What is "Trickle Down Economics"?

Here is an article that compares Reagan's economic results to obama's...Obama doesn't come out well...

PJ Media » Updating the Reagan v. Obama Economic Rout

Obama’s economic policy, with the help of a pliant Federal Reserve, has been built on the notion that massive deficit spending and easy money would bring the economy roaring back and “stimulate” job growth. The former strategy was tried during the 1930s. It only succeeded in lengthening the Great Depression, as the nation’s unemployment rate never fell below 12 percent. The fact that Team Obama insisted on making the same mistakes, while at the same time unleashing the federal government’s regulatory apparatus to harass the economy’s productive participants, is enough to make reasonable people question whether this president and his administration have ever truly wanted to see a genuine recovery occur.

On the other hand, five years of strong, solid and uninterrupted economic performance following a serious recession is how you create a positive economic legacy. Ronald Reagan’s post-recession economy — an economy which faced arguably greater challenges when he took office, particularly double-digit inflation and a prime interest rate of 20 percent — did just that.

Reagan’s economic policy, conducted in the face of necessarily painful anti-inflationary Federal Reserve monetary policy, was premised on supply-side tax cuts and regulatory restraint. A third element, getting federal spending under control, didn’t occur because (surprise) Democrats reneged on promises to cut spending made during budget negotiations. Today, Obama’s crew anticipates annual budget deficits which will never fall below $450 billion and will balloon back to $1 trillion within a decade.

Five years after the early-1980s recession ended, the U.S. economy was almost 26 percent larger. The Obama economy, in the worst five-year recovery since World War II by miles, hasn’t achieved even half of that.

The difference is, well, graphic, as the two images below highlight.

Another REALLY good summary. Thanks for posting. But don't expect some of the dolts to read it. They don't want to be confused with facts. You can tell them someone fed them revisionist history till you're blue in the face and they won't see it. Ever.
More effects of Reagans "Trickle Down" on the middle class


RW are you good with averages?

What would happen, for example, to your average of you had three As then got an F?

Now explain to the class what happens to someone's share of income when they have none, for example because we introduce a system of welfare handouts where the bottom 20% no longer have to have income to live.

Simple math question RW. If the bottom 20% had to work back in 1967, but don't have to work in 2014 what is going to change in that chart?

Didn't hear about Clinton's welfare reform and 5 year lifetime limit huh?

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


It wasn't Clinton's reform. It was the republican reform that was forced onto Clinton. Irregardless Obama turned off that reform. Oh and SS/Medicare are not welfare they are payments to the people who paid for them.
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RW are you good with averages?

What would happen, for example, to your average of you had three As then got an F?

Now explain to the class what happens to someone's share of income when they have none, for example because we introduce a system of welfare handouts where the bottom 20% no longer have to have income to live.

Simple math question RW. If the bottom 20% had to work back in 1967, but don't have to work in 2014 what is going to change in that chart?

We are not talking about outliers in the economy. We are talking about the ENTIRE workforce. You have no data supporting that the lower 20% were working in 1980. In fact, the unemployment rate was similar to what it is today. Go back and come up with a better example
Translation.... you can't answer the question. Why can't you answer the question RW? Why can't you answer the question regarding what happens to the bottom 20% when they are being paid to stay home? This is not hard RW you can do it. Or are you really trying to tell me the bottom 20% are really not below the poverty level? Really? What outlier percentile do you think the poverty level applies to if not the bottom 20% what % do you think it is? Why don't you think zeroes in the bottom 20% affect the bottom 20% ratio with the top 5%?

So you DON'T know the shares of income ONLY comes from US wages and incomes, NOT Gov't transfer payments? lol
NOT due to any great growth....mainly due to cost-cutting......whoopie...


I guess tax rates on Corps don't matter much either then right?

War in Iraq? Katrina? 911? Expansion of medicare?

What part of these problems do you need an explanation for?


From what I remember of Keynesian economics, the main concept is government deficit spending can be used to fix an economic downturn. However what we currently do is not Keynesian because the theory states that you remove that debt during economic upturns, i.e. you use the surplus to pay off the debt.

We do not do that now, we use up any surplus to expand the size of government, so we only use the first part of the Keynesian cycle.
The reason we're not fully adhering to Keynesian principles today has to do with the way our economy has been sabotaged by such laissez faire capitalist exploitation as exported jobs, exported industry, minimal-tariff imports, and decimation of unions. These attacks on the middle class have been enabled by the incremental process of deregulation which began with Ronald Reagan's cessation of enforcement of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and the sequence of repealed regulations that followed. The Savings & Loan industry scandal was the first major manifestation of the damage to follow.

Of course it wasn't only Reagan who sabotaged the middle class. Clinton played a major role by repealing Glass-Steagall and turning the banks loose to do things which formerly would have been federal felonies.

If you'd like a more detailed look at how the process of de-regulation has wrecked our economy, take advantage of the offer in my Signature Line. It's free and very educational.
We are not talking about outliers in the economy. We are talking about the ENTIRE workforce. You have no data supporting that the lower 20% were working in 1980. In fact, the unemployment rate was similar to what it is today. Go back and come up with a better example
Translation.... you can't answer the question. Why can't you answer the question RW? Why can't you answer the question regarding what happens to the bottom 20% when they are being paid to stay home? This is not hard RW you can do it. Or are you really trying to tell me the bottom 20% are really not below the poverty level? Really? What outlier percentile do you think the poverty level applies to if not the bottom 20% what % do you think it is? Why don't you think zeroes in the bottom 20% affect the bottom 20% ratio with the top 5%?

So you DON'T know the shares of income ONLY comes from US wages and incomes, NOT Gov't transfer payments? lol
That's what I said retard. That's my point. Zero income for the bottom 20% because they no longer need income because they are in the permanently disabled and/or on other types of welfare roles. Duh.

I guess tax rates on Corps don't matter much either then right?

War in Iraq? Katrina? 911? Expansion of medicare?

What part of these problems do you need an explanation for?



Is this really that hard for you to understand? When millions of people go out of work, due to death from bombs, displacement from floods, or to fight a war in the sands of the ME, those people are no longer producing goods and services that apply to the GDP. Duh.
RW are you good with averages?

What would happen, for example, to your average of you had three As then got an F?

Now explain to the class what happens to someone's share of income when they have none, for example because we introduce a system of welfare handouts where the bottom 20% no longer have to have income to live.

Simple math question RW. If the bottom 20% had to work back in 1967, but don't have to work in 2014 what is going to change in that chart?

Didn't hear about Clinton's welfare reform and 5 year lifetime limit huh?

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


It wasn't Clinton's reform. It was the republican reform that was forced onto Clinton. Irregardless Obama turned off that reform. Oh and SS/Medicare are not welfare they are payments to the people who paid for them.

So this is GOP's economy, NOT Obama's? And the Dems had the 1980's?

PLEASE link how Obama 'turned off' the reform? Pretty please?

WHO SAID WELFARE? Oh YOU dd. Small part of the moocher class. Corp tax breaks are probably #1 and tax breaks for 'job creators' are probably #2. Like you say, Medicare/SS paid into the system for their parents and grandparents generation. Their kids and grandkids are taking care of the current moocher class on those programs!
War in Iraq? Katrina? 911? Expansion of medicare?

What part of these problems do you need an explanation for?



Is this really that hard for you to understand? When millions of people go out of work, due to death from bombs, displacement from floods, or to fight a war in the sands of the ME, those people are no longer producing goods and services that apply to the GDP. Duh.


How about ramped up spending to rebuild N/O anything? How about monies to US Corps that made bombs and hired guys?
Translation.... you can't answer the question. Why can't you answer the question RW? Why can't you answer the question regarding what happens to the bottom 20% when they are being paid to stay home? This is not hard RW you can do it. Or are you really trying to tell me the bottom 20% are really not below the poverty level? Really? What outlier percentile do you think the poverty level applies to if not the bottom 20% what % do you think it is? Why don't you think zeroes in the bottom 20% affect the bottom 20% ratio with the top 5%?

So you DON'T know the shares of income ONLY comes from US wages and incomes, NOT Gov't transfer payments? lol
That's what I said retard. That's my point. Zero income for the bottom 20% because they no longer need income because they are in the permanently disabled and/or on other types of welfare roles. Duh.

Sorry Bubba, you are using the GRAPH that shows INCOME falling for the bottom 40% of US (CBO numbers) since Reaganomics. The welfare has ZERO to do with it. THINK. JUST ONCE
It is only through the supply side that innovation can be spurred, Keynes was not so much wrong, as narrow minded in his views; yes, if labor controls the economy, the wealth of labor will increase. Without the markets & supply increasing however, there will be no re input of that wealth. Products & services must increase in order for earned wealth to be reinvested in the economy. Thus Keynes should be discarded, old theory, and incompete.
Without demand there is no need for supply.

Supply does not create demand. It responds to demand.

It is a very simple principle which was first acted on by Henry Ford, who raised his employee's hourly wage to five dollars, thereby enabling them to buy the cars they built. The success of Ford Motors is undeniable evidence of the efficacy of Keynes' basic principle.

"Supply side" economics produced stagnant wages. The ultimate result is what we've watched happen throughout the past three decades.

It's not that complicated.
Weird,, RECORD Corp profits almost every quarter under Obama, record low share of wages for Corps and lowest tax burden in 40 years on Corps? Horrible Biz environment!

NOT due to any great growth....mainly due to cost-cutting......whoopie...


I guess tax rates on Corps don't matter much either then right?

efficiency is good but creating new jobs for America would be better...

firms based in the U.S. have 2 trilion dollars sitting overseas.....cutting our high corporate tax rate would bring alot of that money back to our country where it would do some GOOD for Americans....it would kickstart our failing economy....so what the hell is stopping BO....?
Translation.... you can't answer the question. Why can't you answer the question RW? Why can't you answer the question regarding what happens to the bottom 20% when they are being paid to stay home? This is not hard RW you can do it. Or are you really trying to tell me the bottom 20% are really not below the poverty level? Really? What outlier percentile do you think the poverty level applies to if not the bottom 20% what % do you think it is? Why don't you think zeroes in the bottom 20% affect the bottom 20% ratio with the top 5%?

So you DON'T know the shares of income ONLY comes from US wages and incomes, NOT Gov't transfer payments? lol
That's what I said retard. That's my point. Zero income for the bottom 20% because they no longer need income because they are in the permanently disabled and/or on other types of welfare roles. Duh.

now the bottom 20% of this countrys wage earners don't have jobs ..

no need to raise the minimum wage, nobody makes min wage. ... who knew?
From what I remember of Keynesian economics, the main concept is government deficit spending can be used to fix an economic downturn. However what we currently do is not Keynesian because the theory states that you remove that debt during economic upturns, i.e. you use the surplus to pay off the debt.

We do not do that now, we use up any surplus to expand the size of government, so we only use the first part of the Keynesian cycle.
The reason we're not fully adhering to Keynesian principles today has to do with the way our economy has been sabotaged by such laissez faire capitalist exploitation as exported jobs, exported industry, minimal-tariff imports, and decimation of unions. These attacks on the middle class have been enabled by the incremental process of deregulation which began with Ronald Reagan's cessation of enforcement of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and the sequence of repealed regulations that followed. The Savings & Loan industry scandal was the first major manifestation of the damage to follow.

Of course it wasn't only Reagan who sabotaged the middle class. Clinton played a major role by repealing Glass-Steagall and turning the banks loose to do things which formerly would have been federal felonies.

If you'd like a more detailed look at how the process of de-regulation has wrecked our economy, take advantage of the offer in my Signature Line. It's free and very educational.

Excellent post, but Carter started the deregulation nonsense, though Ronnie put it on steroids

Clinton signing that GOP bill in 1999 ZERO to do with Dubya's regulator failure

If you tally the institutions that ran into severe problems in 2008-09, the list includes Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, AIG, and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, none of which would have come under Glass-Steagall’s restrictions.

As for the FDIC-insured commercial banks that ran into trouble, the record is also clear: what got them into trouble were not activities restricted by Glass-Steagall. Their problems arose from investments in residential mortgages and residential mortgage-backed securities—investments they had always been free to engage in.

Why The Glass-Steagall Myth Persists - Forbes




Why Prosecutors Don't Go After Wall Street


Why Prosecutors Don't Go After Wall Street : NPR

“When regulators don’t believe in regulation and don’t get what is going on at the companies they oversee, there can be no major white-collar crime prosecutions,”...“If they don’t understand what we call collective embezzlement, where people are literally looting their own firms, then it’s impossible to bring cases.”


The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.
William K. Black: The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis

Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis - Los Angeles Times

Shockingly, the FBI clearly makes the case for the need to combat mortgage fraud in 2005, the height of the housing crisis:

Financial Crimes Report to the Public 2005

FBI ? Financial Crimes Report 2005

The Bush Rubber Stamp GOP Congress ignored the obvious and extremely detailed and well reported crime spree by the FBI.

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION and GOP CONGRESS stripped the White Collar Crime divisions of money and manpower.


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Didn't hear about Clinton's welfare reform and 5 year lifetime limit huh?

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


It wasn't Clinton's reform. It was the republican reform that was forced onto Clinton. Irregardless Obama turned off that reform. Oh and SS/Medicare are not welfare they are payments to the people who paid for them.

So this is GOP's economy, NOT Obama's? And the Dems had the 1980's?

PLEASE link how Obama 'turned off' the reform? Pretty please?

WHO SAID WELFARE? Oh YOU dd. Small part of the moocher class. Corp tax breaks are probably #1 and tax breaks for 'job creators' are probably #2. Like you say, Medicare/SS paid into the system for their parents and grandparents generation. Their kids and grandkids are taking care of the current moocher class on those programs!

No retard, this is OUR ECONOMY. Yours and mine. The leaders of this POS ship are just captains that do or do not provide some amount of steerage. However this is ship is powered by the people who row it... and if they are not rowing they are dead weight.

Obama Administration Ends Welfare Reform as We Know It

SS recipients are not moochers you retarded POS.
NOT due to any great growth....mainly due to cost-cutting......whoopie...


I guess tax rates on Corps don't matter much either then right?

efficiency is good but creating new jobs for America would be better...

firms based in the U.S. have 2 trilion dollars sitting overseas.....cutting our high corporate tax rate would bring alot of that money back to our country where it would do some GOOD for Americans....it would kickstart our failing economy....so what the hell is stopping BO....?



Would Another Repatriation Tax Holiday Create Jobs?

ofits previously earned—a repatriation tax holiday—is gaining momentum in Congress. This sequel to a similar 2004 holiday would, like its predecessor, have a minuscule effect on domestic investment and thus have a minuscule effect on the U.S. economy and job creation

Heritage Foundation tax policy experts

Would Another Repatriation Tax Holiday Create Jobs?
So you DON'T know the shares of income ONLY comes from US wages and incomes, NOT Gov't transfer payments? lol
That's what I said retard. That's my point. Zero income for the bottom 20% because they no longer need income because they are in the permanently disabled and/or on other types of welfare roles. Duh.

now the bottom 20% of this countrys wage earners don't have jobs ..

no need to raise the minimum wage, nobody makes min wage. ... who knew?

The requirement for a single person to receive welfare is to keep your wage under 30hrs at minimum wage in most states. I don't consider that to be a real job. To me that's a job of a child in high school. Not the job of an adult. Back in the 60s one would be ashamed to only be an adult bread winner working 30hrs a week at minimum wage. Nutz. This nanny state has made it the norm for people who don't give a shit.
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It wasn't Clinton's reform. It was the republican reform that was forced onto Clinton. Irregardless Obama turned off that reform. Oh and SS/Medicare are not welfare they are payments to the people who paid for them.

So this is GOP's economy, NOT Obama's? And the Dems had the 1980's?

PLEASE link how Obama 'turned off' the reform? Pretty please?

WHO SAID WELFARE? Oh YOU dd. Small part of the moocher class. Corp tax breaks are probably #1 and tax breaks for 'job creators' are probably #2. Like you say, Medicare/SS paid into the system for their parents and grandparents generation. Their kids and grandkids are taking care of the current moocher class on those programs!

No retard, this is OUR ECONOMY. Yours and mine. The leaders of this POS ship are just captains that do or do not provide some amount of steerage. However this is ship is powered by the people who row it... and if they are not rowing they are dead weight.

Obama Administration Ends Welfare Reform as We Know It

SS recipients are not moochers you retarded POS.

your Heritage article is a joke.

It wasn't Clinton's reform. It was the republican reform that was forced onto Clinton. Irregardless Obama turned off that reform. Oh and SS/Medicare are not welfare they are payments to the people who paid for them.

So this is GOP's economy, NOT Obama's? And the Dems had the 1980's?

PLEASE link how Obama 'turned off' the reform? Pretty please?

WHO SAID WELFARE? Oh YOU dd. Small part of the moocher class. Corp tax breaks are probably #1 and tax breaks for 'job creators' are probably #2. Like you say, Medicare/SS paid into the system for their parents and grandparents generation. Their kids and grandkids are taking care of the current moocher class on those programs!

No retard, this is OUR ECONOMY. Yours and mine. The leaders of this POS ship are just captains that do or do not provide some amount of steerage. However this is ship is powered by the people who row it... and if they are not rowing they are dead weight.

Obama Administration Ends Welfare Reform as We Know It

SS recipients are not moochers you retarded POS.

Does Obama’s Plan ‘Gut Welfare Reform’?

Under the new policy, states can now seek a federal waiver from work-participation rules that, among other things, require welfare recipients to engage in one of 12 specific “work activities,” such as job training. But, in exchange, states must develop a plan that would provide a “more efficient or effective means to promote employment,” which may or may not include some or all of the same work activities. States also must submit an “evaluation plan” that includes “performance measures” that must be met — or the waiver could be revoked.

Ron Haskins, a former Republican House committee aide who was instrumental in the 1996 overhaul of the welfare program, told us the Obama administration should not have unilaterally changed the work-requirement rules. But Haskins said the Romney claim that Obama’s plan will “gut welfare reform” is “very misleading.”

“I do not think it ends welfare reform or strongly undermines welfare reform,” said Haskins,

“Each state has to say what they will do and how that reform … will either increase employment or lead to better employment” of recipients.

The Obama policy responds to state officials who say they can improve job placement and retention if freed from the time-consuming process of documenting and verifying that recipients are engaged in those work activities.

Does Obama?s Plan ?Gut Welfare Reform??

That's what I said retard. That's my point. Zero income for the bottom 20% because they no longer need income because they are in the permanently disabled and/or on other types of welfare roles. Duh.

now the bottom 20% of this countrys wage earners don't have jobs ..

no need to raise the minimum wage, nobody makes min wage. ... who knew?

The requirement for a single person to receive welfare is to keep your wage under 30hrs at minimum wage in most states. I don't consider that to be a real job. To me that's a job of a child in high school. Not the job of an adult. Back in the 60s one would be ashamed to only be an adult bread winner working 30hrs a week at minimum wage. Nutz. This nanny state has made it the norm for people who don't give a shit.

Weird IF the GOP 'job creator' policies worked, as they say they would, jobs would be everywhere for anyone. Why hasn't that worked out?

Yes, I bet you SS moochers just HATE the red state SNAP moochers

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