What is WRONG with Russia trying to influence US voters?

I'm not totally sure I understand the problem. It seems to me that the United States has often tried to influence the opinions of other nations. So exactly what is wrong with Russia reciprocating? As long as no one is tampering with the actual tally in anyway, freedom of speech is just that --- the right to try to influence others --- no matter their agenda. It would be hoped that in a true open society that the ramifications of various values should come to light. But what if the news media fails to elaborate or reveal the whole truth because it is itself BIASED!

Now, I fully understand that lies should not be promoted as fact; however, has not the news media of late been guilty of trying to persuade society of the virtues of say homosexual behavior by making them out to be always the victims.

How about inferring that Mrs Clinton was going to win the election over Trump by a landslide? How about reporting that celebrities had said that they would leave the country if Trump were elected?

Yet the news media doesn't mention how many of them (if any) actually left! They never seem to explore why Mrs. Clinton was not elected --- but point to foreign interference as the only possible excuse. And it seems odd to me that when even a priest is reported to have raped an alter boy, it isn't reported as a homosexual act --- however, the archdioceses is certainly dragged through the mud... A "CHURCH" scandal --- yet not a deviant sexual shame! That would offend a whole different group of constituents...

Hacking the DNC servers was a crime. The phishing attack on Podesta was a crime. The Russians also spread false information which included forging the letterhead of a Democrat US Senator saying the fix was in on the election of Clinton. They also bought social media ads which violated several campaign finance laws. Russians penetrated the voting rolls of several states. Again that is illegal.
What is WRONG with Russia trying to influence US voters?”

Nothing, if you’re a rightwing partisan hack.

In fact, Republicans couldn’t care less about ongoing Russian interference in the American political process; Republicans believe they benefit from the chaos and uncertainty the result of the interference by Russia and other foreign actors.
Of course it's wrong to have foreign influence in our elections but when partisan dimwits totally ignore how Barry the Great did the exact same thing, meddled in the elections of six other countries, you lose any credence you might have had, which I admit is negligible anyway.

Take the plank out of your eye someday, hypocrite.
V15 is what Obama's interference in the Israeli election was called. $350,000 of our money, and a squad of anti-Netanyahu people went to Israel to get the job done. Obama failed.
Where was the outrage democrats? Where was the outrage when Clinton did the same thing?
Lock him up!
What is WRONG with Russia trying to influence US voters?”

Nothing, if you’re a rightwing partisan hack.

In fact, Republicans couldn’t care less about ongoing Russian interference in the American political process; Republicans believe they benefit from the chaos and uncertainty the result of the interference by Russia and other foreign actors.
Of course it's wrong to have foreign influence in our elections but when partisan dimwits totally ignore how Barry the Great did the exact same thing, meddled in the elections of six other countries, you lose any credence you might have had, which I admit is negligible anyway.

Take the plank out of your eye someday, hypocrite.
I guarantee you that if it had benefited Clinton or the democrats, you'd not hear a peep out of them. Nor any of their so-called 'moral outrage' at election interference.
Look at the census question that cannot be asked, yet was an integral part of the census for years.
The democrats know it benefits them to keep their illegal voters protected. So John Roberts and some other drone leftist judge have the matter disallowed.
It's not a matter of the question itself. No one can show the thing itself is illegal.

It's whether it benefits the left or not.
during the time of the First 'gw bush' election there was supposed to be a letter writing campaign with the 'british' writing letters to Americans begging Americans to vote for 'al gore' over 'gw bush' . Seems to me that that is influence on an American Election by Private 'brit' Wankers .
during the time of the 'gw bush' election there was supposed to be a letter writing campaign with the 'british' writing letters to Americans begging Americans to vote for 'al gore' over 'gw bush' . Seems to me that that is influence on an American Election by Private 'brit' Wankers .
It's not wrong when the left does it.
What is WRONG with Russia trying to influence US voters?”

Nothing, if you’re a rightwing partisan hack.

In fact, Republicans couldn’t care less about ongoing Russian interference in the American political process; Republicans believe they benefit from the chaos and uncertainty the result of the interference by Russia and other foreign actors.
Of course it's wrong to have foreign influence in our elections but when partisan dimwits totally ignore how Barry the Great did the exact same thing, meddled in the elections of six other countries, you lose any credence you might have had, which I admit is negligible anyway.

Take the plank out of your eye someday, hypocrite.
I guarantee you that if it had benefited Clinton or the democrats, you'd not hear a peep out of them. Nor any of their so-called 'moral outrage' at election interference.
Yep. They say nothing about Hillarys Steele dossier
I'm not totally sure I understand the problem. It seems to me that the United States has often tried to influence the opinions of other nations. So exactly what is wrong with Russia reciprocating? As long as no one is tampering with the actual tally in anyway, freedom of speech is just that --- the right to try to influence others --- no matter their agenda. It would be hoped that in a true open society that the ramifications of various values should come to light. But what if the news media fails to elaborate or reveal the whole truth because it is itself BIASED!

Now, I fully understand that lies should not be promoted as fact; however, has not the news media of late been guilty of trying to persuade society of the virtues of say homosexual behavior by making them out to be always the victims.

How about inferring that Mrs Clinton was going to win the election over Trump by a landslide? How about reporting that celebrities had said that they would leave the country if Trump were elected?

Yet the news media doesn't mention how many of them (if any) actually left! They never seem to explore why Mrs. Clinton was not elected --- but point to foreign interference as the only possible excuse. And it seems odd to me that when even a priest is reported to have raped an alter boy, it isn't reported as a homosexual act --- however, the archdioceses is certainly dragged through the mud... A "CHURCH" scandal --- yet not a deviant sexual shame! That would offend a whole different group of constituents...

I'm sure dragonlady agrees. She wouldn't have a job if they weren't trying to be involved.
thanks for the reply . And its my opinion that trying to influence an American election is NO big deal and is simply Normal work of Enemy Governments for at least a hundred years. It is USA Governments responsibility to stop the attempts at outside influence. But in the case that i mentioned , i don't know how it could be stopped EABlair .
What is WRONG with Russia trying to influence US voters?”

Nothing, if you’re a rightwing partisan hack.

In fact, Republicans couldn’t care less about ongoing Russian interference in the American political process; Republicans believe they benefit from the chaos and uncertainty the result of the interference by Russia and other foreign actors.
Of course it's wrong to have foreign influence in our elections but when partisan dimwits totally ignore how Barry the Great did the exact same thing, meddled in the elections of six other countries, you lose any credence you might have had, which I admit is negligible anyway.

Take the plank out of your eye someday, hypocrite.
I guarantee you that if it had benefited Clinton or the democrats, you'd not hear a peep out of them. Nor any of their so-called 'moral outrage' at election interference.
Yep. They say nothing about Hillarys Steele dossier
C_Clayton_Jones said:
In fact, Republicans couldn’t care less about ongoing Russian interference in the American political process; Republicans believe they benefit from the chaos and uncertainty the result of the interference by Russia and other foreign actors.
The Chaos Is All The Russians Want
Like Putin Said:
He Doesn't Care Who Wins The Election

And There's No Evidence
Registrations Were Invented
Or Any Votes Were Flipped
(By Russians, Anyway)

You People Talk A Tall Order
But What Sticks In Your Craw, Is Hillary Lost
But You Won't Admit You Were Lucky She Did
And Your Impeachment Is An Epic Fail

You're Just Looking For Some Will-O-The-Wisp Fantasy To Blame It On
And Hillary Still Is Too

So Enjoy Another 'Four More Years'
Of President Donald J Trump !!
And When That's Over
You Might Wind Up Saying:
'President Michael Richard Pence'


lol @ Democrat's

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