What Is Wrong With America ?


That's all nice and stuff, but the fact is, if you consider capital to be the proceeds of labor, then, sorry, no, 1% is not doing 43% of the physical labor in this country.

Now, here's the thing, I realize that, yes, there is a need for concentrations of wealth. But we've gotten to the point where it has become destructive, where a clown like Mitt Romney can go into a factory town, borrow against a factory without making any upgrades, demand a bunch of concessions from the people who do the work, pay himself nice dividends out borrowed money, and then let the whole thing go bankrupt and leave someone else holding the bag.

And your side wanted to put him and his magic underroos in the White House.

Stop lying, that is not what Bain Capital did.

No, that's exactly how Bain Capital operated.

Look up KB Toys, AmPad, GS Steel, or any of the other companies Bain looted for a quick profit.

Those companies were going under anyway, they were too far gone. Bain eased the pain for their employees and shareholders.

Now, look up Staples and how Bain saved that company and turned it around.

With your beliefs you really reallly need to live in a country like North Korea or Cuba. They are run exactly the way you want the US to operate.

No, actually, I want to live in the America I grew up in during the 1960's.

One where working folks got fair wages and the wealthy paid their fair share in taxes and by and large, the country worked.

"working folks" are receiving fair wages today, are you claiming that "working folks" like plumbers, carpenters, and electricians are not receiving fair wages today? If you are, I hope you look at the bil the next time you call a plumber to unclog your toilet.

as to taxes, the 5% top earners are paying 70% of the federal income tax bill. the bottom 50% are paying nothing. Is that the "shared sacrifice" that obama talks about?
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With your beliefs you really reallly need to live in a country like North Korea or Cuba. They are run exactly the way you want the US to operate.

No, actually, I want to live in the America I grew up in during the 1960's.

One where working folks got fair wages and the wealthy paid their fair share in taxes and by and large, the country worked.


With your beliefs you really reallly need to live in a country like North Korea or Cuba. They are run exactly the way you want the US to operate.

No, actually, I want to live in the America I grew up in during the 1960's.

One where working folks got fair wages and the wealthy paid their fair share in taxes and by and large, the country worked.




The rich are getting richer.. and the middle class is getting richer... and the moochers are getting richer.

You moochers are just whiny cry babies that need to get a frigging job.
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I worked and worked very hard since I was 15. But unlike you and the other whiners I saved my money then used that money to make more money.

I took the risks and assumed responsibility for the costs of my ventures unlike you who wish to assume no risk and no cost yet want to reap the same rewards.

Oooh, you're evil and greedy and mean!

I bet you stole that money! That's the only way it's done!



More likely, he's living in someone's basement and when he isn't telling folks on the internets how rich he is, he's telling them about his porn-star quality wang.

Yeah, no doubt, because there's no way there's millions of people out there who have worked hard, stayed focused, sacrificed a bit, took a chance here and there, were smart and careful with their money and are now enjoying the benefits of those efforts. That would blow your whole jealous "you didn't earn that" schtick right out the freakin' window.

Cool. Hopefully that will make you feel a little better about yourself!

The idiot liberal concept that you reward failure and punish success.

So you worked 16 hour days, built a company that changed the world, employed hundreds of thousands of people gainfully, and made a billion dollars? "Fuck you! You're the 'evil' 1% and you owe us".

So you refuse to work, shoot up heroin while drinking beer all day and you beat your wife? "Awww...you poor little repressed person. Here is free housing, free food, free healthcare, free transportation, and a monthly expense account for entertainment (such as beer and cigarettes)".

Here is the liberal media trying to teach children that when they earn a party for straight A's, they are pieces of shit for not allowing the lazier children who didn't work as hard to join in....

Videos on FOX 5 News WTTG Washington DC - DC News FOX 5 DC WTTG

And these dumb fuck'n liberals sit around scratching their head trying to figure out why everything they do creates failure. Why Obama creates 10% unemployment. Why Jerry Brown bankrupted California. Why a slew of Dumbocrat Mayors and city councilmen collapsed Detroit and turned it into a 3rd-world shit-hole. Gee libs, I don't know. I just can't understand why you get failure when you reward failure and punish successs... :bang3:
The idiot liberal concept that you reward failure and punish success.

So you worked 16 hour days, built a company that changed the world, employed hundreds of thousands of people gainfully, and made a billion dollars? "Fuck you! You're the 'evil' 1% and you owe us".

So you refuse to work, shoot up heroin while drinking beer all day and you beat your wife? "Awww...you poor little repressed person. Here is free housing, free food, free healthcare, free transportation, and a monthly expense account for entertainment (such as beer and cigarettes)".

Here is the liberal media trying to teach children that when they earn a party for straight A's, they are pieces of shit for not allowing the lazier children who didn't work as hard to join in....

Videos on FOX 5 News WTTG Washington DC - DC News FOX 5 DC WTTG

And these dumb fuck'n liberals sit around scratching their head trying to figure out why everything they do creates failure. Why Obama creates 10% unemployment. Why Jerry Brown bankrupted California. Why a slew of Dumbocrat Mayors and city councilmen collapsed Detroit and turned it into a 3rd-world shit-hole. Gee libs, I don't know. I just can't understand why you get failure when you reward failure and punish successs... :bang3:

:clap2::clap2::clap2: excellent post. 100% accurate.
I was introduced to libtard government in the 6th grade. They started busing me, taking me away from schools that had encouraged learning, to schools where they forced me to sit and do nothing for eight (8) years straight while the rest of the kids tried to catch up to where I was back in the 5th grade.
I was introduced to libtard government in the 6th grade. They started busing me, taking me away from schools that had encouraged learning, to schools where they forced me to sit and do nothing for eight (8) years straight while the rest of the kids tried to catch up to where I was back in the 5th grade.

lberalism = equal mediocrity.
The idiot liberal concept that you reward failure and punish success.So you worked 16 hour days, built a company that changed the world, employed hundreds of thousands of people gainfully, and made a billion dollars? "Fuck you! You're the 'evil' 1% and you owe us".
So you refuse to work, shoot up heroin while drinking beer all day and you beat your wife? "Awww...you poor little repressed person. Here is free housing, free food, free healthcare, free transportation, and a monthly expense account for entertainment (such as beer and cigarettes)".Here is the liberal media trying to teach children that when they earn a party for straight A's, they are pieces of shit for not allowing the lazier children who didn't work as hard to join in....Videos on FOX 5 News WTTG Washington DC - DC News FOX 5 DC WTTGand these dumb fuck'n liberals sit around scratching their head trying to figure out why everything they do creates failure. Why Obama creates 10% unemployment. Why Jerry Brown bankrupted California. Why a slew of Dumbocrat Mayors and city councilmen collapsed Detroit and turned it into a 3rd-world shit-hole. Gee libs, I don't know. I just can't understand why you get failure when you reward failure and punish successs... :bang3:
:clap2::clap2::clap2: excellent post. 100% accurate.

it not about punishing success, its just practicality. Raising taxes on the rich, to pay off debt ,will lift all boats.

Jerry Brown saved California from bankruptcy you dolts.
The idiot liberal concept that you reward failure and punish success.So you worked 16 hour days, built a company that changed the world, employed hundreds of thousands of people gainfully, and made a billion dollars? "Fuck you! You're the 'evil' 1% and you owe us".
So you refuse to work, shoot up heroin while drinking beer all day and you beat your wife? "Awww...you poor little repressed person. Here is free housing, free food, free healthcare, free transportation, and a monthly expense account for entertainment (such as beer and cigarettes)".Here is the liberal media trying to teach children that when they earn a party for straight A's, they are pieces of shit for not allowing the lazier children who didn't work as hard to join in....Videos on FOX 5 News WTTG Washington DC - DC News FOX 5 DC WTTGand these dumb fuck'n liberals sit around scratching their head trying to figure out why everything they do creates failure. Why Obama creates 10% unemployment. Why Jerry Brown bankrupted California. Why a slew of Dumbocrat Mayors and city councilmen collapsed Detroit and turned it into a 3rd-world shit-hole. Gee libs, I don't know. I just can't understand why you get failure when you reward failure and punish successs... :bang3:
:clap2::clap2::clap2: excellent post. 100% accurate.

it not about punishing success, its just practicality. Raising taxes on the rich, to pay off debt ,will lift all boats.

Jerry Brown saved California from bankruptcy you dolts.

Hey "dolt" - liberalism created the irresponsible debt in the first place. Don't create the fuck'n debt and you won't need to punish success!!! Don't reward failure with free housing, free food, free healthcare, free transportation, and free expense account and you won't have the debt in the first place moron... :bang3:

And California currently sits at $70 billion in debt you uninformed buffoon. No wonder you're such a lapdog to your liberal masters - you choose to life your life as an uninformed useful idiot.
:clap2::clap2::clap2: excellent post. 100% accurate.

it not about punishing success, its just practicality. Raising taxes on the rich, to pay off debt ,will lift all boats.

Jerry Brown saved California from bankruptcy you dolts.

Hey "dolt" - liberalism created the irresponsible debt in the first place. Don't create the fuck'n debt and you won't need to punish success!!! Don't reward failure with free housing, free food, free healthcare, free transportation, and free expense account and you won't have the debt in the first place moron... :bang3:

And California currently sits at $70 billion in debt you uninformed buffoon. No wonder you're such a lapdog to your liberal masters - you choose to life your life as an uninformed useful idiot.

I dont think it was "liberalism" that created the debt, but cronyism. That is a problem in America at all levels of government, by both puppet parties. Welfare for the rich is a big problem, "economic development" is an excuse for graft.

California's debt problem is improving thanks, in part to Jerry Brown.
it not about punishing success, its just practicality. Raising taxes on the rich, to pay off debt ,will lift all boats.

Jerry Brown saved California from bankruptcy you dolts.

Hey "dolt" - liberalism created the irresponsible debt in the first place. Don't create the fuck'n debt and you won't need to punish success!!! Don't reward failure with free housing, free food, free healthcare, free transportation, and free expense account and you won't have the debt in the first place moron... :bang3:

And California currently sits at $70 billion in debt you uninformed buffoon. No wonder you're such a lapdog to your liberal masters - you choose to life your life as an uninformed useful idiot.

I dont think it was "liberalism" that created the debt, but cronyism. That is a problem in America at all levels of government, by both puppet parties. Welfare for the rich is a big problem, "economic development" is an excuse for graft.

California's debt problem is improving thanks, in part to Jerry Brown.

Oh, so now you've gone from "Jerry Brown saved California" to "it is improving". At least I was able to wake you up a little bit. Now if you'd just open your eyes the rest of the way and join the rest of us in reality.

California is a shit-hole sitting on a $70 billion debt. They are about to go bankrupt like Detroit.

As far as the debt, I agree with you 100% that there should be no "cronyism" and no "corporate welfare" (of which almost none actually exists - this is just an ignorant left-wing talking point passed down from the masters like Reid and Pelosi). We spend over $1 trillion per year on unconstitutional entitlements. Take those away and our national debt is paid off in full in only 17 years.

Left-wing communist reward the lazy with free food, fee housing, free healthcare, free transportation, and fat expense accounts created the debt. Period.
I was introduced to libtard government in the 6th grade. They started busing me, taking me away from schools that had encouraged learning, to schools where they forced me to sit and do nothing for eight (8) years straight while the rest of the kids tried to catch up to where I was back in the 5th grade.

That was really stupid and that idiotic busing idea is what, in large part, cost George McGovern the presidential election in 1972. Bonehead ideas like that (affirmative action, Muslim appeasements, DREAM Act, college open admissions, etc) that Democrats use to suck up to minorities, is what caused them to lose elections. Lots of minorities like me (I'm 50% Hispanic, 50% Danish) don't like it either.

I'll never forget the ridiculous watering down of a meteorology course I took in college. We had "open book" tests. EARTH TO COLLEGES: An open book test is NOT a test. And pitiful how a lot of the black open admissions students (who shouldn't have even been there in the first place) afterwards complained about how hard they thought it was. My grade ? I got 100% on that test. Open book ? I didn't even have my book with me.
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Hey "dolt" - liberalism created the irresponsible debt in the first place. Don't create the fuck'n debt and you won't need to punish success!!! Don't reward failure with free housing, free food, free healthcare, free transportation, and free expense account and you won't have the debt in the first place moron... :bang3:

And California currently sits at $70 billion in debt you uninformed buffoon. No wonder you're such a lapdog to your liberal masters - you choose to life your life as an uninformed useful idiot.

I dont think it was "liberalism" that created the debt, but cronyism. That is a problem in America at all levels of government, by both puppet parties. Welfare for the rich is a big problem, "economic development" is an excuse for graft.

California's debt problem is improving thanks, in part to Jerry Brown.

Oh, so now you've gone from "Jerry Brown saved California" to "it is improving". At least I was able to wake you up a little bit. Now if you'd just open your eyes the rest of the way and join the rest of us in reality.

California is a shit-hole sitting on a $70 billion debt. They are about to go bankrupt like Detroit.

As far as the debt, I agree with you 100% that there should be no "cronyism" and no "corporate welfare" (of which almost none actually exists - this is just an ignorant left-wing talking point passed down from the masters like Reid and Pelosi). We spend over $1 trillion per year on unconstitutional entitlements. Take those away and our national debt is paid off in full in only 17 years.

Left-wing communist reward the lazy with free food, fee housing, free healthcare, free transportation, and fat expense accounts created the debt. Period.

I lived in the wasteland known as California for 12 years. Yes, it is a study in bankruptcy all right, but it isn't simple welfare that created this huge debt. It is welfare to illegal alien families using false documentation (a mini-industry unto itself), and the anchor baby racket, that is mostly responsible.
When living in San Jose, I once delivered a package to the welfare office. I saw about 100 people sitting in the lobby. It looked like it could have been in Mexico City. Not a single white or black face in the crowd. Same thing when I went to the emergency room at the hospital.

In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

And the huge influx of cheap, Mexican labor is what's causing a lot of the Americans who ARE receiving welfare to be without a job. (construction, janitorial, factory assemblers, trucking, motels, etc)
The idiot liberal concept that you reward failure and punish success.

So you worked 16 hour days, built a company that changed the world, employed hundreds of thousands of people gainfully, and made a billion dollars? "Fuck you! You're the 'evil' 1% and you owe us".

So you refuse to work, shoot up heroin while drinking beer all day and you beat your wife? "Awww...you poor little repressed person. Here is free housing, free food, free healthcare, free transportation, and a monthly expense account for entertainment (such as beer and cigarettes)".

Here is the liberal media trying to teach children that when they earn a party for straight A's, they are pieces of shit for not allowing the lazier children who didn't work as hard to join in....

Videos on FOX 5 News WTTG Washington DC - DC News FOX 5 DC WTTG

And these dumb fuck'n liberals sit around scratching their head trying to figure out why everything they do creates failure. Why Obama creates 10% unemployment. Why Jerry Brown bankrupted California. Why a slew of Dumbocrat Mayors and city councilmen collapsed Detroit and turned it into a 3rd-world shit-hole. Gee libs, I don't know. I just can't understand why you get failure when you reward failure and punish successs... :bang3:

:clap2::clap2::clap2: excellent post. 100% accurate.

No it's not. Because the unemployment isn't only Obama's unemployment (and I've raked Obama over the coals as much as anybody here). It's also House Republicans' fault. How about when Obama proposed small tax increases on the rich to pay for (badly needed) infrastructure jobs, and the Republicans shot it down ? That's just one example.
The idiot liberal concept that you reward failure and punish success.

So you worked 16 hour days, built a company that changed the world, employed hundreds of thousands of people gainfully, and made a billion dollars? "Fuck you! You're the 'evil' 1% and you owe us".

So you refuse to work, shoot up heroin while drinking beer all day and you beat your wife? "Awww...you poor little repressed person. Here is free housing, free food, free healthcare, free transportation, and a monthly expense account for entertainment (such as beer and cigarettes)".

Here is the liberal media trying to teach children that when they earn a party for straight A's, they are pieces of shit for not allowing the lazier children who didn't work as hard to join in....

Videos on FOX 5 News WTTG Washington DC - DC News FOX 5 DC WTTG

And these dumb fuck'n liberals sit around scratching their head trying to figure out why everything they do creates failure. Why Obama creates 10% unemployment. Why Jerry Brown bankrupted California. Why a slew of Dumbocrat Mayors and city councilmen collapsed Detroit and turned it into a 3rd-world shit-hole. Gee libs, I don't know. I just can't understand why you get failure when you reward failure and punish successs... :bang3:

:clap2::clap2::clap2: excellent post. 100% accurate.

No it's not. Because the unemployment isn't only Obama's unemployment (and I've raked Obama over the coals as much as anybody here). It's also House Republicans' fault. How about when Obama proposed small tax increases on the rich to pay for (badly needed) infrastructure jobs, and the Republicans shot it down ? That's just one example.

How about the fact that history has proven higher taxes means less jobs? So yes, the Republican's rightfully blocked Obama's "plan" which said the cure for cancer is adding more cancer cells.... :bang3:
This article needs to be posted in every thread:

1 in 4 Americans Don't Know Earth Orbits the Sun. Yes, Really. : Discovery News

25% of Americans (Republican Conservative Christians who want Creationist fairy tales taught in public school science classes) don't know that the Earth revolves around the sun.

What is wrong with America? Christian fundamentalists holding on to an ancient belief that there's an invisible man in the sky who hates homosexuals and taxes.
This article needs to be posted in every thread:

1 in 4 Americans Don't Know Earth Orbits the Sun. Yes, Really. : Discovery News

25% of Americans (Republican Conservative Christians who want Creationist fairy tales taught in public school science classes) don't know that the Earth revolves around the sun.

What is wrong with America? Christian fundamentalists holding on to an ancient belief that there's an invisible man in the sky who hates homosexuals and taxes.
Since I realize that you're a bozo, I looked at the pdf. It says

"Two additional
questions used a multiple choice format. These asked about
(21) whether the sun moves around the Earth, whether the
Earth moves around the sun (correct), or neither the sun nor
the Earth moves (Europe correct: 80%, United States cor-
rect: 82%);"

I also searched for the word "Christian" and got no result.
This article needs to be posted in every thread:

1 in 4 Americans Don't Know Earth Orbits the Sun. Yes, Really. : Discovery News

25% of Americans (Republican Conservative Christians who want Creationist fairy tales taught in public school science classes) don't know that the Earth revolves around the sun.

What is wrong with America? Christian fundamentalists holding on to an ancient belief that there's an invisible man in the sky who hates homosexuals and taxes.

Interesting that 1 in 4 Americans (that would be 25% for those who are not good with math) almost perfectly coincides with the exact percentage of Americans who consider themselves Dumbocrats - 21%.

Yep, that small minority which is easily duped by their masters.... :lol:

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