What is unconstitutional about what Trump proposes?

If you think banning a religion is constitutional...

no one is banning a religion you stupid fucktard, it's banning potential terrorists from cutting off your stupid head.., which i would be in favor of. :up:
Islam is not just a religion it's a political ideology wrapped up in religion
You could say that about all religions.
No not really

There is no analog in other religions to sharia law

Banning citizens of a country from entering- whether its from Iran or Cuba or North Korea is perfectly Constitutional

Banning persons based solely upon their religion is not.

Now- can you tell the difference between an Iranian and a Muslim?

You still are not grasping who Carter banned....hint: religion played a part...so did medical necessity

Feel free to fill me in.

I can see that there is embargo on issuing visa's to Iranians but nothing about religion.

It is the same, the majority of Iranians were Muslim. Call it what it is. If it was okay then, why is it not okay now? At least be consistent.

It's not.

For it to be the same thing ALL muslims from ANY nation had to be banned by Carter. That would have had to include American muslims.

He didn't ban anyone based on their religion. He did it based on nationality.

You can lie all you want. You can make all the excuses you want. It still isn't honest and true reality.

I respectfully disagree. The beef with Iran wasn't with Christians, it was Muslims that had kidnapped Americans. Banning Iran kept 98% of Muslims out. They weren't afraid of Christians from Iraq.

If there was a curfew put in neighborhood where 98% of the neighborhood was black, you know damn well it would be viewed as a racial move.

Respectfully- you are wrong.

Once again- Carter did not ban anyone based upon religion.

Everyone from Iran- regardless of their religion was 'banned' equally.
Muslims from Iraq and Pakistan- Iran's immediate neighbors- were not banned.

You want to equate banning persons from a country with which the United States is in conflict with- to banning everyone of a certain religion is just rationalization for religious discrimination.
Trump says he wants to ban American citizens coming into the country based on their religion, and his idiot supporters don't understand why that would be unconstitutional.

What about the Muslims who aren't American citizens?? Muslims who want to come into the country?

I may be wrong but I do believe those are the ones Trump is talking about.

You are wrong.

Well Trump talks a lot about knowing WHO is coming into this country. I'm certain the democrats would not look god at all if a huge attack happened in this country as a result of an open border being exploited.

If a group of terrorists happens to be frequenting one particular mosque, that's "probable cause" to start an investigation. To simply ignore it, and do nothing as a result of your findings, is what we found under Clinton since the first trade center bombing. All this did was open a whole list of opportunities for further terrorist action against the United States
Khobar Towers bombing
U.S. Embassy bombings Kenya/Tanzania
USS Cole Bombing - Yemen

Ignoring possible leads with the excuse of "racism", not taking any protective measures, didn't make us any safer under Clinton or Obama with the continued bombardment of terror attacks.

Banning citizens of a country from entering- whether its from Iran or Cuba or North Korea is perfectly Constitutional

Banning persons based solely upon their religion is not.

Now- can you tell the difference between an Iranian and a Muslim?

You still are not grasping who Carter banned....hint: religion played a part...so did medical necessity

Feel free to fill me in.

I can see that there is embargo on issuing visa's to Iranians but nothing about religion.

It is the same, the majority of Iranians were Muslim. Call it what it is. If it was okay then, why is it not okay now? At least be consistent.

It's not.

For it to be the same thing ALL muslims from ANY nation had to be banned by Carter. That would have had to include American muslims.

He didn't ban anyone based on their religion. He did it based on nationality.

You can lie all you want. You can make all the excuses you want. It still isn't honest and true reality.

I respectfully disagree. The beef with Iran wasn't with Christians, it was Muslims that had kidnapped Americans. Banning Iran kept 98% of Muslims out. They weren't afraid of Christians from Iraq.

If there was a curfew put in neighborhood where 98% of the neighborhood was black, you know damn well it would be viewed as a racial move.

Carter banned all people from Iran. With the exception of medical emergency.

Carter didn't ban anyone from the rest of the middle east and any muslim from any other nation could come to America.

Carter didn't ban any Americans from coming home when they traveled outside the nation.

That's not the same thing trump wants to do.

trump even wants to ban Americans from coming home to America when traveling.

If you can't see the difference then it's by choice and not using honest facts.
The left when confronted with historical facts that do not suit their present agenda

You've distorted historical facts.

“[T]he Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly,” Carter said in 1980.

Here's why Trump's remarks on Muslim immigrants aren’t actually controversial - Personal Liberty®

I never distorted anything, you saying I did means very little given your penchant for lying
Of course you did. You said he was excluding people because of their religion.

Shiite Muslims are a religion, no? Run along now
He didn't say that though.
If you think banning a religion is constitutional...

no one is banning a religion you stupid fucktard, it's banning potential terrorists from cutting off your stupid head.., which i would be in favor of. :up:
Islam is not just a religion it's a political ideology wrapped up in religion
You could say that about all religions.
No not really

There is no analog in other religions to sharia law
Is there digital?
Actually it isn't what it is, idiot (the comma is important). 1.6 Billion (that's billion with a B) Muslims live on this planet. If Muslims, as the single monolithic entity you ascribe to them, were trying to kill you... you'd be dead.

I'm sure the victims of terrorists attacks would have a hard time agreeing since they are dead.

It is what it is. Muslims can and will kill you.

You are a really stupid fascist.

And your really stupid and clueless.

Honestly, if you are going to call someone stupid, you should at least be grammatically correct when you're doing it.


The attack of the grammar police.

Fuck off idiot. Did I spell that right?? LOL

While you did spell it right, you missed the comma. That omission, grammatically, means you even failed in trying to call me an idiot, idiot.
I'm sure the victims of terrorists attacks would have a hard time agreeing since they are dead.

It is what it is. Muslims can and will kill you.

You are a really stupid fascist.

And your really stupid and clueless.

Honestly, if you are going to call someone stupid, you should at least be grammatically correct when you're doing it.


The attack of the grammar police.

Fuck off idiot. Did I spell that right?? LOL

While you did spell it right, you missed the comma. That omission, grammatically, means you even failed in trying to call me an idiot, idiot.

Fuck off yet again. Idiot.
Not when referring to immigration. Hell, those people aren't even CITIZENS.

Trump said he would include Muslim American
He couldn't do anything about citizens, legally. He, with Congress, can stop immigration if they want. They could stop importing jews and homos if they wanted.

What Trump proposes is to ban ALL Muslims from coming into America, including American citizens.

That is unconstitutional because of the first amendment and answers the OP.

End of thread.

I call EXTREME BULLSHIT, show us! Show us where he wants to prevent Americans. SHOW US!

How lazy can you be?

I've already posted it.

You're so lazy you can't click a link and read the article?

Ok I'll spoon feed it to you.

Directly from the article at the Washington Post:

The GOP presidential candidate on Monday called for a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the United States, including immigrants, tourists and even Muslims who are U.S. citizens and travel abroad. His plan to bar U.S. citizens drew particular ire from legal experts, some of whom fumbled for words as they tried to explain its illegality, since none had considered the matter before.

Since I've posted the link once already, I'm not going to post it again. It's a waste of time. I already know you won't read it.

You arrogant POMPOUS TWIT, his whole statement on video is 8 or 10 posts below where you had the audacity to post your response to me. NOWHERE does he say what you say he said.

Again, BULLSHIT, and you are a liar!
trumo said "Muslims ". He didn't qualify if by saying "from syria " or any hotspots .

He purposely said ALL.

Meaning a Muslim American wouldnt be allowed into the U.S. . That'd be pretty unconstitutional .

Bullshit... citizens can't immigrate.

Good God almighty,
Trump said he would include Muslim American
He couldn't do anything about citizens, legally. He, with Congress, can stop immigration if they want. They could stop importing jews and homos if they wanted.

What Trump proposes is to ban ALL Muslims from coming into America, including American citizens.

That is unconstitutional because of the first amendment and answers the OP.

End of thread.

I call EXTREME BULLSHIT, show us! Show us where he wants to prevent Americans. SHOW US!

How lazy can you be?

I've already posted it.

You're so lazy you can't click a link and read the article?

Ok I'll spoon feed it to you.

Directly from the article at the Washington Post:

The GOP presidential candidate on Monday called for a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the United States, including immigrants, tourists and even Muslims who are U.S. citizens and travel abroad. His plan to bar U.S. citizens drew particular ire from legal experts, some of whom fumbled for words as they tried to explain its illegality, since none had considered the matter before.

Since I've posted the link once already, I'm not going to post it again. It's a waste of time. I already know you won't read it.

You arrogant POMPOUS TWIT, his whole statement on video is 8 or 10 posts below where you had the audacity to post your response to me. NOWHERE does he say what you say he said.

Again, BULLSHIT, and you are a liar!

These people are beyond stupid. They think that foreigners have a constitutionally guaranteed right to come here at will. They think Trump is going to ban Muslims who are citizens from returning. I truly believe many of them are mentally ill.
He couldn't do anything about citizens, legally. He, with Congress, can stop immigration if they want. They could stop importing jews and homos if they wanted.

What Trump proposes is to ban ALL Muslims from coming into America, including American citizens.

That is unconstitutional because of the first amendment and answers the OP.

End of thread.

I call EXTREME BULLSHIT, show us! Show us where he wants to prevent Americans. SHOW US!

How lazy can you be?

I've already posted it.

You're so lazy you can't click a link and read the article?

Ok I'll spoon feed it to you.

Directly from the article at the Washington Post:

The GOP presidential candidate on Monday called for a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the United States, including immigrants, tourists and even Muslims who are U.S. citizens and travel abroad. His plan to bar U.S. citizens drew particular ire from legal experts, some of whom fumbled for words as they tried to explain its illegality, since none had considered the matter before.

Since I've posted the link once already, I'm not going to post it again. It's a waste of time. I already know you won't read it.

You arrogant POMPOUS TWIT, his whole statement on video is 8 or 10 posts below where you had the audacity to post your response to me. NOWHERE does he say what you say he said.

Again, BULLSHIT, and you are a liar!

These people are beyond stupid. They think that foreigners have a constitutionally guaranteed right to come here at will. They think Trump is going to ban Muslims who are citizens from returning. I truly believe many of them are mentally ill.

No they don't, they are trying everything they can to bury Trump, Cruz, and Carson. They are even going against what the voters say they want by a huge margin. Both parties MUST get rid of these 3, because if they do not and one of them gets elected, the levers of power in Washington will be dismantled by executive order, and there is NOTHING they can do about it.

Were this next June, you would not see what these people are saying here. They just figure, Americans have a short memory, so lets see if we can get these people out and get what they really want, Bush V Clinton so Washington stays exactly as it is now, fat, rich, dumb, and happy!
I'll leave the question of constitutionality to the lawyers, but there's no question Trump's plan, and all of you clowns that support it, are reprehensible and anti-American.
Anti-American to consider AMERICAN interests? REALLY?

Shitting your pants in fear is not an "American interest".
When someone says they want to kill you ... you would invite them over for dinner.

The muslim religion orders its followers to kill all infidels.

Sure most of them don't adhere to the principles that closely, just like Catholic women using birth control against the Churches orders not to.

But < some > of them do and they have been ordered to blend in with the " refugees " and commit acts of terrorism / martyrdom against the west.

We know that for a fact. They don't even try to conceal it.

How are you going to vette these people?

The only place to get information about them is, usually, from the very government they are fleeing and the officials in that country hate our guts.

Do you really believe they will answer our questions about the people who fled their country honestly?

At this time, there is absolutely no way to properly vette them to try to weed out the terrorists so Obama and other supporters of muslim terrorists want us to just give anyone who wants to come permission to enter our country and get lost among the millions of citizens and then what are you going to say when they poison the water in Chicago or set off a nukie in New York or Seattle?

It is sheer insanity to allow these people into the country before they have been thoroughly vetted and if it < is > necessary to do so ( I can't imagine why it would be ) ... put them in the old Japanese detention camps. Fix them up, of course. But they cannot be allowed to run free and get lost in our population and attack us.
You are a really stupid fascist.

And your really stupid and clueless.

Honestly, if you are going to call someone stupid, you should at least be grammatically correct when you're doing it.


The attack of the grammar police.

Fuck off idiot. Did I spell that right?? LOL

While you did spell it right, you missed the comma. That omission, grammatically, means you even failed in trying to call me an idiot, idiot.

Fuck off yet again. Idiot.

Still not the best, grammatically, but you're getting closer. Comma use is important.

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