What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare? And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

Just as Expanded 401k type programs are demonstratively the answer to our shitty inefficient SS system, expanded HSAs are the answer to our shitty government regulated insurance system. If you don't understand HSAs you need to become educated regarding them. You'll note the democrat plan has been to focus on destroying HSAs.

Free Markets work really well. So well America became the most powerful, economically rich nation on earth with the best health care. Then the democants went about destroying it with government regulations.

Socialist government managed markets are not a solution to any market issue, they merely exacerbate market issues by redistributing peter's money to paul.
I think you have that hat squeezed on a bit too tight there Cowboy, you're losing a lot of oxygen.

Typical Rules for Radical response of a morally degenerate Socialist/Marxist rube. Deflect, ridicule, belittle anyone with an opposing solution and esp. solutions that have a proven track record of success.

Where I thought you to be a decent sort of person. I now see you as nothing more than a POS parasite. Gratz.
Yeah, insurance companies would continue to use smoke and mirrors to sell worthless policies to gullible fools, only to have tax payers bail.everyone out as insurers laugh all the way to the Skyscrapers and Banks they build and own.

If that were really true, but you know it was a lie when you posted it.

Lying? Stop the hysteria and hyperbole :rofl:

You know that as long as health insurance is a for profit business, the health insurance industry will do research and manipulate laws to allow it to design/model and market policies that are deceptive and misleading. This is easily proven by the amount of money and lobbying they throw at mucking up any reforms that shine a light on their shady practices

Well, even if that were true, it couldn't be worse than Obamacare. What could have been more misleading or manipulative than Obama's lies about Obamacare? Talk about "manipulation," do you think anyone would have approved of Obamacare if they knew their rates were going to be jacked up by 50% or 100% to cover the cost of insuring illegal aliens? Do you think they knew they were going to be forced to pay for abortions, maternity care, birth control, sex change operations and psychiatric care?

Nothing any insurance company has ever done comes anywhere close to Obamacare.

For the record, I've never had a problem with health insurance companies. I've had a number of serious medical incidents and the insurance companies paid for everything, just like they said they would.

You see, unlike politicians, insurance companies can't lie about their policies. The can't commit fraud as Obama and the Democrats do with impunity.
I did hear boehner say that obamacare needs to be scrapped, totally..............i go along with that 100% obamacare was a disaster when they first made the law and its turning out to be just that..........scrap it.

Yea Obamacare is a bunch of shit. Anyone could put out a better plan

But people with pre-existing conditions need coverage. Small businesses and the self employed need coverage. People in their early twenties need coverage. People who have exceeded their lifetime cap still need insurance

So since health insurance is such an easy thing to do. Why don't Republicans give us their alternative plan that does all this and a timeline for when they will implement it?

Makes sense doesn't it?
It makes a lot of sense to me. However, it won't happen because the Republicans have never been honest brokers on this issue. They are or the status quo.

"Let 'em die." is their motto.


The good news is, that 2014 is coming and it will be Winter for the Republicans.


Again you refuse to acknowledge the government alternative which is force someone else to pay for them.
Yea...I heard of that plan

Let em die

Not really. See, that's the conceit of your position. Believe it or not, you can help people out without bullying them.

I believe that

So tell us Republicans. Before we throw out Obamacare. How are you going to help these people and how long will it take?

OK America.......instead of Obamacare, we are going to offer this?

What is it Republicans?
My friend, the Republicans are not, nor have the ever been honest brokers on this issue.

Therefore they have no plan. Other than the status quo that is,
Just as Expanded 401k type programs are demonstratively the answer to our shitty inefficient SS system, expanded HSAs are the answer to our shitty government regulated insurance system. If you don't understand HSAs you need to become educated regarding them. You'll note the democrat plan has been to focus on destroying HSAs.

Free Markets work really well. So well America became the most powerful, economically rich nation on earth with the best health care. Then the democants went about destroying it with government regulations.

Socialist government managed markets are not a solution to any market issue, they merely exacerbate market issues by redistributing peter's money to paul.
I think you have that hat squeezed on a bit too tight there Cowboy, you're losing a lot of oxygen.

Typical Rules for Radical response of a morally degenerate Socialist/Marxist rube. Deflect, ridicule, belittle anyone with an opposing solution and esp. solutions that have a proven track record of success.

Where I thought you to be a decent sort of person. I now see you as nothing more than a POS parasite. Gratz.
Yes, thank you.

God bless you too Brother.
Here are some ideas that I believe are a great start. Cannot remember who proposed them, but I_think_most American's would be onboard with these ideas:

1. Dump the ACA
2. Repeal all state laws which prevent insurance companies from competing across state lines.
3. Enact tort reform
4. Enact Medicare reform
5. Drop government mandates regarding what insurance companies must cover.
6. Revise tax forms to make it easier for individuals to make a VOLUNTARY, tax-deductible donation to help the millions of people who have no insurance and aren't covered by Medicare, Medicaid or the State Children's Health Insurance Program
7. Equalize the tax laws so that employer-provided health insurance and individually owned health insurance have the same tax benefits.

some good ideas there. politicians are sure to avoid these like the plague
Unfortunately you're probably right and it's very frustrating. Common sense doesn't get you too far in Washington
Not really. See, that's the conceit of your position. Believe it or not, you can help people out without bullying them.

I believe that

So tell us Republicans. Before we throw out Obamacare. How are you going to help these people and how long will it take?

OK America.......instead of Obamacare, we are going to offer this?

What is it Republicans?
My friend, the Republicans are not, nor have the ever been honest brokers on this issue.

Therefore they have no plan. Other than the status quo that is,

the status quo? wait, wasn't that just obamas solution to fix the colossal mess he created by launching obamacare?
Here are some ideas that I believe are a great start. Cannot remember who proposed them, but I_think_most American's would be onboard with these ideas:

1. Dump the ACA
2. Repeal all state laws which prevent insurance companies from competing across state lines.
3. Enact tort reform
4. Enact Medicare reform
5. Drop government mandates regarding what insurance companies must cover.
6. Revise tax forms to make it easier for individuals to make a VOLUNTARY, tax-deductible donation to help the millions of people who have no insurance and aren't covered by Medicare, Medicaid or the State Children's Health Insurance Program
7. Equalize the tax laws so that employer-provided health insurance and individually owned health insurance have the same tax benefits.

Number 1 is a must.

Number 2 is irrelevant. Has nothing to do with nothing.

Number 3 would solve a LOT of problems. In fact, my favorite Shakespearean Character EVAH is Dick the Butcher.

Number 4; not sure what that would do for anybody

Number 5, you mean Federal Mandates? Right, well those go out the door with the ACA.

Number 6.... Okay :dunno: What the hell

Number 7. For way too long, people who buy their own insurance been screwed onthis one. Good one.

I would like to add one...... Instead of putting HEALTHY people on Medicaid, buy an insurance policy FOR them.

Of course, there will be the ones with chronic and incurable conditions that need to stay on gubmint plans, but getting people off Medicaid would work wonders.

And the Tort Reform deal? You would be AMAZED how much that would save. I'm talking 30% or more.

And to our resident liberals.... Please don't bore me with idiotic studies that show Lawyers only cost a small percentage of our Health Dollars.

It is GIGANTIC what they cost us. Off the charts.

Besides, I don't like them.

There's other ideas we can work on but.... you know, dems are so smart, they don't need anybody telling them how to do anything.

obamacare is proof of that
Not really. See, that's the conceit of your position. Believe it or not, you can help people out without bullying them.

I believe that

So tell us Republicans. Before we throw out Obamacare. How are you going to help these people and how long will it take?

OK America.......instead of Obamacare, we are going to offer this?

What is it Republicans?
My friend, the Republicans are not, nor have the ever been honest brokers on this issue.

Therefore they have no plan. Other than the status quo that is,

Join us back in reality. The one group of people we know for absolute certaintude lied to us is your boy, Obama and the democrats.
Here are some ideas that I believe are a great start. Cannot remember who proposed them, but I_think_most American's would be onboard with these ideas:

1. Dump the ACA
2. Repeal all state laws which prevent insurance companies from competing across state lines.
3. Enact tort reform
4. Enact Medicare reform
5. Drop government mandates regarding what insurance companies must cover.
6. Revise tax forms to make it easier for individuals to make a VOLUNTARY, tax-deductible donation to help the millions of people who have no insurance and aren't covered by Medicare, Medicaid or the State Children's Health Insurance Program
7. Equalize the tax laws so that employer-provided health insurance and individually owned health insurance have the same tax benefits.

some good ideas there. politicians are sure to avoid these like the plague
Unfortunately you're probably right and it's very frustrating. Common sense doesn't get you too far in Washington

the only way common sense ever eeks through in washington is if someone was paid off to implement it
Yeah, that's why so many Republicans voted for it.


Republicans that voted for it = 0


How patheticly ignorant and illinformed. :laugh2: Votes along party lines = equal individual beliefs and support? :rofl:

And where in the US Constitution do people find suppory for arguments you make about laws being invalid for lack of multiparty support?

Actually the Constitution is silent about political parties.

But the Constitution is clear about where Revenue bills must originate : IN THE HOUSE WHICH NEVER NEVER NEVER had a chance to consider Obama Hellcare.

I did hear boehner say that obamacare needs to be scrapped, totally..............i go along with that 100% obamacare was a disaster when they first made the law and its turning out to be just that..........scrap it.

Yea Obamacare is a bunch of shit. Anyone could put out a better plan

But people with pre-existing conditions need coverage. Small businesses and the self employed need coverage. People in their early twenties need coverage. People who have exceeded their lifetime cap still need insurance

So since health insurance is such an easy thing to do. Why don't Republicans give us their alternative plan that does all this and a timeline for when they will implement it?

Makes sense doesn't it?

The good news is, that 2014 is coming and it will be Winter for the Republicans.
Just keep thinking that if obamacare was so good and the democrats weren't concerned why is obama trying to make changes in the law?
Democrats wanted this now you have got to spend that money for the dance you did.
Yea Obamacare is a bunch of shit. Anyone could put out a better plan

But people with pre-existing conditions need coverage. Small businesses and the self employed need coverage. People in their early twenties need coverage. People who have exceeded their lifetime cap still need insurance

So since health insurance is such an easy thing to do. Why don't Republicans give us their alternative plan that does all this and a timeline for when they will implement it?

Makes sense doesn't it?
It makes a lot of sense to me. However, it won't happen because the Republicans have never been honest brokers on this issue. They are or the status quo.

"Let 'em die." is their motto.


The good news is, that 2014 is coming and it will be Winter for the Republicans.


Again you refuse to acknowledge the government alternative which is force someone else to pay for them.
No, what YOU refuse to acknowledge is the fact that we are CURRENTLY forced to pay for the uninsured.

Cut your BS.
I think you have that hat squeezed on a bit too tight there Cowboy, you're losing a lot of oxygen.

Typical Rules for Radical response of a morally degenerate Socialist/Marxist rube. Deflect, ridicule, belittle anyone with an opposing solution and esp. solutions that have a proven track record of success.

Where I thought you to be a decent sort of person. I now see you as nothing more than a POS parasite. Gratz.
Yes, thank you.

God bless you too Brother.

Your welcome. Glad to be of help.
Not really. See, that's the conceit of your position. Believe it or not, you can help people out without bullying them.

I believe that

So tell us Republicans. Before we throw out Obamacare. How are you going to help these people and how long will it take?

OK America.......instead of Obamacare, we are going to offer this?

What is it Republicans?
My friend, the Republicans are not, nor have the ever been honest brokers on this issue.

Therefore they have no plan. Other than the status quo that is,

Yea Obamacare is a bunch of shit. Anyone could put out a better plan

But people with pre-existing conditions need coverage. Small businesses and the self employed need coverage. People in their early twenties need coverage. People who have exceeded their lifetime cap still need insurance

So since health insurance is such an easy thing to do. Why don't Republicans give us their alternative plan that does all this and a timeline for when they will implement it?

Makes sense doesn't it?

The good news is, that 2014 is coming and it will be Winter for the Republicans.
Just keep thinking that if obamacare was so good and the democrats weren't concerned why is obama trying to make changes in the law?
Democrats wanted this now you have got to spend that money for the dance you did.
The Democrats are NOTORIOUS for being yellow-livered, weak-kneed weasels.

They're caving over politics, as usual.

Nothing new.

The tides will change once the website gets fixed and folks start enrolling and more people start experiencing the benefits waiting for them.

What will be your excuse for hating Obama and ObamaCare then?
We already pay for each others healthcare. The SCOTUS ruling lays out the answer in the constitutional sphere. In the moral and ethical spheres.if you want to deny society's obligation and duty here, go ahead.

Yes, we do. That doesn't serve as a valid argument that we should. Where did SCOTUS rule that it is the government's obligation (and thus mine) to pay for those who can't pay for themselves? Who came up with this societal obligation? You're just spouting vague nonsense because you know that this in fact is NOT a proper role of government.

Thank you for being honest and acknowledging that the argument on your side is philosophical and ideological -- a battle of competing morality and ethics, what kond of a society we 'want' to love in.

Agreed: We ultimately and eventually pay for the healthcare of others.

Disagree: Society should look to healthcare insurance as an entitlement and right for a just society to exist in our modern world.

Ignorance of [MENTION=637]Bern80[/MENTION] : SCOTUS ruling

Question: What did the SCOTUS rule on the constitutionality of tge PPACA/Obamacare?

Answer: The PPACA/Obamacare is constitutional on the role of the power(s) invested in the Legislative Branch of government.

Whether the GOP and Rightwing in America voted for a plan based on previously backed conservative arguments and ideas -- out of ideology and party politics, is irrelevant to the constitutionality of the act
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It makes a lot of sense to me. However, it won't happen because the Republicans have never been honest brokers on this issue. They are or the status quo.

"Let 'em die." is their motto.


The good news is, that 2014 is coming and it will be Winter for the Republicans.


Again you refuse to acknowledge the government alternative which is force someone else to pay for them.
No, what YOU refuse to acknowledge is the fact that we are CURRENTLY forced to pay for the uninsured.

Cut your BS.

And we still will be under Obamacare. Obamacare isn't going to magically make people who didn't have the money before have it now. There will always be people who can't pay. If they can't someone else will have to. Obamacare essentially mandates that the young and healthy pay for the old and sick. My suggestion is that we move to a system that brings us as close as possible to everyone paying for themselves. Obamacare does not accomplish that and in fact discourages it.
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It makes a lot of sense to me. However, it won't happen because the Republicans have never been honest brokers on this issue. They are or the status quo.

"Let 'em die." is their motto.


The good news is, that 2014 is coming and it will be Winter for the Republicans.


Again you refuse to acknowledge the government alternative which is force someone else to pay for them.
No, what YOU refuse to acknowledge is the fact that we are CURRENTLY forced to pay for the uninsured.

Cut your BS.

Where do you get your talking points?
talk about babbling you are the champion babbler... when you got nuttin you say nuttin' just like you did here babble on babbler !!!


cause they needed votes... that's funny ... here a idea ...go and read the god damn bill, moron ... then try to keep up with us .. casue pal you have no idea what you're talking about ...
Who pushed for the mandate? without the mandate obamacare could not be funded.
So do us a favor dumb ass shut the fuck up.

FYI: The mandate is only one of a dozen taxes that are funding OCA. The biggest tax is the refusal to allow insurance companies to offer high deductible insurance, thus forcing the healthy to buy health insurance plans designed for sick people who have to spend a ton of money each year on health care anyway, thus are willing to pay high premiums to have lower deductibles.
Jigger what!?!?

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