What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns

Must really piss you off knowing out of 633,000 people, 53% of them will vote for Trump and 36% will vote for the vagina. Bet those 300,000 plus are knuckle draggers, right? That they are just bible thumping gun toting morons. Want to know something else about those people? They love this country while you sorry sacks of shit, should move to CUBA and live your ultimate Socialist dream, living in poverty and misery, that is called FAIRNESS. Doors open and don't let it hit you in your sorry ass on the way out.
Where does that poll you are bouncing around come from? How valid is it?
Okay, for the liberals who are too lazy to look at the MSN website, by the way we are now up to 945,000+ voters, geez looks really bad for the vagina.
Poll Results
Who will win the general election for president this November?
  • 36%
    Hillary Clinton

  • 6%
    Bernie Sanders

  • 53%
    Donald Trump

  • 5%
    A third-party candidate/other
Total responses: 945,847 votes

Read more: Full politics coverage

Continually referring the Clinton as the vagina makes you look like a fucking fool.
No, running a campaign that because you have a vagina makes you qualified to be president, looks like a fucking fool, and you will vote for her too. That makes you the fools fool. ROTFLMAO....

LOL son I wouldn't vote for Hillary if my life depended on it, she's a scum bag, but you look like a fucking idiot calling her a vagina.
NO, you probably voted for Bernie who has won the last 16 of 17 states, yet the liberals have anointed the vagina, and not listen to the low information voter who wants Bernie the socialist. You libidots are too stupid to know better which is why the super delegates were programmed to vote for HER. Doesn't that bother you at all?
Where does that poll you are bouncing around come from? How valid is it?
Okay, for the liberals who are too lazy to look at the MSN website, by the way we are now up to 945,000+ voters, geez looks really bad for the vagina.
Poll Results
Who will win the general election for president this November?
  • 36%
    Hillary Clinton

  • 6%
    Bernie Sanders

  • 53%
    Donald Trump

  • 5%
    A third-party candidate/other
Total responses: 945,847 votes

Read more: Full politics coverage

Continually referring the Clinton as the vagina makes you look like a fucking fool.
No, running a campaign that because you have a vagina makes you qualified to be president, looks like a fucking fool, and you will vote for her too. That makes you the fools fool. ROTFLMAO....

LOL son I wouldn't vote for Hillary if my life depended on it, she's a scum bag, but you look like a fucking idiot calling her a vagina.
NO, you probably voted for Bernie who has won the last 16 of 17 states, yet the liberals have anointed the vagina, and not listen to the low information voter who wants Bernie the socialist. You libidots are too stupid to know better which is why the super delegates were programmed to vote for HER. Doesn't that bother you at all?

First of all moron, I voted for Kasich in the Republican primary and will vote for Trump in the general.

Second of all, I can both be a conservative and think you're an asshole for calling Hillary the vagina candidate.

You dumb fucks wonder why some of these stupid liberals keep getting elected? Maybe it's because there is some truth to the claims that Republicans are hateful towards minorities.
We don’t know that he has paid a penny in taxes….he won’t release his returns.


You and he are so alike in that regard. It might have been convincing were a copy of your tax returns attached to your post - alas, they were not. Say, do you have to show welfare payments like you have to show the blogging-pay on the forms?
Okay, for the liberals who are too lazy to look at the MSN website, by the way we are now up to 945,000+ voters, geez looks really bad for the vagina.
Poll Results
Who will win the general election for president this November?
  • 36%
    Hillary Clinton

  • 6%
    Bernie Sanders

  • 53%
    Donald Trump

  • 5%
    A third-party candidate/other
Total responses: 945,847 votes

Read more: Full politics coverage

Continually referring the Clinton as the vagina makes you look like a fucking fool.
No, running a campaign that because you have a vagina makes you qualified to be president, looks like a fucking fool, and you will vote for her too. That makes you the fools fool. ROTFLMAO....

LOL son I wouldn't vote for Hillary if my life depended on it, she's a scum bag, but you look like a fucking idiot calling her a vagina.
NO, you probably voted for Bernie who has won the last 16 of 17 states, yet the liberals have anointed the vagina, and not listen to the low information voter who wants Bernie the socialist. You libidots are too stupid to know better which is why the super delegates were programmed to vote for HER. Doesn't that bother you at all?

First of all moron, I voted for Kasich in the Republican primary and will vote for Trump in the general.

Second of all, I can both be a conservative and think you're an asshole for calling Hillary the vagina candidate.

You dumb fucks wonder why some of these stupid liberals keep getting elected? Maybe it's because there is some truth to the claims that Republicans are hateful towards minorities.

nope, Republicans are too stupid to win, hate has nothing to do with it.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

Not a Trumper.

But ain't it some shit when a presidential candidate does not have to show that he will RESTORE and ENFORCE the US Constitution (1787) but is required to show that he participates in the Unconstitutional - Marxist heavy graduated "income" Tax scam?


Isn’t it true there is an amendment about income taxes?
Isn’t it true that amendments carry the same weight as the original text of the Constitution?
Therefore, isn’t it true that income taxes are constitutional?


Class Dismissed.

Not a Trumper.

But ain't it some shit when a presidential candidate does not have to show that he will RESTORE and ENFORCE the US Constitution (1787) but is required to show that he participates in the Unconstitutional - Marxist heavy graduated "income" Tax scam?

Isn’t it true there is an amendment about income taxes? NO, THERE ISN'T.
Isn’t it true that amendments carry the same weight as the original text of the Constitution? IF PROPERLY RATIFIED, YES.
Therefore, isn’t it true that income taxes are constitutional? NO, THEY ARE NOT .

Is there a plank in the Communist Manifesto recommending a heavy graduate "income" tax? YES THERE IS.

Isn't it true that as an American you are supposed to know what the Constitution requires? YES, YOU ARE.

Isn't in true that SCOTUS Justices are federal bureaucrats? YES, IT'S TRUE.

Ins't true that they ignore the Constitution (1787) in order to enforce what they thinkl is Constitutional? YES, ITS TRUE.
So ironic...the same players that DEMANDED President Obama provide his birth certificate (that no other president has had to provide) are now defending Trump for not releasing his tax returns (that every candidate since Nixon has released).

You just can't make this stuff up!
So ironic...the same players that DEMANDED President Obama provide his birth certificate (that no other president has had to provide) are now defending Trump for not releasing his tax returns (that every candidate since Nixon has released).

You just can't make this stuff up!

RW's are making up every excuse they can imaging as long as it deflects away from Donnie.
Where does that poll you are bouncing around come from? How valid is it?
Okay, for the liberals who are too lazy to look at the MSN website, by the way we are now up to 945,000+ voters, geez looks really bad for the vagina.
Poll Results
Who will win the general election for president this November?
  • 36%
    Hillary Clinton

  • 6%
    Bernie Sanders

  • 53%
    Donald Trump

  • 5%
    A third-party candidate/other
Total responses: 945,847 votes

Read more: Full politics coverage

Continually referring the Clinton as the vagina makes you look like a fucking fool.
No, running a campaign that because you have a vagina makes you qualified to be president, looks like a fucking fool, and you will vote for her too. That makes you the fools fool. ROTFLMAO....

For the record, I think you're a vagina and unqualified for most everything.
I am not running for president, and it must really make you angry when I use your own words against you. I was once military and when you go to war, you don't bring a slingshot to a gunfight. You libidiots wanted this war, now you are going to have to play by your own rules. And you don't like it, because conservatives are supposed to be good Christians and turn the other cheek. Well we have turned it enough, now we are ready to get into the slug fest you want. That is why Trump is leading over the loud mouth bitch by 17% or more.

You didn't use my words against me.
Must really piss you off knowing out of 633,000 people, 53% of them will vote for Trump and 36% will vote for the vagina. Bet those 300,000 plus are knuckle draggers, right? That they are just bible thumping gun toting morons. Want to know something else about those people? They love this country while you sorry sacks of shit, should move to CUBA and live your ultimate Socialist dream, living in poverty and misery, that is called FAIRNESS. Doors open and don't let it hit you in your sorry ass on the way out.
Where does that poll you are bouncing around come from? How valid is it?

I think he's referring to an online poll that was on MSN. You know, those polls that get freeped by people who don't have a life and can sit around for hours clearing their cookies out and retaking said poll.
You are right, what you just said, probably Hillary is about 25% not the 36% as in the poll, as we all know liberals LIE all the time. Thanks for pointing that out.

Next time you site a poll that is unscientific it is your responsibility to not mislead. Don't pass off your cow pies as filet mignon.
When liberals start panicking they start to turn on their own. And to think that Chris(who had a thrill run up his leg for Obama) Mathews works for the liberal MSN. Notice how HappyJoyJoy has turned a blind eye on MSN?

I'm not attacking, that poll like many online website polls are nothing but clickbate to keep people on their site. However, they are completely unreliable. It's the people like you who think they mean something that have the problem.
Why do you need to see the tax forms, he is being audited if he has done something illegal the IRS can handle it , don't you think. He never said he wasn't playing by the rules , what's wrong with him taking advantage of the tax laws.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
So ironic...the same players that DEMANDED President Obama provide his birth certificate (that no other president has had to provide) are now defending Trump for not releasing his tax returns (that every candidate since Nixon has released).

You just can't make this stuff up!

I am staying with the same position. Don't turn in birth certificate, don't turn in tax returns, it's not legally required and no ones business.
So ironic...the same players that DEMANDED President Obama provide his birth certificate (that no other president has had to provide) are now defending Trump for not releasing his tax returns (that every candidate since Nixon has released).

You just can't make this stuff up!

I am staying with the same position. Don't turn in birth certificate, don't turn in tax returns, it's not legally required and no ones business.

One out of how many? Every other Donald tax return apologist was on the front line of the "show us your birth certificate/college transcripts" brigade.

And let's just imagine these same folks (not you, of course) if it were Hillary refusing to release hers and Bill's....
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.
First of all - I'm sure Donald Trump has a lot to hide. The guy is an unethical dirt-bag.

Second - you are a disturbing political hack. When Barack Obama had records sealed, refused to release his birth certificate, ran from his Harvard Law Review bio which stated "born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia" and a whole lot more, all you did was whine about conservatives and defend Obama at all costs.

People who actually care about this country call out their leaders not matter what their political affiliation is - just like I did above with Trump. How sad that you don't do the same.
So ironic...the same players that DEMANDED President Obama provide his birth certificate (that no other president has had to provide) are now defending Trump for not releasing his tax returns (that every candidate since Nixon has released).

You just can't make this stuff up!

I am staying with the same position. Don't turn in birth certificate, don't turn in tax returns, it's not legally required and no ones business.

One out of how many? Every other Donald tax return apologist was on the front line of the "show us your birth certificate/college transcripts" brigade.

And let's just imagine these same folks (not you, of course) if it were Hillary refusing to release hers and Bill's....
For once I'm 100% with you Wytchy. No excuse for the Donald not releasing his tax returns other than there is a lot to hide obviously. Such a shame that you blindly defend liberals like Obama and Hillary at all costs instead of calling them out like I just did with Trump.
Why do you need to see the tax forms, he is being audited if he has done something illegal the IRS can handle it , don't you think. He never said he wasn't playing by the rules , what's wrong with him taking advantage of the tax laws.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

It is MANDATORY that , in order to be considered ELECTABLE that a politician shows that he is an obedient servant of the gargantuan , bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.
So ironic...the same players that DEMANDED President Obama provide his birth certificate (that no other president has had to provide) are now defending Trump for not releasing his tax returns (that every candidate since Nixon has released).

You just can't make this stuff up!

I am staying with the same position. Don't turn in birth certificate, don't turn in tax returns, it's not legally required and no ones business.

One out of how many? Every other Donald tax return apologist was on the front line of the "show us your birth certificate/college transcripts" brigade.

And let's just imagine these same folks (not you, of course) if it were Hillary refusing to release hers and Bill's....

If it was reversed, Trump supporters would scream for her taxes to be released and Clinton supporters would be claiming she shouldn't release them.

Me, it doesn't matter.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.
First of all - I'm sure Donald Trump has a lot to hide. The guy is an unethical dirt-bag.

Second - you are a disturbing political hack. When Barack Obama had records sealed, refused to release his birth certificate, ran from his Harvard Law Review bio which stated "born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia" and a whole lot more, all you did was whine about conservatives and defend Obama at all costs.

People who actually care about this country call out their leaders not matter what their political affiliation is - just like I did above with Trump. How sad that you don't do the same.

Trump is your leader? Is that what you're saying? Yes or no.
So ironic...the same players that DEMANDED President Obama provide his birth certificate (that no other president has had to provide) are now defending Trump for not releasing his tax returns (that every candidate since Nixon has released).

You just can't make this stuff up!

I am staying with the same position. Don't turn in birth certificate, don't turn in tax returns, it's not legally required and no ones business.

One out of how many? Every other Donald tax return apologist was on the front line of the "show us your birth certificate/college transcripts" brigade.

And let's just imagine these same folks (not you, of course) if it were Hillary refusing to release hers and Bill's....
Oh , here we go again, it was the Clinton campaign of 2008 who first called for the Muslims birth certificate, and Trump decided to run with it also. Quit fucking, trying to change history, We the People wont allow you libidiots to get away with it. Dumbass.
Birther row began with Hillary Clinton
Birther row began with Hillary Clinton
The lie that Barack Obama was not born in the US has been fuelled by fringe Republicans — but supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.
His mother did submit a false document though, because she put her race as Caucasian, but her ancestry found that she has black blood in her from the 1st African slave to be brought to America.
Of course, Obama related to first black slave on his, um, mother's side
I mean if Elisabeth Warren has 1/32 Cherokee Indian blood in her, just because she says it, then Ms. Obama should of not lied about her ethnicity. Once black always black, even when you are all white.

This just couldn't get any better. What is going on today, would be a hell of a script for Monty Python, and I am laughing at all you dumbass libidiots.

This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.
First of all - I'm sure Donald Trump has a lot to hide. The guy is an unethical dirt-bag.

Second - you are a disturbing political hack. When Barack Obama had records sealed, refused to release his birth certificate, ran from his Harvard Law Review bio which stated "born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia" and a whole lot more, all you did was whine about conservatives and defend Obama at all costs.

People who actually care about this country call out their leaders not matter what their political affiliation is - just like I did above with Trump. How sad that you don't do the same.

Trump is your leader? Is that what you're saying? Yes or no.
Hey CC, A little History on Bill Clinton's wife, who happens to have a vagina.
1. She is supposed to be the smartest woman on Earth, yet she didn't know her husband was cheating on her, or she just didn't do anything about it(Enabler).
2. She is supposed to be strong and independent and doesn't have to have any man do her job for her. This just in..... ROTFLMAO...

Hillary Clinton says she'll put Bill 'in charge' of fixing economy

Well now, and to think that the first White Black President who just came out and said his economy is great, did Mrs. Clinton just throw the messiah under the bus? She was called a racist by Hussein Obama in the 2008 elections, does this confirm it? Why is it that Hillary(the man hater) would have her cheating hubby, handle the check book? Such stupid people you libidots are.
Donald "Where is the Birf Certificate?" Trump / Barron hiding something in his taxes?


Of course he is.

A braggart and windbag like Trump/Barron would be dying to show us how rich he is if he didn't!

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