What is this "Do not mention Nazis" thing?

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Mentioning the Nazis in a historical context is fine. Referring to anyone who disagrees with you as a Nazi is just stupid. There's been a lot of of late from a certain sector of the participants here that have been suffering through a series of recent political defeats.


I don't think doing it should be outlawed ... you should never outlaw stupid. Public stupidity is a great way to identify the stupid.

Nazi's were big on censorship and burning books and things like that. Just like modern day liberals. So it's perfectly ok to refer to liberals as Nazis. Same thing. Liberals just haven't got around to gassing people yet. But they will eventually if they have their way.

So it's perfectly ok to refer to liberals as Nazis.
so far, only in Zone 4.
For the record, I think anyone that tosses around "Nazi" like candy at a Halloween parade is an idiot, but this is just getting silly. That being said, I am just a guest at this party and ya'll can make whatever silly rules you wish.
Mentioning the Nazis in a historical context is fine. Referring to anyone who disagrees with you as a Nazi is just stupid. There's been a lot of of late from a certain sector of the participants here that have been suffering through a series of recent political defeats.


I don't think doing it should be outlawed ... you should never outlaw stupid. Public stupidity is a great way to identify the stupid.

Nazi's were big on censorship and burning books and things like that. Just like modern day liberals. So it's perfectly ok to refer to liberals as Nazis. Same thing. Liberals just haven't got around to gassing people yet. But they will eventually if they have their way.

So it's perfectly ok to refer to liberals as Nazis.
so far, only in Zone 4.

That's one hell of a slippery slope rule.
For the record, I think anyone that tosses around "Nazi" like candy at a Halloween parade is an idiot, but this is just getting silly. That being said, I am just a guest at this party and ya'll can make whatever silly rules you wish.

A lot of silly stuff going on lately.
Mentioning the Nazis in a historical context is fine. Referring to anyone who disagrees with you as a Nazi is just stupid. There's been a lot of of late from a certain sector of the participants here that have been suffering through a series of recent political defeats.


I don't think doing it should be outlawed ... you should never outlaw stupid. Public stupidity is a great way to identify the stupid.

Nazi's were big on censorship and burning books and things like that. Just like modern day liberals. So it's perfectly ok to refer to liberals as Nazis. Same thing. Liberals just haven't got around to gassing people yet. But they will eventually if they have their way.

So it's perfectly ok to refer to liberals as Nazis.
so far, only in Zone 4.

That's one hell of a slippery slope rule.

It's to prevent, partially, turning discussion threads into bait threads.

affects Zones 2 and 3.

Trump isn't Hitler

Liberals are not Hitler.

Hillary is not Hitler

Republicans nor liberals are Nazis.

if you can't have a discussion without calling each other Hitler/Nazis, you're proving you can't make a cogent argument, and belong in Zone 4
If will keeps rating my posts funny, i am going to report him for stalking!
What about a particular poster on the left that constantly calls members with opposing views "nazicons"? This particular poster seems to like stink bait...
Eh, I say low-brow posters that call members of an American political party "Nazis" are mostly so dense, you'd never get an idea into their thick skulls, anyway.
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The same applies to other labels as well. Fascist, Marxist, these people throw those labels around not knowing what they actually mean. Understandable when the media throws them around as well.

And why wouldn't calling someone a "racist" fall under the same category?
Mentioning the Nazis in a historical context is fine. Referring to anyone who disagrees with you as a Nazi is just stupid. There's been a lot of of late from a certain sector of the participants here that have been suffering through a series of recent political defeats.


I don't think doing it should be outlawed ... you should never outlaw stupid. Public stupidity is a great way to identify the stupid.

No you offer the lazy excuse for Nazi-like behavior exhibited by Trump and his trolls. You in fact have swallowed the fake meme godwin's law which is just someone's brain-fart and internalized it. Sorry but the comparisons are correct in this case as leaders around the world now are also noting. I know it's hard for most cons to separate reality from fantasy but your short-comings are yours.
Mentioning the Nazis in a historical context is fine. Referring to anyone who disagrees with you as a Nazi is just stupid. There's been a lot of of late from a certain sector of the participants here that have been suffering through a series of recent political defeats.


I don't think doing it should be outlawed ... you should never outlaw stupid. Public stupidity is a great way to identify the stupid.

No you offer the lazy excuse for Nazi-like behavior exhibited by Trump and his trolls. You in fact have swallowed the fake meme godwin's law which is just someone's brain-fart and internalized it. Sorry but the comparisons are correct in this case as leaders around the world now are also noting. I know it's hard for most cons to separate reality from fantasy but your short-comings are yours.

Do feel free to provide documented examples of "Nazi-like behavior" exhibited by Trump. Otherwise, you're just parroting leftist talking points with no substance.
Mentioning the Nazis in a historical context is fine. Referring to anyone who disagrees with you as a Nazi is just stupid. There's been a lot of of late from a certain sector of the participants here that have been suffering through a series of recent political defeats.


I don't think doing it should be outlawed ... you should never outlaw stupid. Public stupidity is a great way to identify the stupid.

No you offer the lazy excuse for Nazi-like behavior exhibited by Trump and his trolls. You in fact have swallowed the fake meme godwin's law which is just someone's brain-fart and internalized it. Sorry but the comparisons are correct in this case as leaders around the world now are also noting. I know it's hard for most cons to separate reality from fantasy but your short-comings are yours.

Do feel free to provide documented examples of "Nazi-like behavior" exhibited by Trump. Otherwise, you're just parroting leftist talking points with no substance.

You mean for the 20th time because you are too lazy to use a search engine? You aren't required to type letters into a search engine but I'm also not required to do it for you.

Get your lazy on.
Mentioning the Nazis in a historical context is fine. Referring to anyone who disagrees with you as a Nazi is just stupid. There's been a lot of of late from a certain sector of the participants here that have been suffering through a series of recent political defeats.


I don't think doing it should be outlawed ... you should never outlaw stupid. Public stupidity is a great way to identify the stupid.

No you offer the lazy excuse for Nazi-like behavior exhibited by Trump and his trolls. You in fact have swallowed the fake meme godwin's law which is just someone's brain-fart and internalized it. Sorry but the comparisons are correct in this case as leaders around the world now are also noting. I know it's hard for most cons to separate reality from fantasy but your short-comings are yours.

Do feel free to provide documented examples of "Nazi-like behavior" exhibited by Trump. Otherwise, you're just parroting leftist talking points with no substance.

You mean for the 20th time because you are too lazy to use a search engine? You aren't required to type letters into a search engine but I'm also not required to do it for you.

Get your lazy on.

No, I mean there are no 1000 documented instances unless proven. Prove me wrong. :) Posts like that border on libel.

flacaltenn , AyeCantSeeYou

'Sup with this crazy Nazi reference mod aktion?
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