What is wrong with Merrick Garland? Is he asleep at the wheel - or just afraid?

First off can you explain why everything you see on the right is some sort of Nazism?

Second, going after a former President could tear this country apart and throw us into a Civil War, and even though you would love to have this let be clear smarter people know this could lead to something more dangerous seeing we are also a Nuclear Nation which mean losing control of the Government could mean those nukes falling into the wrong hands!

Finally, sometimes it best to do nothing when dealing with Trump and his base and go forward and yes you have the right to disagree but you have to look at the whole picture and not the narrow view many of you just focus on!
To them "America First" means "White America Only" essentially.
To them "America First" means "White America Only" essentially.
As we wrote in another thread America is a Mutt Nation, so White America has not been around for awhile.

Sure the skin can look White but let be clear DNA tell the whole story and a good amount of American society has mixture in it.

Now so many people want Trump and his base arrested but we must also understand to do so might mean armed conflict and a civil war…

Now let say armed conflict breaks out and some Nationalist group get control of a nuke or material to make dirty bombs, well ya know I prefer that not to happen!

With every movement against Trump there is a deep risk of armed conflict and it is better to wait it out until tension is to zero or below the level of armed conflict.

So as the OP ask why nothing is being done?

Well you have to look at everything and not the narrow view many seem to look at…
This isn't making sense to me. Clarify?
Many of Trump base would most likely cause civil unrest to the point of a civil war…

So the question is do you risk starting this war to go after Trump or do you let things cool down and then proceed with criminal charges if any can actually be brought against him?

I personally believe taking the approach of not igniting a war is better even if the war might be stopped in weeks or months…

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot​

Contempt of Congress charges languish with the Department of Justice as the select committee's members fume at the attorney general.

Members of the House select committee investigating last year’s riot at the U.S. Capitol expressed frustration Monday over an apparently inattentive and slow-moving Justice Department, with one lawmaker telling Attorney General Merrick Garland in a speech: “Do your job.”

Members complained of a lack of support from the Justice Department and were annoyed that criminal contempt of Congress charges have not yet been filed against former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows for failure to comply with a subpoena from the committee.

The backlog is likely to grow with the expected recommendation by the House panel to bring criminal contempt of Congress charges against Donald Trump’s former trade adviser Peters Navarro and ally Dan Scavino.

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot

I hope AG Garland isn't as worthless as I think he is. He seems like a dud so far. What do you think?

He not like the last AG, the Jan 6 committee is sure getting frustrated, and I don't blame them.
Yeah, we know you ignorant NaziCons want this to all just go away like it never happened.
Nobody cares. The main problem is all the people you leftists have been locking up as political prisoners, for no reason ---- but you don't prosecute at all the hundreds and thousands of blacks and antifas who did all the rioting, looting, burning, and shooting in the black riots summer after summer. Our cities burn and you want to pretend that picnic at the Capitol was a big problem??? This unequal treatment -- the Left refusing to deal with bad blacks and leftist white communist rioters -- is the worst thing going on right now.

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot​

Contempt of Congress charges languish with the Department of Justice as the select committee's members fume at the attorney general.

Members of the House select committee investigating last year’s riot at the U.S. Capitol expressed frustration Monday over an apparently inattentive and slow-moving Justice Department, with one lawmaker telling Attorney General Merrick Garland in a speech: “Do your job.”

Members complained of a lack of support from the Justice Department and were annoyed that criminal contempt of Congress charges have not yet been filed against former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows for failure to comply with a subpoena from the committee.

The backlog is likely to grow with the expected recommendation by the House panel to bring criminal contempt of Congress charges against Donald Trump’s former trade adviser Peters Navarro and ally Dan Scavino.

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot

I hope AG Garland isn't as worthless as I think he is. He seems like a dud so far. What do you think?

Political pressure on the Justice Department, you say?

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot​

Contempt of Congress charges languish with the Department of Justice as the select committee's members fume at the attorney general.

Members of the House select committee investigating last year’s riot at the U.S. Capitol expressed frustration Monday over an apparently inattentive and slow-moving Justice Department, with one lawmaker telling Attorney General Merrick Garland in a speech: “Do your job.”

Members complained of a lack of support from the Justice Department and were annoyed that criminal contempt of Congress charges have not yet been filed against former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows for failure to comply with a subpoena from the committee.

The backlog is likely to grow with the expected recommendation by the House panel to bring criminal contempt of Congress charges against Donald Trump’s former trade adviser Peters Navarro and ally Dan Scavino.

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot

I hope AG Garland isn't as worthless as I think he is. He seems like a dud so far. What do you think?

He is worthless
Yeah, we know you ignorant NaziCons want this to all just go away like it never happened.
If it really happened there would be many dead politicians and a building removed from existence. That is reality. Not the spoiled American accusations Progs tend to make with a lot of success.
Please keep talking about this in light of skyhigh inflation, gas and grocery prices, a president who can't even stick to cue cards, a wide open border and etc. Certainly this will do you well in November yes?

Because everyone in America is just as obsessed with you are about Jan 6th.

You think?
As hard as it is for a Trump supporter to undertstand, not everything is about WINNING!!!!
Political pressure on the Justice Department, you say?

The Department of Justice is controlled by the Executive Branch of our Government.
If anyone has a problem with it, they need to talk to President Biden and not Congress.

These committees never do anything.
The last one was a farce (Banghazi)

The one prior to that was on climate change and resulted in legislation.

The one prior to that was on the iran contra affair and resulted in several criminal convictions. (All pardoned by Bush I)

So it appears they do achieve results, when they are not GOP farces.
The last one was a farce (Banghazi)

The one prior to that was on climate change and resulted in legislation.

The one prior to that was on the iran contra affair and resulted in several criminal convictions. (All pardoned by Bush I)

So it appears they do achieve results, when they are not GOP farces.

IRS, nothing. There is no real climate change legislation. Russia/Trump. Embarrassment for the Democrats.

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