What is wrong with being gay exactly?

Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

I have no issue with people being gay and enjoying life. What I object to is calling it a normal human condition. It is an aberation of human biology and mentality. It is a disease just as being bi-polar is a disease. It is not normal. Therefor, gay marriage is an oxymoron.

You are welcome to your opinion- a totally unsubstantiated opinion. To me it is as valid as if I were to say that homophobia is a disease just as being bi-polar is.

there is no such thing as homophobia-----------fear of homsexuals. Homo--------phobia. Think about the word, idiot.
You and most others on the right fear change, diversity, and dissent – hence your hostility toward gay Americans and your desire to disadvantage them through force of law.

Call it what you will – but it ultimately comes down to being hateful, ignorant, wrong, and un-Constitutional.

not true at all. its you on the left that are full of hate and fear. you hate and fear anyone who dares take issue with your far left socialist, anything-goes agenda.

You want anyone who disagrees with you punished by the government. you hate freedom and free speech and want to curtail both.

This from the guy who keeps attacking gays as 'abnormal', in the most derogatory connotation of that word.
Jesus was celibate (allegedly).

Was he born that way? Was it natural? Or was it some sort of abnormal pervesion he acquired?

Snotty and pointless, your normal fare

says kaz as he runs around tossing out insults to people way smarter than he is.

He's still smarting from my having made a fool of him a year ago.

no one makes a fool out of him, imo. he does that to himself.
Question 1: Why do I care?
Answer 1: I care for pretty much the same reasons I care for hetero couples, with one exception covered below in answer 3.

Question 2: Why would God care?
Answer 2: I make it a habit of not speaking for god.

Question 3: Why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?
Answer 3: To build and raise a family with someone of the opposite sex for the purpose providing a more traditional environment for the child with one father and one mother. Where the father is the male role model and the mother the female role model.

Questions 4&5: Explain why God would be against that and was god just screwing with them?
See answer 2 above.

1) This isn't a gay marriage thread

2) Saying you don't speak for God is irrelevant, that isn't the point of the question. I mean duh. Note the phrasing, why "would" God care, not why "does" God care. And obviously the question was pointed to people who think he doesn't, not those who think he doesn't
1) I didn't say anything about gay marriage.
2) You're asking people to explain god's opinion, as if their opinion is not their own but rather an expression of what god tells them. If you want to rephrase the question to one of "what is the religious basis.." well my answer covered that as well, since IMO the religious basis is to promote the building and raising of families with mixed sex organs for the purpose providing more traditional environments for children with one father and one mother. Where the father is the male role model and the mother the female role model.

1) You're full of shit
2) You're being a dick
1) link? or your a liar
2) Giving you my answer is being a dick? Why don't YOU TELL US WHAT THE ANSWER IS THAT YOU WANT US TO GIVE YOU TO YOUR QUESTION, ass hole.

You didn't answer my question. You were intentionally obtuse on the God part, which is clearly not asking you to speak for God, it's asking you to address your view of the morality of it. You are the only one who didn't get that, even your liberal gay obsessed friends got it. And I said this thread is not about you whack jobs who are obsessed with gays getting government to sign off on fucking each other in the ass with validation and tax breaks and you insist on focusing on that.

Note the thread was poking the right, and yet the ones who are upset and being dicks are the gay marriage obsessed crowd because of one comment that wasn't directed at you. You are uniformly intolerant. There is no option to you but a complete submission to your view. I am sick to death of gay government marriage, start your own thread
ROFL yeah if I don't allow you to screw gays over the coals I'm not being submissive to you wanting to screw them over the coals of your choosing. That's funny. Again, I said nothing of marriage you made that up.

And oh yeah. I did provide the answer, you just don't like the answer I gave you so you are pretending to ignore it, and/or change it to mean something about marriage. Read it again.
Ok, lets try it this way. Every society decides what it considers normal and acceptable. Societies either do that by majority opinion (vote) or by dictatorial mandate.

All I have ever asked is that the people be allowed to decide the gay marriage issue, not the courts or some govt dictate.

I am fullying willing to accept the will of the people, are you?

I've made that point many times as well. I oppose government gay marriage, but I oppose all government marriage. If the people/legislatures enact them then I have no more or less disagreement with it than other government marriage. It is the actions of the courts imposing it through judicial fiat that I have the biggest issue with.

This thread isn't about that though. It's about my inability to grasp why what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes bothers anyone I don't grasp. And I don't grasp why God would make gays then want them to be unhappy as some sort of pious point. Life is hard enough without those

Some people are just busy bodies and that's all there is to it. For example, if you're watching a FB game and someone holds someone else you may say there should be a rule against holding... voila.. the rule against holding is created to make the game better.

Is homosexuality a normal condition of human beings? yes or no.
Condition? What are the normal conditions of human beings?

Homosexual acts are exhibited by all mammals. Being offended by homosexual acts is a condition of certain mammals, such as certain humans.

yes, there are gay chimps, what's your point?
You asked the question.. I provided the scientific answer. There was no point to it.
There is nothing wrong with being gay. If you are gay, be gay and shut the fuck up about it.

Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

Jesus! Do you ever learn anything?

They already have exactly the same rights as I do. What they want are special rights. I don't care if they get them too. Just get the fuck out of my face.
Condition? What are the normal conditions of human beings?

Homosexual acts are exhibited by all mammals. Being offended by homosexual acts is a condition of certain mammals, such as certain humans.

yes, there are gay chimps, what's your point?
That homosexuality is natural, and we've been brought to view it as some sort of "bad" thing, mainly due to religion...

I don't agree that its natural, my views are shared by a vast majority of human beings. your view is the minority view.

I bet there are things that light your fire that you don't admit because the majority of people wouldn't consider that "normal." Not being normal is normal

having different turn-ons is normal because we are all individuals. We are generalizing here about whether homosexuality is biologically normal for humans. Because a minority of individuals participate in something does not make in normal. Are baptist snake handlers normal? is that a normal human behavior?

Just because someone does something does not make in normal for everyone.

When you say "normal for everyone" you it that pretty much that pretty much nothing is "normal"
There is nothing wrong with being gay. If you are gay, be gay and shut the fuck up about it.

Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

Yeah, right

You know it's genuinely weird on your part that you started a thread agreeing that the gay rights people are right,

and then you proceed to argue with all the people you just conceded were right.
You could, but it would would miss the point. I bet if you where honest, there are ways you cope with life that are not "normal" though sexually and otherwise. Procreation is how we perpetuate the species, it's not however the purpose of our existence

Ok, lets try it this way. Every society decides what it considers normal and acceptable. Societies either do that by majority opinion (vote) or by dictatorial mandate.

All I have ever asked is that the people be allowed to decide the gay marriage issue, not the courts or some govt dictate.

I am fullying willing to accept the will of the people, are you?

I've made that point many times as well. I oppose government gay marriage, but I oppose all government marriage. If the people/legislatures enact them then I have no more or less disagreement with it than other government marriage. It is the actions of the courts imposing it through judicial fiat that I have the biggest issue with.

This thread isn't about that though. It's about my inability to grasp why what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes bothers anyone I don't grasp. And I don't grasp why God would make gays then want them to be unhappy as some sort of pious point. Life is hard enough without those

We all struggle with sin, we're all human, why would God want any of us to struggle with that? Why do you think gays have a corner on the market when it comes to sin?

Um, I'm confused. Your last post was a direct response to my OP, now you seem not to have read the op. Are you the chick from 50 first dates?

I don't think gay is a sin, I think there's nothing wrong with it. What are you talking about?

You asked why God would make gays but then want them to be unhappy in the post that I answered, and my response was to that question. God warns against sin, you're implying that a gay person could only be happy if in a gay relationship, which most Christians would see as 'sin'. Isn't your op questioning why God would make someone a certain way, but then condemn the way He made them? But God made us all, and we all sin, we all are tempted and fall short, gay or not gay, so it's not like God made gay people any differently than anyone else. Aren't we all then 'condemned'? We're all people, we're all tempted by sin, we all fall short? I'm not sure why you seem to have this special category for gay people when it comes to God?

I don't think being 'gay' is a sin either, it's your actions and what's in your heart that causes sin.

This was what particularly confused me, "Why do you think gays have a corner on the market when it comes to sin?" That contradicts everything I said, why would I think that?
There is nothing wrong with being gay. If you are gay, be gay and shut the fuck up about it.

Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

Jesus! Do you ever learn anything?

They already have exactly the same rights as I do. What they want are special rights. I don't care if they get them too. Just get the fuck out of my face.

They don't have the same rights. They still can't get legally married in some places and they still aren't protected from employment and public accommodation discrimination in some places.
Jesus was celibate (allegedly).

Was he born that way? Was it natural? Or was it some sort of abnormal pervesion he acquired?

Snotty and pointless, your normal fare

says kaz as he runs around tossing out insults to people way smarter than he is.

He's still smarting from my having made a fool of him a year ago.

no one makes a fool out of him, imo. he does that to himself.

Yes, I'm not liberal, you nailed me. I think for myself, you realize you can't and let someone do it for you, pure intelligence on the part of you two twits. Yeah
1) This isn't a gay marriage thread

2) Saying you don't speak for God is irrelevant, that isn't the point of the question. I mean duh. Note the phrasing, why "would" God care, not why "does" God care. And obviously the question was pointed to people who think he doesn't, not those who think he doesn't
1) I didn't say anything about gay marriage.
2) You're asking people to explain god's opinion, as if their opinion is not their own but rather an expression of what god tells them. If you want to rephrase the question to one of "what is the religious basis.." well my answer covered that as well, since IMO the religious basis is to promote the building and raising of families with mixed sex organs for the purpose providing more traditional environments for children with one father and one mother. Where the father is the male role model and the mother the female role model.

1) You're full of shit
2) You're being a dick
1) link? or your a liar
2) Giving you my answer is being a dick? Why don't YOU TELL US WHAT THE ANSWER IS THAT YOU WANT US TO GIVE YOU TO YOUR QUESTION, ass hole.

You didn't answer my question. You were intentionally obtuse on the God part, which is clearly not asking you to speak for God, it's asking you to address your view of the morality of it. You are the only one who didn't get that, even your liberal gay obsessed friends got it. And I said this thread is not about you whack jobs who are obsessed with gays getting government to sign off on fucking each other in the ass with validation and tax breaks and you insist on focusing on that.

Note the thread was poking the right, and yet the ones who are upset and being dicks are the gay marriage obsessed crowd because of one comment that wasn't directed at you. You are uniformly intolerant. There is no option to you but a complete submission to your view. I am sick to death of gay government marriage, start your own thread
ROFL yeah if I don't allow you to screw gays over the coals I'm not being submissive to you wanting to screw them over the coals of your choosing. That's funny. Again, I said nothing of marriage you made that up.

And oh yeah. I did provide the answer, you just don't like the answer I gave you so you are pretending to ignore it, and/or change it to mean something about marriage. Read it again.

It's funny how three weeks of the month you're a pretty reasonable, docile guy. But Jesus, when you are PMSing the fourth week you are a bitch on wheels
There is nothing wrong with being gay. If you are gay, be gay and shut the fuck up about it.

Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

Yeah, right

You know it's genuinely weird on your part that you started a thread agreeing that the gay rights people are right,

and then you proceed to argue with all the people you just conceded were right.

Strawman, you bitches insist on turning every thread into a referendum on gay marriage, which I said since my OP post that this thread isn't
Jesus was celibate (allegedly).

Was he born that way? Was it natural? Or was it some sort of abnormal pervesion he acquired?

Snotty and pointless, your normal fare

says kaz as he runs around tossing out insults to people way smarter than he is.

He's still smarting from my having made a fool of him a year ago.

no one makes a fool out of him, imo. he does that to himself.

Yes, I'm not liberal, you nailed me. I think for myself, you realize you can't and let someone do it for you, pure intelligence on the part of you two twits. Yeah

you don't think at all. you're incapable.

if you "thought" you wouldn't be a rightwingnut toon...
There is nothing wrong with being gay. If you are gay, be gay and shut the fuck up about it.

why? do you stfu about your relationships?

why should they?


Yeah, what kind of jackass feels the need to declare their sexuality to the world? Whatever, it's no different than the jackwad that sits around constantly talking about all the "girls I'm banging".

STFU already... we don't want to hear about it.
There is nothing wrong with being gay. If you are gay, be gay and shut the fuck up about it.

Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

Jesus! Do you ever learn anything?

They already have exactly the same rights as I do. What they want are special rights. I don't care if they get them too. Just get the fuck out of my face.

They don't have the same rights. They still can't get legally married in some places and they still aren't protected from employment and public accommodation discrimination in some places.

Yes they can get married in any state they want to and employment and accommodation aren't rights.
There is nothing wrong with being gay. If you are gay, be gay and shut the fuck up about it.

Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

Jesus! Do you ever learn anything?

They already have exactly the same rights as I do. What they want are special rights. I don't care if they get them too. Just get the fuck out of my face.

They don't have the same rights. They still can't get legally married in some places and they still aren't protected from employment and public accommodation discrimination in some places.

Yes they can get married in any state they want to and employment and accommodation aren't rights.
Ah....there it is.
you don't think at all. you're incapable.

if you "thought" you wouldn't be a rightwingnut toon...

Wow, the irony. Tell me again how you're smarter than the right because you're not all black and white like they are. You recognize differences unlike them. LOL, not lib, that's Republican to me! That's just funny

I hope you're hot, you're not making a living but on your back

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