What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns

Isn’t it true there is an amendment about income taxes?
Isn’t it true that amendments carry the same weight as the original text of the Constitution?
Therefore, isn’t it true that income taxes are constitutional?


Class Dismissed.
There is nothing in the Constitution that says you have to declare your tax returns, you liberal twit(redundant statement). Take a dive in the deep end and count to 1000.

It’s a time honored tradition that dates back to at least the 1970’s. Mr Drumpf knew this going in and that he would be expected to release his income tax returns. That he hasn’t is indicative of he has some damaging material in them.

The trap Hillary has him caught in is quite elegant.

He basically cussed out George S. on the Sunday talk shows when the topic was brought up. All it did was turn up the volume on the topic and the heat on him to do what is expected. The more he tries to bully his way out of it, the louder the noise and more intense the heat will become.

And when he finally does release them it will be because Hillary made him do it.

This is why politics is a profession and best left to the professionals.

Clinton Foundation Failed to Disclose 1,100 Foreign Donations
The co-founder of the Clinton Foundation's Canadian affiliate is revealing new details about the charity's donors in an effort to counter allegations in the New York Times and the new book “Clinton Cash.”
Do as the liberal says, not what the liberal does. Without doublestandards , liberals would have no standards at all.

here ya go sport ..

Clinton Foundation Audited Financial Statements & IRS Form 990s
2014 | 2013 | 2013 amended | 2012 | 2012 amended | 2011 | 2011 amended | 2010 | 2010 amended | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
Yeah, yeah, if I had the IRS in my backpocket I could release my returns to look anyway I want also? Funny how the Clintons left the White House dead broke and in 16 years become $150,000,000 richer. Would that mean the Clintons are now 1%'ers? Why are you so dick sucking for them, but hate a guy who provided a product or service? Did Bill pay a visit to you also?

33 years of returns….Clintons
0 years of returns (if he filed taxes at all)….Drumpf.

Its clear that Drumpf is hiding something.
There is nothing in the Constitution that says you have to declare your tax returns, you liberal twit(redundant statement). Take a dive in the deep end and count to 1000.

It’s a time honored tradition that dates back to at least the 1970’s. Mr Drumpf knew this going in and that he would be expected to release his income tax returns. That he hasn’t is indicative of he has some damaging material in them.

The trap Hillary has him caught in is quite elegant.

He basically cussed out George S. on the Sunday talk shows when the topic was brought up. All it did was turn up the volume on the topic and the heat on him to do what is expected. The more he tries to bully his way out of it, the louder the noise and more intense the heat will become.

And when he finally does release them it will be because Hillary made him do it.

This is why politics is a profession and best left to the professionals.

Clinton Foundation Failed to Disclose 1,100 Foreign Donations
The co-founder of the Clinton Foundation's Canadian affiliate is revealing new details about the charity's donors in an effort to counter allegations in the New York Times and the new book “Clinton Cash.”
Do as the liberal says, not what the liberal does. Without doublestandards , liberals would have no standards at all.

here ya go sport ..

Clinton Foundation Audited Financial Statements & IRS Form 990s
2014 | 2013 | 2013 amended | 2012 | 2012 amended | 2011 | 2011 amended | 2010 | 2010 amended | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
Yeah, yeah, if I had the IRS in my backpocket I could release my returns to look anyway I want also? Funny how the Clintons left the White House dead broke and in 16 years become $150,000,000 richer. Would that mean the Clintons are now 1%'ers? Why are you so dick sucking for them, but hate a guy who provided a product or service? Did Bill pay a visit to you also?

not as funny as you deflecting to irrelevant bullshit covering for Trump ...

Its amazing…and these same fools will continue to insist that he is different than every other candidate when he is doing the same things Governor Romney did in 2012.

He’s actually more liberal than Romney which is a real head scratcher.

I can’t blame this douchebag for not taking the bet...
you want a job, pee in a bottle ..drug test

you want to be President, make your tax returns public ... honesty test

there's no law that says you have to do either one .. it would be good idea if you want the job.
Why does someone have to show his tax returns to be president, please show me in the Constitution where it says that? As for a honesty test, the vagina candidate fails there immediately but you liberals will still vote for the liar. Party First, even if it kills you. When you have liberal lickspittle lapdog media on your side, you can even get away with murder.

See Nazi and how well their leader led them to the 1000 year Reich.

you dont have to.

IMO its a gesture of good faith proving yourself to your employer.

You speak only for yourself, not all voters.

I don't care. I'M a voter. YOu don't speak for me.

that gate swings two ways ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I care, I'm a voter.

You don't care.

There is zero chance that there is anything in their that will effect your opinion of him, not who you will vote for.

If you need to lie, to make your case, then you are wrong.

Did John Miller say that?
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

Trump isn't being investigated for tax fraud and wasn't made to go back and correct his tax returns, like the Clinton Foundation, so he's probably just screwing with people to see how many get upset. You know damn well he probably took every tax break available and I bet libs will criticize that, despite so many wealthy Dems preaching that the rich should pay more, even as they take advantage of every tax law. Obama didn't release some things and I recall Trump offering him money to do so. Now it's Trump's turn to keep things private.
no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
It is only commonplace when to show ones tax returns benefits the liberal candidate. I for one don't give a rats ass whether the Donald shows his returns, because I know that he has much wealth, earned by providing a product or service. How did the vagina candidate make her $150,000,000? There were illegal donation from shady over seas governments, who contributed to her, in the hope that she will give them special preferences "IF"(and I do mean if) she would assume office. Why is it okay for Liberals to steal money from US, take corrupt cash from terrorists, and the lemmings rejoice, but if someone legally makes a buck, then he/she is demonized as a 1%'er? Because liberals are the stupidest people on Earth.

Ms. Clinton and her husband are both authors of best selling books and have released their tax returns. Mr. Drumpf’s sources of wealth are shady since Trump magazine went belly up, Trump steaks went belly up, Trump university went belly up, he really doesn’t develop real estate much any longer, Trump water went belly up, the Apprentice hardly ever comes on any more….

This is why we need see his tax returns….to see how much he is making off the snake oil.
Hillary’s Book A Monumental Flop
In the book’s first week sales were not horrible, still they were nothing to get excited about. But by week two sales cratered and now it looks like “flop” is written all over this door stop. Sales fell by a whooping 43 percent in week two.
Oh this is too funny. Guarantee that a liberal will lie, to protect their dumbass politicians. Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebells would be proud of you, you friggin Nazi you.

As for Bill(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) Clinton, "My Lies" would of been the more appropriate title. Stupid people vote Dumbocrat.

Hers and Bill’s multiple best selling books and their advances were plenty to get excited about if you were them.
Hence we know how she made her money—she’s filed her tax returns and released them.

Does Donald even pay taxes? A question to be answered when he is forced to release them later….
At least as much as Warren Buffet who pays less tax rate than his secretary.
Buffett says he's still paying lower tax rate than his secretary
Buffett says he's still paying lower tax rate than his secretary
Now why would a multi billionaire not pay as much tax rate as his secretary, when he could? Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.

If you want to change the tax system and pay what you think is fair, in Buffet's case higher taxes, you don't just volunteer and do it yourself, that doesn't change tax rates. You announce it in simple terms like Buffet did in saying a billionaire is paying a lower tax rate than his secretary, it's something everybody understands....or at least I thought.
Trump is the one who refuses to go into details about issues. He concentrates and focuses on emotional knee-jerk attacks to rile up his followers and avoid substance and details. Bernie and Hillary, on the other hand, focuses on substance and detail.
Hope and Change, the fundamental transformation of America, lower the oceans and heal the planet, the redistribution of wealth? Hmmm, Barrack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm. What a friggin moron Camp. Lets see the vagina candidate once again, speak with reason. ROTFLMAO-

Here is the thing knuckle-dragger, posts, comments and attitudes like yours are why Trump will never get near the White House. Seven out of ten American women disapprove of Trump. Seven out of ten women voters reject Trump and will not vote for him. The more ignorant guys like you show yourselves the more the negatives for Trump are reinforced. Women to low-class men like you are as you call them, vaginas. You just can't hide you crude self.

7 out of 10 liberal woman don't like Trump, 10 out of 10 conservative women like Trump, doesn't look good for Hillary with those stats. Why do you still continue to Rant and Rave about how sorry your vagina candidate is performing? Give it up man, all those 7 1/2 years of Executive orders to fundamentally transform America are going to be repealed, and your sorry ass will have to work. No more FREE STUFF for you. ROTFLMAO....

More proof of how brainwashed the knuckle-draggers are. Seven out of ten women overall reject Trump. 50% of Republican women say they will not vote for Trump. Dumb shits like you just drive the gals away from Trump. Thanks. Keep calling Hillary a vagina.

What is the difference between Hillary and Bernie? Why is it she is qualified other than what is between her legs? Is It OK To Vote For Hillary Clinton Because She's A Woman?
Is It OK To Vote For Hillary Clinton Because She's A Woman?

See, this is what is wrong with you. Good for you, you are beginning to focus and zero in on your handicap. Remember, professional help is always there for you when you need it thanks to Obamacare. Find out who to call from your health provider.
It’s a time honored tradition that dates back to at least the 1970’s. Mr Drumpf knew this going in and that he would be expected to release his income tax returns. That he hasn’t is indicative of he has some damaging material in them.

The trap Hillary has him caught in is quite elegant.

He basically cussed out George S. on the Sunday talk shows when the topic was brought up. All it did was turn up the volume on the topic and the heat on him to do what is expected. The more he tries to bully his way out of it, the louder the noise and more intense the heat will become.

And when he finally does release them it will be because Hillary made him do it.

This is why politics is a profession and best left to the professionals.

Clinton Foundation Failed to Disclose 1,100 Foreign Donations
The co-founder of the Clinton Foundation's Canadian affiliate is revealing new details about the charity's donors in an effort to counter allegations in the New York Times and the new book “Clinton Cash.”
Do as the liberal says, not what the liberal does. Without doublestandards , liberals would have no standards at all.

here ya go sport ..

Clinton Foundation Audited Financial Statements & IRS Form 990s
2014 | 2013 | 2013 amended | 2012 | 2012 amended | 2011 | 2011 amended | 2010 | 2010 amended | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
Yeah, yeah, if I had the IRS in my backpocket I could release my returns to look anyway I want also? Funny how the Clintons left the White House dead broke and in 16 years become $150,000,000 richer. Would that mean the Clintons are now 1%'ers? Why are you so dick sucking for them, but hate a guy who provided a product or service? Did Bill pay a visit to you also?

not as funny as you deflecting to irrelevant bullshit covering for Trump ...

Its amazing…and these same fools will continue to insist that he is different than every other candidate when he is doing the same things Governor Romney did in 2012.

He’s actually more liberal than Romney which is a real head scratcher.

I can’t blame this douchebag for not taking the bet...
Must really piss you off knowing out of 633,000 people, 53% of them will vote for Trump and 36% will vote for the vagina. Bet those 300,000 plus are knuckle draggers, right? That they are just bible thumping gun toting morons. Want to know something else about those people? They love this country while you sorry sacks of shit, should move to CUBA and live your ultimate Socialist dream, living in poverty and misery, that is called FAIRNESS. Doors open and don't let it hit you in your sorry ass on the way out.
you want a job, pee in a bottle ..drug test

you want to be President, make your tax returns public ... honesty test

there's no law that says you have to do either one .. it would be good idea if you want the job.

The voters are the ones who decides if he needs to take a piss test.

You're not voting for him regardless so you don't count.

I fully support his desire to NOT release his returns.

And I will be voting for him.

He’s your messiah

YOur inability to understand the distinction between a candidate that I support and a "messiah" is a reflection of how stupid you are, noting more.
It is only commonplace when to show ones tax returns benefits the liberal candidate. I for one don't give a rats ass whether the Donald shows his returns, because I know that he has much wealth, earned by providing a product or service. How did the vagina candidate make her $150,000,000? There were illegal donation from shady over seas governments, who contributed to her, in the hope that she will give them special preferences "IF"(and I do mean if) she would assume office. Why is it okay for Liberals to steal money from US, take corrupt cash from terrorists, and the lemmings rejoice, but if someone legally makes a buck, then he/she is demonized as a 1%'er? Because liberals are the stupidest people on Earth.

Ms. Clinton and her husband are both authors of best selling books and have released their tax returns. Mr. Drumpf’s sources of wealth are shady since Trump magazine went belly up, Trump steaks went belly up, Trump university went belly up, he really doesn’t develop real estate much any longer, Trump water went belly up, the Apprentice hardly ever comes on any more….

This is why we need see his tax returns….to see how much he is making off the snake oil.
Hillary’s Book A Monumental Flop
In the book’s first week sales were not horrible, still they were nothing to get excited about. But by week two sales cratered and now it looks like “flop” is written all over this door stop. Sales fell by a whooping 43 percent in week two.
Oh this is too funny. Guarantee that a liberal will lie, to protect their dumbass politicians. Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebells would be proud of you, you friggin Nazi you.

As for Bill(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) Clinton, "My Lies" would of been the more appropriate title. Stupid people vote Dumbocrat.

Hers and Bill’s multiple best selling books and their advances were plenty to get excited about if you were them.
Hence we know how she made her money—she’s filed her tax returns and released them.

Does Donald even pay taxes? A question to be answered when he is forced to release them later….
At least as much as Warren Buffet who pays less tax rate than his secretary.
Buffett says he's still paying lower tax rate than his secretary
Buffett says he's still paying lower tax rate than his secretary
Now why would a multi billionaire not pay as much tax rate as his secretary, when he could? Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.

If you want to change the tax system and pay what you think is fair, in Buffet's case higher taxes, you don't just volunteer and do it yourself, that doesn't change tax rates. You announce it in simple terms like Buffet did in saying a billionaire is paying a lower tax rate than his secretary, it's something everybody understands....or at least I thought.
Funny how a guy who pays hundred of millions of dollars in taxes isn't fair, but someone who gets earned income tax rebate(0 taxes) is fair. What a bunch of douche bags you libidiots are.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

Trump isn't being investigated for tax fraud and wasn't made to go back and correct his tax returns, like the Clinton Foundation, so he's probably just screwing with people to see how many get upset. You know damn well he probably took every tax break available and I bet libs will criticize that, despite so many wealthy Dems preaching that the rich should pay more, even as they take advantage of every tax law. Obama didn't release some things and I recall Trump offering him money to do so. Now it's Trump's turn to keep things private.

Obama released his tax returns.
Clinton released her tax returns.
Drumpf is refusing to come clean. Obviously he is hiding something.

The 1:00 mark is especially hilarious.
Ms. Clinton and her husband are both authors of best selling books and have released their tax returns. Mr. Drumpf’s sources of wealth are shady since Trump magazine went belly up, Trump steaks went belly up, Trump university went belly up, he really doesn’t develop real estate much any longer, Trump water went belly up, the Apprentice hardly ever comes on any more….

This is why we need see his tax returns….to see how much he is making off the snake oil.
Hillary’s Book A Monumental Flop
In the book’s first week sales were not horrible, still they were nothing to get excited about. But by week two sales cratered and now it looks like “flop” is written all over this door stop. Sales fell by a whooping 43 percent in week two.
Oh this is too funny. Guarantee that a liberal will lie, to protect their dumbass politicians. Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebells would be proud of you, you friggin Nazi you.

As for Bill(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) Clinton, "My Lies" would of been the more appropriate title. Stupid people vote Dumbocrat.

Hers and Bill’s multiple best selling books and their advances were plenty to get excited about if you were them.
Hence we know how she made her money—she’s filed her tax returns and released them.

Does Donald even pay taxes? A question to be answered when he is forced to release them later….
At least as much as Warren Buffet who pays less tax rate than his secretary.
Buffett says he's still paying lower tax rate than his secretary
Buffett says he's still paying lower tax rate than his secretary
Now why would a multi billionaire not pay as much tax rate as his secretary, when he could? Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.

If you want to change the tax system and pay what you think is fair, in Buffet's case higher taxes, you don't just volunteer and do it yourself, that doesn't change tax rates. You announce it in simple terms like Buffet did in saying a billionaire is paying a lower tax rate than his secretary, it's something everybody understands....or at least I thought.
Funny how a guy who pays hundred of millions of dollars in taxes isn't fair, but someone who gets earned income tax rebate(0 taxes) is fair. What a bunch of douche bags you libidiots are.

We don’t know that he has paid a penny in taxes….he won’t release his returns.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

Not a Trumper.

But ain't it some shit when a presidential candidate does not have to show that he will RESTORE and ENFORCE the US Constitution (1787) but is required to show that he participates in the Unconstitutional - Marxist heavy graduated "income" Tax scam?


Isn’t it true there is an amendment about income taxes?
Isn’t it true that amendments carry the same weight as the original text of the Constitution?
Therefore, isn’t it true that income taxes are constitutional?


Class Dismissed.
There is nothing in the Constitution that says you have to declare your tax returns, you liberal twit(redundant statement). Take a dive in the deep end and count to 1000.

It’s a time honored tradition that dates back to at least the 1970’s. Mr Drumpf knew this going in and that he would be expected to release his income tax returns. That he hasn’t is indicative of he has some damaging material in them.

The trap Hillary has him caught in is quite elegant.

He basically cussed out George S. on the Sunday talk shows when the topic was brought up. All it did was turn up the volume on the topic and the heat on him to do what is expected. The more he tries to bully his way out of it, the louder the noise and more intense the heat will become.

And when he finally does release them it will be because Hillary made him do it.

This is why politics is a profession and best left to the professionals.

So, he's an agent of change.

You're not afraid of change are you?
you want a job, pee in a bottle ..drug test

you want to be President, make your tax returns public ... honesty test

there's no law that says you have to do either one .. it would be good idea if you want the job.

The voters are the ones who decides if he needs to take a piss test.

You're not voting for him regardless so you don't count.

I fully support his desire to NOT release his returns.

And I will be voting for him.

He’s your messiah

YOur inability to understand the distinction between a candidate that I support and a "messiah" is a reflection of how stupid you are, noting more.

Your messiah is Donald Drumpf. Period.
Clinton Foundation Failed to Disclose 1,100 Foreign Donations Do as the liberal says, not what the liberal does. Without doublestandards , liberals would have no standards at all.

here ya go sport ..

Clinton Foundation Audited Financial Statements & IRS Form 990s
2014 | 2013 | 2013 amended | 2012 | 2012 amended | 2011 | 2011 amended | 2010 | 2010 amended | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
Yeah, yeah, if I had the IRS in my backpocket I could release my returns to look anyway I want also? Funny how the Clintons left the White House dead broke and in 16 years become $150,000,000 richer. Would that mean the Clintons are now 1%'ers? Why are you so dick sucking for them, but hate a guy who provided a product or service? Did Bill pay a visit to you also?

not as funny as you deflecting to irrelevant bullshit covering for Trump ...

Its amazing…and these same fools will continue to insist that he is different than every other candidate when he is doing the same things Governor Romney did in 2012.

He’s actually more liberal than Romney which is a real head scratcher.

I can’t blame this douchebag for not taking the bet...
Must really piss you off knowing out of 633,000 people, 53% of them will vote for Trump and 36% will vote for the vagina. Bet those 300,000 plus are knuckle draggers, right? That they are just bible thumping gun toting morons. Want to know something else about those people? They love this country while you sorry sacks of shit, should move to CUBA and live your ultimate Socialist dream, living in poverty and misery, that is called FAIRNESS. Doors open and don't let it hit you in your sorry ass on the way out.
Where does that poll you are bouncing around come from? How valid is it?
Clinton Foundation Failed to Disclose 1,100 Foreign Donations Do as the liberal says, not what the liberal does. Without doublestandards , liberals would have no standards at all.

here ya go sport ..

Clinton Foundation Audited Financial Statements & IRS Form 990s
2014 | 2013 | 2013 amended | 2012 | 2012 amended | 2011 | 2011 amended | 2010 | 2010 amended | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
Yeah, yeah, if I had the IRS in my backpocket I could release my returns to look anyway I want also? Funny how the Clintons left the White House dead broke and in 16 years become $150,000,000 richer. Would that mean the Clintons are now 1%'ers? Why are you so dick sucking for them, but hate a guy who provided a product or service? Did Bill pay a visit to you also?

not as funny as you deflecting to irrelevant bullshit covering for Trump ...

Its amazing…and these same fools will continue to insist that he is different than every other candidate when he is doing the same things Governor Romney did in 2012.

He’s actually more liberal than Romney which is a real head scratcher.

I can’t blame this douchebag for not taking the bet...
Must really piss you off knowing out of 633,000 people, 53% of them will vote for Trump and 36% will vote for the vagina. Bet those 300,000 plus are knuckle draggers, right? That they are just bible thumping gun toting morons. Want to know something else about those people? They love this country while you sorry sacks of shit, should move to CUBA and live your ultimate Socialist dream, living in poverty and misery, that is called FAIRNESS. Doors open and don't let it hit you in your sorry ass on the way out.

Not at all. I am 100% sure that HRC will win.
Apparently you’re not so sure about Drumpf since you won’t take the bet.

Oh well, the challenge is there if you can summon some manhood to put your avatar where your mouth is.
It is only commonplace when to show ones tax returns benefits the liberal candidate. I for one don't give a rats ass whether the Donald shows his returns, because I know that he has much wealth, earned by providing a product or service. How did the vagina candidate make her $150,000,000? There were illegal donation from shady over seas governments, who contributed to her, in the hope that she will give them special preferences "IF"(and I do mean if) she would assume office. Why is it okay for Liberals to steal money from US, take corrupt cash from terrorists, and the lemmings rejoice, but if someone legally makes a buck, then he/she is demonized as a 1%'er? Because liberals are the stupidest people on Earth.

Ms. Clinton and her husband are both authors of best selling books and have released their tax returns. Mr. Drumpf’s sources of wealth are shady since Trump magazine went belly up, Trump steaks went belly up, Trump university went belly up, he really doesn’t develop real estate much any longer, Trump water went belly up, the Apprentice hardly ever comes on any more….

This is why we need see his tax returns….to see how much he is making off the snake oil.
Hillary’s Book A Monumental Flop
In the book’s first week sales were not horrible, still they were nothing to get excited about. But by week two sales cratered and now it looks like “flop” is written all over this door stop. Sales fell by a whooping 43 percent in week two.
Oh this is too funny. Guarantee that a liberal will lie, to protect their dumbass politicians. Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebells would be proud of you, you friggin Nazi you.

As for Bill(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) Clinton, "My Lies" would of been the more appropriate title. Stupid people vote Dumbocrat.

Hers and Bill’s multiple best selling books and their advances were plenty to get excited about if you were them.
Hence we know how she made her money—she’s filed her tax returns and released them.

Does Donald even pay taxes? A question to be answered when he is forced to release them later….
At least as much as Warren Buffet who pays less tax rate than his secretary.
Buffett says he's still paying lower tax rate than his secretary
Buffett says he's still paying lower tax rate than his secretary
Now why would a multi billionaire not pay as much tax rate as his secretary, when he could? Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.

Isn’t it true that you have no idea how much (if any) Donald Drumpf pays in income taxes?
Isn’t it true that he has released none of his personal income tax records?
Isn’t it true that you’re lying when you say that he is paying as much as Warren Buffet?

I give Buffet no chance of being elected President by the way.

Welcome back to square one. Here is where you get off.

What is Donald Drumpf hiding?
Isn’t it true that you have no idea how much (if any) Donald Drumpf pays in income taxes? - I don't give a rats ass, what he pays, I am not wealth envious of others.
Isn’t it true that he has released none of his personal income tax records? I haven't released my tax returns either, but while I was in Saudi Arabia, I paid no income tax, does that make me a tax cheat? Fuck you bitch if you said yes.
Isn’t it true that you’re lying when you say that he is paying as much as Warren Buffet? - I don't like, I don't need to lie, like you sorry ass liberals do all the time(I did not have sexual relations with that woman, the death of Chris Stevens was do to a movie, you will save $2,500 on health insurance) Trump probably paid more than Buffet, yet why do allow the liberal Buffet a pass, yet demonize Trump? Because it is Party First, Obama would tell you that to run off a cliff, and you would win $1,000 and many of you would just do it. That is how stupid you libidiots are.
With Obama fundamentally transforming America, you can bet that for the next 20 years no liberal democrat will ever get elected president. By then we can clear out all the liberal trash and send it to Cuba.
here ya go sport ..

Clinton Foundation Audited Financial Statements & IRS Form 990s
2014 | 2013 | 2013 amended | 2012 | 2012 amended | 2011 | 2011 amended | 2010 | 2010 amended | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
Yeah, yeah, if I had the IRS in my backpocket I could release my returns to look anyway I want also? Funny how the Clintons left the White House dead broke and in 16 years become $150,000,000 richer. Would that mean the Clintons are now 1%'ers? Why are you so dick sucking for them, but hate a guy who provided a product or service? Did Bill pay a visit to you also?

not as funny as you deflecting to irrelevant bullshit covering for Trump ...

Its amazing…and these same fools will continue to insist that he is different than every other candidate when he is doing the same things Governor Romney did in 2012.

He’s actually more liberal than Romney which is a real head scratcher.

I can’t blame this douchebag for not taking the bet...
Must really piss you off knowing out of 633,000 people, 53% of them will vote for Trump and 36% will vote for the vagina. Bet those 300,000 plus are knuckle draggers, right? That they are just bible thumping gun toting morons. Want to know something else about those people? They love this country while you sorry sacks of shit, should move to CUBA and live your ultimate Socialist dream, living in poverty and misery, that is called FAIRNESS. Doors open and don't let it hit you in your sorry ass on the way out.
Where does that poll you are bouncing around come from? How valid is it?

I’m curious myself.
How far back does the audit go? What would an audit of his taxes from last year and even a few years back have to do with previous years taxes? Why can't he release his taxes from 2012 or 2011 or 2010? Are those being audited too?

Of course not. He is likely not being audited at all. He's hiding something. Most likely his personal wealth is not as high as he says. His value as a human certainly is rock bottom

Like you care about people hiding stuff, lol. You're okay with your progressive heroes lying and stealing and killing their way across the board.

Hillary released her tax returns. If there are lies and theft, it would show up.
Donald (assuming he’s paid taxes) has clamped up like a fair haired boy holding on to daddy’s inheritance.

Obviously he’s hiding something.
Shut the fuck up, you brain washed buffoon. Hillary and the dems OWN the IRS, are you kidding? It's a thug organization set up by thugs to benefit thugs.
Seemed to be working fine under GWB, his dad, Ronald Reagan, Ford, Nixon…. You’re head is so far up your ass you cough up dandruff.

He won’t release his tax returns. For most people that’s a problem. For him it is especially problematic.

Isn’t it true that Drumpf never tires of telling you how rich he is?
“I’m really rich,” he said,—Fox News
Trump's campaign says the federal forms are "not designed for a man of Mr. Trump's massive wealth.”—Yahoo news
So when he gets a chance to prove his wealth beyond any doubt, he decides not to.

If he were modest about his fortune (if it does exist), one could understand his hesitation. His insistence that “Its none of your business” (sounds a lot like Nixon before he was forced to resign doesn’t it) is quite puzzling because he could shut the doubters up in 5 seconds.

Clearly, he is either not the man he makes himself out to be or is hiding something very damaging in his tax returns.

It doesn't seem to have been a problem to date.

Wasn't that long ago you lefties were completely confident that he would not be the Nominee.

You were wrong.

Being wrong is a chance to learn.

But not if you just double down on denial.
Not a Trumper.

But ain't it some shit when a presidential candidate does not have to show that he will RESTORE and ENFORCE the US Constitution (1787) but is required to show that he participates in the Unconstitutional - Marxist heavy graduated "income" Tax scam?


Isn’t it true there is an amendment about income taxes?
Isn’t it true that amendments carry the same weight as the original text of the Constitution?
Therefore, isn’t it true that income taxes are constitutional?


Class Dismissed.
There is nothing in the Constitution that says you have to declare your tax returns, you liberal twit(redundant statement). Take a dive in the deep end and count to 1000.

It’s a time honored tradition that dates back to at least the 1970’s. Mr Drumpf knew this going in and that he would be expected to release his income tax returns. That he hasn’t is indicative of he has some damaging material in them.

The trap Hillary has him caught in is quite elegant.

He basically cussed out George S. on the Sunday talk shows when the topic was brought up. All it did was turn up the volume on the topic and the heat on him to do what is expected. The more he tries to bully his way out of it, the louder the noise and more intense the heat will become.

And when he finally does release them it will be because Hillary made him do it.

This is why politics is a profession and best left to the professionals.
Clinton Foundation Failed to Disclose 1,100 Foreign Donations
The co-founder of the Clinton Foundation's Canadian affiliate is revealing new details about the charity's donors in an effort to counter allegations in the New York Times and the new book “Clinton Cash.”
Do as the liberal says, not what the liberal does. Without doublestandards , liberals would have no standards at all.

HRC—released 33 years of tax returns.
Drumpf—released zero years.

Try as you may, the facts whisper louder than your whines….

And who cares?

Not you. NOt me.

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