What is Trump and his peeps trying to HIDE?????


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
My theory.....Donald Trump has ran for president of the US 3 times. Never in all those attempts has Russia ever been mentioned....until now. I am convinced Flynn after Trump announced his run or maybe even prior, got in touch with Trump, gave him a low down on what Russia could do for him in order assure him a presidential win and Trump bought in. Keep in mind, Putin and his peeps have been baiting Trump for years, with lucrative loans and land deals, so they've been watching this moron for years. They also knew the GOP was all in for Hillary, have been waiting on this bitch for years to run, knew the DNC was all in for her and they knew how to handle her with these emails.

The crime, Donald Trump along with Russia helped dismantle our democratic way of voting by hacking into emails and perhaps altering votes....Trump is guilty and and and, if the politicians in Washington were smart, they'd give anyone seeking immunity a deal and get to whats really going on.
I assure you, it's nothing as bad as obama hiding his past and being born in Kenya.

Barry's first EO was to seal his entire past.

My theory.....Donald Trump has ran for president of the US 3 times. Never in all those attempts has Russia ever been mentioned....until now. I am convinced Flynn after Trump announced his run or maybe even prior, got in touch with Trump, gave him a low down on what Russia could do for him in order assure him a presidential win and Trump bought in. Keep in mind, Putin and his peeps have been baiting Trump for years, with lucrative loans and land deals, so they've been watching this moron for years. They also knew the GOP was all in for Hillary, have been waiting on this bitch for years to run, knew the DNC was all in for her and they knew how to handle her with these emails.

The crime, Donald Trump along with Russia helped dismantle our democratic way of voting by hacking into emails and perhaps altering votes....Trump is guilty and and and, if the politicians in Washington were smart, they'd give anyone seeking immunity a deal and get to whats really going on.

You are truly a disgrace and shame to your race.
My theory.....Donald Trump has ran for president of the US 3 times. Never in all those attempts has Russia ever been mentioned....until now. I am convinced Flynn after Trump announced his run or maybe even prior, got in touch with Trump, gave him a low down on what Russia could do for him in order assure him a presidential win and Trump bought in. Keep in mind, Putin and his peeps have been baiting Trump for years, with lucrative loans and land deals, so they've been watching this moron for years. They also knew the GOP was all in for Hillary, have been waiting on this bitch for years to run, knew the DNC was all in for her and they knew how to handle her with these emails.

The crime, Donald Trump along with Russia helped dismantle our democratic way of voting by hacking into emails and perhaps altering votes....Trump is guilty and and and, if the politicians in Washington were smart, they'd give anyone seeking immunity a deal and get to whats really going on.
My theory.....Donald Trump has ran for president of the US 3 times. Never in all those attempts has Russia ever been mentioned....until now. I am convinced Flynn after Trump announced his run or maybe even prior, got in touch with Trump, gave him a low down on what Russia could do for him in order assure him a presidential win and Trump bought in. Keep in mind, Putin and his peeps have been baiting Trump for years, with lucrative loans and land deals, so they've been watching this moron for years. They also knew the GOP was all in for Hillary, have been waiting on this bitch for years to run, knew the DNC was all in for her and they knew how to handle her with these emails.

The crime, Donald Trump along with Russia helped dismantle our democratic way of voting by hacking into emails and perhaps altering votes....Trump is guilty and and and, if the politicians in Washington were smart, they'd give anyone seeking immunity a deal and get to whats really going on.
Are you some kind of graduate from the inner city school of crappy, illiterate writing? Let's start with basic noun-verb agreement:
"These are the basic rules for noun-verb agreement:
  1. The number of the noun (singular or plural) determines the form of the verb.
Plural: Some readers consider Kohlberg's theory of moral development problematic because he only examines ways of thinking and not how emotions and gender socialization affect moral development.

Singular: Carol Gilligan, in her book entitled "In a Different Voice," challenges the premise of Kohlberg's theory.

2. There may be more than one noun-verb pair in a sentence; you need to make sure that each pair agrees in number.

Example: Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, in her book "On Death and Dying," outlines the stages of dying, and she illustrates that both the terminally ill person and the person's loved ones experience these stages.

3. The way the verb agrees with the noun depends on whether the verb is regular or irregular. The agreement conventions for regular verbs and agreement conventions for irregular verbs are different.

4. Some nouns and pronouns seem to be plural but function as "trick singular" nouns, so there must be correct verb agreement with "trick singular" nouns and pronouns. An example of this is "everybody," a singular noun which refers to a group, but must agree with a singular verb, i.e. "Everybody is happy."

5. Verbs do not have to agree with words that come between (interrupt) the noun and the verb. An example of this is, "The highest percentage of voters is in favor;" where the verb, "is," agrees with the noun "percentage," the subject of the sentence, and not with "voters."

Reader might take you more seriously if you were better able to clearly express yourself in proper English.
My theory.....Donald Trump has ran for president of the US 3 times. Never in all those attempts has Russia ever been mentioned....until now. I am convinced Flynn after Trump announced his run or maybe even prior, got in touch with Trump, gave him a low down on what Russia could do for him in order assure him a presidential win and Trump bought in. Keep in mind, Putin and his peeps have been baiting Trump for years, with lucrative loans and land deals, so they've been watching this moron for years. They also knew the GOP was all in for Hillary, have been waiting on this bitch for years to run, knew the DNC was all in for her and they knew how to handle her with these emails.

The crime, Donald Trump along with Russia helped dismantle our democratic way of voting by hacking into emails and perhaps altering votes....Trump is guilty and and and, if the politicians in Washington were smart, they'd give anyone seeking immunity a deal and get to whats really going on.
thats what an obsession does to you....tiger see's trump everywhere..........
My theory.....Donald Trump has ran for president of the US 3 times. Never in all those attempts has Russia ever been mentioned....until now. I am convinced Flynn after Trump announced his run or maybe even prior, got in touch with Trump, gave him a low down on what Russia could do for him in order assure him a presidential win and Trump bought in. Keep in mind, Putin and his peeps have been baiting Trump for years, with lucrative loans and land deals, so they've been watching this moron for years. They also knew the GOP was all in for Hillary, have been waiting on this bitch for years to run, knew the DNC was all in for her and they knew how to handle her with these emails.

The crime, Donald Trump along with Russia helped dismantle our democratic way of voting by hacking into emails and perhaps altering votes....Trump is guilty and and and, if the politicians in Washington were smart, they'd give anyone seeking immunity a deal and get to whats really going on.

You are truly a disgrace and shame to your race.
And gender. Does she call all woman "bitches" or just white women? Never really paid attention.
Donald Trump has ran for president of the US 3 times. Never in all those attempts has Russia ever been mentioned
Oy because the Democrats lost.

They cannot accept that America would not choose their Party's choice. So the excuse making begins. You guys have created a myth that is universally believed by your side, because you can't handle reality.
OK, I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... when my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out! ...but the worst thing I ever done: I mixed up all this fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa - and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. And I never felt so bad in my entire life!

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