What is this ass kissing bullshit that's on tv?

Holey shit, Calvin Coolage did it too!! WTF, redirect the special council, the op unearthed a conspiracy!!!!

Another ass kissing cocksuck who does not recognize how that meeting was something one would expect out of North Korea.

Blah, blah, blah. LikeI said, you are the one freaking out over this stupid shit. Maybe you should stick to knitting.
That's CLEARLY hyperbole. You know, that thing everyone on this site does with nearly every post.
The title however is accurate unless of course you want to continue this charade that everything on this site is to be taken literally
I would like to take this opportunity, Mr. U, to tell you what an honor it is to be posting in this great thread of yours. I've seen a lot of things in my life, but nothing surpasses the thread that you brought to this table.

Thank you for your thread!
That is the way Trump is....His considers himself royalty...

I don't think that's happening except in some angry incoherent minds. The media is more like on a Kathi Griffin rampage with a facsimile of a severed president head.
can anyone who witnessed the dick sucking of trump yesterday doubt that he asked Comey for loyalty?
Who could this be?

If you seriously think you’re the only person smart enough to solve the financial crisis, and you demand to be put in charge, people will think you’re a megalomaniac.

A megalomaniac is a pathological egotist, that is, someone with a psychological disorder with symptoms like delusions of grandeur and an obsession with power. We also use the word megalomaniac more informally for people who behave as if they're convinced of their absolute power and greatness. Your garden-variety egomaniac might be self-centered and overconfident but he's a little softy compared with the megalomaniac who wants to control the world.

Think you know megalomaniac? Quiz yourself:
What does a megalomaniac most likely believe?

Thesaurus egoist, egotist, swellhead
a conceited and self-centered person
I don't think that's happening except in some angry incoherent minds. The media is more like on a Kathi Griffin rampage with a facsimile of a severed president head.
can anyone who witnessed the dick sucking of trump yesterday doubt that he asked Comey for loyalty?
There's no question among sane people that Comey told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I am truly blessed to read a thread where the trumpettes look at video and still declare it "fake news" and deny its existance. Thank you, OP, for giving me this wonderful opportunity.
Hell, i even found this one. Look at Half Black Jesus resurrecting his good pal Hillary's political career.

You didn't watch the Trump meeting, obviously. If you had, you would not have posted video of perfectly normal cabinet meetings.

So what will the next thing be, and what's normal? Anything anyone other then Obama is doing will b weird to you because you figured he would get a there term simpl for being half black. It will get easier as time go's by.
I just wondered if the whole praise parade served some purpose beyond Trump's narcissism. I don't think the guy has any real plan, and he lurches from one thing to another, but each lurch is connected to a previous lurch. It's not just random.
So...I hardly ever watch TV and I don't have cable. I didn't see the actual event, but I listen to NPR when I"m driving and this morning they had portions of it.

It was creepy.

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