What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

Those are bold words.

Not only that, but true. The total bill for my spouse's 3.5 year cancer battle was $1,300,000.00. That included all billing from one internist, one oncologist, the hospital here in town and Sloan Kettering in NYC.

Three major surgeries, and two years of chemotherapy. Endless doctor's visits, MRIs, PET scans, CAT scans, lab, lab, lab.

Oncologists/cancer centers take a $31.00/dose 40-year-old chemo drug like Taxol (Paclitaxel) and charge $3000 to stick it in your arm. That's just ONE drug used.

But fuck Obamacare or anybody else who tries to correct that little problem.

Know what, bitch? FUCK YOU

Is your 'spouse' alive? I assume so.

What do you think would happen under obamacare? You ARE aware of the so-called "death panels' aren't you?

Know how those work? They attach a price, a cost-based derivative to a person's usefulness in an algorithm with an age component that only they know how it works and they apply it to a person's health care costs.

If it don't fit.... You die.

While you're thinking about that........

Did your 'spouse' die?

1.3 Million Dollars? Those E-VUL Insurance Companies spent $1,300,000 dollars to save your 'spouse' and you're bitching?


What a fucking douche.

And Bristol Myers didn't bring Taxol to market until 1993.

What a fucking douchebag you are. Honest to God

Yeah but it would have only been a few hundred thousand if the democrats and republicans had not forced the costs to go through the roof with socialist and crony capitalism management of the industry.
I don't think it's a good idea to FORCE an insurance company to add people with pre-existing conditions to the same health plan as people without pre-existing conditions. It's a matter of risk pools and unfair pricing. That's like letting people with totaled cars buy car insurance and forcing the insurance company to buy the guy a new car. It's nutz.

But hey if an insurance company wants to create a plan for people with already huge medical costs, so those people can share their costs, whatever, it's a free country isn't it?

Would you put people with pre-existing conditions on medicaid? Or just let them die? I think putting them in the insurance risk pool is a better solution.

Why not allow them on medicare? if obamacare was all about helping people who had pre-existing conditions?

If they are working and paying Medicare taxes, I see no problem with that.
One more thing while I'm at it....

I hear people tell customers at Auto Repair Shops, "You can't be back here, our Insurance Company doesn't allow it."

Which is a load of shit. The Insurance Company couldn't care less. They may tell the owner in a "Loss Prevention" meeting that it's not real smart to let kids and customers run around inside a shop that has lots of sharp objects around, but they don't forbid it. They don't like it, but they don't (and can't) forbid it. What a crock of shit.

I also hear people say, "We can't let you in the Store until 10:00AM. Our Insurance won't allow it."

Another fucking lie. The Insurance Company couldn't care less. In fact, I doubt they even know what time the Store opens and closes.

People just get stupid and lie about Insurance because they know that the average person doesn't understand it and will believe almost anything someone says about it.

Well guess what? I'm not your average person.

Stop lying.....

Oh, my bad.

You're a dimocrap.

And speaking of Taxol, you whiny little bitch... Didja know that the UK's great and wonderful, single-payer NHS REFUSED to pay the price for Taxol to treat women with ovarian cancer?

Did you know that? Of course you didn't.

It took a full court press from the media and Months of pressure to get the UK's National Health Service to pay for a drug (Taxol) that would save lives -- In 2000.

Then, the NHS refused to pay for it because it was too expensive and that set them back a few more years. While women died. Horribly. Now, you can get the treatment but you have to jump through a lot of hoops in the UK.

Here? They just use it. No questions asked.

You're a fucking douche.

And you're quite upset because I've scared you. And you should be scared. Insurance companies want you to die quickly when you have a stage-4 cancer.

My spouse just didn't die quick enough and that was the total bill: $1,300,000.00

So your story of the NHS is from 13 years ago. Guess what, douchebag? Insurance companies here deny the use of many kinds of cancer drugs as "experimental" so they don't have to pay for them. Happens all the time.

And if you owe any portion of that, you can go negotiate a lower amount yourself directly with the providers. A little money is better than no money. I have never known a facility to refuse a fair offer.
And speaking of Taxol, you whiny little bitch... Didja know that the UK's great and wonderful, single-payer NHS REFUSED to pay the price for Taxol to treat women with ovarian cancer?

Did you know that? Of course you didn't.

It took a full court press from the media and Months of pressure to get the UK's National Health Service to pay for a drug (Taxol) that would save lives -- In 2000.

Then, the NHS refused to pay for it because it was too expensive and that set them back a few more years. While women died. Horribly. Now, you can get the treatment but you have to jump through a lot of hoops in the UK.

Here? They just use it. No questions asked.

You're a fucking douche.

And you're quite upset because I've scared you. And you should be scared. Insurance companies want you to die quickly when you have a stage-4 cancer.

My spouse just didn't die quick enough and that was the total bill: $1,300,000.00

So your story of the NHS is from 13 years ago. Guess what, douchebag? Insurance companies here deny the use of many kinds of cancer drugs as "experimental" so they don't have to pay for them. Happens all the time.

And if you owe any portion of that, you can go negotiate a lower amount yourself directly with the providers. A little money is better than no money. I have never known a facility to refuse a fair offer.

I love how he claims the Insurance Company spent $1,300,000 to save his 'spouse' but still calls them cheap bastiches.

Under the ACA, you'll be lucky to get them to spend 1/3 of that before they just pull the plug.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

There have been many alternatives put forward, but the far left automatically dismisses them because it does not involve total government control over the masses.

Then again Obamacare is not that much different from what Kennedy tried to force on the American people during the Carter years.

Obamacare is the far left wet dream they have been pushing for 40+ years.
This thread is based on a false premise----------that there was a healthcare crisis in the USA that mandated revising the entire medical system.

before ACA, no one in the USA was being denied medical care---NO ONE!

Not having insurance did not keep anyone from being treated. Yes, free treatment was more of a hassle than if you paid for it----BFD, you were getting it FREE.

the two good provisions in ACA could have been passed in two paragraph bill
1. insurance companies must take people with pre-existing conditions
2. no lifetime maximum payments

The ACA law was not about fixing healthcare, it was a socialist move to nationalize medicine and allow the govt to take over 1/6 of the economy. Do you dem/libs really want a marginally intelligent GS9 making your medical decisions for you?

Do you really want your doctors office to look like the DMV?

Wake up america, this is a terrible piece of legislation.

I don't think it's a good idea to FORCE an insurance company to add people with pre-existing conditions to the same health plan as people without pre-existing conditions. It's a matter of risk pools and unfair pricing. That's like letting people with totaled cars buy car insurance and forcing the insurance company to buy the guy a new car. It's nutz.

But hey if an insurance company wants to create a plan for people with already huge medical costs, so those people can share their costs, whatever, it's a free country isn't it?

Would you put people with pre-existing conditions on medicaid? Or just let them die? I think putting them in the insurance risk pool is a better solution.
Why? Why should I pay ten time more for my insurance? The shared pool is medicaid, not private insurance.

Yes, I would put anyone that meats the means test for medicaid onto medicaid. Yes, IMO that means we should have a system catching and managing catastrophic costs for the poor. No I don't think that means we can afford to give everyone on the planet that needs a million dollars in health care, a million dollars. I just don't see how that is sustainable.

Why should I be forced to sell my house so you can keep yours? It's nuts.
And you're quite upset because I've scared you. And you should be scared. Insurance companies want you to die quickly when you have a stage-4 cancer.

My spouse just didn't die quick enough and that was the total bill: $1,300,000.00

So your story of the NHS is from 13 years ago. Guess what, douchebag? Insurance companies here deny the use of many kinds of cancer drugs as "experimental" so they don't have to pay for them. Happens all the time.

And if you owe any portion of that, you can go negotiate a lower amount yourself directly with the providers. A little money is better than no money. I have never known a facility to refuse a fair offer.

I love how he claims the Insurance Company spent $1,300,000 to save his 'spouse' but still calls them cheap bastiches.

Under the ACA, you'll be lucky to get them to spend 1/3 of that before they just pull the plug.

Obama claims there is no max through the ACA. However, when I read the bill, it said the max was $10,000.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

To be fair, one must believe Republicans as a whole, as a party want "to help Americans get good health insurance", but, but since the 1970s, the rightwing that funds and runs the GOP (not the wingnut voting base - the pawns) has had a laser focus on ridding American business (yes healthcare insurance is a big business as long as it is profit based) of regulation. When it comes to a choice of what is good for the American people as a whole and an ideology based on protecting American Big Business from regulation - the ideology that rules for the rightwingers who fund and run the GOP trumps all.

I don't think it's a good idea to FORCE an insurance company to add people with pre-existing conditions to the same health plan as people without pre-existing conditions. It's a matter of risk pools and unfair pricing. That's like letting people with totaled cars buy car insurance and forcing the insurance company to buy the guy a new car. It's nutz.

But hey if an insurance company wants to create a plan for people with already huge medical costs, so those people can share their costs, whatever, it's a free country isn't it?

Would you put people with pre-existing conditions on medicaid? Or just let them die? I think putting them in the insurance risk pool is a better solution.
Why? Why should I pay ten time more for my insurance? The shared pool is medicaid, not private insurance.

Yes, I would put anyone that meats the means test for medicaid onto medicaid. Yes, IMO that means we should have a system catching and managing catastrophic costs for the poor. No I don't think that means we can afford to give everyone on the planet that needs a million dollars in health care, a million dollars. I just don't see how that is sustainable.

Why should I be forced to sell my house so you can keep yours? It's nuts.

Not to them it isn't
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

To be fair, one must believe Republicans as a whole, as a party want "to help Americans get good health insurance", but, but since the 1970s, the rightwing that funds and runs the GOP (not the wingnut voting base - the pawns) has had a laser focus on ridding American business (yes healthcare insurance is a big business as long as it is profit based) of regulation. When it comes to a choice of what is good for the American people as a whole and an ideology based on protecting American Big Business from regulation - the ideology that rules for the rightwingers who fund and run the GOP trumps all.


More far left lies!
It's not the job of our elected officials to secure anything for us. They aren't there as your personal fucking mommy.
They are there for one reason only. To represent your vote. Period.

Stop expecting DC to live your life for you.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

To be fair, one must believe Republicans as a whole, as a party want "to help Americans get good health insurance", but, but since the 1970s, the rightwing that funds and runs the GOP (not the wingnut voting base - the pawns) has had a laser focus on ridding American business (yes healthcare insurance is a big business as long as it is profit based) of regulation. When it comes to a choice of what is good for the American people as a whole and an ideology based on protecting American Big Business from regulation - the ideology that rules for the rightwingers who fund and run the GOP trumps all.


You're right. Maybe they really aren't interested in doing that. Not that they can ask it out loud in this new age of entitlements, but of what responsibility is it of government to make sure you can afford health care?
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

There have been many alternatives put forward, but the far left automatically dismisses them because it does not involve total government control over the masses.

Then again Obamacare is not that much different from what Kennedy tried to force on the American people during the Carter years.

Obamacare is the far left wet dream they have been pushing for 40+ years.


Reason the boondoggle was adopted in SECRET on a snowy Christmas eve at 1:00 AM. A 1400 page edit that no fucking body read.

Here's what happens to "Republican Alternatives"


Their alternative? Gut it and then go back to big insurance junk policies.

This is nonsensical. What junk policies? Why wouold you agree to pay for said 'junk' policy? You (the consumer) need to start taking a little fucking responsibility for yourself. You act as if you have no control over what kind of insurance coverage you have prior to Obamacare. I hate to say it people, but a big part of this problem is that consumers have absolved themselves of the rresponsibility of understanding and researching what they're purchasing. Employer based insurance is part of that problem, yes, but it's still no excuse for not figuring out how you want to handle the costs of arguably the most important facet of your life.

AGREED!! There's an old saying the needs repeating, "a fool and his money are soon parted".
They have no alternative because the republican plan is already in place. It's called the Affordable Care Act.

They have no alternative because the republican plan is already in place. It's called the Affordable Care Act.

The republican plan that received zero republican votes!

Unless a plan involves a massive government program and takeover of the insurance industry, liberals will not recognize it as a plan. That is why y'all are saying the republicans have no plan.
As you can see in the links below...

'Obamacare' Was Originally Proposed By Republicans | IVN.us
Paul Ryan Makes Big Admission: Republicans Helped Write Obamacare | ThinkProgress
How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate - Forbes
The Irony of Obamacare: Republicans Thought of It First | Wall St. Cheat Sheet
Republicans Turn Against Their Own Health Reform Proposals | Center for American Progress
25 Republicans Who Supported Obamacare Before Obama | Mother Jones

ObamCare is based on Republican ideas. Period.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

To be fair, one must believe Republicans as a whole, as a party want "to help Americans get good health insurance", but, but since the 1970s, the rightwing that funds and runs the GOP (not the wingnut voting base - the pawns) has had a laser focus on ridding American business (yes healthcare insurance is a big business as long as it is profit based) of regulation. When it comes to a choice of what is good for the American people as a whole and an ideology based on protecting American Big Business from regulation - the ideology that rules for the rightwingers who fund and run the GOP trumps all.


More far left lies!


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