What is WRONG with Russia trying to influence US voters?

Depicting Clinton as Satan and Trump as Jesus is a lie?
When the target audience is a bunch of weak minded conservatives?

Fuck yea it is. They ate that shit up with a spoon and begged for more.

And without it they would have voted for Hillary? LOL. Is that your argument? ROFL
Not Clinton, someone else from the 2016 GOP clown car.

You weren't a tRumpkin from.the word "go" were you?

You think Russians helped Trump win the GOP nomination?

It depends what you mean by "go."

Come on, be serious. We know for a fact they did.

And we can be pretty sure that their propaganda changed you from whoever you were going to vote for to tRump. Maybe not directly, maybe by influencing enough other folks that the candidate withdrew or whatever, but they did it.

I thought I'd heard it all.
You leftists are out of your mind.
Trump won the nomination, single-handed.
He said the words in public that we say to each other in private.
He spoke the language of the heart of America.
The rest of the GOP field folded like a cheap suit in the face of the fake media.
Depicting Clinton as Satan and Trump as Jesus is a lie?
When the target audience is a bunch of weak minded conservatives?

Fuck yea it is. They ate that shit up with a spoon and begged for more.

And without it they would have voted for Hillary? LOL. Is that your argument? ROFL
Not Clinton, someone else from the 2016 GOP clown car.

You weren't a tRumpkin from.the word "go" were you?

You think Russians helped Trump win the GOP nomination?

It depends what you mean by "go."

Come on, be serious. We know for a fact they did.

And we can be pretty sure that their propaganda changed you from whoever you were going to vote for to tRump. Maybe not directly, maybe by influencing enough other folks that the candidate withdrew or whatever, but they did it.
I voted for Ted Cruz in the primary. He was my guy. I expected Trump to self-destruct, but he won the primary.

My choice was Hillary or Trump.

You seriously think Russia convinced me to vote for Trump instead of Hillary?!
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Do you think the internet belongs to the US?
Do you want the US govt policing the internet?
Just because you don't like the information doesn't make it false.
An opinion isn't false, you either agree with it or you don't.
Lol, those memes were lies, not opinions.

Why are you defending Russia?

Depicting Clinton as Satan and Trump as Jesus is a lie?
When the target audience is a bunch of weak minded conservatives?

Fuck yea it is. They ate that shit up with a spoon and begged for more.

And without it they would have voted for Hillary? LOL. Is that your argument? ROFL
Not Clinton, someone else from the 2016 GOP clown car.

You weren't a tRumpkin from.the word "go" were you?
You had a major contender for Democrat nomination who was a Menshevik. His Dem competitor ran as a moderate, stole the nomination but would have been nearly as left as he was if elected. It is a shame. There were Repubs in the 2016 field who may have made fine Presidents. But the Prog venomous spiel they do/did not have. So I will say what Bette Midler basically sung during the Gulf War....God is watching...from a distance. You may not believe it. But we have been given a chance before you Prog socialists/communists bring us to the point of no return. Trump was not liked by many people. His demeanor of New York attitude turned a lot of people off. His tenacity and what is more, for the first time a man running as a Repub spewing things back to Progs that the Progs take for granted with their acidic and sarcastic retorts and name calling. And it felt good. Don't worry. There are plenty of the "son of the mailman' people for you to discredit when the time comes. The battle Trump has is incredible. And the swamp is involved within his domain also. I always laugh when the politicians spout democracy. Bwhahaaaa!
I see it this way, Trump is the ONLY President who had the audacity to move the US Embassy located in Israel to JERUSALEM. This was hardly acknowledged by the new media back in the States. If Russia hates Jews and wanted Trump --- Trump hardly rewarded their efforts with this slap in the face. Oh yes, this event did indeed fulfill Bible prophecy --- yet atheists and liberals are far too shortsighted and blinded to see the truth (let alone seek after it).
I see it this way, Trump is the ONLY President who had the audacity to move the US Embassy located in Israel to JERUSALEM. This was hardly acknowledged by the new media back in the States. If Russia hates Jews and wanted Trump --- Trump hardly rewarded their efforts with this slap in the face. Oh yes, this event did indeed fulfill Bible prophecy --- yet atheists and liberals are far too shortsighted and blinded to see the truth (let alone seek after it).
Both Russia and China works hard to promote liberalism in America

Because they know liberalism makes a nation weaker

They buy off the liberals and rinnos
When the target audience is a bunch of weak minded conservatives?

Fuck yea it is. They ate that shit up with a spoon and begged for more.

And without it they would have voted for Hillary? LOL. Is that your argument? ROFL
Not Clinton, someone else from the 2016 GOP clown car.

You weren't a tRumpkin from.the word "go" were you?

You think Russians helped Trump win the GOP nomination?

It depends what you mean by "go."

Come on, be serious. We know for a fact they did.

And we can be pretty sure that their propaganda changed you from whoever you were going to vote for to tRump. Maybe not directly, maybe by influencing enough other folks that the candidate withdrew or whatever, but they did it.
How? We know for a fact that no evidence of a single vote was changed.

So, how did they interfere?

You don't get it. In their twisted mind, if you did not vote for Hillary, you were influenced by Russians.

When the target audience is a bunch of weak minded conservatives?

Fuck yea it is. They ate that shit up with a spoon and begged for more.

And without it they would have voted for Hillary? LOL. Is that your argument? ROFL
Not Clinton, someone else from the 2016 GOP clown car.

You weren't a tRumpkin from.the word "go" were you?

You think Russians helped Trump win the GOP nomination?

It depends what you mean by "go."

Come on, be serious. We know for a fact they did.

And we can be pretty sure that their propaganda changed you from whoever you were going to vote for to tRump. Maybe not directly, maybe by influencing enough other folks that the candidate withdrew or whatever, but they did it.
I voted for Ted Cruz in the primary. He was my guy. I expected Trump to self-destruct, but he won the primary.

My choice was Hillary or Trump.

You seriously think Russia convinced me to vote for Trump instead of Hillary?!
I already told you that.
I'm not totally sure I understand the problem. It seems to me that the United States has often tried to influence the opinions of other nations. So exactly what is wrong with Russia reciprocating? As long as no one is tampering with the actual tally in anyway, freedom of speech is just that --- the right to try to influence others --- no matter their agenda. It would be hoped that in a true open society that the ramifications of various values should come to light. But what if the news media fails to elaborate or reveal the whole truth because it is itself BIASED!

Now, I fully understand that lies should not be promoted as fact; however, has not the news media of late been guilty of trying to persuade society of the virtues of say homosexual behavior by making them out to be always the victims.

How about inferring that Mrs Clinton was going to win the election over Trump by a landslide? How about reporting that celebrities had said that they would leave the country if Trump were elected?

Yet the news media doesn't mention how many of them (if any) actually left! They never seem to explore why Mrs. Clinton was not elected --- but point to foreign interference as the only possible excuse. And it seems odd to me that when even a priest is reported to have raped an alter boy, it isn't reported as a homosexual act --- however, the archdioceses is certainly dragged through the mud... A "CHURCH" scandal --- yet not a deviant sexual shame! That would offend a whole different group of constituents...

Dear @LitteNipper:
What the MEDIA is trying to spin on this
to LURE and BAIT audience members and voters to incite activity over nothing to go on:

1. They are trying to IMPLY that Trump KNEW that Russians were planning ILLEGAL
activities. That's different from foreign agents just using or abusing the internet
and free speech like everyone else is doing for politics. Because Russians were caught
doing ILLEGAL things such as fraud on a federal/federal level, the way that the liberal
media and politicians are playing this is trying to implicate Trump as "knowing in advance."

2. They are trying to incite fear that the Russians/foreign agents actually manipulated
electronic voting. The closest reports were that hackers accessed the voter DATABASES
in Florida, but this isn't the same as actually altering votes. Since it is "close enough" the media reports this using
looser headlines that IMPLY Russians had ACCESS and got into the actual voting instead of the voter information which is different.
Russians hacked voting databases in two Florida counties in 2016, governor says

3. As long as people AROUND Trump get implicated on sideline issues (called PROCESS crimes, where they made errors in their testimonies during the investigation and talking to Congress/federal govt agencies under sworn oath), then the media and the political opponents try to use these to either implicate Trump, go after Trump, or imply they have something on Trump. Even forcing these people to try to testify against Trump to plea bargain (even if they have nothing, they can IMPLY they do and STRING THE PUBLIC ALONG thinking they have something on Trump).
Examples of procedural crimes that they are using to imply they have something to implicate Trump on:
A. lying to IRS about records or transactions, even if these are personal business and are not directly related to the matter
B. errors or false statement details in testimonies
C. any changes, contradictions or corrections such as on whether they were present or knew something

These are three areas where they are STRINGING the public along either for click bait profits off media hype
and/or voting and donation drives to hype up these issues for campaigns. The candidates/parties need BAIT
to keep up media hype and presence. It's like constant trolling, worse than cliff hangers to get people hooked on soap operas.

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