What is with all the clown face politican avatars on this board

Personally I like that they choose to use clown avatars. it makes it easy to identify them. Whenever you see one, you know you are dealing with a LWNJ who takes his/her marching orders from the Daily Kos.

It's a gay bonding ritual. Pretty much like sucking cock in a bus terminal bathroom or giving each other hand jobs.

Just do the above and you can join their sorority. :)
I think if you are paid to post here you have to do what the Democrat party tells you to do.
Its in honor of the many Repub clowns running for prez.

Feel free to join us or not.

Either way, welcome to the board.

I guess I should put a bunch of bananas as mine to "honor" the monkey that is the current President.
Yup. They're parodying the Republicans' tendency to bring endless parades of crazy people out of the woodwork every time they need to nominate a candidate. They tend to get kind of pissy/catty if you ask them straight up like this though. I can only guess they take it as being called out for it.

Don't dare put one up of Obozo done that way or it's suddenly racist.

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