care?

We already pay for each others healthcare. The SCOTUS ruling lays out the answer in the constitutional sphere. In the moral and ethical spheres.if you want to deny society's obligation and duty here, go ahead.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

There is no alternative needed. I was happy with the way it was


It's not the job of our elected officials to secure anything for us. They aren't there as your personal fucking mommy.
They are there for one reason only. To represent your vote. Period.

Stop expecting DC to live your life for you.

You're right. Maybe they really aren't interested in doing that. Not that they can ask it out loud in this new age of entitlements, but of what responsibility is it of government to make sure you can afford health care?
Your Honor, I present to you the Republican alternative to ObamaCare...the status quo.

I rest my case.
No reason for you to make up lies. Are you just trolling?
You can only get what you can afford. Sort of like your nitwit peers on here think, like shopping for a car.

oh, so the rising cost of insurance due to obamacare is affordable? :eusa_whistle:

Insurance companies are cancelling policies and trying to steer people into more expensive policies for the benefit of the insurance companies.

Insurance companies would not be canceling policies if not for obamacare. However if what you say had one ounce of truth why haven't they done this more often BEFORE OBAMACARE?
Their alternative? Gut it and then go back to big insurance junk policies.

This is nonsensical. What junk policies? Why wouold you agree to pay for said 'junk' policy? You (the consumer) need to start taking a little fucking responsibility for yourself. You act as if you have no control over what kind of insurance coverage you have prior to Obamacare. I hate to say it people, but a big part of this problem is that consumers have absolved themselves of the rresponsibility of understanding and researching what they're purchasing. Employer based insurance is part of that problem, yes, but it's still no excuse for not figuring out how you want to handle the costs of arguably the most important facet of your life.

AGREED!! There's an old saying the needs repeating, "a fool and his money are soon parted".

And that is exactly what parts of the PPACA/Obamacare address. When healthcare insurers use that maxim to cheat people on policies thst end up affevting all of society...
This is nonsensical. What junk policies? Why wouold you agree to pay for said 'junk' policy? You (the consumer) need to start taking a little fucking responsibility for yourself. You act as if you have no control over what kind of insurance coverage you have prior to Obamacare. I hate to say it people, but a big part of this problem is that consumers have absolved themselves of the rresponsibility of understanding and researching what they're purchasing. Employer based insurance is part of that problem, yes, but it's still no excuse for not figuring out how you want to handle the costs of arguably the most important facet of your life.

AGREED!! There's an old saying the needs repeating, "a fool and his money are soon parted".

And that is exactly what parts of the PPACA/Obamacare address.

Ha!, Yep. They sure do. They enshrine the 'parting' into law.
This is nonsensical. What junk policies? Why wouold you agree to pay for said 'junk' policy? You (the consumer) need to start taking a little fucking responsibility for yourself. You act as if you have no control over what kind of insurance coverage you have prior to Obamacare. I hate to say it people, but a big part of this problem is that consumers have absolved themselves of the rresponsibility of understanding and researching what they're purchasing. Employer based insurance is part of that problem, yes, but it's still no excuse for not figuring out how you want to handle the costs of arguably the most important facet of your life.

AGREED!! There's an old saying the needs repeating, "a fool and his money are soon parted".

And that is exactly what parts of the PPACA/Obamacare address. When healthcare insurers use that maxim to cheat people on policies thst end up affevting all of society...
You've watch John Q way to much.
What is the Republican alternative to lies and fraud and telling people they're too stupid to understand that you're lying to them for their own good?

I hope it's something much more respectful of both their constituents and the democratic principles of our nation, but if it isn't and if I am made aware of that then I will reject it as strongly as I reject Obamacare.
Your Honor I present to you Exhibit A:

A Republican responded by NOT answering the question.

well at least she didn't lie and say you could keep your existing plan :cuckoo:
There is no alternative needed. I was happy with the way it was


You're right. Maybe they really aren't interested in doing that. Not that they can ask it out loud in this new age of entitlements, but of what responsibility is it of government to make sure you can afford health care?
Your Honor, I present to you the Republican alternative to ObamaCare...the status quo.

I rest my case.
No reason for you to make up lies. Are you just trolling?

No reason for you to spam a thread with posts of no value. Oh yeah, it's what oblivious trolls like you do.

You'd be worthy if you could admit how trollish you are...tgen your spam would have value. :D:
This is nonsensical. What junk policies? Why wouold you agree to pay for said 'junk' policy? You (the consumer) need to start taking a little fucking responsibility for yourself. You act as if you have no control over what kind of insurance coverage you have prior to Obamacare. I hate to say it people, but a big part of this problem is that consumers have absolved themselves of the rresponsibility of understanding and researching what they're purchasing. Employer based insurance is part of that problem, yes, but it's still no excuse for not figuring out how you want to handle the costs of arguably the most important facet of your life.

AGREED!! There's an old saying the needs repeating, "a fool and his money are soon parted".

And that is exactly what parts of the PPACA/Obamacare address. When healthcare insurers use that maxim to cheat people on policies thst end up affevting all of society...

Yeah, because everybody that gets sick in this Country dies a horrible death because as soon as they get sick, their Insurance Company cancels them.

dimocraps are stupid beyond fucking belief.

Just..... fucking stupid

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