What is wrong with being gay exactly?

Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

I personally don't care at all. What I am sick of is being told I HAVE TO accept behavior I find repulsive. I shouldn't have to cater to their stupid weddings or anything else. I suspect God may have an issue with it, but He hasn't tasked me with making judgements.

Agreed, but that's all liberals, not just the gay ones. Liberalism is fueled by hate and intolerance
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

I have no issue with people being gay and enjoying life. What I object to is calling it a normal human condition. It is an aberation of human biology and mentality. It is a disease just as being bi-polar is a disease. It is not normal. Therefor, gay marriage is an oxymoron.

You are welcome to your opinion- a totally unsubstantiated opinion. To me it is as valid as if I were to say that homophobia is a disease just as being bi-polar is.

there is no such thing as homophobia-----------fear of homsexuals. Homo--------phobia. Think about the word, idiot.

No one fears homosexuality?

Then I guess no one considers it a threat. Unanimous agreement that homosexuality is not a threat?
Some people are just busy bodies and that's all there is to it. For example, if you're watching a FB game and someone holds someone else you may say there should be a rule against holding... voila.. the rule against holding is created to make the game better.

Is homosexuality a normal condition of human beings? yes or no.

Now that depends on what you mean by "normal."

If by normal you mean that the majority of people are that way, no. If by normal you mean fully functional in life then yes. Sure, there are gays who aren't, but not because they are gay. There are straights who aren't as well

biologically normal, mammalian normal, homo sapiens normal, historically normal. Its not a hard question.

You're talking to a math major, Six Sigma Blackbelt, MBA. No question is simple to me.

Sure gays don't perpetuate the species, but they are a small percent, they are no threat to perpetuating the species. My brother and I have kids, my sister doesn't. She's not threatening the human race either.

People are turned on by all sorts of things, hair color, small butts, big butts, uniforms, umbrellas. It's a bizarre sexual world. I don't see the issue with a turn on being the same sex meaning are not sexually normal any more than anyone who doesn't want kids

I have gay friends and relatives, I have no problem with them and respect and love each of them. I also have friends and relatives who suffer from dementia, bi-polar disease, and MS.

They all have mental illnesses, mental illness is not a normal human condition. Thats my only point.

Is celibacy a mental illness? Was Jesus mental?
I have no issue with people being gay and enjoying life. What I object to is calling it a normal human condition. It is an aberation of human biology and mentality. It is a disease just as being bi-polar is a disease. It is not normal. Therefor, gay marriage is an oxymoron.

I don't really know what "normal" means, I don't know anyone who's "normal." I'm not sure who you're referring to either. Who is it up to that says if they are normal exactly? I don't give a shit what government considers "normal." God sees all of us and the not normal ways we deal with life. As long as we're not hurting anyone in the process, why would God object to that?

Normal in terms of sexuality is using our human sex organs for the purposes they were designed for. There is a biological reason for males and females.

Do I really have to explain what sexually normal means?

You could, but it would would miss the point. I bet if you where honest, there are ways you cope with life that are not "normal" though sexually and otherwise. Procreation is how we perpetuate the species, it's not however the purpose of our existence

Ok, lets try it this way. Every society decides what it considers normal and acceptable. Societies either do that by majority opinion (vote) or by dictatorial mandate.

All I have ever asked is that the people be allowed to decide the gay marriage issue, not the courts or some govt dictate.

I am fullying willing to accept the will of the people, are you?

I've made that point many times as well. I oppose government gay marriage, but I oppose all government marriage. If the people/legislatures enact them then I have no more or less disagreement with it than other government marriage. It is the actions of the courts imposing it through judicial fiat that I have the biggest issue with.

This thread isn't about that though. It's about my inability to grasp why what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes bothers anyone I don't grasp. And I don't grasp why God would make gays then want them to be unhappy as some sort of pious point. Life is hard enough without those

We all struggle with sin, we're all human, why would God want any of us to struggle with that? Why do you think gays have a corner on the market when it comes to sin?
Ok, lets try it this way. Every society decides what it considers normal and acceptable. Societies either do that by majority opinion (vote) or by dictatorial mandate.

All I have ever asked is that the people be allowed to decide the gay marriage issue, not the courts or some govt dictate.

I am fullying willing to accept the will of the people, are you?

I've made that point many times as well. I oppose government gay marriage, but I oppose all government marriage. If the people/legislatures enact them then I have no more or less disagreement with it than other government marriage. It is the actions of the courts imposing it through judicial fiat that I have the biggest issue with.

This thread isn't about that though. It's about my inability to grasp why what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes bothers anyone I don't grasp. And I don't grasp why God would make gays then want them to be unhappy as some sort of pious point. Life is hard enough without those

Some people are just busy bodies and that's all there is to it. For example, if you're watching a FB game and someone holds someone else you may say there should be a rule against holding... voila.. the rule against holding is created to make the game better.

Is homosexuality a normal condition of human beings? yes or no.

Now that depends on what you mean by "normal."

If by normal you mean that the majority of people are that way, no. If by normal you mean fully functional in life then yes. Sure, there are gays who aren't, but not because they are gay. There are straights who aren't as well

biologically normal, mammalian normal, homo sapiens normal, historically normal. Its not a hard question.

Every sex act that homosexuals engage in can and is engaged in by heterosexuals. They can't all be abnormal.
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?
Question 1: Why do I care?
Answer 1: I care for pretty much the same reasons I care for hetero couples, with one exception covered below in answer 3.

Question 2: Why would God care?
Answer 2: I make it a habit of not speaking for god.

Question 3: Why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?
Answer 3: To build and raise a family with someone of the opposite sex for the purpose providing a more traditional environment for the child with one father and one mother. Where the father is the male role model and the mother the female role model.

Questions 4&5: Explain why God would be against that and was god just screwing with them?
See answer 2 above.

1) This isn't a gay marriage thread

2) Saying you don't speak for God is irrelevant, that isn't the point of the question. I mean duh. Note the phrasing, why "would" God care, not why "does" God care. And obviously the question was pointed to people who think he doesn't, not those who think he doesn't
1) I didn't say anything about gay marriage.
2) Your asking people to explain god's opinion, as if their opinion is not their own but rather an expression of what god tells them. If you want to rephrase the question to one of "what is the religious basis.." well my answer covered that as well, since IMO the religious basis is to promote the building and raising of families with mixed sex organs for the purpose providing more traditional environments for children with one father and one mother. Where the father is the male role model and the mother the female role model.
In other words, a bigoted idiot relying on old fairy tales.
And name-calling is an effective debate method.
Saul would be proud
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?
Question 1: Why do I care?
Answer 1: I care for pretty much the same reasons I care for hetero couples, with one exception covered below in answer 3.

Question 2: Why would God care?
Answer 2: I make it a habit of not speaking for god.

Question 3: Why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?
Answer 3: To build and raise a family with someone of the opposite sex for the purpose providing a more traditional environment for the child with one father and one mother. Where the father is the male role model and the mother the female role model.

Questions 4&5: Explain why God would be against that and was god just screwing with them?
See answer 2 above.

1) This isn't a gay marriage thread

2) Saying you don't speak for God is irrelevant, that isn't the point of the question. I mean duh. Note the phrasing, why "would" God care, not why "does" God care. And obviously the question was pointed to people who think he doesn't, not those who think he doesn't
1) I didn't say anything about gay marriage.
2) Your asking people to explain god's opinion, as if their opinion is not their own but rather an expression of what god tells them. If you want to rephrase the question to one of "what is the religious basis.." well my answer covered that as well, since IMO the religious basis is to promote the building and raising of families with mixed sex organs for the purpose providing more traditional environments for children with one father and one mother. Where the father is the male role model and the mother the female role model.
In other words, a bigoted idiot relying on old fairy tales.
And name-calling is an effective debate method.
Saul would be proud
You should see the shit said by everyone on this site..
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

what "perks" do you think gay people get that others don't?
1% against you is 100% against you, ay toots?

There are 60 other gay threads covering that, that isn't what this one is about.

Then why did you bring it up in your OP? You mentioned perks gays get straights don't. What are they? What do gays get that nobody else "gets" (besides fantastic sex and great fashion sense)?

Um...I said what the thread is not. To say what the thread is not is to bring it up and say that is what the thread is about?

The militant left, you accept nothing but total capitulation, do you?

As for what gays get, gay men sure get fashion sense, but the gay women seem to be pretty far behind the straight women. I guess they need it to make up for us straight men

the militant left, to wackos like you is anyone who doesn't march to your wingnuttiness.

Wrong, you almost always are
Bear in mind, however, that conservatives are for the most part reactionary and authoritarian

You won, Sparky. You are the establishment now. You're the reactionaries clinging to what you have. You don't get to be the establishment and be the establishment busters at the same time.

As for leftists not being authoritarian,


Republicans are social authoritarians, you are authoritarian across the board. Wow, your self perception is rose colored

Exactly, well said. They have become that which they supposedly 'fought' against decades ago, but still want to act as if they're still in the 60's.

As to your op, I think there was more on the list than just homosexual behavior whenever the Bible spoke in regards to it. And most of it had a similar bent, lust without love is bad, sex for physical gratification only is bad. If you think about it, or look at it rationally in the time period in which it was written, the Bible is really a guide to life, most things that it preaches against are things that are not good for you or usually don't end well. Lust is one of those things. I think any two people having sex without love, without the blessing of marriage in God's eyes, would be considered a 'sin'. Now, as to whether or not two men or two women who really do love each other having sex is a sin against God, I think only God knows that. Jesus did reiterate that the Father defined marriage though, and I think what most Christians are upset about it the attempt to change the meaning of 'marriage' in society. I think what will happen is that there will be a civil 'marriage', i.e. a legal license granted by the state, and a marriage in the eyes of God, blessed by God. I do believe that divorce falls into the same category, you can legally and civilly divorce your spouse, but if you were married in the eyes of God, you're still married. 'Social advancement' as it's called today mostly flies in the face of what God wants for His people, it's up to each individual however to decide which path they're going to travel. A lot of churches have even chosen 'the world' over God's word, and all of this is just part and parcel of the story unfolding, we are only seeing small part of it. In the end I think 'gay marriage' will become acceptable in society just as have many other things over our lifetime that don't follow God's word, but in the end it will be all about you and what you've done or not done in your life, what 'society' does or doesn't do is irrelevant.

I agree with most of what you said, not all of it. But it was all thoughtful, thanks Newby
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?
Question 1: Why do I care?
Answer 1: I care for pretty much the same reasons I care for hetero couples, with one exception covered below in answer 3.

Question 2: Why would God care?
Answer 2: I make it a habit of not speaking for god.

Question 3: Why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?
Answer 3: To build and raise a family with someone of the opposite sex for the purpose providing a more traditional environment for the child with one father and one mother. Where the father is the male role model and the mother the female role model.

Questions 4&5: Explain why God would be against that and was god just screwing with them?
See answer 2 above.

1) This isn't a gay marriage thread

2) Saying you don't speak for God is irrelevant, that isn't the point of the question. I mean duh. Note the phrasing, why "would" God care, not why "does" God care. And obviously the question was pointed to people who think he doesn't, not those who think he doesn't
1) I didn't say anything about gay marriage.
2) You're asking people to explain god's opinion, as if their opinion is not their own but rather an expression of what god tells them. If you want to rephrase the question to one of "what is the religious basis.." well my answer covered that as well, since IMO the religious basis is to promote the building and raising of families with mixed sex organs for the purpose providing more traditional environments for children with one father and one mother. Where the father is the male role model and the mother the female role model.

1) You're full of shit
2) You're being a dick
1) link? or your a liar
2) Giving you my answer is being a dick? Why don't YOU TELL US WHAT THE ANSWER IS THAT YOU WANT US TO GIVE YOU TO YOUR QUESTION, ass hole.

You didn't answer my question. You were intentionally obtuse on the God part, which is clearly not asking you to speak for God, it's asking you to address your view of the morality of it. You are the only one who didn't get that, even your liberal gay obsessed friends got it. And I said this thread is not about you whack jobs who are obsessed with gays getting government to sign off on fucking each other in the ass with validation and tax breaks and you insist on focusing on that.

Note the thread was poking the right, and yet the ones who are upset and being dicks are the gay marriage obsessed crowd because of one comment that wasn't directed at you. You are uniformly intolerant. There is no option to you but a complete submission to your view. I am sick to death of gay government marriage, start your own thread
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

I personally don't care at all. What I am sick of is being told I HAVE TO accept behavior I find repulsive. I shouldn't have to cater to their stupid weddings or anything else. I suspect God may have an issue with it, but He hasn't tasked me with making judgements.

Agreed, but that's all liberals, not just the gay ones. Liberalism is fueled by hate and intolerance

They kick you out of the circle jerk if you don't say that?
I don't really know what "normal" means, I don't know anyone who's "normal." I'm not sure who you're referring to either. Who is it up to that says if they are normal exactly? I don't give a shit what government considers "normal." God sees all of us and the not normal ways we deal with life. As long as we're not hurting anyone in the process, why would God object to that?

Normal in terms of sexuality is using our human sex organs for the purposes they were designed for. There is a biological reason for males and females.

Do I really have to explain what sexually normal means?

You could, but it would would miss the point. I bet if you where honest, there are ways you cope with life that are not "normal" though sexually and otherwise. Procreation is how we perpetuate the species, it's not however the purpose of our existence

Ok, lets try it this way. Every society decides what it considers normal and acceptable. Societies either do that by majority opinion (vote) or by dictatorial mandate.

All I have ever asked is that the people be allowed to decide the gay marriage issue, not the courts or some govt dictate.

I am fullying willing to accept the will of the people, are you?

I've made that point many times as well. I oppose government gay marriage, but I oppose all government marriage. If the people/legislatures enact them then I have no more or less disagreement with it than other government marriage. It is the actions of the courts imposing it through judicial fiat that I have the biggest issue with.

This thread isn't about that though. It's about my inability to grasp why what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes bothers anyone I don't grasp. And I don't grasp why God would make gays then want them to be unhappy as some sort of pious point. Life is hard enough without those

We all struggle with sin, we're all human, why would God want any of us to struggle with that? Why do you think gays have a corner on the market when it comes to sin?

Um, I'm confused. Your last post was a direct response to my OP, now you seem not to have read the op. Are you the chick from 50 first dates?

I don't think gay is a sin, I think there's nothing wrong with it. What are you talking about?
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?
Question 1: Why do I care?
Answer 1: I care for pretty much the same reasons I care for hetero couples, with one exception covered below in answer 3.

Question 2: Why would God care?
Answer 2: I make it a habit of not speaking for god.

Question 3: Why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?
Answer 3: To build and raise a family with someone of the opposite sex for the purpose providing a more traditional environment for the child with one father and one mother. Where the father is the male role model and the mother the female role model.

Questions 4&5: Explain why God would be against that and was god just screwing with them?
See answer 2 above.

1) This isn't a gay marriage thread

2) Saying you don't speak for God is irrelevant, that isn't the point of the question. I mean duh. Note the phrasing, why "would" God care, not why "does" God care. And obviously the question was pointed to people who think he doesn't, not those who think he doesn't
1) I didn't say anything about gay marriage.
2) Your asking people to explain god's opinion, as if their opinion is not their own but rather an expression of what god tells them. If you want to rephrase the question to one of "what is the religious basis.." well my answer covered that as well, since IMO the religious basis is to promote the building and raising of families with mixed sex organs for the purpose providing more traditional environments for children with one father and one mother. Where the father is the male role model and the mother the female role model.
In other words, a bigoted idiot relying on old fairy tales.
And name-calling is an effective debate method.
Saul would be proud

He's trying to be a dick and pollute the thread with his obsession with gay marriage, reason isn't going to get anywhere
You could, but it would would miss the point. I bet if you where honest, there are ways you cope with life that are not "normal" though sexually and otherwise. Procreation is how we perpetuate the species, it's not however the purpose of our existence

Ok, lets try it this way. Every society decides what it considers normal and acceptable. Societies either do that by majority opinion (vote) or by dictatorial mandate.

All I have ever asked is that the people be allowed to decide the gay marriage issue, not the courts or some govt dictate.

I am fullying willing to accept the will of the people, are you?

I've made that point many times as well. I oppose government gay marriage, but I oppose all government marriage. If the people/legislatures enact them then I have no more or less disagreement with it than other government marriage. It is the actions of the courts imposing it through judicial fiat that I have the biggest issue with.

This thread isn't about that though. It's about my inability to grasp why what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes bothers anyone I don't grasp. And I don't grasp why God would make gays then want them to be unhappy as some sort of pious point. Life is hard enough without those

Some people are just busy bodies and that's all there is to it. For example, if you're watching a FB game and someone holds someone else you may say there should be a rule against holding... voila.. the rule against holding is created to make the game better.

Is homosexuality a normal condition of human beings? yes or no.
Condition? What are the normal conditions of human beings?

Homosexual acts are exhibited by all mammals. Being offended by homosexual acts is a condition of certain mammals, such as certain humans.

yes, there are gay chimps, what's your point?

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