What is wrong with being gay exactly?

And you are lying again.

Not lying by saying the CDC tracks diseases- because it does- lying because you know that the CDC does not consider gays to be a disease
you just contradicted yourself, liar

And you are lying again.

Not lying by saying the CDC tracks diseases- because it does- lying because you know that the CDC does not consider gays to be a disease

So the center for DISEASE control tracks it, but not because it's a disease. Gotcha. Liar

And you are lying again.

Not lying by saying the CDC tracks diseases- because it does- lying because you know that the CDC does not consider gays to be a disease
No, I'm not their mother. I was their oven. Wasn't my egg. They used a donor egg and their sperm. I think the twins had two different fathers. :lol:

That doesn't change the fact you're their mother. You all carry on with this freak show trying to change what can't be changed, that children are made with one man and one woman. The only difference is that children will grow up confused as to who their parents really are. They are independent human beings and will eventually make up their own minds. Surrogate eggs and semen swirls can't change the basic structure of the family.

Why would they grow up confused?

Children born from artificial insemination don't grow up 'confused' who their 'real' parents are. Children born of surrogacy don't grow up confused who their 'real' parents are.

Thousands of children are adopted every year- for the most part children abandoned by their biological parents- the people who adopt them are their 'real' parents- the ones who care enough to step up and be parents.

We're going to start seeing kids raised by faggots murdering their "parents" in their sleep. As far as I'm concerned, they are innocent of any wrongdoing.

You perverts got it coming to you.

Now you are calling for children to murder their parents.

How 'Christ' like of you.

You are a sick POS.
Those aren't "parents" and kids would be just as justified in killing queers as any child molesterh.

You are a sick POS- and an embarressment to any Christian.
The Framers felt the need to expressly make it clear that the Government was not to infringe on the right of the people's right to practice their Religion.......and yet the Left screams that Gay people's "rights" are superior to Religious people's "rights".

Wow, for a moment I thought you were sane. Sorry, we have discrimination laws. You're free to practice whatever religion you like.

Ok so you think some "rights" are more important than others, got it.
No, I'm not their mother. I was their oven. Wasn't my egg. They used a donor egg and their sperm. I think the twins had two different fathers. :lol:

That doesn't change the fact you're their mother. You all carry on with this freak show trying to change what can't be changed, that children are made with one man and one woman. The only difference is that children will grow up confused as to who their parents really are. They are independent human beings and will eventually make up their own minds. Surrogate eggs and semen swirls can't change the basic structure of the family.

Why would they grow up confused?

Children born from artificial insemination don't grow up 'confused' who their 'real' parents are. Children born of surrogacy don't grow up confused who their 'real' parents are.

Thousands of children are adopted every year- for the most part children abandoned by their biological parents- the people who adopt them are their 'real' parents- the ones who care enough to step up and be parents.
You're wrong. Many kids who grew up in adopted homes seek out their biological parents, even if they were given a wonderful upbringing. This will be especially true when they are deliberately conceived to be put in a situation where they are deprived of a mother or a father and they see their friends who have both.

We're going to start seeing kids raised by faggots murdering their "parents" in their sleep. As far as I'm concerned, they are innocent of any wrongdoing.

You perverts got it coming to you.

Do you really consider yourself a Christian? Really? I think Jesus would disagree...at least the guy I read about. Did you get a different bible than the rest of us?
In my Bible, Jesus said perverts like you who hurt children should have a millstone hung around your neck and thrown into the ocean.

So no, Jesus would not disagree with me. Leftist Jesus does not exist.

No- that is not what Jesus said- God- you even lie about Jesus.....

1One day Jesus said to his disciples, “There will always be temptations to sin, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting!

It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin. 3So watch yourselves!
Gays DEMAND that everyone accept them as normal. That will NEVER happen.

Nope- there will always be a few bigots left who want to discriminate against them.

Fewer every year.

No...If I see a herd of horses and a couple of them are really zebras I would just notice them and think? HHMMMmmm...??? do I really want to have theses Zebras mating with the horses? Duh! of course not Zebras are ghey!

Clearly you have problems with genetics and speciation also.

Sorry my joke went over your head. I'll try to dumb them down for you.

Wow, you're right. It is, isn't it?

Nothing gets by me man.... nothing.
Oh snap, you knuckle draggers are brilliant...aren't you....

God....America is doomed.

You know, life is a lot more fun if you pull the stick out of your ass
I find the psychological concept of projection quite useful in an environment where people are free to express themselves without fear they will become social pariahs.

See...the more healthy you are mentally, the less likely you are to do irrational things, which in your case is hating and disapproving of people who's actions don't really affect you.

Your opposition to gays affects me, because I have a close family member who stands to be affected by your desire to regulate his life. So my disgust for you is rational.

It's not uncommon for the hatred righties can't resist to be based in fear.

I've never met a righty who wasn't either picked on in school, abused by their parents, or feels unwanted sexually.

The feelings of fear and inferiority victims of abuse display, seem to be soothed when they can make others feel inferior or fearful. Which in this case translates into bravado, fueled by the subconscious to put distance between your own feelings of fear and inferiority. That's why you feel good when you put gays down for not being "a man"

Righties who were picked on in school, often simply act out against what they think are harmful groups of people to an irrational extent, even though those groups pose no threat to them.

And people who don't get laid enough simply begin to hate sex, and in this case, the people who are having it. Because it's clear gays having sex really bothers you.

Life for you would probably be more fun, if you hated people less. That includes gays, women, non Christians, and racial minorities

Like I said. Stick ... remove ... life is a lot more fun
Not like I said it or anything...but try this one on....

This is a truly idiotic statement. It is unknown to most people whether they can have children until they try. And it is only through the permissive will of God that a couple may ever produce even one child. And they shouldn't be having relations until after they are married. And not following this formula is likely one of the common threads that cause couples the most pain and anguish later in their relationship.

Yours is the foolish statement. Lots of people know they can't procreate before they marry: Older couples who marry after the wife can no longer have children; Couples who have had cancer or other illnesses which render them infertile.

Babies aren't born by the will of God, they're born because of biology. If God controlled procreation, I would think He'd be more careful about who He chose to be parents.

Any idiot can procreate. It takes a good person to be a good parent.
Absolutely Kaz...if that makes you feel better about your complete silliness, absofreakinlutely. :lol:

Hey, can I get in on some of this action?


You bet. Masturbation orgy? You know...I'll bet dollars to donuts, they have those somewhere in SF...just sayin'.

Yeah, I used to work there... took a drive through the Castro once for shits and grins... I'll stick with Bourbon St. I wasn't sure what was going on in the Castro.


I used to live just down the road in San Jose.

I'd love to go back to San Fran though, Frisco is a nice town, isn't it Seawytch?

My daughter actually is back at Berkeley working on her PhD in French, I should go out again soon

SF is one of my favorite places on the Earth... best weather EVER. I'm a seafood nut... and they have great seafood. I used to hang at a little bar on Columbus & Beach called The Fiddler's Den. Cool place...

The seafood is great. We ate at Fisherman's Wharf most of the time when we went there. As for the weather, it is interesting. When we took people in July or August, we always told them to bring a coat ... just in case ...
Absolutely Kaz...if that makes you feel better about your complete silliness, absofreakinlutely. :lol:

Hey, can I get in on some of this action?


You bet. Masturbation orgy? You know...I'll bet dollars to donuts, they have those somewhere in SF...just sayin'.

Yeah, I used to work there... took a drive through the Castro once for shits and grins... I'll stick with Bourbon St. I wasn't sure what was going on in the Castro.


I used to live just down the road in San Jose.

I'd love to go back to San Fran though, Frisco is a nice town, isn't it Seawytch?

My daughter actually is back at Berkeley working on her PhD in French, I should go out again soon

Frisco? Never heard of the place ;)

Tell you what...if you come to San Fran, IM me...maybe we can hook up for lunch.

LOL, now I"m screwing with you...

They explained it to me when I was there. It's either "San Francisco" or a "dignified SF
97 fucking pages......

How many of you are closet faggots? You'd have to be to be this fucking obsessed.

Queers exist, get used to it, problem solved.

Ps. Stop bumping this retarded thread idiots

Don't like the idea there is nothing wrong with being gay?
Derp Derp Derp we go...

I don't give a fuck shit for brains. I'm just here to mock you dumbasses who are hopelessly obsessed with shit that DOES NOT MATTER

Carry on dip shit

Here's a thought. Don't click on threads titled "What is wrong with being gay exactly?" Ya think? In the meantime, I'll consider your opinion of what we should discuss for what it's worth. Frankly, I have little regard for people who tell me what I can talk about, so don't expect that to translate to a lot of consideration
Absolutely Kaz...if that makes you feel better about your complete silliness, absofreakinlutely. :lol:

Hey, can I get in on some of this action?


You bet. Masturbation orgy? You know...I'll bet dollars to donuts, they have those somewhere in SF...just sayin'.

Yeah, I used to work there... took a drive through the Castro once for shits and grins... I'll stick with Bourbon St. I wasn't sure what was going on in the Castro.


The Castro is a blast. It's amazing at Halloween. The Noe right next door is a bunch of fun too.

Bourbon St smells too much like stale beer and piss...all the time.

Get one block off of Bourbon Street and its all good.

Love the food in New Orleans.

We went there when my youngest was pretty little. She had a blast walking around the town. When we want back to Atlanta (where we lived then) and someone asked where she was from, she said "New Orleans." We still tell that story. Teenagers love reliving those memories. OK, they don't, but we do ...
Who has changed their view? Retarded liberals think I'm a homophobe, they thought that before. Non-liberals get it. Politicalchic asked, I explained I'm joking, she was good. Non-liberals are just a lot smarter overall than liberals. You know I'm not a homophobe, but you still regularly go into Democrat talking point mode. I wonder if you even know what the points mean at this point or if you just identify issues with talking points and just start repeating them

I didn't say you changed your views. Again its ironic you continuously accuse others of a comprehension problem. I said you don't actually believe gays are a disease so do you keep playing the raging homophobe instead of just the slight one you really are? What's your goal?

Now that's classic. The one with the reading comprehension problem here is again you.

I understood your question perfectly well. You asked why I want people to think I think gay is a disease when I don't. That's exactly the question I answered. Re-read it. LOL, then you didn't grasp my answer

Yes, as I pointed out earlier, I get that. The people that "know" you, know you're just being an idiot, but what about the hundreds that read and don't post regularly? I guess if you don't care that they think you're a raging homophobe, I don't. Just seems silly....never mind. Carry on.

Is that what you think about? The opinion of the masses who read and don't comment? I never think about that.

Anyway, I write for intelligent people.

All evidence from your posts to the contrary.

With the frequency you respond to my posts, that's actually a pretty good argument for you
And you are lying again.

Not lying by saying the CDC tracks diseases- because it does- lying because you know that the CDC does not consider gays to be a disease
you just contradicted yourself, liar

And you are lying again.

Not lying by saying the CDC tracks diseases- because it does- lying because you know that the CDC does not consider gays to be a disease

So the center for DISEASE control tracks it, but not because it's a disease. Gotcha. Liar

And you are lying again.

Not lying by saying the CDC tracks diseases- because it does- lying because you know that the CDC does not consider gays to be a disease

Of course they do. The Center for Disease control tracks diseases. They track gays. Therefore, they think gay is a disease. They're probably right. Do you ever know government to be wrong?
Absolutely Kaz...if that makes you feel better about your complete silliness, absofreakinlutely. :lol:

Hey, can I get in on some of this action?


You bet. Masturbation orgy? You know...I'll bet dollars to donuts, they have those somewhere in SF...just sayin'.

Yeah, I used to work there... took a drive through the Castro once for shits and grins... I'll stick with Bourbon St. I wasn't sure what was going on in the Castro.


I used to live just down the road in San Jose.

I'd love to go back to San Fran though, Frisco is a nice town, isn't it Seawytch?

My daughter actually is back at Berkeley working on her PhD in French, I should go out again soon

Frisco? Never heard of the place ;)

Tell you what...if you come to San Fran, IM me...maybe we can hook up for lunch.

If I have a chance when I'm there, I'll do that if you're serious
97 fucking pages......

How many of you are closet faggots? You'd have to be to be this fucking obsessed.

Queers exist, get used to it, problem solved.

Ps. Stop bumping this retarded thread idiots

Don't like the idea there is nothing wrong with being gay?
Derp Derp Derp we go...

I don't give a fuck shit for brains. I'm just here to mock you dumbasses who are hopelessly obsessed with shit that DOES NOT MATTER

Carry on dip shit

Here's a thought. Don't click on threads titled "What is wrong with being gay exactly?" Ya think? In the meantime, I'll consider your opinion of what we should discuss for what it's worth. Frankly, I have little regard for people who tell me what I can talk about, so don't expect that to translate to a lot of consideration
I'll click on any damn thread I choose. I will also mock any loser I see fit.
Hey, can I get in on some of this action?


You bet. Masturbation orgy? You know...I'll bet dollars to donuts, they have those somewhere in SF...just sayin'.

Yeah, I used to work there... took a drive through the Castro once for shits and grins... I'll stick with Bourbon St. I wasn't sure what was going on in the Castro.


I used to live just down the road in San Jose.

I'd love to go back to San Fran though, Frisco is a nice town, isn't it Seawytch?

My daughter actually is back at Berkeley working on her PhD in French, I should go out again soon

Frisco? Never heard of the place ;)

Tell you what...if you come to San Fran, IM me...maybe we can hook up for lunch.

LOL, now I"m screwing with you...

They explained it to me when I was there. It's either "San Francisco" or a "dignified SF

I realized that with the "right SW?" dig...did the winky face not show up on your end?
Those aren't "parents" and kids would be just as justified in killing queers as any child molester who kidnaps them and starts raising them on their own.

And Keys already posted what Jesus thought should happen to perverts who hurt children so I'm on very solid ground here with my faith.

Thank goodness the law says otherwise. The two men are the parents of their three children, legally and emotionally and my wife and I are the parents of our two.

We don't hurt our children...but I agree with Syriusly...you're a POS.
If your children killed these two butt munchers it would be your own fault because it's your primary responsibility to protect them from perverts, not expose them to perverts.

And a good attorney would get them acquitted because even the jury can be made to see this is child abuse and three sick individuals conspired to destroy these children's lives for their own selfish gratification.

You three are the sick POS's.
Were you molested by a homosexual as a child, or something?

Yeah, it's hard to imagine I want every kid to have a normal intact home like I did.

What is hard to 'imagine' is why you think anyone not raised like you will turn out to be a murderer.

Actually what I said is more like any kid raised by you will turn out to be a murderer.
97 fucking pages......

How many of you are closet faggots? You'd have to be to be this fucking obsessed.

Queers exist, get used to it, problem solved.

Ps. Stop bumping this retarded thread idiots
Supreme example of Projection ^
Suck my left nut, saved it just for you...

You only have one and you'll share it with RK? That's very nice of you.
Gotta help out the closet queers on the right ya know. They're so afraid of being offended by fags they have to create laws to protect their sensibilities.

Fuckem, hypocrites
Are you trying to curry favor with the mods so they won't delete anymore of your threads?
That doesn't change the fact you're their mother. You all carry on with this freak show trying to change what can't be changed, that children are made with one man and one woman. The only difference is that children will grow up confused as to who their parents really are. They are independent human beings and will eventually make up their own minds. Surrogate eggs and semen swirls can't change the basic structure of the family.

Why would they grow up confused?

Children born from artificial insemination don't grow up 'confused' who their 'real' parents are. Children born of surrogacy don't grow up confused who their 'real' parents are.

Thousands of children are adopted every year- for the most part children abandoned by their biological parents- the people who adopt them are their 'real' parents- the ones who care enough to step up and be parents.

We're going to start seeing kids raised by faggots murdering their "parents" in their sleep. As far as I'm concerned, they are innocent of any wrongdoing.

You perverts got it coming to you.

Now you are calling for children to murder their parents.

How 'Christ' like of you.

You are a sick POS.
Those aren't "parents" and kids would be just as justified in killing queers as any child molesterh.

You are a sick POS- and an embarressment to any Christian.

So does that mean you aren't coming to the Christmas party this year?
Hey, can I get in on some of this action?


You bet. Masturbation orgy? You know...I'll bet dollars to donuts, they have those somewhere in SF...just sayin'.

Yeah, I used to work there... took a drive through the Castro once for shits and grins... I'll stick with Bourbon St. I wasn't sure what was going on in the Castro.


I used to live just down the road in San Jose.

I'd love to go back to San Fran though, Frisco is a nice town, isn't it Seawytch?

My daughter actually is back at Berkeley working on her PhD in French, I should go out again soon

Frisco? Never heard of the place ;)

Tell you what...if you come to San Fran, IM me...maybe we can hook up for lunch.

If I have a chance when I'm there, I'll do that if you're serious

I am serious and stop calling me Shirley.

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