What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

I know of at least two people who own a Thompson Machine Gun.

Like I said, I'll take the bet.

And I have a buddy of a friend that has a brother......

I know of a few that own Thompsons. Unless they are gun collectors and have the FFL or EFL license, those Thompsons are either inert or they are the Semi Auto version. It's possible to have one still in existance. But if you show up with it, they WILL confiscate it unless you are fallowing the law. And the Law Enforcement will not be very jolly when they discover you have it.



thompson full auto conversion - Bing video

I clicked on the link Even when I clicked on the Thompson Conversion Parts List, there is no mention of the parts nor the method. What you are seeing in those clips are LEGAL Thompson 45 Cal SMGs, not conversions. The owners are all either FFL or EFL licensed gun owners. They didn't outlaw them, they didn't ban them, they regulated them. If you want one, you can easily get at least an EFL to own one with just a bit more hassle than a background check.


Are you gonna ban all Semi Autos too?

If not, you are going to have to ban Rubber Bands.

You know that, right?

Oh great Cupcake one, when did I EVER say that I wanted to ban anything. Try discussing for a change instead of making these outlandish claims. Or, as I say,stop making shit up.

Do you or do you not support the ban on full auto weapons?

Did you or did you not cite the banning of the Thompson's machine Gun as a success?

Did you or did you not point to the "semi auto" Thompsons in the video search link I shared?

If you do not and are NOT going to ban semi -autos and you are NOT going to ban Rubber bands. . . .

What then have you accomplished?

What is the functional difference between a full auto Thompson Machine gun and a Semi Auto Version tricked out with a simple Rubber band?

Be specific.
The same shit and bs over and over 1000 times. Still makes no sense or even presents ANY solution. Liberal want to remove Americans constitutional rights they don’t like or even understand yet they grant nonexistent rights to their pets. Seems like dimshit liberals are the problem to me. Any person that has a knowledge of real history knows that private gun ownership is one of the reasons we are still free for now. Dimshit failure to make accountability tatamount in our justice system is what has caused criminals to ignore laws that protect us from violence. When a president of the USA and his ignorant AG give guns to the Mexican cartels it is no wonder they use them against our citizens.
And I have a buddy of a friend that has a brother......

I know of a few that own Thompsons. Unless they are gun collectors and have the FFL or EFL license, those Thompsons are either inert or they are the Semi Auto version. It's possible to have one still in existance. But if you show up with it, they WILL confiscate it unless you are fallowing the law. And the Law Enforcement will not be very jolly when they discover you have it.



thompson full auto conversion - Bing video

I clicked on the link Even when I clicked on the Thompson Conversion Parts List, there is no mention of the parts nor the method. What you are seeing in those clips are LEGAL Thompson 45 Cal SMGs, not conversions. The owners are all either FFL or EFL licensed gun owners. They didn't outlaw them, they didn't ban them, they regulated them. If you want one, you can easily get at least an EFL to own one with just a bit more hassle than a background check.


Are you gonna ban all Semi Autos too?

If not, you are going to have to ban Rubber Bands.

You know that, right?

Oh great Cupcake one, when did I EVER say that I wanted to ban anything. Try discussing for a change instead of making these outlandish claims. Or, as I say,stop making shit up.

Do you or do you not support the ban on full auto weapons?

Did you or did you not cite the banning of the Thompson's machine Gun as a success?

Did you or did you not point to the "semi auto" Thompsons in the video search link I shared?

If you do not and are NOT going to ban semi -autos and you are NOT going to ban Rubber bands. . . .

What then have you accomplished?

What is the functional difference between a full auto Thompson Machine gun and a Semi Auto Version tricked out with a simple Rubber band?

Be specific.

Well, cupcake, the Thompson full auto was NEVER banned. Anyone is good standing as a citizen in the United States can easily qualify for the EFL license to own one. The questions asked on the application are very similar to a standard background check. You just have to pay the 200 bucks per gun after that. It's never been banned. You are so afraid that WE are coming to get your guns. Well, there is usually some semblance of fact in everything no matter how bizarre. And exactly what are you doing that would cause the rest of us to confiscate your weapons? You must be doing something. There just is no logical reason for your behavior so you might be deemed a threat to yourself and others. Now, that would do it in many areas.

You spend all this time insulting and generally being obnoxis claiming that you don't have the right or that they are coming for your rights not to notice that you DO have those rights and no one is messing with them. The fact remains that I can own an older fully auto weapon. I have that right. But it takes filing for an EFL for me to be able to purchase it. If you don't have that right then that would make you not a full citizen of good standings. Do you know what we call those? Violent Criminals. Are you are violent criminal?
As can be seen, those obsessed with their lethal toys have no inclination to discuss the victims of gun violence, because they have this self proclaimed Right.

You motherfucking idiot!!!!!

Move to another country. You know SHIT about your own.


Punk, a cowardly person who uses fowl language and fighting words when safely confined in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard. Aptly applies to you Mr. BLF. You would not have the balls to say this to my face (unless of course you came armed and ready to commit a felony).

So that was bird language?

I didn't know birds could cuss
As can be seen, those obsessed with their lethal toys have no inclination to discuss the victims of gun violence, because they have this self proclaimed Right.

You motherfucking idiot!!!!!

Move to another country. You know SHIT about your own.


Punk, a cowardly person who uses fowl language and fighting words when safely confined in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard. Aptly applies to you Mr. BLF. You would not have the balls to say this to my face (unless of course you came armed and ready to commit a felony).
Trump uses fowl language & you kiss his fast ass every day.

So your real name is Wry Catcher. Who knew? You are just a cowardly POS hiding behind a keyboard too.
Trump talks to birds?

and you're wrong about Wry he's on your side when it comes to gun control
What is liberals solution to 35,000 people dying behind the wheel every year, year after year, around the country? Ban all cars?
Driving serves a purpose. The government tells you what you are allowed to drive on our highways. You have to take a test to drive.
you also have no guaranteed righ tot drive a car on public roads.

It is a privilege that can be taken away at any time for any reason
Very few guns were ever used illegally purchased from guns shows. Such a policy would only make you feel a little better but not solve anything.
What are you basing that on exactly?

FBI statistics.
I don’t buy it til I see the statistics. It doesn’t really make any sense though. There’s no reason why that would be.

Sure there's a reason. Most of the sellers at gun shows are licensed dealers. As such, they are (by law) required to do a background check be it at a gun show or in their place of business. Even people who sell their personal firearms usually ask for ID of some sort. It would kind of be stupid not to because if that weapon is used in a crime, the detectives will trace it back to the last owner and they would have to answer questions about it.

Guns used in crimes are statistically stolen or purchased from straw buyers.
No actually. At gun shows, they are exempt from needing background checks. As long as the dealer doesn’t have previous knowledge that someone is a dangerous felon, they can sell it.

Anyone with an FFL MUST run a background check the only people who don't are people who enter into private sales
So what does that prove? I stated that only licensed dealers have to run background checks and in fact, some states require all sales to have background checks.

It proves that FIVE MILLION guns are sold with no back ground check every year
and still only a fraction of a fraction of a percent of those are used to kill anyone
No, that is totally false. A gun dealer is held to those standards whether they are selling a firearm in their shop, at a gun show, or even from their home. By the way you are talking, it sounds to me like you never been to a gun show.
Ive never been to a gun show but I know how they work. The federal background check is only required for commercial sale. It is perfectly legal for you to sell your gun to a stranger without a background check. That is why it is allowed in gun shows given that the sale is not commercial.

Yes it is commercial. If a gun seller never owned the gun he is selling and a licensed dealer, it's law that he has to run a background check.
Yes, but obviously if he did previously own the gun and sold it at a gun show, it is legal.

No it is not because he is a licensed dealer. Dealers take their shop on the road to gun shows, but being at a gun show does not exempt them from federal regulations.
You don’t have to be a licensed dealer to sell guns at gun show. If you personally were to sell your gun to a stranger, it is perfectly legal for you to not do a background check so long as you have no previous knowledge that it was illegal for him to buy it.
If you want to be accurate ( and I don't think you do) you would use the term private sale loophole not gun show loophole as there is no gun show loophole
Why not all murderers?

I always thought that executions should be held in public and on television. Pay-per-view proceeds should be given to the family of the victim and the state pick 10 to 15 kids in juvenile detention to witness it in person.

I don't believe in torture, but I think a family member should be (if desired) the one to twist the petcock of the fluid that kills the murderer. All appeals of (without a doubt) murderers should be exhausted in four months.

Liberals can take away all the guns they desire, but if you really want to see a drastic reduction in murder, do what I posted above. Then we can all keep our guns while at the same time, reducing murders by half.


So tell me Ray how is it was have all these guns, all these prisons, and are the only advanced country that still executes people... and we have the highest crime rate in the Western World...

While European countries that ban guns, have abolished the death penalty and imprison very few people have such low crime rates?


Wait for it... wait for it....
/——-/ Back out gang crime and Black on Black crime and the answer will appear like magic.
Case in point. The 1934 Firearms Act specifically mentioned the Thompson. They didn't bann it or outlaw it, the regulated it. It took about 10 years to get them off the streets. But it meant a complete influence in the manufacture of the product as well. At first, it didn't make much of a difference. But when the parts to repair the Thompson were no longer available and it became a felony to sell it privately and to sell it to anyone not possessing the proper Firearms License then it was just a matter of time. So you lose that bet.

I know of at least two people who own a Thompson Machine Gun.

Like I said, I'll take the bet.

And I have a buddy of a friend that has a brother......

I know of a few that own Thompsons. Unless they are gun collectors and have the FFL or EFL license, those Thompsons are either inert or they are the Semi Auto version. It's possible to have one still in existance. But if you show up with it, they WILL confiscate it unless you are fallowing the law. And the Law Enforcement will not be very jolly when they discover you have it.



thompson full auto conversion - Bing video

I clicked on the link Even when I clicked on the Thompson Conversion Parts List, there is no mention of the parts nor the method. What you are seeing in those clips are LEGAL Thompson 45 Cal SMGs, not conversions. The owners are all either FFL or EFL licensed gun owners. They didn't outlaw them, they didn't ban them, they regulated them. If you want one, you can easily get at least an EFL to own one with just a bit more hassle than a background check.


Are you gonna ban all Semi Autos too?

If not, you are going to have to ban Rubber Bands.

You know that, right?

A ban of all semiautomatics is the end game.

If any one of these control freaks tells you otherwise you are being lied to
What is liberals solution to 35,000 people dying behind the wheel every year, year after year, around the country? Ban all cars?
Driving serves a purpose. The government tells you what you are allowed to drive on our highways. You have to take a test to drive.
you also have no guaranteed righ tot drive a car on public roads.

It is a privilege that can be taken away at any time for any reason
Same with gun ownership.
A ban of all semiautomatics is the end game.

I am unaware of anyone besides myself proposing that.

I do however think it makes sense. Why the hell do we regulate full auto machine guns but not assault weapons?

Oh you say "We can't differentiate what is and what isn't an assault weapon"?

I agree with you

They should all be banned just as assault weapons were for 10 years

If you look at the weapons used in mass attacks and you'll see that in the vast majority of them...semi -auto magazine fed weapons were used
And why do we "need" semi-auto magazine fed weapons?

We're told that assault weapons are good for squirrel hunting. Oh....

We're told that assault weapons are important to potentially use against the government ...while at the same time we're told that they are not "military grade"


The truth is...any legitimate use of a gun can be accomplished with revolvers, or in long guns with lever/bolt action/ or pump action.

Hell if you want a "plinker" to shoot cans or squirrels...a semi-auto tube fed .22 works just fine..

For home defense a shotgun (even tube fed semi-auto) works fine. A revolver can do anything a semi-auto can do in terms of self defense.
The truth is...any legitimate use of a gun can be accomplished with revolvers, or in long guns with lever/bolt action/ or pump action.

That's what Democrats may call the truth because Democrats lie so much.

It's obvious you have little or no experience with guns. If you did, you would know the major differences between a revolver and a semi-automatic handgun. If you ever did shoot a gun, you'd realize how inaccurate shots can be, especially in a quick thinking life or death situation.

It's just like we were taught in CCW training. You can be a great shot when you're shooting at cardboard figures, but those cardboard figures are not shooting back. Big difference in how it effects your accuracy.

I have a stainless steel revolver in my headboard. I have my 9mm on the dresser. If people break into my home while I'm sleeping, I'm grabbing my 9mm if possible. If they charge too quickly or I wake up too late, I always have my .357 revolver. But given the choice, I'm going to try and get my semi-automatic.

You're not going to fire a revolver nearly as fast as a magazine fed firearm. It just isn't possible. If you are facing several armed attackers, the odds are already against you yet alone be restricted to a revolver. And when your life is on the line, time counts.

My revolver has six shots. My 9mm has 15 shots. That's 2.5 times as many rounds in my semi-automatic than my revolver.

Those are just a couple of reasons we need magazine fed firearms.

Now if you think I'm FOS when it comes to accuracy, just watch this video of a highly trained police officer in a gun battle:

No it doesn’t! Why aren’t there more occurrences then?

Dust off those unused brain cells and think about it.
So no answer

There are tons of occurances with all types of weapons. But the most damaging in fact and potential in killing would be the AR with 5 30 shot Mags in the hands of a nutcase.

Now, take that and think about it. Use those brain cells. I know it will hurt you to but if you do it enough it will stop hurting and actually feel good.
Shit dude four planes went down with seven hundred people that died, all because of box cutters. You should learn

And it was completely against any sane thinking that this could happen. We have safe guards in place to prevent that today. No matter how tragic is was, you do have to admire the brilliance of the plan and the execution done. It was downright elegant. Our domestic terrorists are Sunday Schoolers in comparison.
i never said otherwise. but your analysis is just flat ass wrong on guns. I just gave you how real evil works, guns aren't even needed. So leave the scary gun voodoo in your basement. Box cutters is what one needs to be truly afraid of.
The truth is...any legitimate use of a gun can be accomplished with revolvers, or in long guns with lever/bolt action/ or pump action.

That's what Democrats may call the truth because Democrats lie so much.

It's obvious you have little or no experience with guns. If you did, you would know the major differences between a revolver and a semi-automatic handgun. If you ever did shoot a gun, you'd realize how inaccurate shots can be, especially in a quick thinking life or death situation.

It's just like we were taught in CCW training. You can be a great shot when you're shooting at cardboard figures, but those cardboard figures are not shooting back. Big difference in how it effects your accuracy.

I have a stainless steel revolver in my headboard. I have my 9mm on the dresser. If people break into my home while I'm sleeping, I'm grabbing my 9mm if possible. If they charge too quickly or I wake up too late, I always have my .357 revolver. But given the choice, I'm going to try and get my semi-automatic.

You're not going to fire a revolver nearly as fast as a magazine fed firearm. It just isn't possible. If you are facing several armed attackers, the odds are already against you yet alone be restricted to a revolver. And when your life is on the line, time counts.

My revolver has six shots. My 9mm has 15 shots. That's 2.5 times as many rounds in my semi-automatic than my revolver.

Those are just a couple of reasons we need magazine fed firearms.

Now if you think I'm FOS when it comes to accuracy, just watch this video of a highly trained police officer in a gun battle:

Yup. I'll take that 15 shot semi auto over a revolver every day of the week.

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