What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

probably a small amount eh, its the price we Americans pay to have the RIGHT and Freedom to own guns Lesh .
Ohhh...so eventslike Parkland and Sandy Hook and Vegas and Orlando...are just the "price we pay" for you to have your squirrel guns huh?

I'm sure that comforts the loved ones of those victims

It's the price we pay to have firearms period. You are the one obsessing on guns and types of guns.
------------------------------------- i don't worry about comforting all the dead that died in car accidents either . Car death are the price we pay to have the FREEDOM to use cars to travel Lesh ,

Exactly. Every summer when the weather breaks, people go swimming either in Lake Erie, city pools and private pools. And every year, we experience at least a dozen drowning deaths during the season. However nobody has ever suggested we outlaw swimming.
I don’t buy it til I see the statistics. It doesn’t really make any sense though. There’s no reason why that would be.

Sure there's a reason. Most of the sellers at gun shows are licensed dealers. As such, they are (by law) required to do a background check be it at a gun show or in their place of business. Even people who sell their personal firearms usually ask for ID of some sort. It would kind of be stupid not to because if that weapon is used in a crime, the detectives will trace it back to the last owner and they would have to answer questions about it.

Guns used in crimes are statistically stolen or purchased from straw buyers.
No actually. At gun shows, they are exempt from needing background checks. As long as the dealer doesn’t have previous knowledge that someone is a dangerous felon, they can sell it.

No, that is totally false. A gun dealer is held to those standards whether they are selling a firearm in their shop, at a gun show, or even from their home. By the way you are talking, it sounds to me like you never been to a gun show.
Ive never been to a gun show but I know how they work. The federal background check is only required for commercial sale. It is perfectly legal for you to sell your gun to a stranger without a background check. That is why it is allowed in gun shows given that the sale is not commercial.

Yes it is commercial. If a gun seller never owned the gun he is selling and a licensed dealer, it's law that he has to run a background check.
Yes, but obviously if he did previously own the gun and sold it at a gun show, it is legal.
I didn’t say it was possible - it’s just what is needed. Obviously the GOP that sucks NRA lobbyist dick wouldn’t allow it. Of course, according to Scalia, gun control is constitutional. Think of it this way: slander is illegal yet it technically falls under freedom of speech.

We do have gun control. There are over 200 federal regulations on firearms on top of additional state and even city regulations.

Even if the Republicans would allow it, the courts wouldn't. Firearm ownership is a constitutional right.
Yeah, I know we have gun control measures.

Rather aribitrary to say banning of types is illegal but other gun control measures aren’t wouldn’t you say?

I'm sorry, but I don't follow what you're asking.
The Supreme Court allows regulation on guns, yet you claim banning certain types is unconstitutional.

No, what you stated is that we stop gun manufacturing in the US. By that statement, it means all gun manufacturing--not just specific weapons. That's what I was responding to.

Not going to happen. It's the same as grandfathering in Gun Confiscation. Never going to happen. But what do I know, according to all of you I am a bleeding Liberal out to seize all your guns. Your message gets lost in the diatribe.
Sure there's a reason. Most of the sellers at gun shows are licensed dealers. As such, they are (by law) required to do a background check be it at a gun show or in their place of business. Even people who sell their personal firearms usually ask for ID of some sort. It would kind of be stupid not to because if that weapon is used in a crime, the detectives will trace it back to the last owner and they would have to answer questions about it.

Guns used in crimes are statistically stolen or purchased from straw buyers.
No actually. At gun shows, they are exempt from needing background checks. As long as the dealer doesn’t have previous knowledge that someone is a dangerous felon, they can sell it.

No, that is totally false. A gun dealer is held to those standards whether they are selling a firearm in their shop, at a gun show, or even from their home. By the way you are talking, it sounds to me like you never been to a gun show.
Ive never been to a gun show but I know how they work. The federal background check is only required for commercial sale. It is perfectly legal for you to sell your gun to a stranger without a background check. That is why it is allowed in gun shows given that the sale is not commercial.

Yes it is commercial. If a gun seller never owned the gun he is selling and a licensed dealer, it's law that he has to run a background check.
Yes, but obviously if he did previously own the gun and sold it at a gun show, it is legal.

No it is not because he is a licensed dealer. Dealers take their shop on the road to gun shows, but being at a gun show does not exempt them from federal regulations.
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

22% of guns are sold without back ground checks

97% of Americans think that ALL gun sales should have back ground checks.

So what does that prove? I stated that only licensed dealers have to run background checks and in fact, some states require all sales to have background checks.

Colorado for one. But it's a tough one to enforce. But giving it a few years, it will make a difference.
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

22% of guns are sold without back ground checks

97% of Americans think that ALL gun sales should have back ground checks.

So what does that prove? I stated that only licensed dealers have to run background checks and in fact, some states require all sales to have background checks.

Colorado for one. But it's a tough one to enforce. But giving it a few years, it will make a difference.

I'll take that bet
No actually. At gun shows, they are exempt from needing background checks. As long as the dealer doesn’t have previous knowledge that someone is a dangerous felon, they can sell it.

No, that is totally false. A gun dealer is held to those standards whether they are selling a firearm in their shop, at a gun show, or even from their home. By the way you are talking, it sounds to me like you never been to a gun show.
Ive never been to a gun show but I know how they work. The federal background check is only required for commercial sale. It is perfectly legal for you to sell your gun to a stranger without a background check. That is why it is allowed in gun shows given that the sale is not commercial.

Yes it is commercial. If a gun seller never owned the gun he is selling and a licensed dealer, it's law that he has to run a background check.
Yes, but obviously if he did previously own the gun and sold it at a gun show, it is legal.

No it is not because he is a licensed dealer. Dealers take their shop on the road to gun shows, but being at a gun show does not exempt them from federal regulations.

And even more important, it doesn't exempt them from State Regulations. Way too much emphasis is placed on the importance of the Federal Government when the real power is in the State. We may not have a whole lot of say in our Federal Government (bow your heads in shame) but we do have in the local governments.
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

22% of guns are sold without back ground checks

97% of Americans think that ALL gun sales should have back ground checks.

So what does that prove? I stated that only licensed dealers have to run background checks and in fact, some states require all sales to have background checks.

Colorado for one. But it's a tough one to enforce. But giving it a few years, it will make a difference.

I'll take that bet

Case in point. The 1934 Firearms Act specifically mentioned the Thompson. They didn't bann it or outlaw it, the regulated it. It took about 10 years to get them off the streets. But it meant a complete influence in the manufacture of the product as well. At first, it didn't make much of a difference. But when the parts to repair the Thompson were no longer available and it became a felony to sell it privately and to sell it to anyone not possessing the proper Firearms License then it was just a matter of time. So you lose that bet.
Um yeah, in terms of individual mass shootings, it’s basically all white guys.

Ummmmm, you mean except for Virginia Tech, the worst school shooting, then you have the Navy Yard shooter, the D.C. snipers, the Pulse Night club shooting, San Bernadino, the Long Island train shooter.......
Those are still statistical anomalies. Most are white guys. Of course If you think bringing up the worst of them matters, you should consider the the Vegas shooter who committed the most out of any. Guess what? He was white!

And your solution to mass shootings?
A start would be better background checks and ending the gun show loophole. That wouldn’t be enough of course. It would require ceasing production of most guns.

Very few guns were ever used illegally purchased from guns shows. Such a policy would only make you feel a little better but not solve anything.

One of the things that a background check does, it gives the dealer the records that he has to hold onto for X number of years. If that weapon is used in the commission of a crime, the law enforcement can get a court order to view just that one record and track it back to the last legal seller. What they might turn up is someone selling legal weapons to criminals and it will enable the law enforcement and the courts to put a stop to it.
So what does that prove? I stated that only licensed dealers have to run background checks and in fact, some states require all sales to have background checks.

It proves that FIVE MILLION guns are sold with no back ground check every year
No actually. At gun shows, they are exempt from needing background checks. As long as the dealer doesn’t have previous knowledge that someone is a dangerous felon, they can sell it.

No, that is totally false. A gun dealer is held to those standards whether they are selling a firearm in their shop, at a gun show, or even from their home. By the way you are talking, it sounds to me like you never been to a gun show.
Ive never been to a gun show but I know how they work. The federal background check is only required for commercial sale. It is perfectly legal for you to sell your gun to a stranger without a background check. That is why it is allowed in gun shows given that the sale is not commercial.

Yes it is commercial. If a gun seller never owned the gun he is selling and a licensed dealer, it's law that he has to run a background check.
Yes, but obviously if he did previously own the gun and sold it at a gun show, it is legal.

No it is not because he is a licensed dealer. Dealers take their shop on the road to gun shows, but being at a gun show does not exempt them from federal regulations.
You don’t have to be a licensed dealer to sell guns at gun show. If you personally were to sell your gun to a stranger, it is perfectly legal for you to not do a background check so long as you have no previous knowledge that it was illegal for him to buy it.
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

22% of guns are sold without back ground checks

97% of Americans think that ALL gun sales should have back ground checks.

So what does that prove? I stated that only licensed dealers have to run background checks and in fact, some states require all sales to have background checks.

Colorado for one. But it's a tough one to enforce. But giving it a few years, it will make a difference.

It may be a tough one to enforce, but since it's a law, the seller is responsible for the sale if that weapon is used in the commission of a crime.
No, that is totally false. A gun dealer is held to those standards whether they are selling a firearm in their shop, at a gun show, or even from their home. By the way you are talking, it sounds to me like you never been to a gun show.
Ive never been to a gun show but I know how they work. The federal background check is only required for commercial sale. It is perfectly legal for you to sell your gun to a stranger without a background check. That is why it is allowed in gun shows given that the sale is not commercial.

Yes it is commercial. If a gun seller never owned the gun he is selling and a licensed dealer, it's law that he has to run a background check.
Yes, but obviously if he did previously own the gun and sold it at a gun show, it is legal.

No it is not because he is a licensed dealer. Dealers take their shop on the road to gun shows, but being at a gun show does not exempt them from federal regulations.
You don’t have to be a licensed dealer to sell guns at gun show. If you personally were to sell your gun to a stranger, it is perfectly legal for you to not do a background check so long as you have no previous knowledge that it was illegal for him to buy it.

Let's put this debate to an end right now. From Wikipedia:

Federal law requires background checks for commercial gun sales, but an exemption exists for private-party sales whereby "Any person may sell a firearm to an unlicensed resident of the State where he resides as long as he does not know or have reasonable cause to believe the person is prohibited from receiving or possessing firearms under Federal law."[2][3][4] Under federal law, private-party sellers are not required to perform background checks on buyers, record the sale, or ask for identification, whether at a gun show or other venue. This is in contrast to sales by gun stores and other Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders, who are required to perform background checks and record all sales on almost all buyers, regardless of whether the venue is their business location or a gun show. Some states have passed laws to require background checks for private sales with limited exceptions. Access to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) is limited to FFL holders.

Gun show loophole - Wikipedia
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

22% of guns are sold without back ground checks

97% of Americans think that ALL gun sales should have back ground checks.

So what does that prove? I stated that only licensed dealers have to run background checks and in fact, some states require all sales to have background checks.

Colorado for one. But it's a tough one to enforce. But giving it a few years, it will make a difference.

It may be a tough one to enforce, but since it's a law, the seller is responsible for the sale if that weapon is used in the commission of a crime.

I think you are the one that said, "It's the Price we Pay". Having every private gun sale to have to have a background check on the seller sounds like a hassle. But the two people (the buyer and seller) can go to any licensed Gun Dealer and have the background check ran for a whopping 7 bucks. The Gun Store gets the 7 bucks for the couple of minutes of their time. The State gets zero. In time, all almost all guns will end up going through the Background check. And the peoples (seller and buyer) names will be on temporary file with the Gun Dealer, not with the State or Feds.
Ive never been to a gun show but I know how they work. The federal background check is only required for commercial sale. It is perfectly legal for you to sell your gun to a stranger without a background check. That is why it is allowed in gun shows given that the sale is not commercial.

Yes it is commercial. If a gun seller never owned the gun he is selling and a licensed dealer, it's law that he has to run a background check.
Yes, but obviously if he did previously own the gun and sold it at a gun show, it is legal.

No it is not because he is a licensed dealer. Dealers take their shop on the road to gun shows, but being at a gun show does not exempt them from federal regulations.
You don’t have to be a licensed dealer to sell guns at gun show. If you personally were to sell your gun to a stranger, it is perfectly legal for you to not do a background check so long as you have no previous knowledge that it was illegal for him to buy it.

Let's put this debate to an end right now. From Wikipedia:

Federal law requires background checks for commercial gun sales, but an exemption exists for private-party sales whereby "Any person may sell a firearm to an unlicensed resident of the State where he resides as long as he does not know or have reasonable cause to believe the person is prohibited from receiving or possessing firearms under Federal law."[2][3][4] Under federal law, private-party sellers are not required to perform background checks on buyers, record the sale, or ask for identification, whether at a gun show or other venue. This is in contrast to sales by gun stores and other Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders, who are required to perform background checks and record all sales on almost all buyers, regardless of whether the venue is their business location or a gun show. Some states have passed laws to require background checks for private sales with limited exceptions. Access to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) is limited to FFL holders.

Gun show loophole - Wikipedia

This is the minimum. The Feds lay out the minimum but the states can expand on it. In this case, some states require ALL sales to have to be run through a background check.
So what does that prove? I stated that only licensed dealers have to run background checks and in fact, some states require all sales to have background checks.

It proves that FIVE MILLION guns are sold with no back ground check every year

Yet according to statistics, only 2% of guns purchased at guns shows were ever used in the commission of a crime. So you're beating a dead horse by stating gun shows are the breeding ground for firearm sales to criminals. Most of the illegal guns are just that--illegal: black market, stolen guns, straw purchases.
Ive never been to a gun show but I know how they work. The federal background check is only required for commercial sale. It is perfectly legal for you to sell your gun to a stranger without a background check. That is why it is allowed in gun shows given that the sale is not commercial.

Yes it is commercial. If a gun seller never owned the gun he is selling and a licensed dealer, it's law that he has to run a background check.
Yes, but obviously if he did previously own the gun and sold it at a gun show, it is legal.

No it is not because he is a licensed dealer. Dealers take their shop on the road to gun shows, but being at a gun show does not exempt them from federal regulations.
You don’t have to be a licensed dealer to sell guns at gun show. If you personally were to sell your gun to a stranger, it is perfectly legal for you to not do a background check so long as you have no previous knowledge that it was illegal for him to buy it.

Let's put this debate to an end right now. From Wikipedia:

Federal law requires background checks for commercial gun sales, but an exemption exists for private-party sales whereby "Any person may sell a firearm to an unlicensed resident of the State where he resides as long as he does not know or have reasonable cause to believe the person is prohibited from receiving or possessing firearms under Federal law."[2][3][4] Under federal law, private-party sellers are not required to perform background checks on buyers, record the sale, or ask for identification, whether at a gun show or other venue. This is in contrast to sales by gun stores and other Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders, who are required to perform background checks and record all sales on almost all buyers, regardless of whether the venue is their business location or a gun show. Some states have passed laws to require background checks for private sales with limited exceptions. Access to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) is limited to FFL holders.

Gun show loophole - Wikipedia
Lol dude this is from the exact quote you laid out:

]”Under federal law, private-party sellers are not required to perform background checks on buyers, record the sale, or ask for identification, whether at a gun show or other venue.”
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

22% of guns are sold without back ground checks

97% of Americans think that ALL gun sales should have back ground checks.

So what does that prove? I stated that only licensed dealers have to run background checks and in fact, some states require all sales to have background checks.

Colorado for one. But it's a tough one to enforce. But giving it a few years, it will make a difference.

It may be a tough one to enforce, but since it's a law, the seller is responsible for the sale if that weapon is used in the commission of a crime.

I think you are the one that said, "It's the Price we Pay". Having every private gun sale to have to have a background check on the seller sounds like a hassle. But the two people (the buyer and seller) can go to any licensed Gun Dealer and have the background check ran for a whopping 7 bucks. The Gun Store gets the 7 bucks for the couple of minutes of their time. The State gets zero. In time, all almost all guns will end up going through the Background check. And the peoples (seller and buyer) names will be on temporary file with the Gun Dealer, not with the State or Feds.

Well.......that's like saying if I sell my car to my nephew, I should be required to perform a check into his driving record to make sure he hasn't had a DUI in the last five years.

In some cases (such as a stranger) I can understand such a law, but if I sell my neighbor, my family, my girlfriend a gun, I should not be required to do a background check on them.
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

22% of guns are sold without back ground checks

97% of Americans think that ALL gun sales should have back ground checks.

So what does that prove? I stated that only licensed dealers have to run background checks and in fact, some states require all sales to have background checks.

Colorado for one. But it's a tough one to enforce. But giving it a few years, it will make a difference.

It may be a tough one to enforce, but since it's a law, the seller is responsible for the sale if that weapon is used in the commission of a crime.

I think the problem is, we have a bunch of guns that have never been run through the system. Or we have a bunch of guns purchased in, say, Texas and transported to criminals in Chicago. This is happening on a daily basis. Buy the guns at a gun show from a private person for a decent price in Texas, box them up and transport them to Chicago and sell them to Criminals for an inflated price. If that gun has never been in the system or the Law Enforcement doesn't know where to look to get that court order, it's not traceable. Let's say that ALL guns sold in Texas at a Gun Show needs a background check, then the Law Enforcement can get a court order and see who is buying all those weapons providing they have probable cause. Then Texas can put a stop to this practice working with Illinois.

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