What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

As can be seen, those obsessed with their lethal toys have no inclination to discuss the victims of gun violence, because they have this self proclaimed Right.

You motherfucking idiot!!!!!

Move to another country. You know SHIT about your own.


Punk, a cowardly person who uses fowl language and fighting words when safely confined in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard. Aptly applies to you Mr. BLF. You would not have the balls to say this to my face (unless of course you came armed and ready to commit a felony).

So that was bird language?

I didn't know birds could cuss

Parrots can, thus they're foul fowl.
FBI statistics.
I don’t buy it til I see the statistics. It doesn’t really make any sense though. There’s no reason why that would be.

Sure there's a reason. Most of the sellers at gun shows are licensed dealers. As such, they are (by law) required to do a background check be it at a gun show or in their place of business. Even people who sell their personal firearms usually ask for ID of some sort. It would kind of be stupid not to because if that weapon is used in a crime, the detectives will trace it back to the last owner and they would have to answer questions about it.

Guns used in crimes are statistically stolen or purchased from straw buyers.
No actually. At gun shows, they are exempt from needing background checks. As long as the dealer doesn’t have previous knowledge that someone is a dangerous felon, they can sell it.

Anyone with an FFL MUST run a background check the only people who don't are people who enter into private sales

And private sales are a problem, should they be regulated?

Are they really a problem ?

I don't know.

I have never bought a gun in a private sale and I don't sell guns to anyone

You motherfucking idiot!!!!!

Move to another country. You know SHIT about your own.


Punk, a cowardly person who uses fowl language and fighting words when safely confined in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard. Aptly applies to you Mr. BLF. You would not have the balls to say this to my face (unless of course you came armed and ready to commit a felony).

So that was bird language?

I didn't know birds could cuss

Parrots can, thus they're foul fowl.
Sure there's a reason. Most of the sellers at gun shows are licensed dealers. As such, they are (by law) required to do a background check be it at a gun show or in their place of business. Even people who sell their personal firearms usually ask for ID of some sort. It would kind of be stupid not to because if that weapon is used in a crime, the detectives will trace it back to the last owner and they would have to answer questions about it.

Guns used in crimes are statistically stolen or purchased from straw buyers.
No actually. At gun shows, they are exempt from needing background checks. As long as the dealer doesn’t have previous knowledge that someone is a dangerous felon, they can sell it.

Anyone with an FFL MUST run a background check the only people who don't are people who enter into private sales

And private sales are a problem, should they be regulated?
why do you care? again, nothing that has happened is outside the ask from the left. So, the issue isn't guns. So find something new. Gangs use stolen guns, doesn't look like mass murderers do. you have no evidence to date.

Why do I care? 'cause I have empathy.

The rest of your post is confusing.

What does, "again, nothing that has happened is outside the ask from the left", mean?

I have no evidence to support what? Common sense suggests some guns are stolen, some guns are purchased legally and some illegally.

You do now a gun owner can have empathy and still not want to give up his guns don't you?

Some of us realize that law abiding gun owners giving up their guns or the prohibiting of them from buying certain guns will do absolutely nothing to prevent anyone else from being a victim of violence.

Not one person will be spared from being murdered if I melted down my guns today.

You motherfucking idiot!!!!!

Move to another country. You know SHIT about your own.


Punk, a cowardly person who uses fowl language and fighting words when safely confined in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard. Aptly applies to you Mr. BLF. You would not have the balls to say this to my face (unless of course you came armed and ready to commit a felony).
Trump uses fowl language & you kiss his fast ass every day.

So your real name is Wry Catcher. Who knew? You are just a cowardly POS hiding behind a keyboard too.

Well F U too, I do not take bullies lightly and have no fear of punks like the A-hole who called me a MFer and a piece of shit.

Do I smile and turn the other cheek?

Hell no, I have the ability to stand my ground, and will do so as long as these gun lovers demand their rights are mildly infringed is more valuable than the life of a kid sitting in a classroom.

do you really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?

the UK is now having a wave of knife crimes, the mid east is being suicide bombed. The problem is not guns, they problem is a sick society full of assholes like you.

Q. "do (I) really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?"

A. No, and I've never advocated that guns be confiscated unless under the law, and kept or destroyed via a due process examination by the judiciary.

However, if a gun owned by a sane and law abiding person is stolen and this insane or sane person uses the weapon to rob, kill or maim another person, the original owner should be held to answer civilly for any tort by the victim or the victims family.

So if a baseball bat is stolen from your backyard and a person uses it to beat someone to death are you as responsible as you say the gun owner would be?
I know of at least two people who own a Thompson Machine Gun.

Like I said, I'll take the bet.

And I have a buddy of a friend that has a brother......

I know of a few that own Thompsons. Unless they are gun collectors and have the FFL or EFL license, those Thompsons are either inert or they are the Semi Auto version. It's possible to have one still in existance. But if you show up with it, they WILL confiscate it unless you are fallowing the law. And the Law Enforcement will not be very jolly when they discover you have it.



thompson full auto conversion - Bing video

I clicked on the link Even when I clicked on the Thompson Conversion Parts List, there is no mention of the parts nor the method. What you are seeing in those clips are LEGAL Thompson 45 Cal SMGs, not conversions. The owners are all either FFL or EFL licensed gun owners. They didn't outlaw them, they didn't ban them, they regulated them. If you want one, you can easily get at least an EFL to own one with just a bit more hassle than a background check.


Are you gonna ban all Semi Autos too?

If not, you are going to have to ban Rubber Bands.

You know that, right?

A ban of all semiautomatics is the end game.

If any one of these control freaks tells you otherwise you are being lied to

First I was a Liberal. Then I was a gun grabber. Now I am a Liar. Your wit is to no end. Well only half a wit, that is.
Punk, a cowardly person who uses fowl language and fighting words when safely confined in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard. Aptly applies to you Mr. BLF. You would not have the balls to say this to my face (unless of course you came armed and ready to commit a felony).

So that was bird language?

I didn't know birds could cuss

Parrots can, thus they're foul fowl.
No actually. At gun shows, they are exempt from needing background checks. As long as the dealer doesn’t have previous knowledge that someone is a dangerous felon, they can sell it.

Anyone with an FFL MUST run a background check the only people who don't are people who enter into private sales

And private sales are a problem, should they be regulated?
why do you care? again, nothing that has happened is outside the ask from the left. So, the issue isn't guns. So find something new. Gangs use stolen guns, doesn't look like mass murderers do. you have no evidence to date.

Why do I care? 'cause I have empathy.

The rest of your post is confusing.

What does, "again, nothing that has happened is outside the ask from the left", mean?

I have no evidence to support what? Common sense suggests some guns are stolen, some guns are purchased legally and some illegally.

You do now a gun owner can have empathy and still not want to give up his guns don't you?

Some of us realize that law abiding gun owners giving up their guns or the prohibiting of them from buying certain guns will do absolutely nothing to prevent anyone else from being a victim of violence.

Not one person will be spared from being murdered if I melted down my guns today.

When have I ever claimed I supported a law abiding, sane and sober person from buying a defensive gun.

Now, we can argue all day about what is and what is not a defensive gun.
And I have a buddy of a friend that has a brother......

I know of a few that own Thompsons. Unless they are gun collectors and have the FFL or EFL license, those Thompsons are either inert or they are the Semi Auto version. It's possible to have one still in existance. But if you show up with it, they WILL confiscate it unless you are fallowing the law. And the Law Enforcement will not be very jolly when they discover you have it.



thompson full auto conversion - Bing video

I clicked on the link Even when I clicked on the Thompson Conversion Parts List, there is no mention of the parts nor the method. What you are seeing in those clips are LEGAL Thompson 45 Cal SMGs, not conversions. The owners are all either FFL or EFL licensed gun owners. They didn't outlaw them, they didn't ban them, they regulated them. If you want one, you can easily get at least an EFL to own one with just a bit more hassle than a background check.


Are you gonna ban all Semi Autos too?

If not, you are going to have to ban Rubber Bands.

You know that, right?

A ban of all semiautomatics is the end game.

If any one of these control freaks tells you otherwise you are being lied to

First I was a Liberal. Then I was a gun grabber. Now I am a Liar. Your wit is to no end. Well only half a wit, that is.

I never called you a liberal and I never called you a gun grabber

I called you a feeble minded gun control freak.

You ought to fact check all your posts because you seem confused as to who has said what to you.

And it is a lie to say one semiauto .223 is somehow deadlier than another everyone but you seems to know that there is little if any difference
Well, that pretty well sums things up. The Right Guncrazies don't have any input to any solutions other than "More Guns". The people willing to discuss things about the OP just gets yelled down. And you wonder why things are so screwed up. And then you wonder why the voters don't take you seriously. You aren't right, you are just LOUD!!!!!
So that was bird language?

I didn't know birds could cuss

Parrots can, thus they're foul fowl.
Anyone with an FFL MUST run a background check the only people who don't are people who enter into private sales

And private sales are a problem, should they be regulated?
why do you care? again, nothing that has happened is outside the ask from the left. So, the issue isn't guns. So find something new. Gangs use stolen guns, doesn't look like mass murderers do. you have no evidence to date.

Why do I care? 'cause I have empathy.

The rest of your post is confusing.

What does, "again, nothing that has happened is outside the ask from the left", mean?

I have no evidence to support what? Common sense suggests some guns are stolen, some guns are purchased legally and some illegally.

You do now a gun owner can have empathy and still not want to give up his guns don't you?

Some of us realize that law abiding gun owners giving up their guns or the prohibiting of them from buying certain guns will do absolutely nothing to prevent anyone else from being a victim of violence.

Not one person will be spared from being murdered if I melted down my guns today.

When have I ever claimed I supported a law abiding, sane and sober person from buying a defensive gun.

Now, we can argue all day about what is and what is not a defensive gun.
ALL guns can be used for defense its not up to you to tell people what is or is not the best choice for them.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

So you once again build a straw man by asking for "any solutions" while making the focus gun control?
When you say republicans wont offer any solutions" what you really mean is they wont surrender and embrace your solution. Right?
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Well, that pretty well sums things up. The Right Guncrazies don't have any input to any solutions other than "More Guns". The people willing to discuss things about the OP just gets yelled down. And you wonder why things are so screwed up. And then you wonder why the voters don't take you seriously. You aren't right, you are just LOUD!!!!!

and uber regulation of one type of gun will do nothing so sure you can say you have a solution but worthless solutions aren't really solutions are they?

I clicked on the link Even when I clicked on the Thompson Conversion Parts List, there is no mention of the parts nor the method. What you are seeing in those clips are LEGAL Thompson 45 Cal SMGs, not conversions. The owners are all either FFL or EFL licensed gun owners. They didn't outlaw them, they didn't ban them, they regulated them. If you want one, you can easily get at least an EFL to own one with just a bit more hassle than a background check.


Are you gonna ban all Semi Autos too?

If not, you are going to have to ban Rubber Bands.

You know that, right?

A ban of all semiautomatics is the end game.

If any one of these control freaks tells you otherwise you are being lied to

First I was a Liberal. Then I was a gun grabber. Now I am a Liar. Your wit is to no end. Well only half a wit, that is.

I never called you a liberal and I never called you a gun grabber

I called you a feeble minded gun control freak.

You ought to fact check all your posts because you seem confused as to who has said what to you.

And it is a lie to say one semiauto .223 is somehow deadlier than another everyone but you seems to know that there is little if any difference

Did I say even once that the 223 was somehow deadlier? Actually, I said the opposite. The 223 is a weak kneed round designed to wound rather than kill on the battlefield. But if you throw enough lead, even a 22LR is deadly and there are some extremely deadly 22LR autos out there that most of us can only dream about getting.

What I said was the AR was designed for WAR. And it's pretty good at it. The same features that makes it good for a battle field also makes it the best choice for mass shootings and a poor choice for home defense.

But you keep telling me what I think and say.
I clicked on the link Even when I clicked on the Thompson Conversion Parts List, there is no mention of the parts nor the method. What you are seeing in those clips are LEGAL Thompson 45 Cal SMGs, not conversions. The owners are all either FFL or EFL licensed gun owners. They didn't outlaw them, they didn't ban them, they regulated them. If you want one, you can easily get at least an EFL to own one with just a bit more hassle than a background check.


Are you gonna ban all Semi Autos too?

If not, you are going to have to ban Rubber Bands.

You know that, right?

A ban of all semiautomatics is the end game.

If any one of these control freaks tells you otherwise you are being lied to

First I was a Liberal. Then I was a gun grabber. Now I am a Liar. Your wit is to no end. Well only half a wit, that is.

I never called you a liberal and I never called you a gun grabber

I called you a feeble minded gun control freak.

You ought to fact check all your posts because you seem confused as to who has said what to you.

And it is a lie to say one semiauto .223 is somehow deadlier than another everyone but you seems to know that there is little if any difference

Did I say even once that the 223 was somehow deadlier? Actually, I said the opposite. The 223 is a weak kneed round designed to wound rather than kill on the battlefield. But if you throw enough lead, even a 22LR is deadly and there are some extremely deadly 22LR autos out there that most of us can only dream about getting.

What I said was the AR was designed for WAR. And it's pretty good at it. The same features that makes it good for a battle field also makes it the best choice for mass shootings and a poor choice for home defense.

But you keep telling me what I think and say.

Cut the shit you have posted PAGES on how the AR 15 .223 is deadlier than any other .223 semiauto

or have you forgotten that already too?
Well, that pretty well sums things up. The Right Guncrazies don't have any input to any solutions other than "More Guns". The people willing to discuss things about the OP just gets yelled down. And you wonder why things are so screwed up. And then you wonder why the voters don't take you seriously. You aren't right, you are just LOUD!!!!!

and uber regulation of one type of gun will do nothing so sure you can say you have a solution but worthless solutions aren't really solutions are they?

The AR should be regulated separate from the other semi autos. It's designed for the battle field and is pretty good at it. There are better varmint rifles. And better rounds than the 223 by far. But if you use it as it was intended to be used, it wounds and kills humans pretty danged good and you can pack it for hours on end without tiring. Now, if you wish, we can discuss the regulations I think are needed on just the AR and the AK.

Are you gonna ban all Semi Autos too?

If not, you are going to have to ban Rubber Bands.

You know that, right?

A ban of all semiautomatics is the end game.

If any one of these control freaks tells you otherwise you are being lied to

First I was a Liberal. Then I was a gun grabber. Now I am a Liar. Your wit is to no end. Well only half a wit, that is.

I never called you a liberal and I never called you a gun grabber

I called you a feeble minded gun control freak.

You ought to fact check all your posts because you seem confused as to who has said what to you.

And it is a lie to say one semiauto .223 is somehow deadlier than another everyone but you seems to know that there is little if any difference

Did I say even once that the 223 was somehow deadlier? Actually, I said the opposite. The 223 is a weak kneed round designed to wound rather than kill on the battlefield. But if you throw enough lead, even a 22LR is deadly and there are some extremely deadly 22LR autos out there that most of us can only dream about getting.

What I said was the AR was designed for WAR. And it's pretty good at it. The same features that makes it good for a battle field also makes it the best choice for mass shootings and a poor choice for home defense.

But you keep telling me what I think and say.

Cut the shit you have posted PAGES on how the AR 15 .223 is deadlier than any other .223 semiauto

or have you forgotten that already too?

Wrong, cupcake. I have posted that the AR is deadlier when used in it's capacity. You really need to stop making shit up, cupcake
What I said was the AR was designed for WAR. And it's pretty good at it. The same features that makes it good for a battle field also makes it the best choice for mass shootings and a poor choice for home defense.

But you keep telling me what I think and say.

The 2nd Amendment was written to secure the right of the people to keep and bear arms for the purpose of

A. Defending themselves and their State against a tyrannical government (War)

B. Defend their individual homes against common criminals
Well, that pretty well sums things up. The Right Guncrazies don't have any input to any solutions other than "More Guns". The people willing to discuss things about the OP just gets yelled down. And you wonder why things are so screwed up. And then you wonder why the voters don't take you seriously. You aren't right, you are just LOUD!!!!!

and uber regulation of one type of gun will do nothing so sure you can say you have a solution but worthless solutions aren't really solutions are they?

The AR should be regulated separate from the other semi autos. It's designed for the battle field and is pretty good at it. There are better varmint rifles. And better rounds than the 223 by far. But if you use it as it was intended to be used, it wounds and kills humans pretty danged good and you can pack it for hours on end without tiring. Now, if you wish, we can discuss the regulations I think are needed on just the AR and the AK.

here we go again the AR is deadlier than any other .223 semiauto


And no one gives a shit if you think there is a better varmint round. People use what they like or what they are the most comfortable with.

So you use what you want to kill a rabid skunk and I'll use what I want why is that so fucking difficult for you to understand?
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A ban of all semiautomatics is the end game.

If any one of these control freaks tells you otherwise you are being lied to

First I was a Liberal. Then I was a gun grabber. Now I am a Liar. Your wit is to no end. Well only half a wit, that is.
I never called you a liberal and I never called you a gun grabber

I called you a feeble minded gun control freak.

You ought to fact check all your posts because you seem confused as to who has said what to you.

And it is a lie to say one semiauto .223 is somehow deadlier than another everyone but you seems to know that there is little if any difference

Did I say even once that the 223 was somehow deadlier? Actually, I said the opposite. The 223 is a weak kneed round designed to wound rather than kill on the battlefield. But if you throw enough lead, even a 22LR is deadly and there are some extremely deadly 22LR autos out there that most of us can only dream about getting.

What I said was the AR was designed for WAR. And it's pretty good at it. The same features that makes it good for a battle field also makes it the best choice for mass shootings and a poor choice for home defense.

But you keep telling me what I think and say.

Cut the shit you have posted PAGES on how the AR 15 .223 is deadlier than any other .223 semiauto

or have you forgotten that already too?

Wrong, cupcake. I have posted that the AR is deadlier when used in it's capacity. You really need to stop making shit up, cupcake

It's not deadlier at all.

You're making that shit up
Wait wait, that can't be right. I'm repeatedly told by black members on here that only whites commit mass murder.
Um yeah, in terms of individual mass shootings, it’s basically all white guys.

So....we have given you pages of the actual solution to mass public shootings....what is your solution....?
Gun control policies that work. Other first world nations don’t even have this problem. Unfortunately for America where there are an endless supply of fucking guns, it would require ceasing production. Yeah, yeah, you don’t like that idea. Don’t bother telling me.

And ceasing production would do what?
Ceasing production of semi automatics specifically. Granted there are already a shitload of semi auto guns, but it would go a long way.

The shooter in Crimea murdered 21 with a 5 shot, pump action shotguns...it isn't the gun, it is the gun free zone filled with helpless, unarmed people......

And mass public shootings?

2016.... 71 dead
2017... 117 dead, and this is an outlier year...

People carrying guns for self defense, mostly semi automatic pistols....17.25 million. Can you see why your call for banning semi automatics is really pretty silly? With close to 600 million guns in private hands..... and 16 million AR-15 rifles in private hands?

Lawn mower deaths each year.... 75.

Dead due to falling off ladders...300

Accidental car deaths.... 38,000
17 mass shootings when the assault weapons ban was in effect...31 in the 10 years after

Yes...the rise of 24/7 news coverage and social media are driving them......

And yet....what source are you using for your number? Mother Jones......considering 34 in the years before.......

And all of them...gun free zones, which you ignore.....

And again......from 1982-2017.... 795 people killed in mass public shootings.......

Knives kill how many each and every year? So.....35 years of mass public shootings = 795 dead... with close to 600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense......while cars accidentally kill 38,000 people every single year...

Do you understand why we don't take you seriously?

knife murders.....2009-2013.....


meanwhile....1.1 million Americans use their legal guns each year to stop criminals from doing mass shootings, rapes, robberies and other murders....And as more Americans own and carry guns, our crime rates have gone down, not up, including murder........why would you want those numbers to go back up?

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Then what you are talking about is outlawing gun manufacturing and sales which is completely unconstitutional. Gun manufactures are not going to stop making them on their own. A law would have to be passed prohibiting their industry which again, would be stopped by a federal court or eventually the Supreme Court.

The assault weapons ban was Constitutional

No, it wasn't.....D.C. v Heller, Friedman v Highland Park, Caetano v Massachusetts, and several other rulings.......... said it isn't.....the lower courts are ignoring the Supreme Court rulings...that should concern you...

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