What is wrong with Merrick Garland? Is he asleep at the wheel - or just afraid?

They told us they were going Prime Time with all their evidence.

What happened?

Why ask me? Trump was going to throw Hillary in jail. What happened?

They all lie and sadly we re-elect them despite that.
Why ask me? Trump was going to throw Hillary in jail. What happened?

They all lie and sadly we re-elect them despite that.

Hillary could be prosecuted for a variety of crimes, from Castle Grande to TravelGate to FileGate/Vince Foster to the Russia Hoax.

Everything about Hillary is dishonest, including hiding her lesbo reality IN THE CLOSET...
Hillary could be prosecuted for a variety of crimes, from Castle Grande to TravelGate to FileGate/Vince Foster to the Russia Hoax.

Everything about Hillary is dishonest, including hiding her lesbo reality IN THE CLOSET...

I don't disagree but that in no way addresses anything I've said.

this is not an unusual situation. Traditionally, the DOJ is not eager to enforce congressional subpoenas. Nor are courts, for that matter ... unless like Nixon, the executive branch has lost even congressional support from the president's own party.

Nixon was getting his own people in at CIA and FBI and was too close to coming out with JFK truth....

John Dean, Kissinger, Bob Woodward = all Zionist Fascists obsessed with covering up
I don't disagree but that in no way addresses anything I've said.

Trumps' BIGGEST ERROR = Jeff Sessions

A swampy W lover and hence someone who was NEVER going to light up Hillary in court....

Trump DOJ and FBI picks were the doom of America.
I seriously question whether Garland has enough spine for this job.


Did you expect an appointee of the Kenyan Cocksucker to have a spine?

The Kenyan Cocksucker is still HIDING IN THE CLOSET....

See the source image

Trumps' BIGGEST ERROR = Jeff Sessions

A swampy W lover and hence someone who was NEVER going to light up Hillary in court....

Trump DOJ and FBI picks were the doom of America.

Trump only hires the best.

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot​

Contempt of Congress charges languish with the Department of Justice as the select committee's members fume at the attorney general.

Members of the House select committee investigating last year’s riot at the U.S. Capitol expressed frustration Monday over an apparently inattentive and slow-moving Justice Department, with one lawmaker telling Attorney General Merrick Garland in a speech: “Do your job.”

Members complained of a lack of support from the Justice Department and were annoyed that criminal contempt of Congress charges have not yet been filed against former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows for failure to comply with a subpoena from the committee.

The backlog is likely to grow with the expected recommendation by the House panel to bring criminal contempt of Congress charges against Donald Trump’s former trade adviser Peters Navarro and ally Dan Scavino.

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot

I hope AG Garland isn't as worthless as I think he is. He seems like a dud so far. What do you think?

I think anyone who supports the likes of Biden & Harris for POTUS lack any ability to criticize another's competency. Does that make sense at all?

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot​

Contempt of Congress charges languish with the Department of Justice as the select committee's members fume at the attorney general.

Members of the House select committee investigating last year’s riot at the U.S. Capitol expressed frustration Monday over an apparently inattentive and slow-moving Justice Department, with one lawmaker telling Attorney General Merrick Garland in a speech: “Do your job.”

Members complained of a lack of support from the Justice Department and were annoyed that criminal contempt of Congress charges have not yet been filed against former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows for failure to comply with a subpoena from the committee.

The backlog is likely to grow with the expected recommendation by the House panel to bring criminal contempt of Congress charges against Donald Trump’s former trade adviser Peters Navarro and ally Dan Scavino.

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot

I hope AG Garland isn't as worthless as I think he is. He seems like a dud so far. What do you think?

What makes you think that Mr. Garland wants to take the fall by filing bogus charges against people? Sleepy Joe is free to fire Garland in a Tuesday Afternoon Massacre until the charges are filed. But he probably realizes no one really wants to do his dirty work.

Garland is pretty pissed off that Biden passed him up for the Supreme Court after Obama previously gave him the green light. And, strictly speaking, I can't blame him . The libs were praising him to the heavens in 2016
Since when is the "judicial dept" required to support the majority party in congress political agenda? Don't democrats have enough on their plate without worrying about some criminal trespass offenders?
Since when is the "judicial dept" required to support the majority party in congress political agenda? Don't democrats have enough on their plate without worrying about some criminal trespass offenders?
No, they can talk and chew gum at the same time. I'm sure republicans can't.
The January 6 Committee can't finish their job - until Garland does his job.

The clock is ticking...
Shouldn't he be prosecuting the crimes on Hunter Biden's Laptop, and Election Tampering and Rigging done by The CIA?

When asked about why The CIA lied about Hunter Biden's Laptop the CIA agent in charge of the laptop said:

“I took special pride in personally swinging the election away from Trump."
Veteran CIA Agent John Sipher

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