What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns

First of all - I'm sure Donald Trump has a lot to hide. The guy is an unethical dirt-bag.

Second - you are a disturbing political hack. When Barack Obama had records sealed, refused to release his birth certificate, ran from his Harvard Law Review bio which stated "born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia" and a whole lot more, all you did was whine about conservatives and defend Obama at all costs.

People who actually care about this country call out their leaders not matter what their political affiliation is - just like I did above with Trump. How sad that you don't do the same.

Trump is your leader? Is that what you're saying? Yes or no.
Hey CC, A little History on Bill Clinton's wife, who happens to have a vagina.
1. She is supposed to be the smartest woman on Earth, yet she didn't know her husband was cheating on her, or she just didn't do anything about it(Enabler).
2. She is supposed to be strong and independent and doesn't have to have any man do her job for her. This just in..... ROTFLMAO...

Hillary Clinton says she'll put Bill 'in charge' of fixing economy

Well now, and to think that the first White Black President who just came out and said his economy is great, did Mrs. Clinton just throw the messiah under the bus? She was called a racist by Hussein Obama in the 2008 elections, does this confirm it? Why is it that Hillary(the man hater) would have her cheating hubby, handle the check book? Such stupid people you libidots are.

I’m not sure she was ever crowned smartest woman on earth. She is regularly cited as the most or one of the most admired women on the planet. She is a grammy winer. Former FLOUTS, two-time senator for NY, and former Secretary of State.

Her opponent is a tax cheat, serial bankrupter, and wants to nail his daughter.

Let's hope Clinton isn't the smartest woman in the world or we are doomed, the woman can't figure cell phones out or her email out. She is a Grammy winner along with Gorbachev, Elmo and Baha Men, that is quite the crowning glory.
And John Williams, Henry Mancini, Barbara Steisand, and yes the people you mentioned above. Your insatiable desire to discredit the credible while insisting you don’t care is humorous.

Can’t wait for November. Her winning causing you ulcers is the icing on the cake.
Hell....just Donald Trump running is causing you to spin out of control :lol:

What are you going to do when Trump wins? Are you going to move to Canada?
Not a Trumper.

But ain't it some shit when a presidential candidate does not have to show that he will RESTORE and ENFORCE the US Constitution (1787) but is required to show that he participates in the Unconstitutional - Marxist heavy graduated "income" Tax scam?
Isn’t it true there is an amendment about income taxes? NO, THERE ISN’T. Yes there is; the 16th Amendment.
Isn’t it true that amendments carry the same weight as the original text of the Constitution? IF PROPERLY RATIFIED, YES.
Therefore, isn’t it true that income taxes are constitutional? NO, THEY ARE NOT .

Is there a plank in the Communist Manifesto recommending a heavy graduate "income" tax? YES THERE IS.

Isn't it true that as an American you are supposed to know what the Constitution requires? YES, YOU ARE.

Isn't in true that SCOTUS Justices are federal bureaucrats? YES, IT'S TRUE.

Ins't true that they ignore the Constitution (1787) in order to enforce what they thinkl is Constitutional? YES, ITS TRUE.

Isn’t it true there is an amendment about income taxes? NO, THERE ISN’T. Yes there is; the 16th Amendment.
Isn’t it true that amendments carry the same weight as the original text of the Constitution? IF PROPERLY RATIFIED, YES. Which it was
Therefore, isn’t it true that income taxes are constitutional? NO, THEY ARE NOT . You’re ignorant of how the Constitution works and either woefully mis-informed or, like all Trump supporters, incredibly stupid or simply dishonest which makes you a typical Republican
There is nothing in the 16th amendment that says "A presidential candidate MUST show his/her tax returns"..
16th Amendment - constitution | Laws.com

What is the 16th Amendment?

“The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.”
Just because you blue highlight something DOESNT make it true. Now go over to the white house and salute Zieg Heil to your Fuhrer again, you goosestepping, kool aid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiot, that you are.

It is true that the income tax is authorized by the Constitution’s 16th amendment.
It is true that it is, therefore, constitutional
It is true that amendments carry the same weight as the parent document

Sorry to disappoint you with facts.
Now you have said it twice and it still isn't true that a presidential candidate MUST release his tax forms. Are you going to show your stupidity for a 3rd time?

View attachment 76037

Never said anything like that .
First of all - I'm sure Donald Trump has a lot to hide. The guy is an unethical dirt-bag.

Second - you are a disturbing political hack. When Barack Obama had records sealed, refused to release his birth certificate, ran from his Harvard Law Review bio which stated "born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia" and a whole lot more, all you did was whine about conservatives and defend Obama at all costs.

People who actually care about this country call out their leaders not matter what their political affiliation is - just like I did above with Trump. How sad that you don't do the same.

Trump is your leader? Is that what you're saying? Yes or no.
Hey CC, A little History on Bill Clinton's wife, who happens to have a vagina.
1. She is supposed to be the smartest woman on Earth, yet she didn't know her husband was cheating on her, or she just didn't do anything about it(Enabler).
2. She is supposed to be strong and independent and doesn't have to have any man do her job for her. This just in..... ROTFLMAO...

Hillary Clinton says she'll put Bill 'in charge' of fixing economy

Well now, and to think that the first White Black President who just came out and said his economy is great, did Mrs. Clinton just throw the messiah under the bus? She was called a racist by Hussein Obama in the 2008 elections, does this confirm it? Why is it that Hillary(the man hater) would have her cheating hubby, handle the check book? Such stupid people you libidots are.

I’m not sure she was ever crowned smartest woman on earth. She is regularly cited as the most or one of the most admired women on the planet. She is a grammy winer. Former FLOUTS, two-time senator for NY, and former Secretary of State.

Her opponent is a tax cheat, serial bankrupter, and wants to nail his daughter.

Let's hope Clinton isn't the smartest woman in the world or we are doomed, the woman can't figure cell phones out or her email out. She is a Grammy winner along with Gorbachev, Elmo and Baha Men, that is quite the crowning glory. She has lied to the American people to get us in a war against Libya and lied about US involvement in Honduras, not a good trait when dealing with the public. She drug sexual abuse accusers reputations through the mud to protect a husband. Called them "bimbo eruptions", amusing since she claims to be in the forefront of women's right. I guess she is only in the forefront if Bill didn't try to rape them. She is deeply in bed with Wall St., and she claims to be "Champion of the middle class", not even sure she knows what that means.

Trump is an idiot, Clinton is no better, yet the establishment Republicans and Democrats will defend and support the morally bankrupt candidates.

Bash Trump all you want, Clinton is no better.[/QUOTE
And John Williams, Henry Mancini, Barbara Steisand, and yes the people you mentioned above. Your insatiable desire to discredit the credible while insisting you don’t care is humorous.

Can’t wait for November. Her winning causing you ulcers is the icing on the cake.

Her winning or losing will be no better or worse than Trump to me and neither will cause any physical ills to me. I find it amusing that nutters bring up Trumps lies and they support Clinton who used lies to attack Libya and the idiots still support her, they bash Bush for it but support Clinton for it. Can't make this stuff up.
Presidential candidates have never had to release their taxes, but Americans now feel it is an absolute right. Who the hell cares?

The only ones who care is the opposition party. Not anyone else.
Presidential candidates have never had to release their taxes, but Americans now feel it is an absolute right. Who the hell cares?

The only ones who care is the opposition party. Not anyone else.

I think you're 99% correct here. But I can tell you that those of us who are the rare breed that aren't hypocrites - we really do care.

I firmly believe that every candidate who runs for office should be required by law to complete a polygraph but a governing body of polygraphers who verify that a polygrapher is not fudging results because they favor the opposing party of the subject in question. The questions should be the most invasive imaginable. Everything from taxes and ideology to lies and infidelity. Yes - your damn right I have the right to know if someone I'm electing to represent me is cheating (or has cheated) on their spouse. It's speaks volumes as to their character and it is also a significant point of weakness. An idiot who cheats on their spouse can be easily blackmailed. That's compromises the integrity of the office that I am electing them to.

Besides all of those obvious benefits - you know what else would be great about this? It "drains the swamp". You would never see dirt-bags like Slick Willy Clinton even consider running for obvious. In the end, all of the options would be people of impeccable character. So the only concern would be their ideology and their policies (as our system was intended to be).
Presidential candidates have never had to release their taxes, but Americans now feel it is an absolute right. Who the hell cares?

The only ones who care is the opposition party. Not anyone else.

And Drumpf is relying on crossover support.

People with nothing to hide....hide nothing
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.
Maybe the the evil Drumpf monster that yee fear so much hath hiddin his secrets in a place so dreadful, dark and foul that no man would DARE to ever try to gain entry.

candycorn's nether regions!
Presidential candidates have never had to release their taxes, but Americans now feel it is an absolute right. Who the hell cares?

The only ones who care is the opposition party. Not anyone else.

I think you're 99% correct here. But I can tell you that those of us who are the rare breed that aren't hypocrites - we really do care.

I firmly believe that every candidate who runs for office should be required by law to complete a polygraph but a governing body of polygraphers who verify that a polygrapher is not fudging results because they favor the opposing party of the subject in question. The questions should be the most invasive imaginable. Everything from taxes and ideology to lies and infidelity. Yes - your damn right I have the right to know if someone I'm electing to represent me is cheating (or has cheated) on their spouse. It's speaks volumes as to their character and it is also a significant point of weakness. An idiot who cheats on their spouse can be easily blackmailed. That's compromises the integrity of the office that I am electing them to.

Besides all of those obvious benefits - you know what else would be great about this? It "drains the swamp". You would never see dirt-bags like Slick Willy Clinton even consider running for obvious. In the end, all of the options would be people of impeccable character. So the only concern would be their ideology and their policies (as our system was intended to be).
IF every politician was required to do a polygraph, then there would not be a president. You have lied, I have lied, and even the Pope has lied. We are human, at least some of US are more human than others, like those inhuman ones who execute babies in or out of the womb, tax the shit out of all of us, must interfere in our lives because we just want to be happy, have to call us names because we disagree with their immoral ways. America was founded on God, and since the liberals hate God because with Gods rights, they cant be taken away. If government gives rights then those rights can be taken away by said government. That is Socialism. How well is Venezuela doing with their Socialist government in power?
Presidential candidates have never had to release their taxes, but Americans now feel it is an absolute right. Who the hell cares?

The only ones who care is the opposition party. Not anyone else.

And Drumpf is relying on crossover support.

People with nothing to hide....hide nothing

That's why Clinton won't release who her speaking engagements are with because she is hiding something? Thanks for the insight to two corrupt politicians.
Presidential candidates have never had to release their taxes, but Americans now feel it is an absolute right. Who the hell cares?

The only ones who care is the opposition party. Not anyone else.

And Drumpf is relying on crossover support.

People with nothing to hide....hide nothing

That's why Clinton won't release who her speaking engagements are with because she is hiding something? Thanks for the insight to two corrupt politicians.

Speaking engagements???

I’m glad you brought it up in fact. When you’re paid to speak to a group, the last thing you would do is be critical of the group. You’re going to tell them what they want to hear. That is just human nature. Of course you’ll deny that since you worship Trump and hate Hillary but it is the truth (something else you hate).
But its the truth.

When it comes to a tax return, you are under the pains and penalties of fraud. You can go to jail if you lie about the information on it.
Unlike the speech, truth is reflected on the tax returns.

Now, facts.
HRC has released 33 years of them.
Donald Drumpf has released none of them.

Donald Drumpf has referenced—some would say bragged—about his supposed personal wealth numerous times. Now when asked to release something that would prove his income, he is hiding them. Doesn’t it follow that he should be very willing to reveal that he was telling the truth all along???

His excuse for not doing is is particularly humorous. He claims he gets audited every year and this year is no different and he has been advised by his attorneys. His national campaign manager said that “Releasing them would give the IRS the opportunity to scrutinize them”. Perhaps his manager doesn’t know this but the IRS Tax Returns are filed with….the IRS.

The IRS does not prevent anyone from releasing the information that they filed…with the IRS. Seriously…this is a national campaign?
Any way the IRS does not prevent anyone from releasing information they are auditing. However, the years leading up to the audit are certainly not under any scrutiny at this point….they are valid for release under the silly reasoning of the Drumpf campaign.

Speeches are one thing.
Tax returns are something else. There is honesty in them—guaranteed by law—and Drumpf wants no part of it.

Again, What’s he hiding?
Presidential candidates have never had to release their taxes, but Americans now feel it is an absolute right. Who the hell cares?

The only ones who care is the opposition party. Not anyone else.

And Drumpf is relying on crossover support.

People with nothing to hide....hide nothing

That's why Clinton won't release who her speaking engagements are with because she is hiding something? Thanks for the insight to two corrupt politicians.

Speaking engagements???

I’m glad you brought it up in fact. When you’re paid to speak to a group, the last thing you would do is be critical of the group. You’re going to tell them what they want to hear. That is just human nature. Of course you’ll deny that since you worship Trump and hate Hillary but it is the truth (something else you hate).
But its the truth.

When it comes to a tax return, you are under the pains and penalties of fraud. You can go to jail if you lie about the information on it.
Unlike the speech, truth is reflected on the tax returns.

Now, facts.
HRC has released 33 years of them.
Donald Drumpf has released none of them.

Donald Drumpf has referenced—some would say bragged—about his supposed personal wealth numerous times. Now when asked to release something that would prove his income, he is hiding them. Doesn’t it follow that he should be very willing to reveal that he was telling the truth all along???

His excuse for not doing is is particularly humorous. He claims he gets audited every year and this year is no different and he has been advised by his attorneys. His national campaign manager said that “Releasing them would give the IRS the opportunity to scrutinize them”. Perhaps his manager doesn’t know this but the IRS Tax Returns are filed with….the IRS.

The IRS does not prevent anyone from releasing the information that they filed…with the IRS. Seriously…this is a national campaign?
Any way the IRS does not prevent anyone from releasing information they are auditing. However, the years leading up to the audit are certainly not under any scrutiny at this point….they are valid for release under the silly reasoning of the Drumpf campaign.

Speeches are one thing.
Tax returns are something else. There is honesty in them—guaranteed by law—and Drumpf wants no part of it.

Again, What’s he hiding?

I don't care what he is hiding, I don't concern myself with a thousand page tax return that when it is released other people are going to read it over and give you a biased opinion of what it means and then the media will spoon feed you what to think. It seems you live of that gossip.

If Trump is hiding anything the IRS Will find it and take appropriate action. With Obama as President, you know damn well he is asking the IRS to dig deeply for any mistake or error.
Presidential candidates have never had to release their taxes, but Americans now feel it is an absolute right. Who the hell cares?

The only ones who care is the opposition party. Not anyone else.

And Drumpf is relying on crossover support.

People with nothing to hide....hide nothing

That's why Clinton won't release who her speaking engagements are with because she is hiding something? Thanks for the insight to two corrupt politicians.

Speaking engagements???

I’m glad you brought it up in fact. When you’re paid to speak to a group, the last thing you would do is be critical of the group. You’re going to tell them what they want to hear. That is just human nature. Of course you’ll deny that since you worship Trump and hate Hillary but it is the truth (something else you hate).
But its the truth.

When it comes to a tax return, you are under the pains and penalties of fraud. You can go to jail if you lie about the information on it.
Unlike the speech, truth is reflected on the tax returns.

Now, facts.
HRC has released 33 years of them.
Donald Drumpf has released none of them.

Donald Drumpf has referenced—some would say bragged—about his supposed personal wealth numerous times. Now when asked to release something that would prove his income, he is hiding them. Doesn’t it follow that he should be very willing to reveal that he was telling the truth all along???

His excuse for not doing is is particularly humorous. He claims he gets audited every year and this year is no different and he has been advised by his attorneys. His national campaign manager said that “Releasing them would give the IRS the opportunity to scrutinize them”. Perhaps his manager doesn’t know this but the IRS Tax Returns are filed with….the IRS.

The IRS does not prevent anyone from releasing the information that they filed…with the IRS. Seriously…this is a national campaign?
Any way the IRS does not prevent anyone from releasing information they are auditing. However, the years leading up to the audit are certainly not under any scrutiny at this point….they are valid for release under the silly reasoning of the Drumpf campaign.

Speeches are one thing.
Tax returns are something else. There is honesty in them—guaranteed by law—and Drumpf wants no part of it.

Again, What’s he hiding?

I don't care what he is hiding, I don't concern myself with a thousand page tax return that when it is released other people are going to read it over and give you a biased opinion of what it means and then the media will spoon feed you what to think. It seems you live of that gossip.

If Trump is hiding anything the IRS Will find it and take appropriate action. With Obama as President, you know damn well he is asking the IRS to dig deeply for any mistake or error.


Just because you choose not to/cannot read a tax return, doesn’t mean the rest of us are so infirmed.
Geeze.. still obsessing over tax returns?

Just pointing out that the only one who hasn’t released the returns is Drumpf in the last 40 years.

He’s obviously got something to hide.

That the worshipers of this new Messiah like yourself do not want to know is another story.
If Trump thought that releasing his taxes would cause people to vote for him, he'd probably release them. But those that have their panties in a knot over him not releasing them, wouldn't change their vote anyway. They're just nosy, that is all. He's probably not releasing them just to watch the idiots on the left bitch about it. Having a laugh about it.
If Trump thought that releasing his taxes would cause people to vote for him, he'd probably release them. But those that have their panties in a knot over him not releasing them, wouldn't change their vote anyway. They're just nosy, that is all. He's probably not releasing them just to watch the idiots on the left bitch about it. Having a laugh about it.
The only people that need to see Trumps tax returns are the IRS, what the libs do is try to pry into how much a BILLIONAIRE makes. Why is it that the Clinton Crime Foundation that has made $150,000,000 of foreign donations isn't on the liberals list to look in on?

Schweizer: Foreign Donations to Clinton Foundation Violated Hillary’s Established Ethical Standards on Bribery - Breitbart
Schweizer: Foreign Donations to Clinton Foundation Violated Hillary’s Established Ethical Standards on Bribery
Because when liberals point to someone else doing something wrong, you can bet that, that liberal is the one doing the wrong... Sociopaths do that all the time..

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
Geeze.. still obsessing over tax returns?

Just pointing out that the only one who hasn’t released the returns is Drumpf in the last 40 years.

He’s obviously got something to hide.

That the worshipers of this new Messiah like yourself do not want to know is another story.

Oh yes, obviously. Probably drug running and whorehouses!

BTW.. my Messiah is a Jewish carpenter.. no other.
Geeze.. still obsessing over tax returns?

Just pointing out that the only one who hasn’t released the returns is Drumpf in the last 40 years.

He’s obviously got something to hide.

That the worshipers of this new Messiah like yourself do not want to know is another story.

Oh yes, obviously. Probably drug running and whorehouses!

BTW.. my Messiah is a Jewish carpenter.. no other.

Who knows…until we see the returns…. :rofl:
If Trump thought that releasing his taxes would cause people to vote for him, he'd probably release them. But those that have their panties in a knot over him not releasing them, wouldn't change their vote anyway. They're just nosy, that is all. He's probably not releasing them just to watch the idiots on the left bitch about it. Having a laugh about it.

Didn’t look like he was laughing too much on This Week 2 weeks ago. His campaign manger looked as though he was being audited in person earlier this week on CBS Morning News. If this is their laughing…I think they need to be kept away from sharp objects come November.

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