What is the Republican economic Plan?


Oct 22, 2010
I've been to many boards asking this question but I've yet to get a satisafactory answer. While the Republicans are supposedly basing their election strategy on "the economy", they offer no economic solutions that I can see. Can anyone here tell me how the Republicans are going to reduce unemployment, balance the budget or anything else economically useful? Or, if you have no idea how they intend to do it, how would you do it?

Yes, completely neutralize Obama's stranglehold on growth. Defund Obamacare for starters.
How does defunding Obamacare, a program that CBO says is deficit neutral, affect either unemployment or the budget?
The CBO numbers are based on lies told by Democrats, lies they are already walking back.

All recessions end by themselves, unless government prolongs them.

There will be permanent 10% (or higher) unemployment in this country until Obamacare is repealed.
Cut taxes on the wealthiest 2% and then sit back and bask in the trickle down effect of supply side economics.
The CBO numbers are based on lies told by Democrats

What lies specifically are contained in the CBO analysis?

All recessions end by themselves

This is simply not so. The Great Depression did not end by itself and every recession since then has been met with government intervention. Since the New Deal and government intervention, the length, severity and frequency of economic downturns have all been drastically reduced.

I tried to post a link to the NBER data on this but the system won't let me till I post 15 times.

There will be permanent 10% (or higher) unemployment in this country until Obamacare is repealed.

Why? What is your evidence for this? What econometric model are you using? Do you actually know anything at all about economics?
It's all lies.

There is no free preventive care. There is no free coverage for 26 year old "children." There are no free lifetime caps. There are no shovel ready jobs.

All there are is massive new mandates and taxes for employers and state Medicaid programs already bleeding to death.

The job creation class is not going to keep doing as it has and merely hand bigger and bigger chunks of its earnings to government.
It's all lies.

Then presumably you won't have any trouble at all picking out one specific lie and showing us all how it is a lie.

I'm waiting in breathless anticipation.
All of Obamacare must be repealed.

The United States will regress into more poverty and less opportunity the longer that cancer is permitted to exist.

Employers are not going to bend over and grab their ankles every time Obama wants to take something from them.
All of Obamacare must be repealed.

The United States will regress into more poverty and less opportunity the longer that cancer is permitted to exist.

Employers are not going to bend over and grab their ankles every time Obama wants to take something from them.

Not one real thing to say about it huh?

Just keep repeting what you have been told by Fox and never question your keepers.

just stick to saying" tax cut" instead of talking about shit you cant seem to understand.
It's all lies.

Then presumably you won't have any trouble at all picking out one specific lie and showing us all how it is a lie.

I'm waiting in breathless anticipation.

I suppose you're now aware that Revere is both stupid and a RW Fringer (though in many respects they are one and the same; though some RW fringers are simply insane).

In answer to the question, the Republican plan is to regain power by whatever means necessary. They have no economic plan per se, relying exclusively on the same rhetoric for the past 30 + years: Cut taxes, cut regulations.
Once another round of tax cuts are implemented, and oversight eliminated business and commerce will magically recover.
Sadly, the U.S. will need to hit rock bottom before a real economic plan for recovery is adopted. Republicans do not do well in power, as the past 30 years demonstrates, and today's Republican Party has moved so far to the right it has foresaken reason for emotion; I suspect a swift policy change towards less government oversight and a return to the "Gilded Age" .
Mark Twain described this period as glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath. In the popular view, the late nineteenth century was a period of greed and guile: of rapacious Robber Barons, unscrupulous speculators, and corporate buccaneers, of shady business practices, scandal-plagued politics, and vulgar display's of wealth by the few and want by the many.
The Republican Plan is to privatize as much as possible. The internet will no longer be free, and as a private concern the freedom of speech we expect can and will be controlled; new 'Enrons' will form, ponzi schemes will flourish and labor unions will be busted. As wages fall, prices will follow and a new era of deflation will mark the rock bottom. The spread between the wealthy and the poor will increase and the middle class will shrink.
All of which will lead to similar conditions which existed in France in 1789, Russia in 1917 and our nation in 1934.
Those that ignore history are doomed to repeat it
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This guy is getting rich from the last time government crashed a market, buying distressed homes.

He wants more.
All of Obamacare must be repealed.

The United States will regress into more poverty and less opportunity the longer that cancer is permitted to exist.

Employers are not going to bend over and grab their ankles every time Obama wants to take something from them.

Not one real thing to say about it huh?

Just keep repeting what you have been told by Fox and never question your keepers.

just stick to saying" tax cut" instead of talking about shit you cant seem to understand.

Actually, Democrats can't wait to "fix" Obamacare. They are all running on that.

Or just running away from it.

You don't understand Obama has no plans for anything but marginalizing the wealth of the United States.
Do the jackass Harvard lawyers working for Obama know what they are doing?

Where is the evidence of that?
This guy is getting rich...buying distressed homes.

Damned straight! And what's wrong with that little bit of free market entrepreneurialism huh? Truth is, I could see the meltdown coming. I liquidated many assets to get into a cash position that would allow me to do what I'm doing now. I'm sorry that your under-educated self couldn't see the obvious. You want some more obvious economic reality? If the Republicans are successful in blocking Obama from doing what needs to be done, redistributing wealth, the corporations who are making tons of profit right now but not investing it will start to eat each other in a leverage buyout binge. Yeah, I can remember when this happened under Reagan. Guess what? It was like a couple of years after the massive bank failures and bailouts. Part of the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.

Oh, and if you are claiming that government caused the housing meltdown, then you better put the blame where it belongs. The thing bubbled and burst under Bush. TARP, the eeeevil bailouts, were done by Paulson and Bush.
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What's wrong with it is that your same liberal entitlement policies, in this case, homeownership, crashed the market and enabled you to do it.
Government demanded banks make loans to unqualified buyers, and threatened them if they did not.


Credit History: Lack of credit history should not be seen as a negative factor.... In reviewing past credit problems, lenders should be willing to consider extenuating circumstances. For lower–income applicants in particular, unforeseen expenses can have a disproportionate effect on an otherwise positive credit record. In these instances, paying off past bad debts or establishing a regular repayment schedule with creditors may demonstrate a willingness and ability to resolve debts....

Down Payment and Closing Costs: Accumulating enough savings to cover the various costs associated with a mortgage loan is often a significant barrier to homeownership by lower-income applicants. Lenders may wish to allow gifts, grants, or loans from relatives, nonprofit organizations, or municipal agencies to cover part of these costs. . . .

Sources of Income: In addition to primary employment income, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will accept the following as valid income sources: overtime and part–time work, second jobs (including seasonal work), retirement and Social Security income, alimony, child support, Veterans Administration (VA) benefits, welfare payments, and unemployment benefits.

Accepting these new criteria was hardly voluntary. The Fed warned the banks:

"Did You Know? Failure to comply with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act or Regulation B can subject a financial institution to civil liability for actual and punitive damages in individual or class actions. Liability for punitive damages can be as much as $10,000 in individual actions and the lesser of $500,000 or 1 percent of the creditor’s net worth in class actions."
It's all lies.

There is no free preventive care. There is no free coverage for 26 year old "children." There are no free lifetime caps. There are no shovel ready jobs.

All there are is massive new mandates and taxes for employers and state Medicaid programs already bleeding to death.

The job creation class is not going to keep doing as it has and merely hand bigger and bigger chunks of its earnings to government.

Exactly who..said it was going to be "free"?

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