What is this ass kissing bullshit that's on tv?

Someone really kissed his ring?

the dark brown one around his asshole ..
better brown than hurting though, right? :badgrin:
Anybody remember any of Barry Hussein's cabinet meetings during the last eight years? I don't. What the hell is going on with the left? Is that the best the angry incoherent left can do for a political post?
Donald Trump just held the weirdest Cabinet meeting ever - CNNPolitics.com

Just sounds like something out of North Korea, not here in the US. What an ass kissing session.

I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank you, Mr President, for sucking my dick last night, it was the best blow job I've ever had, without exception, and really I'd like to say that your dick blowing skills represent what America stands for, and we'd like to let the rest of the world know that if they make you look good, they too can get the best blow job the world has ever seen.
Anybody remember any of Barry Hussein's cabinet meetings during the last eight years? I don't. What the hell is going on with the left? Is that the best the angry incoherent left can do for a political post?

I'm sorry, these meetings are supposed to be ENTERTAINING? What the fuck? I though he was supposed to be running the executive branch of the country, not play the clown at a kids' party.
Burrhurt folks, again, do not take Preparation H internally. Apply as needed directly at the sore spot according to the directions apparently. :p
For the cowardly asslickers on this thread here who deny what happened, here it is on video.

And by cowardly asslickers, I mean Odium, Darkfury, Whitehall and Snouter. It's rather nauseating, watching them tongue Trump's rectum and proclaim how tasty it was. If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have believed that adult men could be such spineless cucks.

I don't believe that there has ever been a cabinet meeting quite like this before in American history. Ass kissing worth of North Korea, Hitler, or Stalin. It is nauseating to watch and listen too. Nobody who participated in that should ever be allowed to serve in a government position in this nation again.
After coming home from work this evening I turn on the Tv and see a video of a President Trump cabinet meeting. What the hell is wrong with this guy, I am fifty plus year old guy and I have seen a lot of Presidential administration's operate cabinet meetings aren't photo opportunities where cabinet members take turns telling how proud they are to be a Secretary they are private meetings where the cabinet members and the President are supposed to be accomplishing something significant that serves the American people's interests it's about doing the work of governing period!

Donald Trump is so unpresidential it is heartbreaking. He needs to tape his mouth shut and stay off his twitter account unless it is absolutely necessary he speaks. The only hope and currently it is a very slim hope of the country getting something significant done in the important areas of tax reform, healthcare reform, financial regulation reform and/or infrastructure reform is if President Trump stays the hell out of it and the leadership in Congress dramatically scales back its ambitions and pursues bipartisan legislation. A President with policy wisdom and good character could help lead a bipartisan effort to pass legislation in these areas but not President Trump he is too narcissistic and a continual generator of problems he would be acidic to the process. if Donald Trump really wants his Administration to succeed for the American people he needs to stay out of the spotlight because almost every time he gets in the spotlight he obstructs progress in America. Donald Trump admires President Ronald Reagan he should emulate President Reagan who was big at delegating Reagan had no interest at all on how the government sausage was made he was a deal announcer not a deal maker. President Trump thinks a lot of people love the job he is doing I think if the truth be told most of these public supporters are only supporting him because the alternative to President Trump is extreme liberalism from the Democrats which is bad and wrong and especially so for right wing Republicans. President Trump needs to keep in mind he doesn't need to permanently stay in campaign mode to be reelected he can turn on that mode in the middle of 2019 the real beginning of the campaign season with the same effect!

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