What is "Trickle Down Economics"?

With excessive taxation and burdensome controls, businesses will not invest in the labor sector, nor employ through research and development. Only free markets will increase productivity, and thus wealth is gained by the employment sector.

Delving into sociological terms, if the reward for doing little much, is the same as the reward for doing little, incentives in development stall. Thus by freeing capital for continued investment, economies grow.

Per Samuelson, as I remembered him.

So when did you take economics? Who ever taught you economic should lose their teaching license.

There is one and only one reason an employer is going to hire more employees.

No employer is going to hire someone to just stand around all day and do nothing. The only reason why an employer is going to hire someone is because they have more work to do in a normal work week than their existing employees can do. If that's happening then that business is having more sales. If that's happening then that business is making more money and the last thing it needs is a tax cut.

No employer is going to hire someone to just stand around all day long doing nothing no matter how many tax cuts that employer receives.

Tax cuts don't create jobs. Demand does. Demand happens when people have money in their pockets to spend.

All tax cuts do is cause the price of goods and services to increase, it concentrates wealth into a few hands while leaving almost everyone else with poverty wages. it also causes jobs to be taken from America and leaving us with no jobs.

That's your economics 101 lesson for today.

Oh by the way, I did take that economics course. It was required for my degree in accounting. I took more than one economics course in my years learning accounting so I know what I'm talking about.

You, not so much.

It is amazing. Leftist morons who know zilch about economics come on here, accuse others of not knowing anything, and then demonstrate their own ignorance.
How many people were hired to design, build and market the iPad long before the first one was sold? Consumer spending does not drive the economy. That's been proven over and over. Business investment drives the economy and no business is going to invest knowing their returns will be diminished by high tax and regulatory costs.

The problem with your lie is that Apple MacIntosh was a prosperous business before the iPad came along.

They had sales from their computers and iPhones. In fact the iPad is just a large iPhone so there was really no R&D involved with an iPad. Apple already had the technology and just applied it to larger hardware.

Apple already had profits that were increasing, which caused them to need more people to work at their company to handle all that new business from their iPhones and new computer products, such as the updated IMac.

So they weren't lacking in revenues or work for people to do. There was a demand so Apple supplied it by hiring new people.

Not by getting tax cuts.

Basic economics is that no employer is going to hire someone to just stand around all day long. If they don't have the work for the people to do then they're not going to hire anyone. No matter how many tax cuts they get.

If a business has more work than the existing employees can do in a normal work week then that business is having more sales. If that's happening then that business is making more money and the last thing that business needs is a tax cut.

Take the economics course instead of spouting lies.
So when did you take economics? Who ever taught you economic should lose their teaching license.

There is one and only one reason an employer is going to hire more employees.

No employer is going to hire someone to just stand around all day and do nothing. The only reason why an employer is going to hire someone is because they have more work to do in a normal work week than their existing employees can do. If that's happening then that business is having more sales. If that's happening then that business is making more money and the last thing it needs is a tax cut.

No employer is going to hire someone to just stand around all day long doing nothing no matter how many tax cuts that employer receives.

Tax cuts don't create jobs. Demand does. Demand happens when people have money in their pockets to spend.

All tax cuts do is cause the price of goods and services to increase, it concentrates wealth into a few hands while leaving almost everyone else with poverty wages. it also causes jobs to be taken from America and leaving us with no jobs.

That's your economics 101 lesson for today.

Oh by the way, I did take that economics course. It was required for my degree in accounting. I took more than one economics course in my years learning accounting so I know what I'm talking about.

You, not so much.

It is amazing. Leftist morons who know zilch about economics come on here, accuse others of not knowing anything, and then demonstrate their own ignorance.
How many people were hired to design, build and market the iPad long before the first one was sold? Consumer spending does not drive the economy. That's been proven over and over. Business investment drives the economy and no business is going to invest knowing their returns will be diminished by high tax and regulatory costs.

The problem with your lie is that Apple MacIntosh was a prosperous business before the iPad came along.

They had sales from their computers and iPhones. In fact the iPad is just a large iPhone so there was really no R&D involved with an iPad. Apple already had the technology and just applied it to larger hardware.

Apple already had profits that were increasing, which caused them to need more people to work at their company to handle all that new business from their iPhones and new computer products, such as the updated IMac.

So they weren't lacking in revenues or work for people to do. There was a demand so Apple supplied it by hiring new people.

Not by getting tax cuts.

Basic economics is that no employer is going to hire someone to just stand around all day long. If they don't have the work for the people to do then they're not going to hire anyone. No matter how many tax cuts they get.

If a business has more work than the existing employees can do in a normal work week then that business is having more sales. If that's happening then that business is making more money and the last thing that business needs is a tax cut.

Take the economics course instead of spouting lies.

So there was no investment in the iPad prior to its production.
Got it.
We can add running a business to things you know zero about but are free to pontificate on anyway.
Get an MBA and learn all the talking points about why Americans are stupid, lazy and lack the skills required for the 16th century, let alone the 21 century.

No thanks.

I received my degree in the early 80s. Then walked away from it in the mid 90s to become a mother.

Our child never once set foot in a day care. I mostly raised her. My husband worked.

I turned my hobby of photographing musicians on and off stage into my work. I worked mostly from my home. The times of actually taking the photos were usually at night or on the weekend so my husband stayed with our child. I could do the rest of the work from home here in my office.

Our child is mostly grown now. She's 16, just got her license and I bought her a car. She started her first job today and will start college in September in the Running Start program. So she will have her first two years of college done by the time she graduates from high school.

Life is good here. I have always lived in a blue state and have always been a liberal.
Get an MBA and learn all the talking points about why Americans are stupid, lazy and lack the skills required for the 16th century, let alone the 21 century.

No thanks.

I received my degree in the early 80s. Then walked away from it in the mid 90s to become a mother.

Our child never once set foot in a day care. I mostly raised her. My husband worked.

I turned my hobby of photographing musicians on and off stage into my work. I worked mostly from my home. The times of actually taking the photos were usually at night or on the weekend so my husband stayed with our child. I could do the rest of the work from home here in my office.

Our child is mostly grown now. She's 16, just got her license and I bought her a car. She started her first job today and will start college in September in the Running Start program. So she will have her first two years of college done by the time she graduates from high school.

Life is good here. I have always lived in a blue state and have always been a liberal.
Thats because you don't know very much. Ignorance is bliss. You've proven it.
How about we just pay people their proper wages?

No trickle down economics. No bullshit.

Your regular 40 hours a week, Basic Benefits, and at a reasonable middle classed pay.

As for the lower class, $9-$10 an hour won't hurt. They are living people who need to survive, too.
How about we just pay people their proper wages?

No trickle down economics. No bullshit.

Your regular 40 hours a week, Basic Benefits, and at a reasonable middle classed pay.

As for the lower class, $9-$10 an hour won't hurt. They are living people who need to survive, too.

Shoot, just send checks for $1M to every family. Every man a millionaire.
PLEASE give the bills passed in the last 2 years of Dubya? PRETTY PLEASE?

One of the standard Republican talking points is that the Democrats had a filibuster-proof, super majority for two years between 2008 and 2010. This talking point is usually trotted out when liberals complain that the Republicans filibustered virtually every piece of legislation proposed by Obama or the Democrats over that period of time.

Democrats only had a filibuster-proof majority for 24 working days during that period. Here are the details:

Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left

The democrats never had that 60 seat vote majority.

Al Franken was the 60th seat. However, the gop governor made sure that he wasn't declared the winner and he didn't take his seat until July of 2009.

Meanwhile Robert Byrd was dying. So was Ted Kennedy.

Byrd was in and out of the hospital from January 2009 until his death in June. Byrd left the congress in June 2009 and died June 28th. Before Al Franken was sworn into office. Though he held his seat, he wasn't there to vote against the endless, childish republican filibusters.

While Byrd's replacement was a democrat he wasn't sworn in until the middle of July 2009. So he couldn't vote to end the endless, childish republican filibuster. By the time he was sworn in, Kennedy was near death and not in his seat anymore to vote to end the endless, childish republican filibuster.

Ted Kennedy suffered a seizure in January 2009 during Obama's inaugural luncheon. He was in and out of the hospital for about 8 months and died on August 25th. He only returned to the senate once in that time and it was to vote on the ACA. So while he held that seat during that time, he wasn't there to vote to break the endless, childish republican filibuster.

The democrats never had that 60 seat vote to stop the endless and childish republican filibuster.


What are you crying about?

The fact that I pointed out the republican lie that the democrats had the 60 votes to break the endless childish republican filibuster?

It's nothing but lies. The democrats never had that 60 votes so stop lying about it.

The republicans started their endless, childish filibuster when they lost majority in the senate.

They childishly have been stamping their feet and crying that if they can't control everything and get their way all the time then nothing will get done.

You don't care what damage your republican politicians are doing to our nation.
Obama has trickle up economics ,you see he pisses up your leg telling you its raining and at the same time he is reaching into your wallet stealing your hard earned money ,giving it to illegals, muslim countries, crack heads ,womb to the tomb welfare bums,etc.............

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Strawman, and a bunch of crap. I don't think that at all, quite the reverse. And what you said is not what they talk about in business schools and it wasn't our attitude in management or management consulting either. You just don't know what you're talking about. My career was building new organizations and new capabilities. The cost of maintaining infrastructure reduces the money that can go to chasing new products and services.

Free markets solve that. The ones who do realize that and pay the right price for the right employees win. In reality where many companies skimp even more though are people in the middle who understand both the business and IT. They try to get the business people to give the requirements directly to the IT people thinking it saves money, and so many projects fail.

Fair enough, but it's a pretty broad stroke discussion.

Make up your mind first you say it's straw man and crap then you say you agree with what I said. First you say you worked with companies to right size them through offshoring, now you say you worked with start ups to start them, then you claim the money the big companies save by killing jobs lets them start new stuff. I'm thinking you are a bit bipolar.

Free markets solve MBAs that are inept.. Yes that was my point.
Translation: I am not capable of subtle thought, only black and white.
Yeah, we've gotten that.
You've melted down quite a bit since this started. First you stated a position. When challenged you deflected to something else. When challenged on that you changed the subject. Then you launched personal insults. Finally you are merely ranting incoherently.
You're done here.

How about we just pay people their proper wages?

No trickle down economics. No bullshit.

Your regular 40 hours a week, Basic Benefits, and at a reasonable middle classed pay.

As for the lower class, $9-$10 an hour won't hurt. They are living people who need to survive, too.

Shoot, just send checks for $1M to every family. Every man a millionaire.

Did you not reply this to Mr. Brown?
"Translation: I am not capable of subtle thought, only black and white."
Make up your mind first you say it's straw man and crap then you say you agree with what I said. First you say you worked with companies to right size them through offshoring, now you say you worked with start ups to start them, then you claim the money the big companies save by killing jobs lets them start new stuff. I'm thinking you are a bit bipolar.

Free markets solve MBAs that are inept.. Yes that was my point.

I spent the first five years of my career in GE Information services as a developer, then as a software architect. Got my MS in Computer Science & Applications from Virginia Tech at night. Then got my MBA at Michigan. From then until now, I was in GE Management rotating jobs every 1-2 years or in management consulting working on projects from 3-12 months. So yeah, I've done a lot of different things. I don't have to make up my mind about that.

And I don't advocate offshoring or not offshoring on principle, I advocate free markets and efficiency. Efficiency is what my career has been about. And yes, in free markets some companies do bad things. That's good, they are replaced by ones that make good decisions.

So when you say to stop companies from offshoring artificially, I oppose that. When you say you'll build a better mousetrap and beat them with onshore resources, I am for that. Do it.

We are already artificially funding offshoring efforts by selling offshore produced products tax free while charging through the nose for corporate profits onshore, regulatory requirements, etc.

Balance must be achieved or our labor suffers.
Make up your mind first you say it's straw man and crap then you say you agree with what I said. First you say you worked with companies to right size them through offshoring, now you say you worked with start ups to start them, then you claim the money the big companies save by killing jobs lets them start new stuff. I'm thinking you are a bit bipolar.

Free markets solve MBAs that are inept.. Yes that was my point.

I spent the first five years of my career in GE Information services as a developer, then as a software architect. Got my MS in Computer Science & Applications from Virginia Tech at night. Then got my MBA at Michigan. From then until now, I was in GE Management rotating jobs every 1-2 years or in management consulting working on projects from 3-12 months. So yeah, I've done a lot of different things. I don't have to make up my mind about that.

And I don't advocate offshoring or not offshoring on principle, I advocate free markets and efficiency. Efficiency is what my career has been about. And yes, in free markets some companies do bad things. That's good, they are replaced by ones that make good decisions.

So when you say to stop companies from offshoring artificially, I oppose that. When you say you'll build a better mousetrap and beat them with onshore resources, I am for that. Do it.

We are already artificially funding offshoring efforts by selling offshore produced products tax free while charging through the nose for corporate profits onshore, regulatory requirements, etc.

Balance must be achieved or our labor suffers.

What off shore products are sold tax free? I want a list so I can go shopping and save lots of money on off shore produced goods.

Now you're simply making stuff up with no foundation at all.
How about we just pay people their proper wages?

No trickle down economics. No bullshit.

Your regular 40 hours a week, Basic Benefits, and at a reasonable middle classed pay.

As for the lower class, $9-$10 an hour won't hurt. They are living people who need to survive, too.

Shoot, just send checks for $1M to every family. Every man a millionaire.

Did you not reply this to Mr. Brown?
"Translation: I am not capable of subtle thought, only black and white."

Was there a point there, junior?
What is the conceptual difference between guaranteeing everyone a certain level of wage and just sending them money?
Shoot, just send checks for $1M to every family. Every man a millionaire.

Did you not reply this to Mr. Brown?
"Translation: I am not capable of subtle thought, only black and white."

Was there a point there, junior?
What is the conceptual difference between guaranteeing everyone a certain level of wage and just sending them money?

Ah, an ad hominem...how dull.

You accused Brown of what you constantly post, black and white thinking.
The deepest I've ever seen from you is when someone besides you actually posts something of some substance and you simply agree.

Go ahead, insult away as you have nothing else to offer.
Did you not reply this to Mr. Brown?
"Translation: I am not capable of subtle thought, only black and white."

Was there a point there, junior?
What is the conceptual difference between guaranteeing everyone a certain level of wage and just sending them money?

Ah, an ad hominem...how dull.

You accused Brown of what you constantly post, black and white thinking.
The deepest I've ever seen from you is when someone besides you actually posts something of some substance and you simply agree.

Go ahead, insult away as you have nothing else to offer.

OK so you cannot explain the conceptual difference between guaranteeing a level of wages and benefits and simply sending checks to families.
Thought so.
You're way out of your league here, s0n.
Was there a point there, junior?
What is the conceptual difference between guaranteeing everyone a certain level of wage and just sending them money?

Ah, an ad hominem...how dull.

You accused Brown of what you constantly post, black and white thinking.
The deepest I've ever seen from you is when someone besides you actually posts something of some substance and you simply agree.

Go ahead, insult away as you have nothing else to offer.

OK so you cannot explain the conceptual difference between guaranteeing a level of wages and benefits and simply sending checks to families.
Thought so.
You're way out of your league here, s0n.

Uh no...you claim we may as well send every family 1 million dollars and then accuse someone besides yourself of black and white thinking.

The fact is that we had 3 decades of prosperity with guaranteed wages and benefits before Reagan introduced his Supply Side horseshit.
You're probably so stupid that the only way you can make money is from a bubble.

Next ad hominem; It's getting close to bedtime and you're a guaranteed snore.
Ah, an ad hominem...how dull.

You accused Brown of what you constantly post, black and white thinking.
The deepest I've ever seen from you is when someone besides you actually posts something of some substance and you simply agree.

Go ahead, insult away as you have nothing else to offer.

OK so you cannot explain the conceptual difference between guaranteeing a level of wages and benefits and simply sending checks to families.
Thought so.
You're way out of your league here, s0n.

Uh no...you claim we may as well send every family 1 million dollars and then accuse someone besides yourself of black and white thinking.

The fact is that we had 3 decades of prosperity with guaranteed wages and benefits before Reagan introduced his Supply Side horseshit.
You're probably so stupid that the only way you can make money is from a bubble.

Next ad hominem; It's getting close to bedtime and you're a guaranteed snore.

ROFL what a blathering idiot you are.
I spent the first five years of my career in GE Information services as a developer, then as a software architect. Got my MS in Computer Science & Applications from Virginia Tech at night. Then got my MBA at Michigan. From then until now, I was in GE Management rotating jobs every 1-2 years or in management consulting working on projects from 3-12 months. So yeah, I've done a lot of different things. I don't have to make up my mind about that.

And I don't advocate offshoring or not offshoring on principle, I advocate free markets and efficiency. Efficiency is what my career has been about. And yes, in free markets some companies do bad things. That's good, they are replaced by ones that make good decisions.

So when you say to stop companies from offshoring artificially, I oppose that. When you say you'll build a better mousetrap and beat them with onshore resources, I am for that. Do it.

We are already artificially funding offshoring efforts by selling offshore produced products tax free while charging through the nose for corporate profits onshore, regulatory requirements, etc.

Balance must be achieved or our labor suffers.

What off shore products are sold tax free? I want a list so I can go shopping and save lots of money on off shore produced goods.

Now you're simply making stuff up with no foundation at all.
The federal government does not have a sales tax. It taxes corporations through corporate profit tax. Foreign companies do not pay profit tax on products sold in the USA, they get a pass. Are you mentally handicapped?
OK so you cannot explain the conceptual difference between guaranteeing a level of wages and benefits and simply sending checks to families.
Thought so.
You're way out of your league here, s0n.

Uh no...you claim we may as well send every family 1 million dollars and then accuse someone besides yourself of black and white thinking.

The fact is that we had 3 decades of prosperity with guaranteed wages and benefits before Reagan introduced his Supply Side horseshit.
You're probably so stupid that the only way you can make money is from a bubble.

Next ad hominem; It's getting close to bedtime and you're a guaranteed snore.

ROFL what a blathering idiot you are.

I knew we'd agree on something.

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