What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

oh, so the rising cost of insurance due to obamacare is affordable? :eusa_whistle:

Insurance companies are cancelling policies and trying to steer people into more expensive policies for the benefit of the insurance companies.

Insurance companies would not be canceling policies if not for obamacare. However if what you say had one ounce of truth why haven't they done this more often BEFORE OBAMACARE?

Yeah, insurance companies would continue to use smoke and mirrors to sell worthless policies to gullible fools, only to have tax payers bail.everyone out as insurers laugh all the way to the Skyscrapers and Banks they build and own.
Insurance companies are cancelling policies and trying to steer people into more expensive policies for the benefit of the insurance companies.

Insurance companies would not be canceling policies if not for obamacare. However if what you say had one ounce of truth why haven't they done this more often BEFORE OBAMACARE?

Yeah, insurance companies would continue to use smoke and mirrors to sell worthless policies to gullible fools, only to have tax payers bail.everyone out as insurers laugh all the way to the Skyscrapers and Banks they build and own.

Yep. No need for smoke and mirrors anymore.
Your Honor, I present to you the Republican alternative to ObamaCare...the status quo.

I rest my case.
No reason for you to make up lies. Are you just trolling?

No reason for you to spam a thread with posts of no value. Oh yeah, it's what oblivious trolls like you do.

You'd be worthy if you could admit how trollish you are...tgen your spam would have value. :D:

Sunshine and I and others proposed solutions. In response the OP highlighted the rhetoric in his thread that are not solutions. Then in response to me calling that out as obvious trolling, you call me spammer. So no only is he Trolling, you are an asshole that deflects away from your own failings on the people who are funding your health care. Must suck to be you.
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Insurance companies are cancelling policies and trying to steer people into more expensive policies for the benefit of the insurance companies.

Insurance companies would not be canceling policies if not for obamacare. However if what you say had one ounce of truth why haven't they done this more often BEFORE OBAMACARE?

Yeah, insurance companies would continue to use smoke and mirrors to sell worthless policies to gullible fools, only to have tax payers bail.everyone out as insurers laugh all the way to the Skyscrapers and Banks they build and own.

AGREED!! There's an old saying the needs repeating, "a fool and his money are soon parted".

And that is exactly what parts of the PPACA/Obamacare address. When healthcare insurers use that maxim to cheat people on policies thst end up affevting all of society...

Yeah, because everybody that gets sick in this Country dies a horrible death because as soon as they get sick, their Insurance Company cancels them.

dimocraps are stupid beyond fucking belief.

Just..... fucking stupid

Democrats? :cuckoo:

Reading rightwing whacko blogs, listening to whack-a-doodle rightwing radio, and watching "Fair and Balanced" FOX News has you mistaking all opposition to their talking points as bei.g part of a Democratic conspiracy. Many people who voted for Obama and therefore the PPACA/Obamacare were not and are not Democrats.

And the Whacky World of Wingnut News has you setting up arguments and knocking them down regardless of who and what you are responding to. Imagine that :eek:
You're right. Maybe they really aren't interested in doing that. Not that they can ask it out loud in this new age of entitlements, but of what responsibility is it of government to make sure you can afford health care?
Your Honor, I present to you the Republican alternative to ObamaCare...the status quo.

I rest my case.

If you don't like people ignoring your question that do the courtesy of not ignoring mine. You asked what the Republican alternative is. That presuposses that there should be an alternative. I don't accept that premise unless you can come with a persuasive argument that it's the government's obligation (and thus by extension mine) to help people who can't afford their own health care.
Insurance companies are cancelling policies and trying to steer people into more expensive policies for the benefit of the insurance companies.

Insurance companies would not be canceling policies if not for obamacare. However if what you say had one ounce of truth why haven't they done this more often BEFORE OBAMACARE?

Yeah, insurance companies would continue to use smoke and mirrors to sell worthless policies to gullible fools, only to have tax payers bail.everyone out as insurers laugh all the way to the Skyscrapers and Banks they build and own.

If that were really true, but you know it was a lie when you posted it.
We already pay for each others healthcare. The SCOTUS ruling lays out the answer in the constitutional sphere. In the moral and ethical spheres.if you want to deny society's obligation and duty here, go ahead.

Yes, we do. That doesn't serve as a valid argument that we should. Where did SCOTUS rule that it is the government's obligation (and thus mine) to pay for those who can't pay for themselves? Who came up with this societal obligation? You're just spouting vague nonsense because you know that this in fact is NOT a proper role of government.

How patheticly ignorant and illinformed. :laugh2: Votes along party lines = equal individual beliefs and support? :rofl:

And where in the US Constitution do people find suppory for arguments you make about laws being invalid for lack of multiparty support?
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

Yes, and they have said it for years--but you and all your liberal friends never listened.

1. Insurance companies being able to cross state lines--bringing in more competition, thereby lowering premiums.
2 . Small business being able to group together to get the same lower rates as large corporations get, thereby making it affordable to cover employees that work for small business.
3. Tort reform

Sure sounds a hell of a lot better than what's going on today--doesn't it--:lol:

What about pre-existing conditions?

What about insurers rescinding or canceling policies based on medical reports of their current policy holders?

What about insurance companies dictating to doctors what they will cover for procedures and prescription drugs?

What about denying claims submitted after care has been administered and delaying payment of claims based on "more information needed"?

What about preventative testing and screening?

Sorry, you still haven't provided an alternative.

I see you saw what your $40.13 a month gets you !!!!:lol::lol::lol:

In New Jersey, I applied for Aetna after my spouse died and I declined the ridiculous COBRA of almost $600 a month, based on my medical history of seasonal allergies requiring Allegra (it was Rx then), Asteline and Flonase, topical sprays to reduce nasal congestion and sneezing.

Aetna denied my policy by saying their limit was only 2 allergy prescriptions to be prescribed at a time.

SO fuck insurance companies. They are out to fuck you and they will.

I settled for a $350/month policy with BCBS and after reading through 30 pages of blah-blah, it covers so little it's not worth keeping.

A $40 a month health insurance policy? What a joke.
It's crystal clear to see that The Republican Alternative is to maintain the status quo.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

1. Sell insurance across State lines to increase Competition and lower cost.

The ACA allows the sale of insurance across state lines. Next.

Link to these studies? Are you aware that a number of states have strict tort laws? What has it done to the healthcare costs in those states? Nothing you say? No kidding...

Study debunks medical malpractice myth

Ohio's tort reform law hasn't lowered health-care costs

New study: Tort reform has not reduced health care costs in Texas

3. Expand health savings accounts

Expand them by who? Health savings accounts won't work for poor people

Consumer-driven health strategy bound to fail

4. Allow people with pre-existing conditions to get insurance, make it illegal to deny them insurance, and place them in risk pools that aggressively control costs.

ACA already does that. You're welcome.
The Republicans are dishonest brokers. Period.
Insurance companies would not be canceling policies if not for obamacare. However if what you say had one ounce of truth why haven't they done this more often BEFORE OBAMACARE?

Yeah, insurance companies would continue to use smoke and mirrors to sell worthless policies to gullible fools, only to have tax payers bail.everyone out as insurers laugh all the way to the Skyscrapers and Banks they build and own.

If that were really true, but you know it was a lie when you posted it.

Lying? Stop the hysteria and hyperbole :rofl:

You know that as long as health insurance is a for profit business, the health insurance industry will do research and manipulate laws to allow it to design/model and market policies that are deceptive and misleading. This is easily proven by the amount of money and lobbying they throw at mucking up any reforms that shine a light on their shady practices
Here are some ideas that I believe are a great start. Cannot remember who proposed them, but I_think_most American's would be onboard with these ideas:

1. Dump the ACA
2. Repeal all state laws which prevent insurance companies from competing across state lines.
3. Enact tort reform
4. Enact Medicare reform
5. Drop government mandates regarding what insurance companies must cover.
6. Revise tax forms to make it easier for individuals to make a VOLUNTARY, tax-deductible donation to help the millions of people who have no insurance and aren't covered by Medicare, Medicaid or the State Children's Health Insurance Program
7. Equalize the tax laws so that employer-provided health insurance and individually owned health insurance have the same tax benefits.

So much fucking dysfunction in this thread :lol: Christ people, talk it out
Insurance companies are cancelling policies and trying to steer people into more expensive policies for the benefit of the insurance companies.

Insurance companies would not be canceling policies if not for obamacare. However if what you say had one ounce of truth why haven't they done this more often BEFORE OBAMACARE?

Yeah, insurance companies would continue to use smoke and mirrors to sell worthless policies to gullible fools, only to have tax payers bail.everyone out as insurers laugh all the way to the Skyscrapers and Banks they build and own.

I've never seen any evidence of these "worthless policies," only a lot of libturd propaganda on the subject. Can you provide a cite for an actual case of someone who got burned by such a policy?
Here are some ideas that I believe are a great start. Cannot remember who proposed them, but I_think_most American's would be onboard with these ideas:

1. Dump the ACA
2. Repeal all state laws which prevent insurance companies from competing across state lines.
3. Enact tort reform
4. Enact Medicare reform
5. Drop government mandates regarding what insurance companies must cover.
6. Revise tax forms to make it easier for individuals to make a VOLUNTARY, tax-deductible donation to help the millions of people who have no insurance and aren't covered by Medicare, Medicaid or the State Children's Health Insurance Program
7. Equalize the tax laws so that employer-provided health insurance and individually owned health insurance have the same tax benefits.

some good ideas there. politicians are sure to avoid these like the plague
To be fair, one must believe Republicans as a whole, as a party want "to help Americans get good health insurance", but, but since the 1970s, the rightwing that funds and runs the GOP (not the wingnut voting base - the pawns) has had a laser focus on ridding American business (yes healthcare insurance is a big business as long as it is profit based) of regulation. When it comes to a choice of what is good for the American people as a whole and an ideology based on protecting American Big Business from regulation - the ideology that rules for the rightwingers who fund and run the GOP trumps all.


You're right. Maybe they really aren't interested in doing that. Not that they can ask it out loud in this new age of entitlements, but of what responsibility is it of government to make sure you can afford health care?

We already pay for each others healthcare. The SCOTUS ruling lays out the answer in the constitutional sphere. In the moral and ethical spheres.if you want to deny society's obligation and duty here, go ahead.
this is a crock of shit. the supreme court ruled obamacare mandate was unconstitutional they ruled it as a tax.
It's crystal clear to see that The Republican Alternative is to maintain the status quo.

No. it's to empower people by returning health care to the free market and allowing people choice.

First step in that process is repealing Obamacare.

If we keep trying to outsource our repsonsibilities for our own health to the government we are going to end up a very sick people.
I did hear boehner say that obamacare needs to be scrapped, totally..............i go along with that 100% obamacare was a disaster when they first made the law and its turning out to be just that..........scrap it.

Yea Obamacare is a bunch of shit. Anyone could put out a better plan

But people with pre-existing conditions need coverage. Small businesses and the self employed need coverage. People in their early twenties need coverage. People who have exceeded their lifetime cap still need insurance

So since health insurance is such an easy thing to do. Why don't Republicans give us their alternative plan that does all this and a timeline for when they will implement it?

Makes sense doesn't it?
It makes a lot of sense to me. However, it won't happen because the Republicans have never been honest brokers on this issue. They are or the status quo.

"Let 'em die." is their motto.


The good news is, that 2014 is coming and it will be Winter for the Republicans.

Insurance companies are cancelling policies and trying to steer people into more expensive policies for the benefit of the insurance companies.

Insurance companies would not be canceling policies if not for obamacare. However if what you say had one ounce of truth why haven't they done this more often BEFORE OBAMACARE?

Yeah, insurance companies would continue to use smoke and mirrors to sell worthless policies to gullible fools, only to have tax payers bail.everyone out as insurers laugh all the way to the Skyscrapers and Banks they build and own.

Yes, more of the 'it's for your own good' bullshit. God forbid people actually take the time to understand what they're actually buying.

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