What is this BS going around that the first Amendment only applies to the government, not Facebook

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Immaterial as you well know. Show us the part of the Constitution that prevents Walmart or Facebook from preventing them from prohibiting free speech.

You were the one who brought up the Constitution, bright eyes, and your argument has just been impaled by it.

Trot along. You are done here.

Addendum: East Europeans must be dumber than Americans. Yeah, I know, but who would have thought that.

Facebook is a publicly traded private company
Walmart is a publicly traded private company

Fallacy of false equivalency, Comrade Rosy, please show us in the Constitution the connection that prevents either Facebook or Walmart from prohibiting free speech.
You are retarded because neither Facebook or Walmart existed when the constitution was written.

Jesus u r stupid

Do you try or is it natural
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities.

So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company.

Who thought this nonsense thru?

I guess you flunked civics.

Facebook is not a government agency.

The Bill of Rights is a compact between you and your government, limiting the Goverment's power over you and your life.

The first amendment protections DO NOT extend to public blowback from exercising your first amendment.

RE: Walmart -- you're getting into something totally different -- man they should fire your H.S. history and government teacher -- anyway -- discrimination of protected classes.

Dude the Bill of Rights also prevents the Government from restricting the people, all conservatives are people.

This idea that the government can only restrict freedom of speech of the government is senseless

You're right, it is senseless. That's because NO ONE BUT YOU HAS SAID THAT, you drooling mouthbreather.

I have no clue where you got the idea that ANYONE was saying the First Amendment said, "The government can only restrict the free speech of the government". I'm assuming it was from the earworms that are currently eating their way through the soggy oatmeal that is your brain.

The First Amendment says that the government cannot restrict the right of free speech. Facebook is not the government, so the First Amendment does not prevent them from doing whatever they want with their Internet program.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Obvious, actually.
So can Walmart not hire conservatives or gays or whatever? Walmart is not public, they are private

So can you read or whatever? Because hiring isn't mentioned in the First Amendment.
Again if Facebook can not serve conservatives, so can McDonalds...………...is this your argument?


Again, what the fuck does that have to do with the First Amendment? "yawn"


Okay, I've broken out the Crayolas, let me draw your kindergarten-flunking ass a picture.

1) The First Amendment deals specifically with LIMITING THE GOVERNMENT so that it can't interfere with people saying whatever it wants.

2) Facebook is not the government. The First Amendment, therefore, does not limit Facebook's activities in any way.

3) The First Amendment has exactly fuck and all to do with racial discrimination in hiring, or political bias in hiring, for that matter. To the extent that private companies are required to behave in certain ways in regards to hiring, they are required to do so because of laws OTHER than the First Amendment.

4) Noticeably, Facebook is NOT refusing to allow conservatives to have Facebook accounts. They are not even OPENLY censoring speech based on conservative political beliefs. They are doing it on the grounds of "hate speech", "harassment", etc. They have every legal right to do so.

5) For the record, if I was in McDonald's with friends and was holding forth on my political views, they WOULD, in fact, have every legal right as a private business to ask me to leave. Did you not notice the Red Hen restaurant asking Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave based on her political affiliations? She wasn't even talking politics. It was a shit move, but it was legal.

LOL I am glad to have inspired you to write a book.

But I didn't read it, never will

But feel free to write another one

"I'm glad I'm so stupid you have to talk to me like a child. But I like being stupid, so I ignored your explanations so that I can continue to say utterly asinine things and be laughed at. At least when people make fun of me, they notice I exist."

Seriously, go find the obstetrician who delivered you and slap the shit out of him for using the forceps.
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities.

So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company.

Who thought this nonsense thru?

I guess you flunked civics.

Facebook is not a government agency.

The Bill of Rights is a compact between you and your government, limiting the Goverment's power over you and your life.

The first amendment protections DO NOT extend to public blowback from exercising your first amendment.

RE: Walmart -- you're getting into something totally different -- man they should fire your H.S. history and government teacher -- anyway -- discrimination of protected classes.

Dude the Bill of Rights also prevents the Government from restricting the people, all conservatives are people.

This idea that the government can only restrict freedom of speech of the government is senseless

You're right, it is senseless. That's because NO ONE BUT YOU HAS SAID THAT, you drooling mouthbreather.

I have no clue where you got the idea that ANYONE was saying the First Amendment said, "The government can only restrict the free speech of the government". I'm assuming it was from the earworms that are currently eating their way through the soggy oatmeal that is your brain.

The First Amendment says that the government cannot restrict the right of free speech. Facebook is not the government, so the First Amendment does not prevent them from doing whatever they want with their Internet program.

But the purpose of the first amendment is so that free speech not be restricted, not just that the government not restrict it itself. If the government lets free speech be restricted, then it is not protected, and the first amendment has no meaning
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities.

So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company.

Who thought this nonsense thru?
Do you vote?


If I was betting on it, my money would be on a Democrat Party volunteer coming down to Rosy's shelter, giving her a carton of cigarettes, then driving her to the polling booth and showing her which bubble to fill in on the ballot.
Rosy is a her? R U sure?

Wait let me check.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't care.

Actually you keep responding, because you do care...……………

Now be a good dog

Yes, I'm responding to your bullshit because I care whether or not you're male or female. That makes every bit as much sense as anything else you've said, which is nothing.

I hate to break it to you, though, but getting people to mock you and spit on you does not mean you're actually in charge of them, no matter how much of a thrill it is to you to have your pathetic existence acknowledged.
Facebook is a publicly traded private company
Walmart is a publicly traded private company

Thus Walmart can choose not to let conservatives shop in their stores, if Facebook is allowed to ban conservatives.

Anyone with a private company could choose not to hire a certain group because of their beliefs.

This is not the law as it stands.

How long would this fly?
First, disavow your dumb ass that Facebook's current issue has anything at all to do with Walmart, Ford, Intel or any other manufacturer or goods retailer.

Facebook made specific business decisions to remove specifically defined content and sources which they determined were going to negatively impact their bottom line. They have a legal obligation to their stockholders to maintain their profitability and took action in their companies best interest. Their action was not violative of anyone's Amendment I speech.

Only an imbecile would believe the government via Congress or the Courts should be empowered to step into Facebook's corporate boardrooms to have the final say on certain matters. Getting the government DIRECTLY involved in corporate business decisions as an actual arbiter would by far be a greater danger and TRULY Un-American.

Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities.

So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company.

Who thought this nonsense thru?
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities.

So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company.

Who thought this nonsense thru?
Facebook is an NSA Data farm, I don't use it, never have
Facebook is a publicly traded private company
Walmart is a publicly traded private company

Thus Walmart can choose not to let conservatives shop in their stores, if Facebook is allowed to ban conservatives.

Anyone with a private company could choose not to hire a certain group because of their beliefs.

This is not the law as it stands.

How long would this fly?
First, disavow your dumb ass that Facebook's current issue has anything at all to do with Walmart, Ford, Intel or any other manufacturer or goods retailer.

Facebook made specific business decisions to remove specifically defined content and sources which they determined were going to negatively impact their bottom line. They have a legal obligation to their stockholders to maintain their profitability and took action in their companies best interest. Their action was not violative of anyone's Amendment I speech.

Only an imbecile would believe the government via Congress or the Courts should be empowered to step into Facebook's corporate boardrooms to have the final say on certain matters. Getting the government DIRECTLY involved in corporate business decisions as an actual arbiter would by far be a greater danger and TRULY Un-American.

OOOH such motivation, clearly I have inspired you.

Good, very good, let your hate of freedom inspire you
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities. So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company. Who thought this nonsense thru?
You cannot violate protected groups' civil liberties, such as race, origin, ethnicity, and so on in the public place. Look up Public Accommodation laws.

Freedom of speech applies only to government. Read the Constitution, please.

Private entities do not have to protect your freedom of speech.
PA laws are unconstitutional. They violate both freedom of expression, and freedom of association.

That's ridiculous.
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities. So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company. Who thought this nonsense thru?
You cannot violate protected groups' civil liberties, such as race, origin, ethnicity, and so on in the public place. Look up Public Accommodation laws.

Freedom of speech applies only to government. Read the Constitution, please.

Private entities do not have to protect your freedom of speech.
PA laws are unconstitutional. They violate both freedom of expression, and freedom of association.

That's ridiculous.
All laws violate the freedom of something
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities. So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company. Who thought this nonsense thru?
You cannot violate protected groups' civil liberties, such as race, origin, ethnicity, and so on in the public place. Look up Public Accommodation laws.

Freedom of speech applies only to government. Read the Constitution, please.

Private entities do not have to protect your freedom of speech.
PA laws are unconstitutional. They violate both freedom of expression, and freedom of association.

That's ridiculous.
All laws violate the freedom of something

That's exactly the kind of thing a Russian government operative would say, hoping to convince people that freedom isn't all that big a deal.
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities. So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company. Who thought this nonsense thru?
You cannot violate protected groups' civil liberties, such as race, origin, ethnicity, and so on in the public place. Look up Public Accommodation laws.

Freedom of speech applies only to government. Read the Constitution, please.

Private entities do not have to protect your freedom of speech.
PA laws are unconstitutional. They violate both freedom of expression, and freedom of association.

That's ridiculous.
That’s the truth.
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities. So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company. Who thought this nonsense thru?
You cannot violate protected groups' civil liberties, such as race, origin, ethnicity, and so on in the public place. Look up Public Accommodation laws.

Freedom of speech applies only to government. Read the Constitution, please.

Private entities do not have to protect your freedom of speech.
PA laws are unconstitutional. They violate both freedom of expression, and freedom of association.

That's ridiculous.
All laws violate the freedom of something

That's exactly the kind of thing a Russian government operative would say, hoping to convince people that freedom isn't all that big a deal.

Then kid you are a traitor if you do not actively report me to the FBI, CIA and or NSA, or at least the home shopping club
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities. So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company. Who thought this nonsense thru?
You cannot violate protected groups' civil liberties, such as race, origin, ethnicity, and so on in the public place. Look up Public Accommodation laws.

Freedom of speech applies only to government. Read the Constitution, please.

Private entities do not have to protect your freedom of speech.
PA laws are unconstitutional. They violate both freedom of expression, and freedom of association.

That's ridiculous.
That’s the truth.
Are you contacting the FBI tip line too...…………………..

The FBI may set up a recording about me.
Walmart does not have to sell fake products any more than Facebook has to push fake conspiracy whackjob bullshit.
The question is can Walmart refuse to serve conservatives because of their views as a group. Could supermarkets refuse to sell food to conservatives, because they do not like their views, forcing all conservatives to change their views or break the law?

None of this is remotely rational or allowable under US laws...……..
They can now thanks to the Supreme Court recent ruling...they can refuse con-servatives for religious/moral reasons.
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities. So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company. Who thought this nonsense thru?
You cannot violate protected groups' civil liberties, such as race, origin, ethnicity, and so on in the public place. Look up Public Accommodation laws.

Freedom of speech applies only to government. Read the Constitution, please.

Private entities do not have to protect your freedom of speech.
PA laws are unconstitutional. They violate both freedom of expression, and freedom of association.

That's ridiculous.
That’s the truth.
Are you contacting the FBI tip line too...…………………..

The FBI may set up a recording about me.
Please! As if they haven't already.....:71:
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