What is unconstitutional about what Trump proposes?

Constitutional scholars: Trump's anti-Muslim immigration proposal is probably illegal

Donald Trump proposed a system of religious discrimination for U.S. immigration policy on Monday, advocating a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” according to a written campaign statement.

The incendiary proposal was swiftly denounced by Trump’s rivals in both parties, and as a policy proposal, it is probably illegal.

“I believe Trump’s unprecedented proposal would violate our Constitution,” said Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe, “both the First Amendment’s Religion Clauses and the equality dimension of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment.”

RELATED: Trump calls for discrimination against Muslims

Tribe, a constitutional law expert, said Trump’s proposal also conflicts with the Constitution’s general prohibition on religious tests outside of the immigration context. “It would also conflict with the spirit of the No Religious Test Clause of Article VI,” Tribe told MSNBC Monday evening.

Beyond the law, Tribe said it was also notable that using religious discrimination for immigration would be “impossible to administer” and “stupidly play into the hands of extreme Islamic terrorists.”

Is Trump’s Proposed Ban on Muslim Entry Unconstitutional?

Some constitutional scholars say there’s no debate.

“Aside from being outrageous, it would be unconstitutional,” said William Banks, a constitutional law scholar at the Syracuse College of Law, pointing to guarantees of due process under law.
There seems to be a Walter White quality about Trump. First he was a school teacher who didn't smoke but got lung cancer. Thus making him sympathetic. So to pay for the treatments, his son's CP, and his newborn baby on the way, he started cooking meth amphetamine.Okay, now he was breaking the law but was doing it for the right reason. After he made enough money, he said he was out but came back in. This time (supposedly) to ensure that Jesse would be okay. When that was no longer a good reason, he started dealing with Gus and made serious money. At various times through seasons 4 and 5, it is shown that what was first a matter of survival became more and more about his ego than it was ever about helping others. It got to the point to where he got his brother-in-law shot, his protege/friend imprisoned, and had to leave his home and family. Yet crowds seemed to cheer no matter what he did.
Trump says he wants to ban American citizens coming into the country based on their religion, and his idiot supporters don't understand why that would be unconstitutional.

What about the Muslims who aren't American citizens?? Muslims who want to come into the country?

I may be wrong but I do believe those are the ones Trump is talking about.
The left when confronted with historical facts that do not suit their present agenda

You've distorted historical facts.

“[T]he Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly,” Carter said in 1980.

Here's why Trump's remarks on Muslim immigrants aren’t actually controversial - Personal Liberty®

I never distorted anything, you saying I did means very little given your penchant for lying
If you think banning a religion is constitutional...

no one is banning a religion you stupid fucktard, it's banning potential terrorists from cutting off your stupid head.., which i would be in favor of. :up:

Banning terrorists? How does that work exactly? Is it like banning all guns? Just pass a law and POOF! it all goes away?

Since most terrorists are Muslim not letting any into the country should take care of the problem.

Of course then we have the home grown terrorists like that scumbag in San Bernardino to deal with.
Trump says he wants to ban American citizens coming into the country based on their religion, and his idiot supporters don't understand why that would be unconstitutional.

What about the Muslims who aren't American citizens?? Muslims who want to come into the country?

I may be wrong but I do believe those are the ones Trump is talking about.

You are wrong.
Trump says he wants to ban American citizens coming into the country based on their religion, and his idiot supporters don't understand why that would be unconstitutional.

What about the Muslims who aren't American citizens?? Muslims who want to come into the country?

I may be wrong but I do believe those are the ones Trump is talking about.

You are wrong.

Well if he's talking about American citizens then he can't stop them from coming into America.

If they aren't American citizens then yes. They can be stopped from coming into the country.
If you think banning a religion is constitutional...

no one is banning a religion you stupid fucktard, it's banning potential terrorists from cutting off your stupid head.., which i would be in favor of. :up:

Banning terrorists? How does that work exactly? Is it like banning all guns? Just pass a law and POOF! it all goes away?

Since most terrorists are Muslim not letting any into the country should take care of the problem.

Of course then we have the home grown terrorists like that scumbag in San Bernardino to deal with.

Oh look, you're wrong again.

Are All Terrorists Muslim? It's Not Even Close

However, and this will probably shock many, so you might want to take a breath: Overwhelmingly, those who have committed terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe aren’t Muslims. Let’s give that a moment to sink in.

Now, it’s not your fault if you aren’t aware of that fact. You can blame the media. (Yes, Sarah Palin and I actually agree on one thing: The mainstream media sucks.)

So here are some statistics for those interested. Let’s start with Europe. Want to guess what percent of the terrorist attacks there were committed by Muslims over the past five years? Wrong. That is, unless you said less than 2 percent.[...]

Back in the United States, the percentage of terror attacks committed by Muslims is almost as miniscule as in Europe. An FBI study looking at terrorism committed on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 found that 94 percent of the terror attacks were committed by non-Muslims. In actuality, 42 percent of terror attacks were carried out by Latino-related groups, followed by 24 percent perpetrated by extreme left-wing actors.

And as a 2014 study by University of North Carolina found, since the 9/11 attacks, Muslim-linked terrorism has claimed the lives of 37 Americans. In that same time period, more than 190,000 Americans were murdered (PDF).

And how could you forget the self-radicalized homegrown terrorists that shot up a Planned Parenthood clinic and a black church? Oh, right...wrong religion.
Of course they aren't all terrorists but unless one is trying to kill you can you tell the difference??

I sure can't.
Of course they aren't all terrorists but unless one is trying to kill you can you tell the difference??

I sure can't.

You made an untrue statement and I quote: "Since most terrorists are Muslim". I provided you data that was 100% counter to your claim.

I can't tell which person is a Christian terrorist that will shoot up a PP clinic or black church, can you?
Of course they aren't all terrorists but unless one is trying to kill you can you tell the difference??

I sure can't.

You made an untrue statement and I quote: "Since most terrorists are Muslim". I provided you data that was 100% counter to your claim.

I can't tell which person is a Christian terrorist that will shoot up a PP clinic or black church, can you?

Where the hell have you been??

Most terrorists are Muslim. Good God. Get real.
Of course they aren't all terrorists but unless one is trying to kill you can you tell the difference??

I sure can't.

You made an untrue statement and I quote: "Since most terrorists are Muslim". I provided you data that was 100% counter to your claim.

I can't tell which person is a Christian terrorist that will shoot up a PP clinic or black church, can you?

Where the hell have you been??

Most terrorists are Muslim. Good God. Get real.

Simply repeating the same statement that was proven to be false does not suddenly make it true. You've been provided actual data.

The truth of the matter is that you are more likely to die from your refrigerator falling on you or a toddler shooting you than a terrorist attack, by ANY extreme ideological group. You're not "getting real", you're being xenophobic. .
Emphasis on what he proposes...not what a bunch of shriek ears say he proposes.

Trump's ban on Muslim entry to the U.S. would be unconstitutional, experts say: Donald Trump in the news

jimmy carter did the same thing with Iranians


The Republican Party has spent the last 30 years claiming that Jimmy Carter was a wimp who did absolutely nothing to keep us safe.

Yet, Carter was much tougher on the Iranians than Reagan, who sold them weapons and negotiated with them behind the backs of the American people.

But let's do the math here.

Carter prevented Iranians from entering the nation.

And in 1986 Reagan signed the largest Amnesty Bill in American history.

Yep. Reagan did the A-word

so apparently you are ok with trumps position
Of course they aren't all terrorists but unless one is trying to kill you can you tell the difference??

I sure can't.

You made an untrue statement and I quote: "Since most terrorists are Muslim". I provided you data that was 100% counter to your claim.

I can't tell which person is a Christian terrorist that will shoot up a PP clinic or black church, can you?

Where the hell have you been??

Most terrorists are Muslim. Good God. Get real.

Simply repeating the same statement that was proven to be false does not suddenly make it true. You've been provided actual data.

The truth of the matter is that you are more likely to die from your refrigerator falling on you or a toddler shooting you than a terrorist attack, by ANY extreme ideological group. You're not "getting real", you're being xenophobic. .

Its is what it is idiot.

Muslims are trying to kill us believe it or not.

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